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  1. The power of the Nordid woman
  2. Can Sudanids be Mesocephalic / Meso-brachycephalic?
  3. Lex Barker
  4. Which country is more med Iran or Algeria ?
  5. Why are so many SW Slavs heavily CroMagnon ?
  6. Is a sloping forehead a strictly Semitic feature?
  7. Half pakistani/North Indian half euro
  8. Post Examples of People From Other Ethnicities/Nationalities Who Could Reasonably Pass In Your Own
  9. Should the world go back to Absolute Monarchy?
  10. Can he pass in Sicily
  11. For you in which countries would pass the best a phenotype mix Caucasid + Armenid?
  12. What ethnicities are Meso-brachycephalic?
  13. Does she fit in Sicily
  14. What is the difference for you between Caucasid and Mtebid?
  15. Can this woman pass as Balkan Roma?
  16. Donald Trump seems more German or Scottish?
  17. Would Jamie Lee Curtis better pass in Denmark or in Lebanon?
  18. Could I adapt in your country based on this only my photo?
  19. How Germanic/Celtic does yemeni look from 1-10?
  20. Are South Mongolid and Indo-Melanid mixed with Veddid and Negritid?
  21. Caucasoid visual altitudinal field
  22. What is Taurid?
  23. Why are Central Europeans much more closer to Northern Euros than to Southern Europeans?
  24. White People who pass as Black?
  25. Which MENA ethnicities can pass in Europe the most?
  26. Does Dolph Lundgen pass in Mainland Greece?
  27. Can William James Sidis pass in Kavkaz as Khabib Nurmagomedov's lost cousin?
  28. In which country does MENA adapt me more easily according to you?
  29. Does she looks Sicilian or fit in Sicily?
  30. How many percent of Afghans can pass in Iran?
  31. Do people here overate the look-distance between Southern Europe and Middle East?
  32. Why do many Lithuanians have mongoloid features?
  33. Slanted eyes and Turanid features in Med countries.
  34. Classify best paid male model
  35. In which countries can we meet Pontid + Anatolid mix
  36. Could you pass for Part or Fully Ethiopian? 1-10
  37. Could OP pass atypically amongst Light-skin Nigerian Igbos?
  38. Post distance from the tip of your nose to the tip of your chin
  39. What percentage Caucasoid admixture does it take for a Mongoloid to grow a nearly full beard?
  40. Can you tell Africans apart from eachother?
  41. Classify Danish woman
  42. Which of these three mildly controversial statements do you agree with?
  43. Is Noric a mix of Nordid and Dinarid or just depigmented Dinarid?
  44. Based on this photo, where do you fit me?
  45. Many Russian Women Have Hourglass Figures?
  46. Atlanto-Med Fighters?
  47. Average Indian height
  48. Classify Peter Ratajczyk
  49. Please classify my maternal grandfather
  50. When you think of someone who is "Latin" so to speak, what kind of look stereotypically pops up...
  51. Guess East asian girls
  52. Does he pass in Sicily?
  53. Why is blond hair more common amongst the Dutch than other Westerners as a whole?
  54. Why are Keltic Nordids more common in the Low Countries regions of Europe?
  55. Why do some people call the Finnish folk Mongoloids? Are they really right?
  56. Why would I look whiter as a kid?
  57. Why Yamnaya people were Dark but Andronovo people were light eyed and haired ?
  58. portray the pigmentation of your ethnicity by pictures (if possible group pictures)
  59. @Berkan
  60. As you're ageing, are you become lighter or darker in pigmentation?
  61. Are Italians darker than Iberians and Greeks?
  62. Who is lighter on average Spaniards or Bulgarians?
  63. Why do Finno-Ugric people look Mongoloid?
  64. Classify him and where he can pass?
  65. In which European country do the northern French better overlap?
  66. Post examples of Arabs who look Indian
  67. Do you think Georgians are dark by European standards?
  68. Why Scandinavian people and Finns have smaller eyes and noses?
  69. Can white Americans distinguish between various European ethnicities?
  70. Are Spaniards more likely to have reddish brown hair?
  71. Guess a person
  72. The Samaritans
  73. Average Heights of Various South Asian Groups (From Tamils to Pashtuns)
  74. Mongols with light eyes?
  75. Origins of Gracile Mediterranean people/ French mediterraneans
  76. What north pakistani look like?
  77. Is zayn malik lighter than most pakistani how common is his skin color in pakistan
  78. What skin color is commonly found among Pakistanis
  79. What half south european and half south asian looks like
  80. French Celtiberians?
  81. Which phenotypes represent the most people of Western Thrace??
  82. Individuals of different ethnicities who look alike
  83. When you think of the stereotypical "hacker", what look typically comes to mind?
  84. Who is more Slavic the Czechs or the Slovenians?
  85. Who are paler, the Irish or the Scots?
  86. The most genetically Celtic population in the world, is it that of Ireland or Wales or Scotland ?
  87. Who doesn't consider native Iberians, Maltese, Greeks, Sardinians as part of the White race?
  88. Are Bavarians more Germanic than those in Baden or even Austrians?
  89. Who has more distant "Mongoloid" genes in them, Finnish or Russians?
  90. Is the Anglo-Saxon phenotype "whiter" (paler-complected) than the Hallstatt Nordid phenotype?
  91. Northern looking Croats - where is their best fit outside Croatia ?
  92. Armenoid & iranid in Romas?
  93. Southern looking Croats - where is their best fit outside Croatia ?
  94. For you light yellow color on the phenotype map represents phenotypes at which degree of influence?
  95. Bukharian Jews (Uzbekistan Jews)
  96. Where can you pass?
  97. classify Iranian string theorist Cumrun Vafa
  98. Polish vs Czechs, who is whiter?
  99. What is the most important trait for someone to classified as Meditteranid?
  100. What is the phenotype of the brother of my father?
  101. Classify Portuguese actress and model
  102. Welsh vs Belgians which of the 2 groups is lighter?
  103. Eastern Europeans - do you have meds in your family/ancestors ?
  104. Who's darker overall, most Filipinos...or most Southern Europeans?
  105. Do you imagine the "stereotypical Filipino" to be light, moderate, or very dark-skinned?
  106. Who's darker overall... Mortimer or The average Filipino man?
  107. Who's facial structure is more Non-European... Iloko or Mortimer?
  108. Do the castizos pass better in Iberia or in the Balkans?
  109. Does Iloko look 100% Filipino, or does he look off to some degree?
  110. Which of these 5 looks are more representative in all Germany?
  111. Who is the LIGHTEST skinned nigga... Mortimer, Mexicano, Iloko, or StonyArabia?
  112. Is this the most interesting phenotype ever? "Fenno-Nordid" - have you ever seen it in real life?
  113. classyify assyrian american cultural organization board members
  114. It hurts to hear it but Iloko is darker than Mortimer and that's just the way it is.
  115. Classify English rugby player
  116. Are the Dutch so tall because they were neutral in WW1?
  117. Southern looking Romanians
  118. classify these afghans
  119. I have visible Iberian influence in my phenotype, true or false?
  120. I have visible Chinese influence in my phenotype... true or false?
  121. Whose facial structure is closer to Papuans... Iloko or Mortimer?
  122. Post examples of Criollo Latin Americans
  123. Where in Europe can I pass?
  124. Where can they pass?
  125. Phenotypes without a nasal sill?
  126. Classify black man
  127. Classify swimsuit model Chase Carter
  128. Why are the English of the West Midlands the bluest-eyed people in England?
  129. Sami must be deported to Russia
  130. East/West Variation of Skin Type/Tanning Ability among Europeans:
  131. Can you classify this French kid? (Mediterranid? Alpinid ?)
  132. Are there any antropologic common traits which shaped around nations with riding culture
  133. Well known lookalikes for TA members?
  134. Rank the phenotype of my uncle and tell me where it could fit.
  135. Do you think foreigners are qualified to speak about your people?
  136. Distinctly Celtic looks
  137. Classify a cousin of mine
  138. Who looks more alike: White South Africans and White Cubans or Black South Africans and Black Cubans
  139. Classify Dominican girl
  140. Are Jatts, Upper Caste Punjabis, Pashtuns, Kashmiris and the like White?
  141. Average cephalic index of an Australoid?
  142. Can Rami Malek pass as greek, sicilian and western turk?
  143. Classify Tatum O'Neal
  144. What type of skin is most common in northern Europe?
  145. Kurdish People Gallery
  146. The coast of giants: An anthropometric survey of high schoolers on the Adriatic coast of Croatia
  147. What's the most phenotypically diverse country in Asia?
  148. Could Heather Graham pass as Polish?
  149. Extinct eye/hair colors??
  150. The Races of Humankind
  151. Which European phenotype/taxonomy is closest in appearance to Mongoloids?
  152. Guys, where this English Musician pass better?
  153. Please classify this man
  154. ❤️ Classify sexy redhead ❤️
  155. In which Italian region do you think I would adapt better and why?
  156. Are the different regional phenotypes from 40.000 years of "localized" paleolithic hunter gatherers?
  157. Who's darker overall, American mulattoes or Middle Eastern Arabs?
  158. Iloko passes better in Indonesia, or Southern China?
  159. Iloko is lighter skinned, or darker than most Filipinos?
  160. How would you describe Iloko's precise skin colour and tone?
  161. Iloko is lighter, or darker than most Greeks?
  162. Iloko is lighter skinned, or darker than most Indonesians?
  163. Which would you rather be, 10% Philippine Negrito, or 10% Nigerian?
  164. Who's the most Gracile-Mediterranid looking member of TA?
  165. What phenotype/taxonomy is the most quintessentially "Latin" so to speak?
  166. Biases when classifying or guessing etc
  167. Most attractive phenotype/taxonomy for Male vs Female respectively ?
  168. Do you admit to being guilty of bias when doing these classification and taxonomy exercises?
  169. Do you like neo-danubian race?
  170. Skull shape or facial structure, which is the better determinant/indicator of race?
  171. What type of nose is this?
  172. Would you consider people of the Caucasus European or Asian?
  173. Guess my genotypic IQ number..
  174. Noric phenotype in Slavic Countries
  175. An observation on Lithuanian Females in England
  176. Taurid City
  177. Would someone undergo the fatigue to create a correct version of this otherwise epic image?
  178. How accurate is this map?
  179. Which nation has the most brown hair and blue or green eyes between Germany and Poland?
  180. Which country is most excessively brunet ( skin/eyes/hair) between Portugal and Italy?
  181. Who is overall darker ( skin, eyes, hair) the Belgians or the Northern French folk?
  182. Who has the most blondism between the North Dutch and North Germans?
  183. Are Albanians closer to Serbs or Greeks?
  184. What percentage of people from your ethnicity/nationality look stereotypical for it?
  185. Is Cornwall really England's darkest-haired county?
  186. Rank these regions from most to least phenotypically passable as Palestinian
  187. Can Subnordid and Alpine Mediterranid types be considered as round faced but long headed phenotypes?
  188. Who has contributed more to humanity scientifically Keltic or Hallstatt Nordids?
  189. Classify this guy :D
  190. What is the difference between west-baltid and faelid?
  191. Thoughts on Azerbaijanis?
  192. Who looks more alike: Colombians and Venezuelans or Argentinians and Uruguayans?
  193. Classify Sissy Spacek
  194. Classify mulatta actress
  195. In what European countries are blue eyes the most common eye colour?
  196. Classify Pakistani beauty
  197. Classify Tyson Fury's brother
  198. Classify Indian beauty
  199. Classify Jedediah Bila
  200. Are Swiss Germans more Germanic than Austrians?
  201. Are the people of Luxembourg more Germanic than the people of Alsace (North-East France)?
  202. Are Czechs more Slavic than Croatians?
  203. Classify us, please
  204. Classify kurdish looking indian
  205. Classify C-Struggs
  206. Classify my European/African components
  207. Classify my eye colour please
  208. Classify my mom when she was younger
  209. Lichtensteiners more Germanic than Luxembourgers? TRUE OR FALSE.
  210. List countries in the Middle East by whether they are phenotypically closer to Greece or Pakistan
  211. Local women's volleyball teams from Izmir
  212. Countries in Europe where green eyes are most common?
  213. Are Germans the closest phenotypically to the Dutch?
  214. Who's whiter?
  215. Which European populations are characteristically blond-haired?
  216. These Costa Ricans and Chileans predominantly europeans do they look like these Balkan people?
  217. Classify me
  218. Types of residents of Lviv, Ukraine
  219. Europe or Middle East?
  220. Which surprising genetic facts do you think are consistent with phenotypes?
  221. What are the darkest Celts and the clearest Celts?
  222. Which are the darkest Germanics and the clearest Germanics?
  223. Classify him
  224. Classify pretty woman
  225. The Passing of the Frisians Anthropography of Terpi (or: learn about Anglo-Saxon/Reihengräber type)
  226. Northern Russians
  227. A question about north africans
  228. Atlantid eye shape
  229. What type of nose is this, how would you classify?
  230. Samoan or Japanese.. which race would you rather be?
  231. Classify this girl and say where she can pass!
  232. What 50/50 % ethnic mix can you pass for?
  233. What ethnicities do you get mistaken for?
  234. Skull/head shape or facial structure.. which is more important when determining race IYO?
  235. Why is it so rare to see blonde haired men in America?
  236. Classify Erin Burnett and where she fits best
  237. Are Iberians closer to Chechens or Palestinians?
  238. Who's darker overall, Filipinos or Iranians?
  239. Who's darker overall, Filipinos or Pakistanis?
  240. Who's darker overall, Filipinos or Central Indians?
  241. Who have more monkey-like features and physiognomy as a whole, Filipinos or South Indians?
  242. Who have more monkey-like features and physiognomy as a whole, Filipinos or Papuans?
  243. Whose physiognamy/features is the most anthropometrically monkey-like... Mortimer, Marmara, or..?
  244. What do average Pashtuns look like
  245. Who passes better as a chimpanzee... Mortimer, Marmara, Mexicano, or Iloko?
  246. Who passes better as chimpanzee, Filipinos or North Indians?
  247. Is the Aran-Nordid type the purest form of the Keltic Nordid or just an exaggeration of it?
  248. List main types of Tajiks
  249. Classify me.
  250. On a scale from 1-10 how white is your skin color?