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  1. What is the most common eye colour for the French?
  2. Who is fairer, Spanish Basques or Northern Italians from Trentino-Alto Adige?
  3. What is to you the most common hair colour of Belgians?
  4. Lithuania and Byelorussia, who is the fairer-complected nation of these two?
  5. What do you think is the most common hair colour shade for Estonians?
  6. Who looks more European, Maltese vs Cypriots?
  7. What is the blondest Southern European country, depending on your definition?
  8. What is the most common eye colour in Germany?
  9. What is the most common hair colour for Russians (Slavic groups only not Tartar or Finnic)?
  10. Are North African Jews the best representative of Oriental race?
  11. World Cup 2018 player detailed racial analysis of all teams
  12. Are there any northern europeans with my pigment
  13. Is there a region in your country that has some specific, distinct phenotype or look for it?
  14. Greeks vs Italians/Where do these plates fit to?
  15. Classify me
  16. Why is Norid phenotype very widespread?
  17. Can Ken Duken pass in Italy?
  18. German National-Socialist Scientists Predicted Amerindians Have Caucasoid Blood Before Genetics
  19. East Med VS Cappadocian Med. What is the difference?
  20. Can Avril Lavigne pass as Balkanite?
  21. East Asian features ranked among Europeans and Middle Easterners
  22. Turin,Italy /Main phenotypes-Passify
  23. Hyper-Realistic Sculptures Portray Famous Faces of Roman Emperors – Warts and All
  24. France or Russia? Which one is more Nordid?
  25. Re-Classify her and when she can pass
  26. Why do half White half Black people look predominantly Black?
  27. Pigmentation of the British Isles
  28. How true is it?
  29. Do people mistake you for something?
  30. Arabian Mediterranean in South Turkey (not Southeast Turkey)
  31. How common is Atlantid in Spain?
  32. Why are Northern European nations more phenotypically distinct from each other?
  33. Who is blonder the French or Hungarians
  34. Which is more common: Baltic looking or Alpine looking Poles?
  35. Eye color in the French departements
  36. Light eyes map of Europe (detail, scientifically backed)
  37. Rate my phenotypes and tell me where I will fit best?
  38. Western Europeans or Western Asians? Who are more Mediterranean?
  39. Origin of Alpine race?
  40. Classify this girl
  41. Asiatic Alpines are just Turanics in my opinion.
  42. Most Negroid Europeans?
  43. Classify Turkish girl and her white/German? husband
  44. Italy or Greece: Bigger dinarid influence?
  45. Classify my type
  46. European descent Americans or Anatolians?
  47. Who looks more alike: NW and NE Europeans or SW and SE Europeans?
  48. Multiple choice poll. Which of the given tend to be taller?
  49. Spaniards. More Gracile Mediterranean or more Atlanto Mediterranean?
  50. Classify this girl and say where she can pass!
  51. My trip to Israel
  52. Multiple choice poll about Iranians (Persians)
  53. What do you think of the HeritageScanner
  54. please use the term leucoderm rather white
  55. Indo Nordic Examples
  56. Help me figure out my phenotype and genetic origins
  57. Are ancients anthropologists studies outdated ?
  58. Photographer Travels Siberia to Find People of The Vanishing World
  59. Do you find people from specific cities / regions of your country to be more or less attractive?
  60. What's your height, ethnicity and age?
  61. Which physical parameters do you like on women?
  62. Which European country has the highest share of Asian looking eyes?
  63. Can north-atlantids be considered of german ethnicity?
  64. Classify Sudanese-Korean guy
  65. Post your eyes and hair
  66. Are dark blue eyes, brown eyes ?
  67. Is this an interracial couple?
  68. Which European country's population is as a whole the most intermediate in terms of pigmentation?
  69. Classify this sexy girl (+18)
  70. Classify this guy
  71. Classify Indo-Pak female Footballers.
  72. Studies on pigmentation
  73. Origin of Brown Eyes in the British Isles?
  74. classify guy? where would he fit?
  75. Which Europid have the shortest temper and can fight naturally?
  76. East Baltic aesthetics
  77. Classify me
  78. Why do some people say that Keltic Nord and North Atlantid are the same?
  79. Stereotypical Bosniak faces
  80. Which group of ethnicity have strongest beard and the weakness beard?
  81. Stereotypical Sandzaklije faces
  82. Stereotypical South Polish faces
  83. Light Eyes in parts of Western and Southern Europe
  84. Classify Mr. Desai, former Indian PM.
  85. Which European country have highest percentage of distinct look?
  86. Do turks looks more southern european than mena ?
  87. Classify
  88. What's more common: Ukrainians who pass in Western Europe or Portuguese who pass in Northern Europe?
  89. Skin TypeS
  90. Light and Light Mixed Eyes in France
  91. The Anthropology of the East Elbian German Nobility
  92. And the Oscar to the lightest nation on planet Earth goes to... Finland!
  93. Classify these friends of mine
  94. Why people say Greeks and Turkish look alike?
  95. ''I was born blonde and I thought it was a curse'': Egyptian Scientists Faillure Spread Diseases
  96. Southern Europe vs. Northern Europe Which region has the greatest variety of taxonomy and faces?
  97. main types among Croatian NT players
  98. North Africans look rather like
  99. Clasify me
  100. Clasify me
  101. Worlds most thicc populations
  102. Are you xenophobic to skin color ?
  103. What did the Vlach look like?
  104. Indid In Europe
  105. I'm a beginner, please classify me
  106. Link between European Caucasoids and non European Caucasoids
  107. Which country has the highest percentage of blond population: Italy or Spain?
  108. Does Ukrainians and Poles look similar?
  109. Classify/Rank Turks from Giresun province
  110. Where ... the blond begins?
  111. Lebanese, shocking results!
  112. Which one is more correct about variety in human phenotypes?
  113. Pre-Arabic North Africans?
  114. Pictures of Sorbs
  115. Which of these ethnic groups Greeks look most like?
  116. Is it more likely that a Spaniard will pass in Scotland than a Scottish pass in Spain?
  117. Could pure Mediterranids be fat?
  118. Why balding is so common among Eastern slavs?
  119. Carpathid Examples
  120. Can Nordid type be found anywhere in Europe?
  121. How common are Europid features such as blond hair and light eyes among the Baloch, Brahui, Makrani?
  122. Deleted. Forget to publicize the poll
  123. Who pass better in SE Asia?: East Asian (Chinese, Japanese,) or Polynesian (Samoan, Tongan, Maori)?
  124. Is this meta-ethnic map of europe correct?
  125. Pakistanis look rather like
  126. italians or jews??
  127. What do you consider gray eyes?
  128. Classify typical Transdanubian Hungarian woman (1min video)
  129. Classify typical Hungarian grammar school students
  130. Population size of phenotypes in Europe
  131. What country are these ladies
  132. Whom do Iranians look rather like?
  133. Which European phenotypes look the most "borderline" for Europe?
  134. classify English footballer frank lampard in this video and how English does he look?
  135. Which these blond hair maps of England is more correct?
  136. Ultra atypical German
  137. South Slavic Dinarids, they look closer to Albanians or West Slav Dinarids?
  138. Which country or ethnicity has the smallest estimated percentage of pred. Cromagnid people?
  139. ......
  140. .....
  141. Who is more blonde-haired? Dutch or Poles?
  142. Who is more ginger? The Irish or the Scottish?
  143. Classify girl
  144. Western Balkan vs Eastern Balkan distinct looks
  145. Physiognomy: comparing people to animals
  146. [Poll] Are you intrested in Physical Anthropology?
  147. Are andalusians really darker than others spaniards ?
  148. 50/50 Euromongrels
  149. What is your body type?
  150. Guys, do Southeast Asians are just Chinese who migrate to south and mixed with Negrito/Papuan?
  151. do ancient and modern egyptians look alike????
  152. Do you think that white nationalism will hold any ground in future with rise of designer babies ?
  153. Which group has a more distinct look than the others?
  154. How big is the difference in phenotypes between Western Germany and Eastern?
  155. Do you euthnics MENAs, Pakistanis, most arabs, Indians and mulattos dislike it?
  156. Half ashkenazi Jewish Half European examples
  157. Percentages of blond and light brown hair are similar to blue eyes ones
  158. Are you good at telling apart people of different ethnicities?
  159. Scotland vs. Iceland, striking differences
  160. The races of the Niederdonau area
  161. Does she pass in the Baltic states?
  162. NE Euros or NW Euros?
  163. Phenotypes in Bulgaria and other Balkan countries by Petar Boev
  164. Eye and hair colour studies of Bulgarians from various parts of the country by Metodi Popov
  166. "Asian" eyes in Central European people
  167. Do you consider Galicians and other northern spaniards to be lighter than other spaniards?
  168. Skin pigmentation
  169. What's Norid?
  170. Of the following listed countries, once and for all, which one is the blondest?
  171. Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is most brunette of them all?
  172. Am i north-atlantid?
  173. Who is bigger dick sized, Medish or North Europid guys?
  174. Nordic components in Eastern Europe?
  175. Classify me racially
  176. Estimations of spanish pigmentation.
  177. Classify Hot Blonde Estonian( Or Russian?) Girl
  178. Classify British pornstar
  179. What is more common: Irish who pass in Eastern Europe, or Norwegians who pass in Southern Europe?
  180. What do you see pred. in these Gorals
  181. Taxonomy Mind-Blowing Clusterfucks, Volume 1
  182. Who is an amateur anthropologist
  183. Compare me please
  184. And the Oscar to the most varied European country goes to Hungary
  185. Classify Me
  186. Which European population is the furthest from negroids and mongloids?
  187. Estonian aren't lighter than scandinavian.
  188. Where are truly Mediterranean phenotypes more easy to find: Scandinavia or South Asia?
  189. Population clusters in the Recovered Territories of Poland
  190. Does Lena Headey looks more North Atlantid or Paleo-Atlantid?
  191. Estimations of french pigmentation (rugby players)
  192. Slovak people
  193. How typical are you/how common are you for your ethnicity
  194. Leicester Rugby squad: Better fit in Wales or Netherlands?
  195. Classify me
  196. Some questions
  197. How prenatal testosterone affects face shape
  198. Dupuytren's contracture linked to low 2d4d
  199. Which pass better in South Europe
  200. Witches
  201. Somali version of Ethiopian, Chinese, and India
  202. A lot of Khasis from Meghalaya look heavily Indian admixed?
  203. What is more common: Western Euros who look Eastern Euro or Eastern Euros who look Western Euro?
  204. Stupid question I think
  205. Coming clean
  206. What is Dinaric Taliban?
  207. Classify me
  208. U53RN4M3 CH4N63
  209. Fenno-Nordid Examples
  210. How predominantly blond haired Germans of Roman tomes became predominantly brown haired ?
  211. Where does Blonde hair stop and Brown hair start?
  212. Does this Icelandic Rugby team fit better in Ireland or Iceland?
  213. Half Greek/Half other-"Caucasian"
  214. Why are Armenoids so disliked?
  215. Classify Nazi Leaders
  216. Classify Anatolian Turks
  218. Struggles of being an Armenoid
  219. How would you describe nations/subnations phenotypically, in the style of a mixed-mode oracle?
  220. Danes vs. Englishmen, similarities and differences
  221. Eye color of British, German, French, Italian and Spanish parliamentarians.
  222. Eye color of Polish, Swiss, Slovenian and Crete men compared
  223. Which percentage of Turks can pass in Europe?
  224. Why did Central Asian Turks settle in Anatolia and why did they mix with the natives
  225. Do you see better then me?
  226. What type of nose would you say I have?
  227. Does Rachel Weisz look like Mongoloid?
  228. How percent of them look predominantly White, SSA and Amerindian?
  229. Ladogan isn't Uralid
  230. Turkey vs Italy, which nation is lighter?
  231. Do you consider these eyes light?
  232. who are the most superior west asians in your opinion?
  233. Swedish hockey team from Visby, Gotland. Can you assess the light eyes rate? n = 75, HQ pics
  234. Examples of North West Europeans with Prominent Cheekbones
  235. Bullied For Having The Longest Legs In The World
  236. What are the most common phenotypes for Saudis from Najd region?
  237. Did Marilyn Monroe represent a typical Borreby female?
  238. female examples of CRO MAGNON TYPE
  239. Do Iran Neolithic farmers pheno look like Baloch, Brahui or they look like swarthy ethnikid wogs?
  240. Classify Englishman
  241. North-East Upper Paleolithic is closer to original Cro-Magnon look than anybody else
  242. Classify my friend and where he can pass
  243. Jews as drawn by Jews (Asknaziy and Gottlieb)
  244. Where can i pass?
  245. Plates from Anthropology of the Estonians
  246. Is Hallstatt an Aurignacian phenotype?
  247. Publish South Europeans that you think can pass in NW Europe.
  248. Can You classify this woman?
  249. Decline of light hair and eyes among white Americans.
  250. Eye and hair colour distribution among 282 Dutch footballers and staff (all male) + general comment