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  1. Post people who look specific to or typical for certain regions
  2. Eye and hair colour distribution among 650 French (both sexes studied)
  3. Aherne, the ridiculous troll
  4. Epigenetics, do we inherit memories and habits genetically?
  5. Topics : "X is whiter than Y ?"
  6. Mostly Southern Sardinians family part 2
  7. What do you think about this classification method?
  8. Who looks more "pan-European": Irish or Estonians?
  9. Mischling (half and quarter-Jews)
  10. Examples of dark haired/eyed parents with light haired/eyed children
  11. Europeans or West Asians? Which one is more diverse in terms of looks and genetics?
  12. Strange looking mixed family
  13. Germanics in general closer to Celts or Slavs?
  14. How common are Meds in EE and Russia?
  15. Mongoloid-ish looking Scandinavians
  16. Black faelid?
  18. Black Faelid?
  19. What countries have the thinnest-lipped women?
  20. Where can this algerian pass ?
  21. Reclassify and replace me
  22. Germany vs Poland who is lighter eyed?
  23. East Slavs vs West Slavs - Who is blonder?
  24. North Africans vs West Asians - Who is whiter?
  25. Australoid & Euro skull
  26. Broadskull
  27. Classify strange looking girl
  28. Classify Miss Varna contestants
  29. Classify this Turkish-German model.
  30. Are French people closer to Spanish/Basques or to Italians?
  31. What is the average phenotype of the Kurds who live in Southeast Turkey?
  32. Classify me please
  33. Classify WWE's Daniel Bryan
  34. Classify Meshuggah's Jens Kidman
  35. Outside NA where can they pass ?
  36. Classify please
  37. Book: Anthropological Composition of Ukrainian People (1965)
  38. Who, by racial taxonomy, is the closest relative of the Pontids? (Iranid or Caspid)
  39. What phenotype do you mainly associate with diamond shaped faces?
  40. What's a more proper Nordic trait, paler blue eyes or bluer blue eyes?
  41. Beardline
  42. What causes weak jawline?
  43. Pontid/Dinaro-Med Differences
  44. Do racial traits form/change as an adaptation to environmental conditions over long period of time?
  45. Classify Behemoth's Nergal
  46. where does the blue eyes of my maternal grandfather come from?
  47. Why do Slavs south Slavs like to exaggerate their height?
  48. Male Adrogenic Hair map
  49. Classify Me.
  50. As a whole, do French people look more similar to Brits or Germans?
  51. Post pictures of Dark Eyed Irish
  52. Does Gal Gadot have Middle Eastern/Semitic features?
  53. Can Rachel Weisz pass as Half Jomon/Ainu?
  54. Classify me ffs with decent pictures (close that other thread)
  55. Do you think people are attracted to closer phenotypes to them?
  56. Cm type in Iran, are they common and their origin?
  57. About North Atlantid / Keltic Nordid / Atlanto-Nordid
  58. Where can this moroccan player pass ?
  59. Pass and classify these ginger algerians
  60. Who looks more alike: Germans and Italians or Iranians and Afghans?
  61. Pass and classify this famous moorish singer
  62. Pass and classify the great Bourguiba
  63. CMs in the Metal scene
  64. Assyrians: Where do they fit outside of the Levant and Mesopotamia?
  65. Eye and hair colour distribution among 2002 Bulgarians (both sexes studied) + general comment
  66. Classify this Italian antisemite from Gorizia
  67. Dominant European phenotypes
  68. What percentage of ethnic Russians can pass easily in Western Europe?
  69. Were Central Asians once almost fully Caucasoid?
  70. who is overall closer looking to Italians ? Albanians, Greeks, Portugese or Spanish ?
  71. What’s the most MESOMORPHIC European phenotype.
  72. Average European breast sizes
  73. Can I pass as an Ashkenazi?
  74. Why is South Korea underrepresented among Pontids?
  75. I welcome everyone, I would like to ask again your help in determining my race type
  76. How White are Mexicans?
  77. Classify WWE's Aleister Black
  78. Straight forehead belongs to which subraces?
  79. post attractive keltic nordid women
  80. Do you consider her black?
  81. Which country these Slovenian footballers fit better?
  82. How old are you giving it to him?
  83. What phenotype were the Scythians?
  84. Classify Turkish singer
  85. Classify me and my cousin
  86. Eurogenes K36 Dna Portal
  87. Cromagnon aesthetics
  88. The most progressive phenotype of Europe
  89. Classify Pro Wrestler Tom Budgen
  90. XP's Europe-wide pigmentation study
  91. What's with Alpinids and their with affinity with pencil beards?
  92. Alpine admixture creates harmonious face
  93. Skull
  94. Do you have spike at the back of the skull?
  95. How light eyed are Austrians?
  96. Fixed: West Baltid women are #1
  97. Classify Liam Ó Flaithearta (O'Flaherty)
  98. Classify, Rate Atesh Salih, Turkish-German model
  99. Pontid man + Arabid women will have cute children ?
  100. Who was genetic material for concentration camps beside Jews?
  101. Japanese are superior because of being light skinned?
  102. Classify Dakota Native American Charles Eastman “Ohiyesa”
  103. Post pictures of people with a unique and distinct look
  104. Physiognomy - skin colour related with nature by Aristotle
  105. Outside of NA where can they pass ? part 2
  106. Russian Pigmentation by Not a Cop.
  107. Sardinians from differents area of Sardegna
  108. How many of these Swedish football players have blonde hair?
  109. Can I run refugee game in Europe?
  110. Classify Nazi Commando Otto Skorzeny
  111. Describe the Trĝnder type in painstaking detail to me
  112. Classify this Eastern Turk
  113. Which region has more light haired/eyed people in total, not in % terms: the Balkans or Anatolia?
  114. Who is closer to these Hungarians? Poles or Greeks?
  115. Iranian Neolithic?
  116. Marzi and Rogliano, Cosenza (inland Calabria)
  117. Can I learn more about the shape of my skull through an MRI?
  118. Polish Goral elder women/some added Goral males
  119. Which phenotypes do you associate with large, almond shaped, light eyes?
  120. Classify The Fiend Bray Wyatt
  121. Which Scandinavian country has the most pseudo-Mediterranean types per capita?
  122. Young athletes from Western Poland
  123. Classify Soilwork's Bjorn Strid.
  124. Classify Soilwork's Bjorn Strid.
  125. Classify Soilwork's Bjorn Strid
  126. Classify Bjorn Strid
  127. How Genes work?
  128. Hollywood phenotype
  129. Classify and place him (pic)
  130. Boiki the theory of 'White Serbia'
  131. armenians belong to the iranic race
  132. This ⚡pooky ⚡eason of Hallow🎃🎃n I am channeling Sikeliot's spooky spirit to bring you:
  133. Italian gypsies.. are the strongest in the world..
  134. Classify my whole family
  135. Classify Soilwork's Bjorn Strid
  136. Classify gorgeous israeli model
  137. Who are the most unique looking European people?
  139. Where does 'Woggism' begin?
  140. Describe my nose in technical terms
  141. Native people of Sardinia, part 3
  142. Spanish phenotype by region
  143. Does this Alpinid example have an Alpinid nose?
  144. Pigmentation of Northern Russians.
  145. How strongly do North African Arabs identify with Mashreq Arabs?
  146. What specific features pervent me from being an East Baltid?
  147. Modern humans could have overcome a disease barrier across the hybrid zone with Neanderthals
  148. Classify beautiful Miss Universe Nepal 2018
  149. Eye and hair colour distribution among 970 Swedes (both sexes studied)
  150. Croats - most diverse Europeans!
  151. Guess nationality of both..
  152. Do the cousin of my ancestor looks like Hitler?
  153. What percentage of Anatolian Turks can pass in Southern Europe, France, Balkans?
  154. Morphs of 55 national football teams (UEFA Euro 2020 qualifiers)
  155. Leucodermia!!!!!
  156. Discussion on Anthropology of Balkanic populations
  157. I will provide a map of Europe, you will auto-fill brown those nations comprising Med. Europe
  158. Classify Turkish Grey Wolves (Bozkurtlar)
  159. Classify Matt Honeycutt of Kublai Khan TX
  160. Post Pics and/or Videos Reflecting a Beautiful Racial Homogeneity from Your Country or Other
  161. As a whole, do Turks pass better in the Levant or Southern Europe?
  162. The Baltic Soul
  163. Outside NA where can they pass ? part 3
  164. Classify The Phenomenal AJ Styles
  165. Is it common for TA members in real life to look at someone's face to be classified?
  166. Summary of My Study Regarding Blonde in Europe in Map Form
  167. Sardinians people part 4
  168. As a whole, do Serbs pass better in Austria or Greece?
  169. Is Penelope Cruz a half gitano?
  170. Friendliest phenotype?
  171. Australoid examples
  172. Where the Germans would spend better.
  173. Can pass in the following countries: Norway, UK, Ireland?
  174. Post examples of Redhead Bulgarians
  175. Borreby vs. Med fight
  176. What percentage of Iranians can pass in Levant?
  177. Does he looks more Polish or German?
  178. Classify please
  179. Classify average of Turkish women's faces
  180. Cranio-facial growth patterns
  181. How does your country racially profile or describe criminals?
  182. Group of Hungarian scientists-state your impressions!
  183. About SNPA site
  184. Guess their ethnicity
  185. Some closes cousins from North of France
  186. Ideal Alpinid/Borreby BMI?
  187. Are Pontid + Iranid + Arabid brotherhood phenotypes ?
  188. What percent of phenotypes would you say don't match their autosomal designation?
  189. Geographically biased classifications
  190. Seven races of Hans F. K. Günther, which one do you feel closer to?
  191. Classify teenager
  192. Classify me
  193. Do Levantines look closer to Egyptians or Türks?(Anatolian and Balkan Türks)
  194. Eye and hair colour distribution among 734 Hungarians (both sexes studied)
  195. Classify teen
  196. Belgians are usually not Keltic Nordic in appearance.
  197. Classify Portuguese actress, Júlia Palha
  198. Am I a Faelid predominantly?
  199. Map: Human Phenotypes Around the World (version alpha).
  200. Do Assyrians from Iraq,Syria and Iran look more Iraqı and Levantine or Türkish(Balkan and Anatolian
  201. German-Turkish mix
  202. Classify Portuguese actress, Vera Kolodzig
  203. Classify Albanian who wants to look as ethnic as possible
  204. Who is more blond-haired Lithuanians or Germans?
  205. What is the most common eye color for Hungarians?
  206. Rank these groups from passing the easiest to most difficult/literally unpassable in Latin America?
  207. Blonde hair in the Americas map
  208. Who is more light-eyed, Germans or Poles?
  209. Its Uruguay more european than southern Italy?
  210. Classify these white Sardinians from Gairo
  211. Can Joel Huiqui pass in SE Asia? Or does he look too distinctly/uniquely Amerindian?
  212. Should Danes be called Borreby or Nordid?
  213. Armenoids in central and east Azerbaijan?
  214. Who is more light-eyed Belarusians or Poles?
  215. Are Poles closer to Russians or Germans?
  216. Who are closer to Spaniards - Finns or Castizos?
  217. Levantines or Persians? Which group is closer to being passable as native European?
  218. Subrace, ethnicity, pigmentation. Do you agree with me?
  219. Current Turkish Soccer Teams(Both Male and Female) Where would they pass better in middle east?
  220. Matrimonio in Barbagia - Fonni 1961
  221. Current Turkish Voleyball Teams(Both Male and Female) Where would they pass
  222. West Alpinid or the Western European Alpine phenotype
  223. What is the difference between borreby, brunn and baltid?
  224. Please classify me good.
  225. What does this phenotype look and where does it pass better?
  226. Post examples of South Asian-looking Ashkenazim here.
  227. What is the difference between Pontid and Caspian?
  228. Classify bosniak woman
  229. How common is Mediterranean race for Irish people?
  230. Who is more blond-haired Belarusians or Poles?
  231. classify typical iberian
  232. As a whole, do Dutch people look closer to Walloons or Danes?
  233. Saudi Arabians rather look like
  234. What European Country Would I Pass In?
  235. Northern Dutch vs Northern Germans, who is more fair-haired and light-eyed?
  236. What's the most Caucasoid looking Amerindian subtype besides Silvid/Planid/Appalachid?
  237. Classify unique looking Filipina
  238. Post examples of pseudo-black whites
  239. Who Looks More Typical In Their Country: Jennifer Lopez in USA. Or Gisele Bundchen in Brazil
  240. Why do Mestizos and Central Asians like Turanids look so different?
  241. who's lighter: Bulgarians or Croats?
  242. seven million years of human evolution
  243. Pannonid?
  244. Classify me that one time i wasn't fat
  245. Do they look like they are 40% SSA ?
  246. Hallstatts in the Metal scene
  247. Hair or eyes relatively lighter by country
  248. North African plates
  249. Anthropology of Macedonian Yörüks
  250. who is swarthier: Serbs or Romanians?