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  1. Is this turk a kurd or a turk
  2. How French do you look (1-10) ?
  3. Classify Pino Prestanizzi
  4. Classify my great grandfather
  5. How Greek do you look 1-10?
  6. Do iranians really look iranid
  7. Is this a common look in spaniards italians greeks or turks
  8. Which Countries Could You Easily Pass?
  9. we need a official definition for the "white" race
  10. Oceanian negroids
  11. Associating Turks With MENAs, But Not With Europeans, Racially
  12. Can triracial Latinos pass in Africa and where?
  13. 24HR Phenotypes from instagram location search in Spain Italy and Turkey
  14. Are these Turks or Kurds in Turkey
  15. Does he look italian greek or romanian?
  16. Where can i pass + my classification
  17. in which austrian region is there the highest percentage of ethnic people with med traits?
  18. Examples of depigmented Paleo-Atlantids / Tydal?
  19. Try classifying me (Central Europe, so it might be tough)
  20. Can Caucasoids have a mesorrhine nose?
  21. Classify turkish woman
  22. Anyone born with Mongolian spot/mark?
  23. Which two countries do he pass best in
  24. Classify my uncle
  25. 24HR phenotypes from instagram location search Egypt Morocco Algeria
  26. Do White Latin Americans actually look the same as Iberians and Italians?
  27. Classify my austrian grandfather
  28. How Ashkenazi/Sephardic Jewish do you look?
  29. How Russian do you look?
  30. what is mediteranean ?
  31. Type this sexy guitar man
  32. 24HR Phenotypes from instagram location search in iran iraq and pakistan
  33. do men of different races and ethnicities have significantly different sex hormones?
  34. Can ben tobbal pass in asia ?
  35. Classify my grandparent
  36. classify me
  37. How Austrian do you look?
  38. Is this how white women in American looked before 1965?
  39. Classify the new Kaliver Rebbe
  40. How White do you look? 1-10
  41. Classify Jutland admirals
  42. How Midwest American Do You Look?
  43. Where is this eye color most prevalent?
  44. Ancient Germans arrived in the alps "only" 1600 years ago..
  45. How Norwegian do You look 1-10?
  46. Which ethnicity has the longest faces on average?
  47. Women chess players from around the world
  48. What middle eastern country is this look found
  49. Roman elite and beauty ideal = Norids?
  50. Classify my mom's brother and their cousins
  51. Classify Dutch model, Yasmin Wijnaldum
  52. Welsh people aren't all dark
  53. Which two countries does he pass best in
  54. Which country does he best pass
  55. Among which ethnicities and races the so-called butt chin is most common?
  56. Haw common is this hair color amongst Ethnic Russians?
  57. Describe my eyes in painstaking detail.
  58. Post Your Eurogenes Global 25 with Gradient obtained from (Anthrogenica)
  59. Classify Maity Interiano (honduran woman)
  60. Typical Polish Incel "Neo-Danubian"
  61. Ancestral Countries + Classification
  62. Where can they pass as a group?
  63. How English do you look?
  64. How well do you pass in The British Isles?
  65. is my hair black or dark brown?
  66. Where can these spaniards pass as a group?
  67. Albainia ears..
  68. Are these Iranians too dark to be ethnic Turks
  69. Do this atypical iranian phenotype have egyptian admixture?
  70. Roman emperors
  71. What percentage of brazilians and mexicans look like these guys
  72. Classify me as a kid
  73. Which country does he best pass
  74. Which is the more common turkish look
  75. Poor B.S.S.A Google ‘fixed’ its racist algorithm..
  76. Classify Burnley FC Captain Ben Mee
  77. Classify & British YouTuber Lucy Flight
  78. Classify My Grandfather & Where He Could Pass
  79. Classify My Grandfather & Where He Could Pass
  80. How iranian do i look
  81. Is this turk a kurd
  82. Germanic English types
  83. Where do they pass best
  84. Where does this guy best pass
  85. Classify my skull shape
  86. Latin americans moved to spain
  87. Beautiful forearms
  88. How many ethnic spaniards and italians look like him
  89. How ancient Greco-Roman (Ancient Greek and Ancient Roman) do you look?
  90. is this look found more in egypt or morocco
  91. Which country do they best pass
  92. Which country is darker Morocco or Saudi Arabia
  93. Which is darker Morocco or Yemen
  94. Classify Mariel Percossi
  95. Classify Algerian Kabyle girl from Bejaia
  96. How "French" do you look V2
  97. Which Turkic ethnic group are the most light eyed and light haired?
  98. South Arab or South Asian
  99. Why don't Canada, Australia and New Zealand have as many Black populations as the USA?
  100. How German do you look (1-10)?
  101. Who on average has less racial admixture: Europeans or Sub-Saharan Africans (excluding Horners)?
  102. Are these looks most found in Pakistan
  103. Accidental duplicate please delete
  104. Who looks more alike: Icelandics and Finns or Portuguese and Greeks?
  105. Who is lighter pigmented on average:Bolivians or the people in Andhra Pradesh?
  106. How Albanian do you look?
  107. Faces of South Sudan
  108. What is the most "gigachad" race according to you?
  109. Calling all ANTHRO-AUTISTS and passionate collectors of racial types
  110. Try to guess my ancestry
  111. The Paracas Skulls Thread
  112. Pakistanis are 93-94% Caucasoid genetically, way more than some MENA/North African people
  113. Pakistanis are 93-94% Caucasoid genetically, way more than some MENA/North African people
  114. Am I Iranid
  115. Who pass better in Ukraine on average: Czechs or Estonians?
  116. Post hexadecaroons (1/16th black) or less
  117. In what phenotype are sloped foreheads mostly found
  118. Physical Anthropology / Human Taxonomy
  119. Classify my little brother
  120. TOP 5 Modern Countries for CordedWare people
  121. What phenotypes and look do you associate with the Celts?
  122. Classify & Pass
  123. What is your zygomatic index?
  124. Why are there Western Europeans who look like they have an Asian mix?
  125. Classify Super Exotic Pure European Portocheese
  126. How typical "American" do you look?
  127. My cranial measuraments
  128. Classify Actor and Model Ger Duany
  129. What is the threshold for South Asian admixture to exhibit obvious traits in phenotypical features?
  130. Classify and Pass Imre (3/4Hungarian, 1/4 Dutch)
  131. Dutch and Danes - how similar/different looking they are?
  132. Who looks more alike: Poles and Russians or Japanese and Han Chinese?
  133. Which European population has the most versatile look?
  134. Artist Shows How Roman Emperors Looked In Real Life
  135. Natives Courcellois from Courcelles-lès-Lens
  136. Czechs and Slovaks - how similar/different looking they are?
  137. What percentage of brazilians or egyptians look like this
  138. Would Latinos be mistaken as Uighur or some type of Xinjiang people in China?
  139. Iranid and Irano-Afghan
  140. Classify a moroccan surfer
  141. Classify and passify this famous moroccan referee
  142. Classify this famous tunisian family
  143. Rate this tunisian model
  144. 6 north african women
  145. Moroccans from Tangier - Observations
  146. Post people of your ethnicity who you think look Paleolithic and Neolithic
  147. Can these maoris pass in the MENA area ?
  148. Rate moroccan model
  149. Classify a ginger haired tunisian woman
  150. Rate and classify this moroccan model
  151. Pretty pakistani woman
  152. Classify famous iranian entrepreneur Manny khosbin and his wife
  153. Rate another gorgeous moroccan model
  154. Phenotype overlap between Europeans and West Asians?
  155. I'm a brazilian mulatto, please classify me
  156. Is Matt Hummels an ethnic german?
  157. Who of the Greek users is the most stereotypically Greek-looking?
  158. Rate - Classify - Pass tunisian singer
  159. Who is whiter, Spanish or Chinese?
  160. How much la camisa negra do you look?
  161. Croatian Phenotypes
  162. Is this look found more in egypt morocco or algeria
  163. Rate - classify - Pass Moroccan model
  164. Brazil has darker types than north africa
  165. Variation showcase: Post different types from your country
  166. how can i have this amazigh pride in my profil ?
  167. Photos of Hungarian rappers
  168. unibrow is med,dinarid,anatolid ,berberid or arabid ?
  169. Do a relation exist between boobs shape and phenotype?
  170. euh im the only one who see nassbean very dark ?
  171. classify bart braverman
  172. Classify some very..... interesting looking jews
  173. Classify russian girls
  174. Classify New Japanese emperor Naruhito
  175. What do Cypriots look like the most?
  176. Compare and contrast the two
  177. What is the most phenotypically divergent region of your country? (or other aspect)
  178. Anthropology of the Mansi people
  179. How tell the difference between the English , Irish and Scottish ?
  180. Spain or England which of these 2 western European countries has the greatest taxonomic diversity?
  181. Try to classify the morph that i made
  182. Classify me
  183. Classify me
  184. Classify my Great Great grandparent (Spanish)
  185. Classify my Great Great grandparent (Spanish)
  186. Does she look central asian/siberian ?
  187. Does she look north african ?
  188. Classify please my old brother
  189. Why there is no Neanderthal Y DNA in humans Thread/discussion
  190. Post K15 Original from admixture studio.
  191. Is Betaface reliable ?
  192. Is Betaface reliable ?
  193. Classify actress and artist Anh Duang
  194. The noble Teuton vs the savage Prussian, NW Euro vs Eastern Euro, nordic skull vs brachy skull
  195. Mediterranean phenotypes and eye colour
  196. In Europe and East Asia, is it easier for people from the North to pass in the South than vice versa
  197. Where can i Pass? Classify Me if possible.
  198. The characteristics of three groups of Mari by race - diagnostical features
  199. Classify - Pass this yemeni man
  200. Where can this tunisian family pass ?
  201. Classify - Pass algerian physicist
  202. English phenotype diversity the ultra condensed version :
  203. Pass - Classify this half french half kabyle woman
  204. Rate - Classify Gina Carano
  205. Are Romanians meds???
  206. Cromagnids in Greece and Balkans
  207. What percentage of Cypriots can pass easily in mainland Greece?
  208. Classify - Pass rural berber women
  209. Rate - Pass - Classify this woman from Algeria
  210. Romanians and Hungarians from Transylvania
  211. Anthropology of Yamal Peninsula
  212. Classify Me + Ethnicities I have been mistaken for in real life
  213. who do you think is the most archaic race?
  214. Saudi Arabians are really dark-washed
  215. What is the difference between Alpinid and Asian Alpinid
  216. Who is lighter on average Romanians or Ashkenazi jews?
  217. Indonesians or Indians?
  218. Can any of these African Americans pass as a local in an African country?
  219. Classify singer from Hawaii
  220. Classify and pass this strange looking italian woman
  221. Classify uruguayan girl
  222. Riffians lighter than portuguese?
  223. Last 1-4 hours in Istanbul Baghdad Kabul and Tehran
  224. Who is lighter South Euros or Siberians?
  225. Climatic conditions are also significant factors when it comes to skin colour in my opinion
  226. What ethnicity does that person look like?
  227. Jewish noses?
  228. Classify Barry Goldwater
  229. Who is the lightest Caucasians?
  230. Classify this waman!!!
  231. Who is the worst classifier on TA?
  232. Where do my Maltese grandparents pass best?
  233. Post examples of white north american/white latinoamerican mix
  234. What the hell is going on with KAL006 chin
  235. Classify/pass/rate strange looking kabyle woman
  236. Who is lighter Turks or Tajiks?
  237. Surname origin for Slav
  238. Does Squinting Eyes Makes Classifying harder
  239. Debetz, Anthropological research in the Kamchatka region
  240. Orthodox spirit influence in phenotype
  241. Classify big browed Cambodians
  242. Average Turkish Iranian Iraqi Afghan Phenotype
  243. Were ANE fully Caucasoid?
  244. What is your wrist circumference
  245. What is your waist circumference
  246. What is your neck circumference?
  247. There is absolutely no way england is shorter than scandinavia/northern germany in young whites
  248. Some measurements for Old Time Heavyweight Chumps
  249. Am I Mediterranean? Mediterranean from Africa, Southern Europe or Middle East?
  250. Guess which country these people are from