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  1. Which non-European Caucasoid population produces the most Aryan-looking individuals?
  2. Similarities between ancient people and modern people
  3. Are Armenians closer to Kurds or to Turks?
  4. Map of White/European descended people across the world
  5. Avars (Dagestan)
  6. Racial Make up of Gypsies
  7. Turks, who are they closer to: Europeans or Arabs?
  8. Welsh, who are they closer to: Spanish or Germans?
  9. who is closer: Russians and Chuvash or Lithuanians and Finns
  10. The Negric Nordic race and the North Negrid races of the future
  11. Northern Moroccans
  12. Wonder about nordish
  13. The Mental Characteristics of European sub-races
  14. A set of absolutely regular Portuguese
  15. The Biological Affinities of the ancient Egyptians
  16. The Ancient Greeks - How they looked like?
  17. The early Aryans(Indo-Europeans) in India
  18. Who is more exotic looking
  19. Are Armenians closer to Europeans or to Middle Easterners?
  20. Dolicocephaly in capelloids and cromgnoid
  21. Who resemble Greeks more?
  22. Roman triumvir
  23. British Islanders - what is their dominant racial type?
  24. Brown hair and Brown eyed superiority
  25. How did Nordics form?
  26. The face of Argentina: Euro or not?
  27. What's your skin type?
  28. My Elaboration on Skin Pigmentation of Roma Gypsies
  29. Can Mexicans resemble Gypsies?
  30. The square jaw/mandible
  31. Are Circassian genetically closest to Europeans or Middle easterners?
  32. Are Georgians genetically closest to Europeans or Middle easterners?
  33. Isabel of Castile (cast)
  34. Interesting pictures of Caucasoid-Albinos
  35. Out of these groups which grow the best facial hair?
  36. British Hair Colour and Eye Colour Percentage
  37. Morphing People
  38. How useful are photographs in anthropological classification ?
  39. Ubermenschoid or Untermenschoid?
  40. Are Spaniards closer to Moroccans than to Swedes?
  41. % of admixture needed to alter the phenotype of a person
  42. Are Poles racially closer to Lithuanians or to Russians?
  43. Can Ethnicity be Detected by Voice?
  44. Which European population has the biggest eyes on average?
  45. Turks [split from member picture thread]
  46. Typical West Asian?
  47. Did the Turks 'change race' in Asia Minor?
  48. The Chinese and Taiwanese
  49. South East Asians
  50. Which sub racial mixture tends to cause deviated septum?
  51. Huns, Magyars and Mongolians - are they related?
  52. The Myth of "Progressiveness"
  53. Anthropological differences between Danes and northern Germans
  54. Would Indians pass as European if they were White?
  55. Rom and Tatere in Norway
  56. Romanichals(Roma of the British Isles)
  57. East Medterranid/Pontic
  58. Would Africans pass as European if they were white?
  59. Pan-Balkan Look
  60. Bulgarians: Which groups overlap with us?
  61. Georgian women
  62. Aging people pictures
  63. Which is the greater phenotypical divide in Europe; North/South or East/West?
  64. Dinaric Superman
  65. Wich is teh most Dinaric country in teh world?
  66. more greek or british?
  67. Dinarid Men
  68. Which ethnicity is more light, Serbs or Italians?
  69. Konkani people
  70. هل هو أحد أعضاء الذكور أكثر جاذبية؟
  71. the looks of all albanians of different regions
  72. How true is it that there is a Caucasoid Race?
  73. The Balkars ( Turkic people of Mount Elbarus)
  74. Atlanto-med types: classification help
  75. 10 Finnish men - who is most typical in your opinion?
  76. Pontic Greeks(Hellenes of Northern Anatolia)
  77. Anatolian Turks: Which Europeans overlap with them?
  78. Redar is whiny bitch again
  79. patriotic songs of georgia
  80. Delta Egyptians and Copts.. where can they fit?
  81. What is an "Arctic Nordic"?
  82. Is pamirid a variant of Armenoid?
  83. Difference between Nordid,Nordic,Aryan ?
  84. Turkish Yoruks from the Balkans
  85. How to calculate cephalic index?
  86. Common predominant psychological/mental tendencies among nordids ?
  87. Bahraini(Arabians of the Bahrain Island)
  88. The Maltese.
  89. Extroverted-Introverted Face Morph
  90. Dominant-Submissive Face Morph
  91. Differences between Gorid and Asian Alpinid types?
  92. Are nordic genes weaker ?
  93. Was Atilla the Hun White?
  94. The most caucasoid indic tribe
  95. Eastern-looking Hungarians
  96. Keltic/Keltid vs Noric/Norid
  97. Gypsies in Serbia
  98. "Celtic Toe" experiment / survey
  99. New Toe Poll
  100. Dark Indians and Sri Lankan people?
  101. Do South Slavs look closer to Greeks and Albanians or North Slavs?
  102. Can you use Mangatar to create Anthropological Taxonomy
  103. If you HAD to pick, do Iberians look closer to British/Irish or to Greeks?
  104. Can mixed australian aborigines pass as European?
  105. Hutu and Tutsi
  106. Cypriot & Canary Islander Morphotypes & Composites
  107. Ancient Romans/Italics and modern central Italians phenotypes
  108. Zakynthian Greeks
  109. Aquatic Ape Theory
  110. Post pictures of West Central Asians.
  111. Some composite faces around the world
  112. Red Deer Cave People
  113. German Dinarics
  114. Do offspring differ depending on whether the mother or father is black?
  115. 'Red Deer Cave' people, possibly a new human species!!!
  116. Light Hairs
  117. Which ethnicities overlap with Swedes?
  118. Uzbeks
  119. Are Peninsular Arabs phenotypically similar to certain types of Indians?
  120. Turkmen people
  121. nordic south Eropeans and med north Europeans thread
  122. American Jersey Shore vs Italian "Tamarreide"
  123. Who do you consider more Portuguese?
  124. The Cohin_Jews
  125. Is this map correct?
  126. Can you tell West, Southern, and East (non-Horner) Africans apart?
  127. Can she pass in your country?
  128. Corded Type (Battle-Axe type)
  129. Which one passes better for Greek?
  130. Breton, Gascon or Galician?
  131. Out of Australia Theory
  132. Svans
  133. Austrian Germans
  134. Which ethnicities have clear, consistent overlap with Greeks?
  135. Vastmanland type
  136. Forehead shapes...
  137. Kosovo Albanians(phenotypes)
  138. Inquiry about the Alpinid type
  139. Rural Southern Americans
  140. Half Berber(North African) half European
  141. Keltic-Nordid examples from continental Europe.
  142. Aromanians/Sarakatsani
  143. Normans
  144. Which look closer: Irish/Brits, Finns, Dutch, Germans, French, Serbs, Italians or Greeks?
  145. Latin Americans have the largest penis size in the world?
  146. Which term is better: Dinaromorphic Nordid or Keltic Nordid
  147. Welsh people: Who overlaps with them?
  148. Spaniards: Who besides the Portuguese overlaps?
  149. Georgian girls
  150. Who do you consider part of the Hispanic community?
  151. Which European nation has the highest variety of phenotypes
  152. Cro-magnoids: I need examples, please post
  153. Typical North-Atlantid?
  154. How prevalent are Pontids in Russia?
  155. Bulgarian and Albanian morph - which is which?
  156. Do Baltids exist among Balkan Slavs? (offtopic from Russian Pontids)
  157. Least prevalent subrace in your country
  158. The Irish/British who's closer to them
  159. Can he pass in your country?
  160. Match the Nationality of these Sims (FUN!)
  161. People from Pantelleria island, Italy.
  162. Average Faces of Men from different countries
  163. China's 56 Ethnicities
  164. I was a blonde child, now I'm a (light) brown haired man
  165. Italian-Balkanian phenotypes who overlap
  166. Random Italians: Regional councils
  167. Most light-eyed nations of Europe by Charleston Stevens Coon
  168. Who is closer to Iberians: British or Italians?
  169. South Island- New Zealand Europeans
  170. North Island- New Zealand Europeans
  171. Classify this black beauty
  172. East-Nordid Jaws
  173. Most nordish Balkan country?
  174. Eye colour, pigmentation and subraces
  175. Telling CM from Mongoloid-influenced Euros apart
  176. ŤAthropological Types of USSR Populationsť (Soviet Interior Ministry, 1970)
  177. Ugliest European Country
  178. Any Faelid plus Mediterranid examples?
  179. Maps of phenotype distribution in Europe
  180. Hazara people
  181. How many of these S.italians/Sicilians could pass for a member of your ethnic group?
  182. Human Type Theory - new theory about 7 human genetic types
  183. Can someone give an example of this race:
  184. what about this race,, someone has a picture of an example?
  185. Post Pictures of Typical Balkanites
  186. For wich nationality could this boy go?
  187. European Country With Widest Range of Phenotypes
  188. Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews.. where can they pass, out of these choices?
  189. Bosniaks - purest south-slavs?
  190. Who is closer to Iberians: British/Irish or Germans?
  191. Montenegrins- purest Paleo-Balkan?
  192. Norids: depigmented Dinarids or dinarized Nordids?
  193. Genetic Portraits by Ulric Collette
  194. Dark pigmented Nordids
  195. Examples of Aurignacids
  196. How many Races exist?
  197. What is "gracile"?
  198. Greek look vs Italic look
  199. Iberian vs. Italic look.
  200. Ethnic origins of Albania and Austria
  201. Which phenotypes have flat faces?
  202. European nations with non-European admixtures
  203. Redheads
  204. What is the suprainiac fossa?
  205. Post Examples of Gipsies
  206. Samy Deluxe and Bushido are seen as Germans by the Definition of Inquiring Mind
  207. Genotype = Phenotype?
  208. Southern Euro vs Northern Euro Blacks
  209. Examples of Uralids
  210. Medzev, Slovakia
  211. eye color
  212. Which MENA and Latin American ethnicities can regularly pass as Sicilian?
  213. Pictures of Wrestlers World-Wide
  214. Can this Balkanoid pass in Western Europe?
  215. Who is most mixed - Eva Longoria, Eva Mendes or America Ferrera
  216. 100% English - Very Interesting Documentary
  217. Do Northwestern, Northern, Central, Eastern or Southeastern Europeans overlap?
  218. Do Southern Europeans, North Africans, West and South Asians overlap
  219. Icelanders or Norwegians?
  220. Feminine vs masculine face: guide to the somatic differences
  221. Young Cro-Magnons
  222. (Indo-)Aryans were carriers of J2 and G haplogroups
  223. Northern European male dedication thead.
  224. Stereotype of french woman
  225. Actual difference between Keltic-Nordid and Noric
  226. Good Anthropology Sites
  227. Average height by country
  228. English Bands from the 1960's today.
  229. Atlanto-Med vs Med
  230. RacialDiversity.
  231. Robust Nordiforms
  232. Differences and similarities between Atlanto-med and Nordid
  233. Do you agree the European Preservation ideology of TA?
  234. Olive skin
  235. Your favourite (pheno)type (for dating/relationships) with examples. And a question...
  236. What percentage of Puerto Ricans do you think could fit in Europe?
  237. The Indo-Afghan Race
  238. Chesnut Ridge People: Partly Black "White" Peopole(USA)
  239. Dinarid vs Taurid vs Armenid
  240. Cephalic Index/Category Question
  241. Europeans with undyed real blonde hair
  242. How/When/Where did the Keltic-Nordids mix with the Dinarids?
  243. Classifying SSA
  244. How do you see me as?
  245. Evolution of Brown Skin
  246. How close is the Resemblance between Iranide and Indide?
  247. Pontid+East Baltids
  248. multiracial ethnicties or mixed ethnicities
  249. The Maltese.. who is the most similar to them?
  250. What are Central_Asians for you Racially?