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  1. In which country is the Keltic Nordid or Iron Age Nordid found in its purest state?
  2. Why are Greeks darker-eyed than Iberians and Italians?
  3. Did you know the purest, unmixed Alpines are best found in the plateaus of Bavaria and Wurttemberg?
  4. Where can we find the purest Mediterranean phenotype in Europe?
  5. Pass Icelandic man(me)
  6. What genes are behind the occurrence of pale skin in Turkey and the west Asian countries?
  7. Is there an Iranian influence in Yemen?
  8. Determine the phenotype of my friend, his nationality is unknown
  9. What race are Cro Magnon and Neanderthals close to?
  10. Anthropological observations from my latest trip to Albania
  11. Rank them in the order you find fit, from least to most fair-haired and light-eyed.
  12. Rank this on the basis of the highest combo of brown/dark hair, blue eyes and freckled skin!!!
  13. Daco Celtic's Two Communities
  14. Arabs have important Neanderthal genes
  15. Who are the darkest Europeans?
  16. Why do people have such a distorted view of phenotypes and skin color?
  17. Italians darker-skinned than Spaniards?
  18. Is blondness typically a Baltic or Germanic or Finnic trait?
  19. Most Northern-shifted NW Europeans?
  20. Phenotypes of Russians
  21. Andamanese Tribe Indo-European connections
  22. Are the Dutch the most Nordid racially of Europe?
  23. Are Alpines reduced Meds or Cro Magnons?
  24. classify Turkish actress her parents of Lebanese descent
  25. Why most Italians have red hair?
  26. Central Italy, Marche, where can they adapt?
  27. Pigmentation of Frisians
  28. Classify Albanian Gheg
  29. Post the most textbook Alpine example you've ever seen.
  30. IS baltid just an asianized nordid?
  31. Least Aggressive looking Phenotype in Europe?
  32. How would a Kelto-Nordid - Baltid mix look like?
  33. Atlantids are best adapted to which region or climate?
  34. Northwest, Southwest, Northeast Europeans
  35. Is the Swede Kim Nilsson a perfect Hallstatt Nordid Example?
  36. In Croatia or in North Germany?
  37. Doesn't this Yamnaya PIE reconstruction look a little bit mexican?
  38. Income and political views are fully genetic
  39. Post examples of Brits who can not easily pass as American or Australian Whites
  40. Which nation in the world is the most West Asian looking one?
  41. Does Norid/Dinarid actually have alpine mixture?
  42. Classify Russian anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky
  43. Do these alpines look mixed? In what European country would you pass them?
  44. Hello Guys, Classify MD Chefe
  45. Textbook Nordic
  46. Women and Men average face and head metrics
  47. Afanasievo man reconstruction
  48. Indians= Persians + Aboriginal Australian?
  49. Germany or Poland more Alpine racially?
  50. What’s my phenotype(Icelandic user)
  51. Classify Afanasievo Culture Reconstruction
  52. Are Belgians Nordic?
  53. The cradle of Humanity is not in Africa
  54. What are the top five countries in Europe whose population are very Cromagnid-influenced?
  55. Do unibrows/monobrows originate in the Pamir mountains?
  56. My phenotypical observations in Slovenia
  57. When you hear someone is half european and half non-european or from somewhere outside europe
  58. Back from Oviedo
  59. Why is Iberia, the most Mediterranean region of Europe?
  60. Greeks, Italians, Albanians, and Iberians all have EQUAL amount of darkies & lights!
  61. What is your hair color on Fischer scale?
  62. Pass side profile(Icelandic man)
  63. Mediterranoid phenotypes (Westische rasse)
  64. Classify Hungarian actor Géza Röhrig
  65. Classify me while giving you a kiss
  66. +200 old photos of natives northern french
  67. The look of the Proto-Celts
  68. Guess Redheads from Russia and Britain
  69. In Europe as a whole, do more people have blonde hair or olive skin?
  70. South Russia/North Caucasus or south europe balkans which one i can pass better?
  71. Is the Anglo zone of Canada whiter/European than the French zone or not?
  72. Classify this Russian women
  73. Where in the world i can pass?
  74. Classify/passify
  75. predominant phenotypes of the 4 different Ancient Greek sub-ethnicities-phenotypes?
  76. What is your Caucasoid phenotype?
  77. Classify Icelandic man(me)
  78. Do Germans have bigger bottoms than most Europeans?
  79. Do i pass among these people? (Ukrainians/Russians)
  80. How would you classify me?
  81. Classify my phenotype
  82. My taxonomy phenotype poll
  83. Baltid with Armenoid or Mtebid including North Pontid?
  84. Are Hungarians the most Turanid Europeans?
  85. Anglo-Teutonic, Irish Iberian
  86. Classify Slovak actress Barbara Nedeljáková
  87. Origin of Berberid
  88. Classify this man
  89. I have a doubt, is my Great Grandfather Paleo Atlantid or any other Atlantid phenotype?
  90. People of European countries
  91. Spain blond hair and blue eyes maps (Sanchez Fernandez data)
  92. Can you classify my Andalusian Grandfather? (i only have this photo he doesn't let me do more photo)
  93. Scandinavians and Balkan Dinarics are physically stronger than other Europeans
  94. Central Italians of Fano (northern Marche); where do they fit phenotypically?
  95. What lead to the homogenous appearance of the Alpine type?
  96. Who looks whiter, me or Mortimer?
  97. Europeans with a similar pigmentation
  98. Who is swarthier? Japanese OR Sicilians?
  99. Can I pass for an Englishman or a German?
  100. Who are the ''whitest'' of these 15 countries?
  101. Is my cranium meso or brachy or doli
  102. As a whole, do English people pass better in France, Germany or Denmark?
  103. Classify sideprofile
  104. Classify me (Greek)
  105. Phenotype skull mesurements
  106. Classify my phenotype
  107. Morphs of FIFA World Cup 2022 teams
  108. Do you agree that the most distinct feature of Europeans is the high prevalence of light hair/eyes?
  109. Anthropology of Southern France
  110. Why are italians the darkest european?
  111. What do people who are half northern European and half Kyrgiz or Kazkah look like?
  112. Why are you so ignorant of the peoples appearance?
  113. Classify this guys phenotype
  114. Why are very Nordic looking people so rare in the UK?
  115. Classify which phenotype this English man is
  116. Classify this guys phenotype
  117. Whitest country in Africa
  118. Are the Saami more robust facially than Alpines?
  119. Classify this guys phenotype
  120. Classify this women phenotype
  121. Croatia vs Slovenia vs Hungary where is it more common to see med phenotype?
  122. Does faelid exist?
  123. Classify Indian actor Siddharth Nigam
  124. Which of these European countries have more black population?
  125. Southern French vs Spaniards. Compare and contrast
  126. Iranics Most Attractive People on Average
  127. As a whole, do Spaniards pass better in Britain or Turkey?
  128. how come SOME gingers have darkish eyes?
  129. Do Spaniards pass better in Lebanon or Estonia?
  130. Do Irish people pass better in Estonia or Spain?
  131. Classify Sergi aka the Teutonic-Spanish-Gigachad.
  132. Romanians, do they pass better in the Urals or in Portugal?
  133. Armenians, Turks, Kurds the most common physical types among them
  134. Southern Kurds vs Northern Kurds
  135. More good examples of Assyroid
  136. South-Eastern Russians
  137. Which is the most common in Czech Republic racial type?
  138. Do Romanians pass better in Britain or Afghanistan?
  139. Why people claim Turkish actors/actresses European looking?
  140. Kashubians (Pomeranians)
  141. Chin height
  142. What percentage of Turks (from Turkey) are European passing?
  143. People of northwestern Russia
  144. People of northern Russia
  145. Forum problems
  146. How common mediterranid phenotype in Cyprus?
  147. Classify this sideprofile
  148. Why the heck are Indians darker than Saudis?
  149. Classify nordic+German man
  150. Classify and pass this guy
  151. Why are Nigerians lighter compared to Malians and other neighboring Africans?
  152. Do Belgians pass better in Spain or Sweden?
  153. Post photos which proves the regional differences in your country
  154. Iberians vs Italians pigmentation
  155. Are upper Paleolithic survivors more common in central France or Spain?
  156. Can me as a faelid become north atlandid
  157. Classify my phenotype please
  158. Classify Swiss living in Russia
  159. Why are Paleolithic survivors in North West Europe more pale than Alpines?
  160. Are The Basques More Light/Blue-Eyed Compared To Other Southern Euros?
  161. Phenotypical observations from a trip to Belgium
  162. Describe phenotype please
  163. Map of most alpha nations and cultures [norwegians and portugalians - most alpha europeans]
  164. Evolutionary new and old traits, like blonde and black hair
  165. Describe phenotype please
  166. What’s my skull length here
  167. Ukrainian futsal players from Rivne Oblast (Northern Ukraine)
  168. What country would she most likely be from
  169. Which European countries have the best or worst looking men/women
  170. Who is lighter, Iberians or Caucasus peoples?
  171. North Italian phenotypes thread
  172. Where did measure your cephalic & face index?
  173. Are there any alpines/alpinoids/alpinids in Iberia ?
  174. Typical look of different nationalities according to AI
  175. Are Dravidians the true Indians?
  176. What is the most common phenotype in Western Europe?
  177. Indian surnames sound European to me
  178. Old ethnic russians phenotype
  179. Balkan-Caucasus subrace types
  180. How common is Mediterranid race in Czech Republic?
  181. Most altruistic european nations/language groups/races?
  182. Can someone help me with my phenotype please? (Thx)
  183. Permians/Finno-Ugric Peoples
  184. Opinions on Cousin ?
  185. Average european age at first marriage (for males) by nations and ethnolinguistic groups
  186. Classify your ancestors XD (Ancient Populations)
  187. classify my cousin
  188. Average european penis length in 2023.
  189. Only 200,000 Polish children looked white to the Germans in occupied Poland?
  190. To all lookists: white skin individual with 84% SSA
  191. Classify German-American Chad.
  192. Greeks look like the French and British?
  193. Cristiano Viejo as to how Greece is more developed than it's Balkan neighbors
  194. Do i pass better in Piemonte or Montenegro?
  195. Balkan countries as AI women
  196. Anthropology of Romanians, as seen here on Bucharest metro
  197. What country is the most pan-European?
  198. Classify Irish-looking English football player Phil Foden
  199. Hellenic race forum
  200. baltic to nordic cheekbones?
  201. Hello, do I look Greek? I am Pontic Greek Hellenic.
  202. How common is North Atlantid in Scandinavia?
  203. What pheno is this sideprofile and is it doli
  204. Do the Spanish look more similar to people from Azerbaijan or Finland?
  205. Why is the Ellen DeGeneres/Henry David Through phenotype so common? What's it called?
  206. Who look more europeoid: white americans or russians?
  207. AI generated beatiful women and handsome men of 50 nationalities - are they accurate portayals?
  208. Classify + do I pass in your country ?
  209. Which clearly Nordid (sub)variety is THE most gracile & ectomorphic?
  210. Am I long skulled?
  211. As a whole, do Brazilians look closer to Norwegians or Jamaicans?
  212. What's the purest Nordid person you ever seen, without even the slightest Cromagnid bulkiness admix?
  213. Who looks more German, the French or the Irish?
  214. Faces Average Websites
  215. Classify me and my phenotype
  216. Are all Europeans REALLY a mixture of Alpine, Nordic, Mediterranean, and Dinaric?
  217. Guess their Ethnicity
  218. Finalists of Miss Slovenia 2023
  219. Are the Saami the closest relatives of the Alpine race?
  220. As a whole, do Albanians look more similar to Norwegians or Lebanese?
  221. Who looks less European on average, Argentines or Turks?
  222. Post group photos, which represents the your ethnicity
  223. Why do Atlantid men get all the attractive women?
  224. Do Kurds pass better in Turkmenistan or Yemen?
  225. Racial/phenotype differences between different groups of Moldovans in mid 19th century.
  226. Were the Anglo-Saxons darker-skinned than native Britons?
  227. Hallstatt Nordid in Schleswig-Holstein: prevalence?
  228. European or West Asian?
  229. Spanish, Norwegian or Austrian?
  230. Italian, Estonian or Iranian?
  231. Latvian or Sardinian?
  232. Which phenotype do you identify as?
  233. Ethnicities with the longest and thickest eyelashes?
  234. Classify and rate her beauty
  235. What are the most Alpine/Med regions of the British isles?
  236. How does Greece have a high percentage of lactose intolerance while also consuming the most milk?
  237. The most beautiful actress from Skandonordid stock
  238. As a whole, do Colombians look closer to Argentinians, Ecuadorians, Hondurans or Jamaicans?
  239. Black Hair in Europe
  240. Classify spaniard character from RE 4
  241. Why does France have more British looking individuals than Germany despite being much darker?
  242. Do you think the British working class paler skinned than the middle and upper classes?
  243. English County Cricket Teams
  244. Canarid Examples
  245. Indians big, bulgy eyes
  246. Hallstatt Nordid and Skandonordid - arey they different or just 2 names for one phenotype?
  247. Who is more European looking, Afghans or Gypsies?
  248. Classy this iranian guy
  249. Are Italians closer to Germans than they are to Tunisians?
  250. Central Italians from Marche/Umbria, who are they closest to in terms of pigmentation?