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  1. Eastern Borreby examples
  2. Is the Greece-Bulgaria border one of the sharpest phenotypical divides in Europe?
  3. As a whole, do Swiss people look closer to Swedes or Spaniards?
  4. Anthropological observations from my latest trip to Corfu Island and Puglia
  5. classify swedish alexender rudd
  6. do norweigans look the most similar to dutch or english?
  7. classify this norweigan
  8. Most common phenotype in the province you live?
  9. Phenotypical observations from a trip to the south east of France
  10. Classify Jessica Kumari Indo-American anchor
  11. Anthropologically speaking do the French have smaller faces and teeth than northern Europeans?
  12. Who is more likely to blend in Fuedal Japan
  13. What was the original pigmentation of Cro Magnon man?
  14. What is your inseam relative to height?
  15. classify this swedish looking dutch man
  16. Who won out in the end??
  17. Europeans, do they look closer to East Asians or Sub-Saharan Africans?
  18. Would France and/or Hungary be close to a European 'average' re pigmentation and genetics?
  19. Who looks the most japanese
  20. Is a long face common among Sicilians?
  21. Classify this boy and where he would fit
  22. Is Avril Lavigne Tronder or Subnordid?
  23. Pamirid = Armenised Turanid ?
  24. delete please
  25. Classify Tajik people from China
  26. Do North Europeans have higher sitting height to total height ratio than South Europeans?
  27. How is it possible that the Guanches were blond with grey/blue eyes?
  28. Average phenotype of North American and European countries
  29. Looks = behavior?
  30. Ethnically speaking who is Whiter? a pale European with 10% Mongoloid or a darker European?
  31. When people speak of CM, Cro Magnid, what do they mean?
  32. Is Dinarid = Corded Nordid + Paleo Balkanic ?
  33. Is genetics that relevant when talking about phenotypes?
  34. Classify my father's brow ridges
  35. Genetically are Spaniards closer to people from the Caucasus than to people from North Africa?
  36. Which one looks the most japanese
  37. Precise distribution of phenotypes in East Slavic countries
  38. Afghan Eye Colour Study ( 711 people)
  39. South African, New Zealander and Australian squads in 2023 Rugby World Cup. Compare and contrast.
  40. Olive skin; does it really exist or is it a way for brown people to feel a bit whiter?
  41. Is Drew Barrymore Borreby?
  42. do you think it could be a case of aesthetic improvement? How strong was the change?
  43. Who looks more east eurasisn
  44. Greeks, do they look closer to Western Turks or Southern Italians
  45. Cajun Eye Color Study (40 people)
  46. average west georgians where they can more pass ?
  47. Average Abkhazians where cann more pass ?
  48. Who looks more northern shifted between these 2 young women, guess their ethnicities
  49. Was the original Cro Magnon man brunet in pigmentation?
  50. Classify Teenagers and Where they Best Fit?
  51. my phenotype
  52. Do Australian Aboriginals look the most like what original humans would’ve looked like?
  53. Why do people think that northern Spaniards are much lighter than southern Spaniards?
  54. Jasper peschel classify a swedish rower
  55. Can you guess the three Georgians (Kavkaz) in this group of French rugby players from Gascony?
  56. Classify this in real life gigachad
  57. Does anyone have any craniometry or average dimensions/metrics of the Nordic bronze age
  58. Can you tell apart the okinawans from the mainland japanese here?
  59. Classify the Chatto Brothers
  60. Central Asians, do they look closer to East Asians or West Asians?
  61. Does actress Chloe Greenfield look Scandinavian?
  62. Guess which one is not japanese
  63. Who between these ladies would stick out in Brazil (clue its the one who isnt braziljan)
  64. Classify this platinum blond swedish man
  65. classify this viking facial reconstrucion from dublin
  66. Who is overall lighter haired among Eastern Europeans and Western Europeans?
  67. Classify/place Nova Gorica graduates (Goriška)
  68. What is the most common eye color in europeans?
  69. Circassians look like more S.ukrainians or more Georgians?
  70. Examples of majority-white people with one Japanese grandparent (ie, "Kwōtā")
  71. Classify norweigan
  72. speculation: regionally dead phenotypes?
  73. classify thomas alsgaard norweigan caveman
  74. classify this aryan swedish looking finnish man
  75. classify a caveman looking norweigan
  76. Are there more Europeans who pass well in Colombia/Venezuela or in Lebanon/Syria?
  77. Classify Rupert Graves
  78. Who looks more alike: Icelanders and Finns or Portuguese and Greeks?
  79. can this norweigan ever pass outside of scandanvia
  80. Whitest MENA Country
  81. Woman the hunter
  82. red hair in west georgia ( and caucasus)
  83. Anthropologically speaking why do the Alpines not have as pale complexion as the Brunns or Borrebies
  84. Classify this rural norweigan looking central Asian man
  85. Are Corded Nordics more common in southern England than in the rest of Britain?
  86. Who passes better in South Korea
  87. What % he looks like SSA and Euro?
  88. What % he looks like Euro?
  89. Did modern european faces get less robust/narrower
  90. Most Yellowwashed Ethnicities on TA
  91. Americans: more similar to Latin Americans, or to Europeans/Australians/Canadians? (VIDEO)
  92. Classify this norweigan man+can he pass in Belgium
  93. Classify a man from norway who looks afghan
  94. Classify Argentina's new vice president
  95. Classify this norweigan man with a very germanic face and physique
  96. Classift this asian man does look irano nordid or faelid
  97. Pass this atypical tajikistani man from afghanistan in europe
  98. Malagasy people (Madagascar)
  99. Classify Scottish actor Mark Rowley
  100. Aryan influence among Afghans ( Compilation of Contestants in Game Show)
  101. Do you think okinawans are erhnically the same as mainland japanese
  102. Are Atlantids just darker pigmented Nordids?
  103. No such thing as the Alpine race
  104. Which population is more clever between moroccans and saudians ?
  105. How these typical Baloch people pass in Iran? (as average)
  106. Classify this viking looking Dane Julius Johansen
  107. Finland
  108. Origin of Nordids?
  109. Rank these countries with the most ssa mix to the least
  110. Are Proto Iranids more similar to Spanish atlanto meds than French alpines?
  111. How these typical Sındhi people pass in Afghanistan? (as average)
  112. Balkan subtypes. What do you think about these classifications?
  113. Aren't Turanids supposed to be mesocephalic?
  114. Are Asiatic alpines descended from borrebies or Afalou type cro magnids?
  115. Attempt to classify this skull
  116. Are cro Magnons Neanderthal-sapiens hybrids?
  117. Differences between Northern and Southern native Americans?
  118. Are indians, sri lankans, pakistani, etc East Asian???
  119. Which mix would look closer to east asian, White+Asian or Black +Asian
  120. How much common is this phenotypes in Afghans?
  121. German athlete Luz Long and Italian footballer Luciano Re Cecconi,can you find physical resemblance?
  122. Anthropologically speaking did cro Magnons develop from a Proto med in the region of Iran?
  123. Who looks more east asian and who looks more white between these groups
  124. Classify this man
  125. Brachycephalization in all of Eurasia except India: Why?
  126. Does this black haired man look nordic?
  127. Is this old man more wide jawed than most American
  128. What races and ethnicities are often stereotyped as being lighter or darker than the reality?
  129. What is this guys odd phenotype
  130. Anthropological observations from my latest trip to the Basque Country
  131. Does this atypical pakistani pass as a Dane?
  132. Facial reconstruction of new Corded Ware battle axe culture people with distance to modern people
  133. Classify this swedish athlete
  134. Med vs nord who has more robust features and a wider face
  135. Is light hair a cromagnid or a nordoid trait?
  136. Is pale skin indigenous to Iran?
  137. Can this afghan pass as a swedish man
  138. Classify this west hunter gatherer facial reconstruction+can he pass in modern day scandanvia
  139. Would you consider this hair color dark blonde or light brown?
  140. Are East alpinids more related to Brunn types than borrebies?
  141. Classify this super English looking pakistani man
  142. Does this pashtun pakistani look scandanvian?
  143. As a whole, do the darkest Europeans tend to resemble Levantines or Iranians more?
  144. Classify this 8th century viking from Norway
  145. Who has the most Croatian/Balkan look?
  146. How Iberian does this Pole look?
  147. Classify this afghan+he looks kind of germanic
  148. Classify my French ancestors
  149. In the Balkans, which two neighbouring countries look the least alike?
  150. anthropoligally speaking are Meds descended from Neanderthals or Homo Heidelbergensis?
  151. Classify this norweigan from narvik northern norway
  152. who is lighter laz people or abkhazians
  153. Classify This Girl from Med/MENA
  154. Proto-Indo-Iranian Phenotype
  155. Why are Iranians and Kurds more robust than Arabs and central Asian people?
  156. Austrians vs Hungarians - Who is fairer-haired and lighter - eyed
  157. do finnish/estonian people look like /close chinese/mongoloids or georgians ( west , east , N)
  158. Are Georgians much or bit lighter than Abkhazians?
  159. What is the record for west hunter gatherer dna
  160. Are the bug men of Galodont 5 much or bit lighter than Alpha Centaurian Murgsolgs?
  161. Can you distinguish the French and Spanish teams from each other?
  162. Mentally, what whites do better than asians ?
  163. Guess ethnicity of 4 Australian male celebrities
  164. Guess ethnicity of 4 Australian female celebrities
  165. Guess ethnicity of 6 Australian politicians
  166. Afghan eye pigmentation study ( 229 people)
  167. The Black Race Descends From Brown Caucasoid Men Who Were Fleeing White Caucasoid Men, Truth Hurts
  168. is my hair black or dark brown?
  169. Eye pigmentation study on Syria (1938)
  170. Most common White American phenotype? (POLL)
  171. What do you think of psychological descriptions to anthropological types?
  172. average abkhazian girls
  173. Subarmenoidal exemples
  174. Classify this specimen
  175. Absent the mass migrations of Iberians, Italians and Poles to France...
  176. Mexico vs Afghanistan
  177. Classify Nordic looking Algerian athlete
  178. Does Baltic, Subnordic or Gorid apply best to me?
  179. Post top 5 ethnicities people assume you at first glance
  180. Does this kashmiri man look germanic? Can he pass in North Europe?
  181. In europeans, who has the shorter limbs relative to their body height ?
  182. Are Caucasoids and Mongoloids More Likely to Mix With Each Other Than Any Other Groups?
  183. Most Whitewashed Ethnicity in TA
  184. Textbook examples
  185. Mexicid examples
  186. Classify and passify country for random indian hindu from video with rats next to food
  187. Are white people more racially diverse looking or SSA's/Blacks?
  188. Classify australian man
  189. Apart telling someone's origin, does taxonomy tell something else about someone
  190. How much phenotype overlap does Turkey have with its neighbours?
  191. Does this atypical afghan man pass in scandanvia?
  192. Where do i pass (sicily + poland)
  193. How much phenotype overlap does Croatia have with its neighbours?
  194. As a whole, do Albanians and Greeks look closer to Armenians or to Slovenes?
  195. Post examples of non-Colombians who look Colombian
  196. Afghan eye colour study (761 people)
  197. Serbs in TA! Do i pass easily in Serbia?
  198. Where would serbians be mostly accepted in western Europe ?
  199. Which Group Is Lighter? Northern Indians or Yemenese
  200. Skin color and phenotype
  201. Please help me classify my phenotype
  202. How typical is Dalofaelid phenotype in Finland?
  203. Serbians VS Basques / ANE VS WHG
  204. Are mediterranids a cold adapted race?
  205. As a turk with greek and balkan ancestry how common is my phenotype in europe
  206. Are the Houthi fighters of Yemen made up mainly of Mediterranids?
  207. Southern Germans are not Alpinid
  208. Are Anatolian alpines descended from borrebies or paleo atlantids?
  209. Ethnic groups or nationalities that have a thing for other ethnicities
  210. circassians vs georgians
  211. How to recognize romanians ?
  212. Do i pass as white in the usa? Or some kind of castizo
  213. who look like more european
  214. How is it possible that this African man has blue eyes? (100% African)
  215. Is brachycepalhy derived from Neanderthals?
  216. Your head size?
  217. Orthocranic heads are the reason why the Japanese are better than the Chinese at creating technology
  218. Can anyone translate this what does this mean?
  219. Do people from Tajikistan more closely resemble people from Georgia or central Pakistan?
  220. People here have said i pass as south euro, is that true?
  221. Why do Mexicans and other Latin Americans look Southeast Asian?
  222. AFC Asian cup 2023 West Asia Squads
  223. Physionomy
  224. abkhazians vs georgians
  225. Do you think north slavic people are smarter than north western europeans ?
  226. Main type among Afghan cricketers all squads 2024
  227. Are the Dutch closer to the Irish than they are to the central French?
  228. who look like more average Northa caucasian?( Circassian, karachays , Abkhazians)
  229. who look like average abkhazian
  230. Anthropology of Occitan speakers in Aveyron
  231. Please clasify me, my husband and one of my sons please :)
  232. Why do Slavic women tend to have higher pitched voices
  233. who look like more average Northa caucasian?( Circassian, karachays ,)
  234. Which of these morphs Is the average Spaniard phenotype?
  235. He is darker than average abkhazians or lighter
  236. He is darker than average abkhazians or lighter
  237. Facial features linked to stereotypes and social class perception. (University of Glasgow)
  238. Serbs, Serbian army of the early 20th century and World War I period
  239. Are Mediterranids the purest humans?
  240. Percentage of People with Blue Eyes in Europe
  241. who look like average abkhazian he or she?
  242. Are average abkhazians much or bit lighter than he?
  243. Guess who is Georgian
  244. Non White Natives Europeans
  245. Did climate cause Cro Magnons in the Mediterranean and in France to shrink?
  246. Question how rare are green eyes
  247. Anthropologically speaking is it possible for a White population to become more pigmented?
  248. Are robust features endemic to Iran/Afghanistan or did they arrive there from the North?
  249. Do I pass off as south European or west Asian?
  250. who look like average abkhazian he or she?