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  1. Are Amerindians Mongoloid or a distinct race?
  2. Georgians - in which of these places can they pass as natives?
  3. PBS Nova : The Great Inca Rebellion
  4. Do certain mixed populations that are geographically Separate overlap?
  5. Do Gypsies overlap with Mestizos or Indigenous?
  6. Epicanthus ?
  7. Why do Yugoslav women sound so manly?
  8. Which way does the phenotypical gradient in Iberia go.. east/west or north/south?
  9. Ethnology and the Race History of Mankind, Egon Freiherr v. Eickstedt, Basic Typology
  10. [Split] Do Spaniards and French overlap?
  11. Reminder to put your Anthropology threads in the right place!
  12. The best among Indias best
  13. Why are Croats so dark?
  14. Which europoid phenotype has the most feminine, harmonious, soft facial features??
  15. What is the difference between Cro-Magnon and Cro-magnid ?
  16. Subnordids: please clarify
  17. For People who did 23andMe - Post your Hair Texture and Colour Results
  18. Post examples of "Semitic smile"
  19. Most Attractive Mediterranean People
  20. Genetic origins of the Berid type.
  21. Most Attractive Non-White Group
  22. What's the most robust european phenotype?
  23. Atlantid/Dinarid hybrids
  24. Dinarid + Nordid
  25. Do Armenians look like people from Azerbaijan?
  26. Elbows, are yours pointy or not?
  27. What is the right way to measure your skull?
  28. Indigenous peoples of Siberia
  29. Term Europid, how do you use it
  30. Do parts of Latin America got a Australoid Component?
  31. Post East-Baltid people
  32. Examples of Mesolithic North Europeans
  33. Racial Types of India
  34. Skin Colour is of no value establishing Kinships among Human Groups
  35. East med and coarse med: describe and post examples
  36. Podéis distinguir entre los fenotipos ibéricos, basados en de donde vienen?
  37. Prevalence of Keltic-Nordid and Brunns in Ireland
  38. Weddah People
  39. Differences between Anglo-Saxon type and Nordo-Faelid type
  40. Is the Majority of the Worlds Population of mixed race?
  41. What is Far-East/Orientaloid for You
  42. Herzegovinians
  43. Paraguay
  44. Ancient Slavs?
  45. Down-Turned Eyes
  46. Gypsies and Indians a short Comparison - Do they look alike?
  47. Origin of Romany People
  48. "Race", John Baker (download link + quotes)
  49. Racial Analysis Calculator results
  50. Origin of Norid type
  51. Haplogroups and phenotypes: correlations?
  52. Atlantid=nordomediterranid?
  53. Are Croats closer to Czechs and Slovaks or Bulgarians?
  54. Do you think Canarians look more Berber or Iberian?
  55. Ottoman people
  56. Are Croats closer to Swedes or Albanians?
  57. Cape Verdeans; Who do they overlap with?
  58. Which one looks most Sicilian?
  59. Pretty Australian Aboriginals
  60. Canadian First Nations - Supermodels&Businesswomen
  61. Ethnic groups of the Levant
  62. Ear Shape By Subrace
  63. Why are Serbs lighter than Croats?
  64. Rroma Women in Pictures
  65. Keltic-Nordids and Brunns - where are they found?
  66. Moles
  67. Multi-regional origin theory gaining ground?
  68. Definition of east-med race
  69. Sub-Nordid Examples
  70. Alpine/Alpinoid /Alpinid Examples
  71. Which looks most Spanish?
  72. Hallstatt Nordid Examples
  73. North Atlantid/Atlanto-Nordid Examples
  74. East Nordid examples
  75. East Baltid examples
  76. The Baskid type
  77. Berid Examples
  78. Mediterranid Examples
  79. Tronder Examples
  80. Atlanto-Mediterranid examples
  81. Brunn Examples
  82. Kelto-Brunn examples
  83. Keltic Nordid examples
  84. Kelto-Saxon Examples
  85. Faelid/Fälid/Dalo-Falid Examples
  86. Romanian People
  87. Norid/Noric examples
  88. Learning Guide
  89. Baltid examples
  90. How widespread is dark hair among the benelux population
  91. Gorid Examples
  92. West-Baltid Examples
  93. Examples of Paedomorphic Individuals
  94. Cave Paintings in Spain: So Old Neanderthals Could Have Done Them
  95. Post examples of Europeans with Arabid influence.
  96. Belarusians
  97. Are Serbs closer to Albanians or to Russians?
  98. Are Macedonians closer to Greeks or Albanians
  99. what's your /eye/skin/hair color?
  100. Mediterranean and Alpine - what happened?
  101. Why do Greeks look Middle Eastern?
  102. On average, who has softer, more delicate facial features: northerners or southerners???
  103. Who are Albanians closer to? South Slavs or Italians?
  104. Are Czechs closer to Poles or Germans
  105. Are Serbs closer to Albanians or to Russians?
  106. Origin of the Semitic people where was it?
  107. True descendants of ancient Illyrians?
  108. Are Hungarians closer to Serbs or to Turks?
  109. Are Poles closer to Croats or Russians?
  110. Bosniaks of Nordid racial type
  111. Are Slovaks more closely related to Poles or Czechs?
  112. Do You Have Prognathism?
  113. Which one looks most Northern Italian?
  114. Most distinctive Europeans
  115. Diversity in Europeans.
  116. Are Serbs related more closely to Ukrainians or Romanians?
  117. Caucasian Avars (people in south russia)
  118. Osteuropoid?
  119. Why People identify as mixed?
  120. White Arabs
  121. What is aryan,Oval face or sharp and soft or sharp features?
  122. Over Progressiveness.
  123. Samoyedic people
  124. Pseudo-Mongoloidism in Austrians.
  125. Calabrese Italians, where do they fit?
  126. Anti-Miscegenation Laws in the United States: Choose your favourite
  127. Baltid/East-Baltid/West-Baltid, Alpine and Borreby
  128. Do you have the occipital bun?
  129. What's your head length?
  130. Northern cromagnon
  131. Is this dark indian with sharp features,Aryan?
  132. Give examples of aryan,nordid and oval face?
  133. Carpathians
  134. albanians and romanians
  135. ASI estimates Harappa
  136. Post a pics of pan Slavic faces
  137. Does envoirnment and diet have an effect on bone strcuture?
  138. Correlation between phenotypical difference and character difference?
  139. Which race has the largest breast size?
  140. Canine Teeth
  141. Examples of Taigid
  142. What was the race of the Thracians?
  143. Do necks have to do with subrace?
  144. Can Foods Change the Color of One's Skin, even slightly?
  145. EURO 2012 Composite Faces
  146. The nose will not change shape depending upon weight gain or loss.
  147. Body Type: Are you an Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph?
  148. Anthropology of the Serbs of Voivodina
  149. Aura Characteristics of the Peopling of Europe
  150. People with nieces/nephews, cousins and grandkids.. do they take after your side of the family?
  151. Estimated Racial Composition of Central European Populations
  152. Dieneke's Racial Calculator
  153. Who is White
  154. Dutch look vs the English look
  155. Hottest ethnicities in Europe: Swedes & Bosniaks
  156. Gypsies are Australoid?
  157. Most Paleo-Balkan looking people?
  158. From the Great Separation to the 21st Century
  159. Are the Sami White?
  160. No Eyelids
  161. Lost City in Canada!
  162. Forehead; Big vs Small
  163. who are the most Caucasian looking North Africans
  164. Difference between West Baltid and Baltid (NOT East Baltid)
  165. Post Lappid examples
  166. How often would you be able to distinguish an Iberian from a Greek?
  167. Which are more beautiful- baltids or alpines?
  168. Bone structure and phenotypes
  169. Kurganoid type, Balto-Cro-Magnon Examples
  170. Do Cypriots look more Greek or more Levantine?
  171. Is Light Skin really recessive?
  172. Sexual dimorphism among the Balkars of Russia
  173. Csangos
  174. Hot Latinos/Latinas
  175. Greek-Spaniard twins?
  176. Chinese possible origins.
  177. Post pan-Med phenotypes; people who can pass in every Southern European country.
  178. If borealized North Europeans are Mongoloid-influenced...
  179. Question to our Turkish members
  180. Does the African genome hold the secrets of a previously unknown species of hominid?
  181. Are Dinarids, Taurids and Armenids CM?
  182. Brokpas (Brogpas): the last pure Aryans
  183. San people
  184. Are Armenoids and Anatolids European phenotypes
  185. Difference between Eastern and Western European in terms of looks?
  186. skeletal structure among Europeans
  187. Kazakhs: What would you mistake them for?
  188. Turkish Cypriots.
  189. Borreby % and Areas in the UK
  190. Which phenotyp characterizes England
  191. Which phenotype characterizes France
  192. Which phenotype characterizes Sweden?
  193. Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina(USA)
  194. Which phenotype characterize Serbia?
  195. Denisova hominin
  196. Over-exposed gums. Do certain ethnicities have this more than others?
  197. Skull Comparison Question
  198. Why are Eurocentric posters obsessed with racial purity?
  199. Arctic Nordid examples
  200. Could Serbs looks pseudo-British?
  201. Post specific examples of non-Italians who look southern Italian/Sicilian.
  202. I have a Neolithic face...
  203. Which phenotype characterizes Czech Republic
  204. White Cubans: Where would they fit?
  205. Reconstructed faces of the crew from the ill-fated royal Swedish warship Vasa
  206. why do the Karaim look Armenoid?
  207. New Human Species Found
  208. Baloch people
  209. People of Tajikistan
  210. Phenotypically poorest ethnicities in Western Asia ?
  211. Thread: Russian Scientists Say Human Immortality Possible by 2045
  212. Neanderthals did not interbreed with Humans!
  213. Your cephalic index?
  214. Azeri people
  215. Difference Between Finnic And East Baltid
  216. Old Local Photos
  217. Mediterranid (non-)diversity
  218. Erzyans
  219. Anthropological types of Russian
  220. Who is lighter Greeks or Iberians?
  221. Atlantid-Brunn/Brunn-Atlantid examples
  222. give a female example of Armenoid with east-med influence
  223. Guess these Euro composite faces from London 2012
  224. post male and female examples of dinaric-east med combi
  225. Non-European Looking Europeans
  226. The Mediterranean race in Central Europe
  227. Human types classification by personotype
  228. Facial Progression
  229. What non-european people do you consider to be europeans racially
  230. Circassians/Pamirs Who is whiter?
  231. Which European countries have less
  232. Is CroMagnoids and Mongoloids of similar origins?
  233. Tuscans (Italians from Tuscany).
  234. is some races more masculine form others?
  235. wich fits best?
  236. Do I have the right to call myself European?
  237. Are Turks closest to Greeks, Arabs, Armenians or Kurds?
  238. Averaged faces from London 2012
  239. Shetland fiddler
  240. Galizian Examples
  241. Norwegian women
  242. Intelligence - Result of Sexual or Natural selection?
  243. Anthropometric studies, texts and collections.
  244. Chavs/Gopniks etc.
  245. People from Moldova
  246. Norwegian Mesolithic/Neolithic showdown
  247. Scottish Actresses
  248. Whats my Hair Colour?
  249. "Granhammarsmannen"(Swedish Bronze age man)
  250. The Israelis People