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  1. Anatolian Turks: Where would they fit of these choices? (Multiple choice)
  2. Can I identify as being Portuguese?
  3. Would Greeks by and large look more Armenian or Spanish/Portuguese?
  4. What is the difference between Baltid and West-Baltid?
  5. House of Stuart
  6. Mesolithic, Paleolithic and Neolithic appearance
  7. Dark Type of Slavs
  8. final knowledge, observation thread
  9. Turks of Turanid Racial Type
  10. Red hair in Britain
  11. Phenotype Haplogroups and Culture
  12. Fake or not?
  13. Who is purer semitic, jews or arabs?
  14. The Science of the Inadequate Male
  15. Classify early Homo-Sapiens/Cro_Magnon's reconstructions
  16. Study on Montenegrins (2012); About Height
  17. Racial, Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Elements in Indian Population M. K. Bhasin
  18. How I can prove Im a Real Gypsy - Descendant of Holy Mother India
  19. Greenlander
  20. French people, who overlaps the most?
  21. Greeks
  22. Georgians
  23. Would you say Juninho is pure Portuguese?
  24. Everyone should know What Kurds really are
  25. note
  26. Ethnogenesis of Gypsies (serious!)
  27. What are Southasians?
  28. Kurdish Women
  29. Professor Huxley on the Negro Question
  30. why do half europeans and....
  31. Honest Cast please
  32. Some Questions
  33. Foot shapes and types - what is yours?
  34. Facial reconstruction of Jomon (ancestors of Ainu)
  35. Facial reconstruction of Vikings
  36. Are Slavs and Meds white?
  37. IRANIANS - random Iranians
  38. Facial reconstruction of Gokturks ( original Turks )
  39. Abruzzo and Molise: Do these Italians look more Iberian or Balkan, Greek?
  40. The Real Question: Who Didn't Have Sex with Neanderthals?
  41. Albinism
  42. Bulgarians
  43. Old believers
  44. Battle of Towton 1461 ( British soldiers face reconstruction )
  45. GWAS Study of Pigmentation in Four European Countries
  46. First Indo-Europeans
  47. Ex-Yugoslavs, the other side of the Adriatic sea
  48. Why so many beautiful Women in Russia/Eastern Europe?; agree or disagree
  49. Are Whites Turkic?
  50. Iranid type
  51. India
  52. Celebrity Body Double
  53. Italian Morphotypes
  54. Question for the Brown and Black Eyed People
  55. Cromagnid Poll
  56. Face reconstruction of princess and people from Southern Ural / Sintashta culture
  57. Are Northern Indids White?
  58. Post modern celebrities with an Ancient Greek or Ancient Roman appearance.
  59. Polish Women
  60. Germanisation
  61. Black in Latin America - Brazil: A Racial Paradise
  62. Which country in Europe has the tallest people?
  63. The Massive Skulls of Cro-Magnon
  64. Swedes of TURANIC racial type
  65. What's my hair colour?
  66. Russian women
  67. Smile types - Which is yours?
  68. Does subrace determine sex drive?
  69. Morphed "city Faces"..
  70. Do swarthy Ukrainians fit better in Balkan or Caucasus?
  71. how does a übermenschen-türk look like
  72. British Islanders of TURANIC racial type
  73. Where Would You Place These People?
  74. Is your beard color lighter than your hair color?
  75. About admixtures
  76. Classify Bulgarian skier Killian Albrecht
  77. romani and rajasthani gypsies
  78. Square jawed women
  79. Do the Scottish look more English or Irish?
  80. French People
  81. would you mind
  82. Why do Albanians look more western than Serbs?
  83. Is a dolichocephalic face a Dinarid or Nordid trait
  84. In which ancient people could you fit?
  85. St Kildans
  86. Personotypes
  87. What percentage of your ethnicity until you accept someone as one of your own?
  88. American Ethnicity Racial Classification
  89. What is your hair type?
  90. The Poles
  91. white is relative concept and shouldnt be associated with europeans
  92. Why do Albanians always win over Serbs 1vs1?
  93. Northumberland...Would They Pass In Your Country?
  94. Gracile Meds
  95. can we see caucasians in real life as one race
  96. Post pics of reconstructed prehistoric people
  97. swarthy brits
  98. Fair Bulgarians
  99. Azores (Portugal)
  100. Miss Ukraine 2012 -Miss Universe - typical Ukrainian girl?
  101. Miss Slovakia 2012 -Miss Universe typical Slovak girl?
  102. Miss The Netherlands 2012- Miss Universe typical Dutch girl?
  103. Miss Estonia 2012-Miss Universe typical Estonian girl?
  104. Miss Czech 2012-Miss Universe typical Czech girl
  105. cephalic index question
  106. Miss Montenegro 2012-Miss Universe -typical girl?
  107. Spanish/Portuguese: Where are all the places they generally can fit?
  108. Bulgarians: Which of the following ethnicities have a significant overlap with us? (Multiple choice)
  109. Are Northern Europeans Barbarians?
  110. Anatolian Turks are closer to...
  111. Recognition as a subspecies
  112. PANTONE- Skin colour codes
  113. coptic people
  114. Qashqai People
  115. '100' (from 0 to 100 in 150seconds)
  116. Stereotypical faces among footballers
  117. anthropological note on southasia, what do you think?
  118. Maltese people.
  119. OTHER THAN Greece and Turkey... which ones overlap with Cypriots?
  120. What do you think about this anthropological map?
  121. Race and Body Odor
  122. How many phenotypes can combine?
  123. Are Romanians genetically closer to Romance Peoples or Slavs?
  124. The Yezidis
  125. Darkest European population
  126. Are all Cro-Magnids related?
  127. Which Country do Albanians overlap with the most?
  128. Scots-Italians
  129. Which of these 5 Catalan women look Med?
  130. Do Portuguese and Italians overlap in general
  131. Ski's and Snowshoes from Scandinavians to Native Americans
  132. whats with jews and their noses?
  133. Western European phenotypes/subraces
  134. The races of China.
  135. Wallon type
  136. The Races Of Europe, Coon: Free Download (PDF, KINDLE)
  137. Portraits of Unrelated Look-Alikes
  138. Humans from 100,000 to 6.8 million years ... (facial reconstruction)
  139. Infantile features
  140. Gracile vs. Robust
  141. Question about frizzy hair on continental europeans
  142. who are the most "hospitable" and kind people in Europe?
  143. Where do they pass better?
  144. Which phenotype characterizes Germany?
  145. Which phenotype characterizes bulgaria ?
  146. Nordid+Armenoid=Dinarid???
  147. Nordid + baltid = ??????
  148. How well can you distinguish a Frenchmen and a Spaniard?
  149. Armenians
  150. Georgians
  151. Cretan Greeks.
  152. Supposed Finnic facial flatness
  153. Who overlap more with Russians: Czechs or Bulgarians?
  154. Eastern Alpine vs Asiatic Alpine
  155. How common are Blue eyes in Portugal
  156. James Bond Phenotype?
  157. Portuguese and Galician phenotype similarity.
  158. Please classify this beautiful Bulgarian model?
  159. Black Irish
  160. Turkmen look closer to Turkish or Uyghur/Uzbeks?
  161. Which of these pictures of Maltese people is most typical?
  162. Facial reconstruction of Avars
  163. Who looks more Western/Germanic the Germans or the Dutch?
  164. Apulians (Italians from Apulia).. who overlaps most?
  165. Was Neanderthal Sexy?
  166. The People of Gibraltar?
  167. Irish 'Celtic Type'
  168. Are White People Just Albino Indians?
  169. humanphenotypes.net (former www.humanphenotypes.com)
  170. The Slavic looking Non-Slavic supermodels
  171. Ancient migration: Genes link Australia with India
  172. Northern Italian celebrities
  173. How much Mongoloid/Turkic blood do Bulgarians have?
  174. Why Spaniards are white?
  175. Portuguese eye look?
  176. Kazan Khan facial recontruction
  177. With my best intentions: The Spaniard
  178. ¿Negroid peoples in paleolithic Europe?
  179. The face of Neolithic Orkney
  180. Spaniards; Jewish self-haters?
  181. Irish People
  182. Who looks Whiter Croats or Welsh?
  183. North Atlantid/Atlantid/Atlanto-Med vs North Pontid/Pontid/East Med
  184. how accurate this map is
  185. Pictures of Vlachs
  186. syriac people pics
  187. The Scots
  188. Belarusian people
  189. Ukrainian people
  190. Do you find Balkan Slavs good looking?
  191. Hair and Eye color you have now vs when you were a child
  192. Poll: Who has bigger noses? jews or arabs?
  193. Lucanians (Italians from Basilicata)
  194. Europeans which pass as Jews
  195. Post a copy of your hands!
  196. Common phenotype in Malta?
  197. Ukrainian women
  198. Do Van Zant's fit in Netherlands?
  199. Is an aquiline nose a typical Dinarid trait?
  200. Do you think this woman look more Norwegian or Swedish?
  201. palestinian muslims pics
  202. Ancient Kyrgyz face and R1a Y-DNA
  203. Does each side of your family think you take after their side in terms of looks?
  204. Historical racism against the Irish
  205. Andalusians
  206. The most attractive sub-races of the European race
  207. Childhood-Adulthood Pigmentation
  208. Race and teeth
  209. Face reconstruction of Sarmatian
  210. British Canadians
  211. Are Caucasians With Dark Brown Eyes "Less" White Than Their Blue-Eyed "Cousins"?
  212. Swedish people
  213. Why are Albanians whiter than Iberians?
  214. does it make me racist that i am not attracted to black men
  215. Reconstruction of people with ancient culture in Siberia and Kazakhstan
  216. Finns Mongoloid originally?
  217. Jesus was a mulatto
  218. Mulattoes vs Mestizos - Which one is superior?
  219. Most Silvid Aprician?
  220. KIPCHAK ANTHROPOLOGY = Caucasoid + 33% Mongoloid admixtures.
  221. Shahsevens
  222. Anthropology of the Steppe
  223. National hero of Sweden Birger Jarl ( face reconstruction )
  224. Anthropological portraits of eastern Sámi
  225. palestinian christians pics
  226. Which ethnicities have overlap with Goral people?
  227. What is your Pupillary distance?
  228. Norway and Scotland?
  229. Samaritans (Shomronim)
  230. Serbs of TURANIC racial type
  231. Anthropological portraits of Norwegian types by Eugen Arbo
  232. Unmixed-Finn types from Finnskogen
  233. Finns
  234. Gentiles: Are You Part Jewish?
  235. Y-chromosomal evidence for a limited Greek contribution to the Pathan population of Pakistan
  236. Campanians
  237. Can you tell Ukrainians and Poles apart?
  238. How dark you can get in summer time?
  239. Irish Tavellers
  240. Which of these women have the most Mongoloid influence?
  241. What's Aryan? even Negroids, Eurasians, Mongoloid can have blue eyes, red hair, green eyes, blonde
  242. what vibe those eyes gives to you (shape and colour)
  243. Bulgars = Turkicized Samartians with Mongoloid admixture
  244. Pictures of South Slav Men
  245. Reconstruction of Golden Horde Mongoloid leaders.
  246. My collection of Scythian facial reconstruction
  247. Slovenian people
  248. Does Rita Ora look more like Rihanna or Beyonce?
  249. The Aethiopid Race Spectrum
  250. Males do you have the color of your beard : same with your hair,lighter or darker?