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  1. British & Irish people who can pass as being Scandinavian/North Eastern European
  2. Scandinavian people
  3. European-looking white non Europeans
  4. Ethnic type of the USSR
  5. Which North African country with the strongest SSA influence?
  6. Who are your closest matches from Coon?
  7. The genetic affinities of Ethiopians
  8. Poll: Largest Race on The Apricity Forum!
  9. Inuit Women
  10. The Batsbi people (Nakhs)
  11. Noble appearance
  12. could i pass in south asia ,middle east regions?
  13. Which racial types you consider friendly towards you and which hostile?
  14. Can various "mixes" of existent ethnicities produce consistently a result resembling another group?
  15. Mandaean Phenotypic Variation Thread
  16. Post a typical examples of your region.
  17. Where can you find nose number 4?
  18. Proof Shakira can pass as being Eastern European..
  19. Classify Vladimir Ivashov
  20. Sponge+starfish=clam?
  21. Algerians : do you consider these Caucasoids or not?
  22. Alpinid/Alpinoid/Alpinization Theories.
  23. Is it true Italians look German/Austrian?
  24. How many racial influences are involved in such look?
  25. Race Is More Than Skin Deep
  26. Difference between Mediterranid and Near Eastern anthropological
  27. Overall look Bulgarian
  28. Which Southern Europeans are most inaccurately stereotyped as swarthy?
  29. Arabid, Iranid
  30. What comes to mind when you think of these Ethnicities?
  31. Have Southern Europeans gotten lighter or darker since antiquity?
  32. What is the difference between West Baltid with other blends?
  33. Blond Hair and Dark/Brown Eyes
  34. The Nordish Are Coming!
  35. Armenoid examples
  36. Lithuanian Women
  37. Lithuanian Men
  38. The bruenn type
  39. For Greeks, Balkaners, Italians, Turks: What did you get on Racial Analysis Calculator?
  40. Has sense to think that one race has male with more textosterone? If it does, wich one?
  41. Most and least über mensch Amerinds
  42. Are the old anthropologists' texts reliable? (SPLIT: from "Sicilian people")
  43. Do North African+ European Mixes tend to look more European or North African ?
  44. Which modern day people best approximate the appearance of the Carthaginians?
  45. The Proto-West Asian 'Look'
  46. Which modern people resemble Thracians and Ilyrians most?
  47. Bulgarian citizens in Spain
  48. Armenians from Bulgaria
  49. Rank the Regions of your Country from the Lightest to Darkest
  50. Germanic influence in Estonia and Latvia
  51. Are the inland or coastal regions of your country darker pigmented?
  52. Occitania
  53. Scots Canadians & Americans
  54. Classify dark suspect Scot?
  55. How do know a Hallstat Nordic?
  56. How do I know a north atlantid?
  57. What would be the pan North East European look?
  58. Pan Central European looks
  59. People with somewhat dark brown hair and blue spots and flecks around pupils - foreign influence?
  60. Cold weather = Brachycephalic?
  61. Italians - not your usual thread
  62. A question about "Brünns".
  63. Mongolians: Which of the "well-known" Asian groups do they look closest to?
  64. My confusion on identifying Nordics.
  65. Which face or faces are the most Kosovar looking in your experience?
  66. The Irish are closer to Germans or to Iberians?
  67. i have two questions about romas
  68. southern europeans
  69. Alpinids, what do you think is their origin?
  70. Dinarids are the real superior race!!!
  71. What country is the most Jewish?
  72. Are you more adapted to heat or cold?
  73. Difference between Borreby and West-Baltid
  74. Some questions about the Aryans
  75. Afro hair in the Caucasus
  76. Swiss People what is typical.
  77. Pigmentation of the Roman, and Byzantine Emperors
  78. most common phenotype in europe?
  79. The East Great Russians
  80. Which Middle Eastern country with the strongest SSA influence ?
  81. Why don't native Americans go bald?
  82. What Alexander the Great looked like
  83. Ethnicities you would not mind getting mistaken for?
  84. Ethnicities with close-together eyes versus far spaced eyes.
  85. What difference between W. Asian and SW. Asian ?
  86. Which ethnic groups have significant overlap with Bulgarians?
  87. Who is whiter ? Levantines, Turk or Iranians ?
  88. What non white admixture do aldbanians have the most?
  89. Who in general looks closest to far southern Italians -- Portuguese, Bulgarians, or Lebanese?
  90. what's your skin type?
  91. How do Celtic people look ?
  92. Which Sub-Race is most common in Scandinavia?
  93. Hungarian kings from the Árpád dynasty. (facial reconstruction)
  94. Older pictures of Native Americans from the US
  95. Welsh People
  96. Breton Images
  97. English people, who overlaps the most?
  98. Now... are Turks still whiter than Lebanese , Iranians , Syrians , Palestinians , Jordan ?
  99. Karels/Karelians/Karjalaižet
  100. Post Mixed Race people
  101. The Comb Ceramic culture
  102. What are Ethiopians genetically? Vote your best guess.
  103. What is Middle East country most diversified ? (phenotypically)
  104. how big are the differences within whites?
  105. Are Azeris turks WHITER than Lebanese , Iranians , Syrians , Palestinians , Jordan ?
  106. The Gist of "Cro Magnon" Man?
  107. Egyptians phenotypically closer more Middle Easterners or Maghrebians ?
  108. Classify or give your thoughts to this ancient profile
  109. Does she look Albanian?
  110. Are Brits/Germans closer to Russians/Poles or Spanards/Italians?
  111. Which continental Europeans can pass in Ireland? (Multiple choice)
  112. Which European countries/regions can Georgians fit in?
  113. Are Levantines whiter than Iranians ?
  114. 18 Candidates for Miss Schweiz 2013
  115. The 'Whitest Levantines': Cypriots, Are they White? They're the closest ME group to Europeans
  116. Paleo Europeans
  117. Do these politicians look '' yugoslav''? Personally I do not think so.
  118. whos whiter, iranians or jews
  119. Phenotypical Differences between Euro descended Canadians and Americans
  120. Haplogroup I Only - Height Poll
  121. South Asian admixture = ?
  122. Ultraviolet light reveals how ancient Greek statues really looked
  123. Breton people, who overlaps the most ?
  124. Blacks superior race??
  125. Butt dimples: Do you have them?
  126. Lebanese: Which European countries/regions do they fit in? Multiple choice.
  127. The Anthropological Study of Finland; by Bertil Lundman
  128. Who is lighter Pigmented? Spaniards, or Ashkenazi Jews?
  129. Which Actress Is More Caucasoid
  130. PONTid , ARMENoid , ALPinid , BASKid etc.
  131. Why Yemenis have South Asian admixture ?
  132. Cornish
  133. What were the original Turkics racially?
  134. How many people in this photo have blonde hair?
  135. Sicilian parlamentarians
  136. Are the Japanese part Australoid?
  137. Why do some Mexicans look pseudo-West Asian?
  138. Who looks Whiter. Bjork or Penelope Cruz
  139. Habala tribe of Hadramaut and Najran Southern Arabia
  140. Which a strongest SSA influence between Egypt, Morocco, Puerto Rico and Yemen ?
  141. The Ainu of Japan
  142. Southern Europeans with the weakest Nordic influence?
  143. Which of these three peoples look closest to Bulgarians?
  144. Out of Africa migration and coexpansion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  145. With whom Iranians overlap the most ?
  146. Eye Colors
  147. Mexican don't look Asian despite being
  148. When Did The Persians Admix To Become Non-White?
  149. Who is a good representative of the Caucasoid component in Ethiopians? Post examples.
  150. Denial? Russian prince was part Mongoloid
  151. How many of ethnic Swedes are naturally Blond/e?
  152. Where, besides Balkan peninsula, can Albanians pass as not foreign looking?
  153. North Albanians or Gheg Albanians:
  154. Guess Ethnicity
  155. What is the origin of blue eyes and light skin? Paleolithic or Neolithic?
  156. Ashkenazi Jews, and part Ashkenazi Jews with no Semitic influence
  157. 5 Portuguese Women - Where can they fit?
  158. Vote: who is the least Caucasoid when mixed with Negroid, South Indian, Mongoloid
  159. Where can These Bretons Fit, outside France?
  160. Breton Man
  161. Classify Molly Ringwold
  162. Some Breton Men
  163. GUESS: Welsh or Portuguese
  164. Mordvins
  165. Races
  166. Afghan/North Indian Punjab/Persian examples
  167. Turkish look according to you.
  168. Welsh or Portuguese males - GUESS
  169. Who is whiter, and more Nordic? Finns, or Estonians
  170. Italian Basketball team 2013
  171. CLASSIFY These Gascon Women
  172. British and Portuguese non-indigenous types - CLASSIFY
  173. Classify Sergei Pareiko
  174. Coon's plates, morphed and colored
  175. Religion can often be deceiving.
  176. How do you define racially people in these photos?
  177. What exactly do Pontic Greeks look like?
  178. Are Caucasoid people closed to Mongoloids or Negroids?
  179. Who is whiter ? Puerto Ricans or Egyptians ?
  180. The first Europeans were black? ?
  181. Areas of Europe where Nordid, Cromagnid, Mediterranid, and Dinarid overlap
  182. What height is considered tall for a woman?
  183. Who Are The Romanians Closer To?
  184. What race are Polynesians?
  185. What do you think about the Berbers?
  186. Argentina vs United States: Which county is more European genetically/phenotypically/culturally
  187. Southern Italians more Armenoid or Dinarid influenced?
  188. Faces - USA
  189. Post actors that have portrayed your ethnic group on TV and Film
  190. Dutch have more recessed chins than other Germanics?
  191. Who is whiter Riffians, Turks or Caucasus people ?
  192. 40 Flaxen Facts About Blonde Hair
  193. Gingers and Titians, 38 Red Hair and Redhead Facts
  194. Is the Cro-Magnon man turkish?
  195. Greek look according to you.
  196. Sicilian look according to you.
  197. Who is whiter ? Mexicans or Yemenis ?
  198. Wich looking more caucasoid ?
  199. Why paki are darker than Northern Indians ?
  200. How different do Albanians and Greeks look?
  201. Debunking : Caucasoid red haired mummies in Peru and America including the blonde ones
  202. Polish look according to you
  203. The Iraqi Jews
  204. Vote; Which footballers look the most (typical) Polish from your personal experience?
  205. Mongoloid racial types
  206. Who is whiter ? Argentinians or Iranians ?
  207. Who is closer ?
  208. How look like people from Finland, more western or eastern Europeans?
  209. Who looks the most different of the three: Ukrainians, Serbs, or (mainland) Greeks?
  210. Who look the most different of the three: Sicilians, Ashkenazi Jews, or Greeks?
  211. Australoid racial types
  212. What difference between Med, South Med and Berberid ?
  213. Classify pretty Zeynep Degirmencioglu
  214. The danubian type
  215. The most Germanic looking West Slavic country in your opinion?
  216. Negroid racial types
  217. Is an ethnicity stronger through a mother or father's side?
  218. Ainu closest relatives: Amerindians?
  219. What are Yemenite Jews?
  220. Iranians closer Arabs or Indians ?
  221. Al Jubur Bedouin tribe of Northern Iraq
  222. Nigerians
  223. Where do Poles from Wrocław / Lower Silesia fit better or best?
  224. Riffians have ssa or not ?
  225. Greek Islanders: Where do they fit best generally?
  226. Who is whiter ? Central Asian or North African people ?
  227. What is the difference between Alpine and Cromagnid? Please post examples.
  228. Russians-what racial types do they have?
  229. is there anything as pure dinarids or atlantid, are we all mixes
  230. Why do some people take a religion as a race
  231. Who is whiter to you -- a mulatto or an Armenian?
  232. Who is whiter ? Puerto Norwegians or Swedes?
  233. These Thais look Dravidian or Negrito appearance?
  234. Most common physical type in Iberia; Gracile Med, Atlanto-Med, or Atlantid?
  235. Who do you think Bulgarians resemble more, Slovenes or Sicilians?
  236. Post examples of strongly Neanderthal-influenced/looking people
  237. spanish people
  238. Physical anthropology for dummies (iberians)
  239. Dark Featured Germans
  240. Light or Very light featured germans.
  241. Which is the most common southern Italian "racial" type: Atlanto-Med, Dinaro-Med, East Med etc?
  242. Free course on Human Evolution
  243. Post pics of Paleo-Atlantid examples
  244. Balkan stronk
  245. Who is whiter acevedoricky or kidmulat
  246. who is more european: greeks/italians vs northcaucasians
  247. What is the fhenotype of this guy
  248. Who have the most Phoenician ancestry outside of Lebanon?
  249. Are North Caucasians are white?
  250. Classify Two Brothers from Tetova