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  1. Anthropological vs. Personal Taxonomy
  2. The Nordish Race
  3. Race Differences Are Real
  4. Progressive vs. Primitive Traits Checklist
  5. Who were the first Americans?
  6. The Paleolithic link of the Nordic race
  7. In Search of the Missing Stone Age Tribes
  8. Bell Beaker examples
  9. The Saami (aka Lapps)
  10. Anthrosource
  11. Some Plates
  12. Earlobes
  13. Criticism of Karl Earlson
  14. Neolithic Medicine
  15. Noses
  16. Guidelines for Racial Classifications
  17. Female Exemplars
  18. Effects of thyroid conditions on the face
  19. Eyeshape
  20. Neanderthals Lacked Projectile Weapons
  21. Why are East Asians better at math?
  22. Agrippa on Natural Selection
  23. Norwegians
  24. Member eye Colour
  25. Did races emerge before homo sapiens evolved?
  26. Middle Eastern Anthropology
  27. Nose Size thread:
  28. Otzi Goes 3D and Interactive.
  29. `Exotic` Looking Brits
  30. If Humans Were...
  31. Hair color thread...
  32. Contemporary anthropology
  33. Gothic princess
  34. Anglo-Saxon princess
  35. Causes of Brachycephalization and Occiputal flattening common amongst Alpinoids.
  36. Uyghurs
  37. Artist's guide to human types. (large images)
  38. # European Heights (males) in the Early 18th Century
  39. Gingers
  40. An old but interesting article
  41. Dutch
  42. Gypsies (aka Romas)
  43. Question about Caucasian morphological variation
  44. Racial/ethnic differences in male pattern baldness
  45. Face Symmetry
  46. Ida: The missing link.
  47. Europid Racial differences in ageing?
  48. Which nation would you physically fit in with the best?
  49. Tans...
  50. Barack Obama
  51. Body somatypes
  52. Facial Pockmarks in Germans
  53. Epicanthic fold
  54. Orangutans May Be Closest Human Relatives, Not Chimps
  55. Curly hair
  56. raising the girl-child with phenotype/genotype awareness
  57. Sarakatsani- The most ancient people of Europe
  58. Guanches of Canary Islands
  59. hair/eye color and phenotype
  60. Hermann Gauch's New Foundations of Racial Science (1934)
  61. How do you define "swartiness"
  62. Is beauty only skin deep?
  63. Greeks
  64. Cromagnid versus Aurignacid
  65. Race and Physical Activity
  66. South Americans
  67. The spanish and the basque
  68. Bruenn derived from Bruenn of Sweden?
  69. Face Research.
  70. Why Why
  71. The Welsh
  72. I attempted an illustrated reconstruction of the British Neolithic Long Barrow Skull:
  73. Hobbits walked out of Africa
  74. White Europeans evolved only ‘5,500 years ago’
  75. Ripley's The Races of Europe look alikes on The Apricity:
  76. Dutch stature in detail
  77. Fair Afghans
  78. The people of Brittany.
  79. Frequency of Epicanthus in Some European Populations
  80. Neanderthals - the hairy carnivore that ate our ancestors
  81. Is craniometry scientific?
  82. Cavalli Sforza and Ernst Mayr on Human races
  83. Can't tell the difference between...
  84. Friesland (NL)
  85. 'Ardi:' 4.4 Million-Year-Old Fossil is Oldest Human Ancestor
  86. Ardi's Secret: Did Early Humans Start Walking for Sex?
  87. "Balkanoids"
  88. Hairy & Anthropology
  89. Modern man 'a wimp', says anthropologist
  90. Caucasoid skull?
  91. Borreby and Baltid
  92. The importance of upper lip length
  93. Neanderthals ‘had sex’ with modern man
  94. Human Evolution: Are Humans Still Evolving?
  95. Children of the Great Bear
  96. Clarification
  97. Classify guy in Ireland
  98. What type would you think his mother is?
  99. Similarity with parents
  100. Chinese Challenge to ‘Out of Africa’ Theory
  101. Russian soccer team
  102. May I ask a question?
  103. Iberians
  104. Atlantid examples
  105. At what age...
  106. Do Alpinids have square face?
  107. What does a basic racial typology describe in Europe?
  108. Eyebrow question
  109. Extreme blondes
  110. Nazi Germany Nordic Beauty Ideal
  111. On Nordic Types
  112. Was your ancestor a cannibal?
  113. Swiss composite faces, the basic types of Western Central Europe
  114. Nikolaus Kopernikus Was a German
  115. Is this map accurate?
  116. Anthropological Portraits of the Sámi People by Roland Bonaparte
  117. Did We Mate Or Murder Neanderthals?
  118. Neanderthal 'make-up' discovered
  119. The Racial types of South Norway
  120. Anthropological portraits from Setesdal in Aust-Agder, Norway. The Schreinerske Collection.
  121. On Turkey and the Turks
  122. Western Swedes
  123. Danes
  124. Mythbusting-Myths about Finns
  125. Pictures of Pennsylvania Germans(or Pennsylvania Dutch)
  126. Neanderthal
  127. Homo Sapiens 1900
  128. Romanians
  129. Stone Age surgery: 7000 year old amputation
  130. Galicians (Northwest Spain)
  131. Skeleton of Western man found in ancient Mongolian tomb
  132. Morphthing
  133. Grumpiness is a sign of advanced civilisation
  134. Francis Galton Father of Evolutionary Psychology
  135. The Virtues of Eugenics And Racial Hygiene
  136. What is the difference between Nordics and Nordids?
  137. Sicilians
  138. The Sámi people
  139. Swedes
  140. Recommendations for Nordish Anthropology books?
  141. Why some longtime lovers look alike
  142. Finnish people
  143. Icelanders
  144. East Nordid
  145. Germans
  146. Aurignacoids vs Cro-Magnoids?
  147. Tatars
  148. The people of the British Isles.
  149. Questions: Southern Cromagnoids(Berberids and peripheral types)
  150. The Pennsylvania Dutch
  151. "Gracile CroMagnid"
  152. Eye Types
  153. What exactly is a borreby?
  154. Are Thick Lips Belong to Slavic People?
  155. Hutsuls
  156. When did the first 'modern' human beings appear in the Iberian Peninsula?
  157. North American Indians
  158. Misael Bañuelos - Antropología actual de los Españoles
  159. (Split) Swarthism/blondism in Russia/Norway/Finland
  160. Anthropology of the Modern Slavic peoples, V.D. Dyachenko
  161. New Hominid Shares Traits With Homo Species
  162. “X-Woman” coexisted with Neanderthals and modern humans 40,000 years ago
  163. Edit Racial Core of Europe
  164. The Incredible Human Journey
  165. Gents, what chest hair 'pattern' do you have?
  166. The Marvels of DNA Testing
  167. Classify and guess nationality
  168. Men developed thicker foreheads and jaws due to fighting over women
  169. Blue-eyed brunette vs Brown-eyed blonde
  170. Face of Stirling Castle warrior reconstructed
  171. Pre-Proto-Indo-European?
  172. How Do You Classify?
  173. Reduced Armenids - Their Traits and History, Particularly in the Jewish People
  174. Why Do Blacks Have Palms That Are Light Skinned?
  175. Convex Noses Semetic?
  176. Where Do I Get My Canine Teeth From?
  177. What Is Gonial Inversion?
  178. The Dinaric?
  179. My Theory On Penis Size Of Caucasians?
  180. The Chinese Aryan?
  181. The Bashkirs
  182. Neo-Danubian, Ladogan, etc.
  183. Classify Me, please
  184. Physical Anthropology of Neanderthal Man
  185. Archaeologists Say They Have Found What May Be Gladiator Graveyard in Northern England
  186. What Are Steepled Nasals?
  187. Where Do I Get My Gigantic Incisors From?
  188. Variability of the Upper Palaeolithic skulls from Predmosti near Parav
  189. Back to the Origins of Typology
  190. Kven people and Forest Finns
  191. I am Euro Man
  192. Happy Birthday Carleton Coon.
  193. Differences between Finnish and European reference values for pulmonary diffusing capacity
  194. Humans Have a Mighty Bite, New Research Shows
  195. Separation Between Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens Might Have Occurred 500,000 Years Earlier
  196. Caucasian Middle eastern peoples
  197. Someone explain to me...
  198. New Evidence Unearthed Regarding Early Humans Of The British Isles.
  199. Journal of Archaeology, Ethnology, and Anthropology of Eurasia
  200. Modern Races
  201. Origin of the Alpinids?
  202. The Tydal type
  203. Ancient peoples of the British Isles
  204. Ancestry of Friend
  205. Spanish Football National Team
  206. Italian national football team
  207. Serbian National sqaud in teh Football
  208. Possible neanderthal traces
  209. Race of the ancient Romans?
  210. Italians
  211. Nordid Origins in Poland?
  212. How Africans may differ from Westerners:Morality and Abstract Thinking
  213. Are North Pontid similiar to North Atlantid ?
  214. Origin of Dalo-Falid sub-race
  215. Alpines and Lapps
  216. On human self-domestication, psychiatry, and eugenics
  217. Turanids...
  218. Karakachani - ancient thracians all over again
  219. Top 10 most common phenotypes in your area
  220. Classify the Overman from "I Am Legend"
  221. North Pontid Type
  222. Prognathism
  223. Anthropology of Italy - one of the most complex
  224. Old prison Mugshots from Botsfengslet in Oslo, Norway
  225. Eugen Arbo's mongoloid types and Ripley's Teutonics
  226. The Kalash people of the Hindu Kush
  227. Who of these guys could fit in your country?
  228. Anthropological Taxonomy as Pseudoscience
  229. Curiosity: europid progression in a race-mixed lineage
  230. Hitler a Jew?
  231. Estonians
  232. Southern Italians and stereotypes
  233. Are Norwegians the most Cro-Magnon?
  234. Any Famous Atlanto-Meds, or Dalo-faelids?
  235. Could you post a picture of Atlantid type
  236. Khwit the son of Zana the supposed Abakhazian Neanderthal
  237. How mongoloid are Slavs?
  238. The Poles (The people of Poland & Diaspora)
  239. What ancient Slavic look like ?
  240. 9000 year old Norwegian skull "The Lady from the Sea"
  241. "What determines the sex of your child", and racial reemergence
  242. Pontid Mediterranid
  243. Which Phenotype is more likely to...
  244. The Atlantids
  245. Baltid (proper) type
  246. Which direction does your hair whorl go?
  247. Differences between Dinaroid and Keltic?
  248. Translation of Deniker
  249. Stone tools 'change migration story'
  250. What is difference between Nordid and Mediterranean ?