View Full Version : Belgium

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  1. How Belgium Has Gone 621 Days Without a Government
  2. André Flahaut (PS) propose d'interdire formellement le salut nazi
  3. Belgian police officer made Nazi salute in cell of man who died
  4. Portraits of Belgian families
  5. Traditional shrimp fishing with horses in Oostduinkerke:
  6. Belgium ex-king's love child seeks royal rights and titles
  7. Belgium’s Prime Minister on the fifth position in the 2020 list of the ’50 most Influential Jews’
  8. Outrage after car brandishing Nazi symbols joins Vlaams Belang protest
  9. Horror in Belgium! First transgender minister in Europe
  10. België levert Baskische verdachte uit aan Spanje
  11. Frankrijk bestrijdt islamisme, België islamkritiek”
  12. Vlaams Belang member ousted after honouring Nazi soldier on Armistice Day
  13. Bruxelles : un eurodéputé et des diplomates interpellés au milieu d’une partouze homosexuelle géante
  14. Clownvid : la fermeture des commerces en Belgique, une mesure « psychologique »
  15. Terreur sanitaire totale : une mère de famille lynchée chez elle par une quinzaine de flics (vidéo)
  16. Worden wij wijzer van de Vlamingen? • Z zoekt uit
  17. Heeft België nog een toekomst? | Terzake
  18. Belgians in Argentina
  19. 4 février 1933 : parution du 1er numéro de « Vlan », journal du rexisme
  20. Flemish socialist leader Conner Rousseau wants to prohibit some people from having children
  21. Riot in Liege leaves nine injured and businesses plundered
  22. Defence: About 30 suspected neo-Nazi soldiers are under surveillance
  23. Jürgen Conings, tireur d’élite de l’armée belge, entre en résistance contre le gouvernement
  24. Manhunt in Belgium
  25. "I hope Flanders will be reunified with the Netherlands"
  26. Congolese regering richt commissie op voor terugkeer van erfgoed
  27. Belgium promises the return of Congolese artifacts looted during its colonial rule
  28. Dinant
  29. Belgian politician wants Belgium to be the first country prohibiting e-commerce
  30. Belgian politician doesn’t want to be alone for Valentine’s Day
  31. Call for Brussels statue to be melted and made into memorial for Congo victims
  32. Belgian car shop owner won’t serve Jews, claims Israel supports Russia
  33. Le buste de l’ancien bourgmestre Roger Nols au centre des débats à Schaerbeek
  34. Belgium’s language divide: Many young Walloons do not speak Dutch
  35. The original spa
  36. The St Bavo Abbey ruins of Ghent
  37. The Oudenaarde battlefield
  38. Colonial statue of Émile Storms removed from Ixelles
  39. Lion’s Mound ‘very probably’ contains human remains
  40. Brussels Parliament wants 8 May to be legal and paid holiday
  41. The strange Eben-Ezer tower
  42. Flanders to allow shooting of 'problematic' wolves with paintball guns
  43. Belgium becoming a narco-State
  44. Belgian/Dutch enclaves
  45. Meanwhile, in Brussels…
  46. Despite previous racism controversies, Aalst Carnival participants don blackface
  47. Colonial statues in Halle given 'critical interpretation' but not removed
  48. Great replacement conspiracy: Protesters call for far-right debate at KU Leuven to be scrapped
  49. How Belgium Became the Cocaine Capital of the World
  50. Vlaams Belang and N-VA race to the bottom in anti-woke attack
  51. LGBT Shut Down By Muslims.
  52. Young Belgian boy being humiliated and hit by immigration
  53. How Belgian Biplane Pilots Bravely Fought the Luftwaffe in 1940
  54. What Happened to the Old Belgian Flag?
  55. Tensions between Dutch and French speakers paralyse the High Council of Justice
  56. Belgium in the EU
  57. Where are most spanish living in Belgium ?