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  1. Being ignored is WORSE than being bullied: Ostracism is more psychologically damaging, claim experts
  2. Antidepressants - are they harmful?
  3. Elliot Rodger, like nearly all young killers, was taking psychiatric drugs (Xanax)
  4. The new breed of video games that turn players into psychopaths
  5. Benefits of meditation?
  6. Accurate Personality Test
  7. Relationship Test
  8. Do you have road rage?
  9. Pornography addiction, a crippling sickness
  10. Six Thinking Hats. (Please choose one of the six thinking hats)
  11. Psychology: Why do Muslims sometimes become more criminal when there are many together?
  12. Sleep Sex - Documentary
  13. The Myth of Mental Illness. We’re responsible for our actions, as Thomas Szasz showed
  14. Alex Bellos on how number psychology shapes our lives
  15. Big boys don’t cry BUT deep down they’re more emotional than women, according to new study
  16. Are Lemons Fast Or Slow?
  17. Anyone red pill here? I invite the best of you!
  18. Having no or little social life isn't as bad as people think
  19. People Who Seem Nice All the Time: Psychologists Have Uncovered a Troubling Feature
  20. This is What Happens to Your Body When You're In Love ... And Angry ... And Sad.
  21. Some people prefer painful shocks to being alone with their thoughts
  22. 15 Reasons Why Your Haters Hate You
  23. WTF???? 'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'
  24. Common and recurring behavioural types
  25. 10 Weird Ways Your Brain Is Tricking You
  26. 123test.com career test
  27. What's your digit ratio?
  28. 10 Easy Ways To Recognize Liars
  29. Percentage of inferiority complexed members in Apricity
  30. 75 Years In The Making: Harvard Just Released Its Epic Study On What Men Need To Live A Happy Life
  31. Why the Myers-Briggs test is totally meaningless
  32. Top 10 Evil Human Experiments
  33. Muslim childrens want's to kill Jews
  34. Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale Test
  35. Combat Stress Among Veterans Is Found to Persist Since Vietnam
  36. Higher IQs, the beautiful ones or the ugly ones?
  37. Playing as black: Avatar race affects white video game players
  38. Handwriting Analysis
  39. Trouble with bipolar family members
  40. What's your "color IQ"/How well can you distinguish colors?
  41. Sometimes I hate being a man....
  42. Why are humans altruistic?
  43. ***Importance of parental figures
  44. Wog on wog crime
  45. Apricity complex
  46. Has Milgram been misunderstood?
  47. Shared Pain Brings People Together
  48. Schizophrenia Revealed To Be 8 Genetically Distinct Disorders
  49. How to talk to introverts?
  50. New Age Pacification vs. Self-Preservation
  51. Human Consciousness and the “Battered Citizen Syndrome”
  52. What mental disorder do you have?
  53. What or who scares you most in life? (movie, animal, person, situation, phobia...)
  54. Some People Really Can Taste The Rainbow
  55. Religion and Schizophrenia
  56. What's your ''PANAMATH'' 'score'??
  57. Why Don't Russians Smile?
  58. 6 Traits Of People Who Live Peaceful Lives (They Might Surprise You)
  59. Why the Moon messes with your head
  60. New brain exercises teach people to see letters as colours
  61. Bem Sex Role Inventory
  62. Mental Rotation test
  63. Answering Emails After Work Is Bad For Your Health
  64. Stroop test
  65. The bias fighters
  66. Racists have lower IQ
  67. Monogamy gene found in humans.
  68. For Teenage Brains, the Importance of Continuing to Learn Deeply
  69. Analysis: “Psychological Consequences of Islam’s Views on Women”
  70. Libertarians have the highest IQs
  71. The decline of fatherhood and the male identity crisis
  72. Healing homosexuality
  73. How-often-do-you-really-need-to-shower
  74. Fat People
  75. The craziness that is going on inside your teenager's head
  76. Study: Excessive Selfies Indicate Psychopathy
  77. How "You" Are You?
  78. 10 Amazing Examples of Mind Over Matter
  79. Highly Miserable People: Their 14 habits
  80. Arbitrary pluralization
  81. The socialist brain of a liberal democrat
  82. Is there any difference between cromagnid psychology and more leptomorphic psychology?
  83. What does my dream mean?
  84. Do you consider yourself "Special"?
  85. Implanting false memories
  86. How to survive a disaster
  87. Study shows ease of inducing false confessions
  88. Male VS Female sexual assault victim openness
  89. Lack of Empathy = Bad person ?
  90. Which of the 8 kinds of intelligence do you have?
  91. Are you special?
  92. The Century of the Self
  93. How to break out of your routines
  94. Eye-contact?
  95. The Sound of Intellect: Job Seeker's Voice Reveals Intelligence
  96. Rohrschach test
  97. Are humans getting cleverer?
  98. Could our ancestors see blue? Ancient civilisations didn't perceive the colour because they didn't
  99. Sydney psychologist banned as he encouraged a woman to have sex with a dog
  100. Dark Triad test
  101. Psychopath Vs. Sociopath
  102. From Death Anxiety to Death Acceptance
  103. The Proust Questionnaire
  104. Carefully timed questions can bias moral decisions
  105. 25 Struggles Only ENFPs Will Understand
  106. Inventor of ADHD Confesses ADHD is Fictitious
  107. Internet gossip: Why are people so mean to each other online?
  108. 75% Of Hipster Beards Compensating For Lack Of Personality
  109. Coddled kids paying high price: expert
  110. Internet Searches Create Illusion of Personal Knowledge, Research Finds
  111. From Humbug! to Humble: The Power of the Scrooge Effect
  112. Anxious? Consider Invisibility
  113. You can change your personality at will
  114. The surprising downsides of being clever
  115. Why you can't stay motivated
  116. The Definition Of Hell For Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type
  117. The Simple Logical Puzzle That Shows How Illogical People Are
  118. Debunking the myths of OCD
  119. The Brains of Women and Men Really Are Different
  120. Objective Morality - does it exist?
  121. SAT scores and Music Preference
  122. Homophobia.
  123. Personality Test: Big 30
  124. Are YOU a ‘super recogniser’?
  125. Subliminal Messages!!!
  127. The Behavioural Immune System
  128. Goldberg's Depression Test
  129. What is a Superiority Complex?
  130. Current Mood
  131. PCL-R Test.
  132. Does semen control a woman's behaviour? Exposure may affect genes, hormones and fertility, research
  133. how to gain a more positive grateful mindset
  134. Chris Langan, what is your opinion about him?
  135. 23 Emotions We All Feel But Don't Know The Names Of.
  136. Student's Haunting Self-Portraits Inside Psychiatric Hospital
  137. New Study Explains Why You Frequently Don’t Know Which Day Of The Week It Is
  138. The Perception of Colour
  139. Psychedelic animated movies, creepy scenes in cartoons etc
  140. Are we born with a moral core?
  141. Artist Suffering From Anxiety Draws Mental Illnesses As Real Monsters
  142. Sexual differences between Men and Women explained
  143. New study finds lazy people more intelligent
  144. consciousness explained
  145. How To Be Happy
  146. homo domesticus - the self tamed human
  147. Globalization: The Age of Psychological Neoteny
  148. Cambridge Face Memory Test.
  149. The World's Most Deranged Man
  150. sport = a substitute for war
  151. The pyscological difference between liberals and conservatives
  152. Gays posing as women: People making fake profiles
  153. Men feel comfy expressing feelings?
  154. Why do men kill themselves much more frequently than women do?
  155. Powerful Depictions Of Mental Illness That Will Hurt Your Heart
  156. 🍇 Sour Grapes Disclosure Thread 🐺
  157. A Nightmare Machine generates the scariest images ever
  158. Uncanny valley
  159. Test you awareness!
  160. Dream Analysis
  161. The rotating mask illusion
  162. Narcissistic Personality Quiz
  163. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  164. 🚫 No Body's Perfect 🚫
  165. Anti-Social Behaviors
  166. Lüscher Color Test
  167. Subliminal messages
  168. The cult of compulsory happiness is ruining our workplaces
  169. Recluse
  170. ASMR videos
  171. Extroversion Introversion Test
  172. Magnetic brain stimulation can bring back stowed memories
  173. How many of your are lowly empathic but highly moral?
  174. Machiavelli’s Advice for Nice Guys
  175. Do you see yourself as Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert?
  176. What's the best age to take an IQ test?
  177. Why It’s a Good Idea to Fight With Your Co-workers Sometimes
  178. Why people hold grudges, sometimes for the most insigficant reasons?
  179. State your major character flaws...
  180. Love to women is just narcissism
  181. Why do we see so many different things in Rorschach ink blots?
  182. does anyone here wish to be of a different sex?
  183. Starving women of the attention they crave?
  184. Rate your current state of happiness 1-10
  186. Are you lonely? One in eight people say they have no close friends
  187. Have scientists found proof of life after death?
  188. How to get a super-sized memory in 40 days
  189. Human Biodiversity and Criminality | Dr. Brian Boutwell and Stefan Molyneux (VIDEO)
  190. I figured out women
  191. Are you alpha, beta, gamma, delta or omega?
  192. The Mandela Effect
  193. Social Identity Theory: Sports Affiliation and Self-Esteem
  194. i feel very lonely. help
  195. The five universal laws of human stupidity
  196. anyone here suffers from mental illness ?
  197. Facts on psychopathy (criminology)
  198. are isis terrorists sociopaths/psychopaths ?
  199. anyone here suffers from mental chillness ?
  200. this video got me tear in the eyes . how can anybody do such things ?
  201. Boredom breeds creativity
  202. To Be Resilient, Don’t Be Too Virtuous
  203. Why people will follow you if you speak confidently (even if what you're saying is nonsense)
  204. Top 5 highest IQ occupations?....
  205. Tips for finding motivation with depression
  206. 13 Comics on How You Change Within 100 days
  207. (NSFW) ‘Manhood: The Bare Reality’: 100 Men Had Their Penises Photographed To Explore Masculinity
  209. Are those with anti-social personality disorder( psychopaths/sociopaths )Superior?
  210. Verbal vs nonverbal
  211. Helping Those Who Hoard
  212. Jerusalem Syndrome: weird psychological disorder that affects tourists in the Holy City
  213. 10 mistakes that make people use you
  214. Romani Gypsy IQ
  215. 6 Child Behavior Problems That Are Parents’ Fault
  216. 10 Signs You're' Stuck in a Toxic Relationship
  217. Psychologists have identified the kind of emotional intelligence that makes internet trolls so mean
  218. The Stanford Prison Experiment: Inside the twisted experiment that turned students into evil sadists
  219. Polish girl crying because dream-Finns turned out to be cold psychotic fucks
  220. Feeling lost in cities during night
  221. Study Finds People Are Morally Outraged by Those Who Decide Not to Have Kids
  222. What colour do you associate with the word "grudge"?
  223. Average IQ of students by college major
  224. Crazy theory on attraction
  225. does life get worse with age?
  226. How extreme isolation warps the mind
  227. Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
  228. Agree to Disagree – Is it Really Worth an Argument?
  229. The warning signs that you need to develop your emotional intelligence
  230. Trypophobia? What do you think of these pictures?
  231. There is no consistent self.
  232. Teenagers Are Avoiding Sex, Alcohol, And Driving Like Never Before, Says New Study
  233. Extended Adolescence: When 25 Is the New 18
  234. Are you a cognitive miser?
  235. i am addicted to music , is it weird?
  236. Can a job title can change your behaviour?
  237. How to tell if other people think you're attractive, according to science
  238. People Who Take Gym Selfies Have Psychological Problems
  239. New study backs up reports of near-death experiences, claiming that consciousness continues to work
  240. The benefit of being a psychopath
  241. Have You Ever Been A Patient In A Psychiatric Hospital ?
  242. Four-Temperament Ensemble
  243. How tooth position and damage to individual teeth reflect emotional and health status
  244. The most angry TA members?
  245. Are u more thick..OR thin-skinned when taking criticism and insults?
  246. Your music tastes can be changed in just a few minutes by stimulating your brain with magnets
  247. Do you smile when you make eye contact with strangers?
  248. How the Milgram Experiment Showed That Everyday People Could Commit Monstrous Acts
  249. Is it possible to just "sleep forever" while being in a completely dreamless state?
  250. Billy Milligan: 24 personalities in one body.