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  1. Cocle Province
  2. Can Israeli Jews pass as Latinos?
  3. If ALL immigration after 1970 was banned in your country, how different would your country be?
  4. Classify and guess me(thetruth)
  5. Post photos of the city where you live in your country
  6. Continental ancestry in Iberian Argentines vs Italian Argentines 1.154 Argentines kit from Gedmatch
  7. Are these kind of crimes common in SA?
  8. Most representative country in they’re regions ?
  9. What's the most homogeneous country racially talking of the following list?
  10. Which is the most homogeneous country of the following list in your opinion?
  11. Continental ancestry of colonial latinos in the 40-65% euro range from Gedmatch
  12. Cuales son tus favoritas canciones en castellano por Gloria Estefan?
  13. Dominicanos en Nueva York hablando en castellano
  14. Colon Province: The most SSA influenced province in Panama
  15. Acentos de la República Dominicana
  16. The Colombia Thread
  17. Eastern Panama: Darien Province, probably the most Amerindian zone excluding Comarcas
  18. Chile safest country in Latin America?
  19. Brazil annexes Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay and the Guianas, how diverse would it be ?
  20. One Drop Rule: Latin America Edition
  21. If Latin America were colonized by Germany
  22. Resultados de mis relatives en 23andme
  23. Classify these young ladies from Mexico and Brazil
  24. Carlito's Way makes appearance in new video about the old cotton picking days
  25. samario's 23AndMe relatives (includes pictures)
  26. Why Berid-admixed phenotypes are somewhat common in Panama?
  27. What country is the most typical Latin American nation ?
  28. Should the U.S invade/annexed Mexico?
  29. resultados de relatives 23andme
  30. 7 Casos de Coronavirus confirmados en Latinoamerica
  31. Amerindian admixture to Europe?
  32. Panama Metropolitan Area: Panama and Panama Oeste Provinces, the most diverse area
  33. Somos Ancestria vs 23 and Me
  34. Genetic "balanced" Mulatto results with picturers
  35. Classify group of mexicans
  36. Protestas en Republica Dominicana
  37. Brazilian racial groups and they’re Hispanic counterparts
  38. New Braziilan study done in Goias 2020
  39. Ask South Americans Thread
  40. Clasifiquen a este jovencito/Classify this dude
  41. The Portuguese vs Hispanic world.
  42. Mexicans and Dominicans from 23andme. Native vs SSA comparison
  43. Chilean gedmatch
  44. Classify and rate attractive girl/clasifiquen a esta mami
  45. Is this Mexico?
  46. Harnizo/Castizo Latinos vs Dominicans 23andme 68-80% Euro range
  47. Are Yanomamis the most good looking Amerindians?
  49. My living dna results:)
  50. Arquitectura Colonial y Prehispánica de América Latina / Colonial and Pre-Hispanic Architecture of L
  51. A new Messiah to save Argentina ?
  52. Clasifiquen a estas heroínas latinoamericanas
  53. Cortés' letters (Cortés Meets Montezuma - 8th November 1519)
  54. Inmigracion en Panama
  55. Cual prefieres: una hija lesbiana o una hija casada con un negro?
  56. US vs LA Cultural Differences: Where does the tradition of sending your kids to college come from?
  57. Are this countries similar in this sense
  58. Tooting Carmen, nene, mira lo que te traje (TheTruth el brechador puede asomarse tambien)
  60. Paraguayans in Gedmatch. Barplot with 55 kits
  61. .................
  62. Dominican Republic before the 1960s
  63. Uruguay still without coronavirus
  64. Genetic Quadroons (~25% SSA) results with pictures
  65. Estudio de los Kits Panameños en Gedmatch
  66. What are some of the purest Native American groups in North and South America ?
  67. New Brazilian Genetic study 2020
  68. +50% SSA new worlders in 23andme (genotype + phenotype)
  69. Have you views of people from different nationalities changed?(After joining the Apricity)
  70. Algun Salvadoreño aqui
  71. Fenotipos Venezolanos (mayormente videos)
  72. De que region de España vienen los immigrantes mas grandes de cada pais latinoamericano?
  73. Puerto Rican AncestryDNA Results
  74. Do Spaniards prefer to have Latin American migration over North African?
  75. Brasil y Argentina. Pasaria yo, un Venezolano, en alguno de sus paises?
  76. Si Mexico nunca ubiera tenido su independencia que crees que pasaria?
  77. Who are more Italian admixed Argentineans or Uruguayan?
  78. Why Catalans never settled in the Americas?
  79. Organizacion Ideal de Latinoamerica en el Modelo Federal
  80. EE. UU. ofrece 15 millones de dólares por captura de Nicolás Maduro
  81. Is It Normal for me to share an almost exact level of % with my family like this ?
  82. Eurogenes K15 Comparison between 7 european countries and 7 Latin american Countries
  83. Why some Latin American countries more advanced than others?
  84. Colombians or Venezuelans, who's whiter?
  85. ¿Qué porcentaje de latinoamericanos tiene este fenotipo?
  86. If Mexico got colonized by England how you think it will be?
  87. Who's lighter: Argentines or Uruguayans?
  88. How Argentina would be If it was colonized by the French.
  89. How much european/amerindian/SSA would you guess for this argentine individuals from La Matanza ?
  90. Classified my 2th cousin .
  91. Ancestry comparison between Non hispanic whites, African Americans and Hispanics 2020
  92. Paraguay or Chile. Which country is racially more european?
  93. Which group is more privileged in the United States ? Asians/Middle Easterners or Latinos ?
  94. Curious: i was approached by a white Peruvian in my city, he wanted to go out with me
  95. New Argentine Genetic Study done in Lujan (Great Buenos Aires)
  96. Who in Latin America tends to marry and mix with Whites more: Amerindians or Blacks?
  97. Which Latin American country has the most racial tensions?(Similar to South Africa)
  98. Classify Paraguayan girl
  99. Do you think Latin America will adopt political correctness or is this an Anglo cultural trait?
  100. Is she from Ecuador?
  101. Does Bolivia or Peru have more pure Amerindians(%)?
  102. Is Ecuador closer to Colombia or Peru?
  103. In what of the following countries in LA people seem more introverted???
  104. Which American city has the most Spanish colonial architecture ?
  105. Classify me
  106. Classify my friends
  107. Is it easier to pass as White in Brasil than Hispanic America?
  108. How is Latino or Hispanic a ethnicity and how is non-hispanic a ethnicity
  109. Como clasificarías a los países
  110. Why are whites worshiped in the Hispanic sphere while resented/blamed in the Anglosphere?
  111. Argentina en bancarrota
  112. ¿Crees que los Latinoamericanos deberían ser mucho más respetuosos con España?
  113. 157 Argentines 23andme results compared euro ancestry
  114. Can LATAM emulate East Asia and rival the West rather than be its servant?
  115. Cuba, Jamaica and Mexico. The most similar countries to the USA ?
  116. In your opinion, which is the LEAST racially-integrated Latin American country?
  117. Como clasificarias las Provincias de Panama
  118. Music Latina thread !!
  119. If a Puerto Rican wanted to explore his ancestry outside the island where would they go ?
  120. Gustavo Petro anuncia que tiene cáncer
  121. These Panamanian Girls can pass as Afromexicanas
  122. Which of these regions is more conservative ?
  123. Do you think the quality of immigrant matters much more than just having mass white immigration?
  124. Favourite large city in the Caribbean?
  125. Favourite Caribbean city?
  126. What is the average Latin American and South American based on this data ?
  127. Favourite Caribbean city: The Ultimate Thread
  128. Is there a much stronger ethnic group identification in Anglo cultures than in Hispanic cultures?
  129. Gobierno comparte mapa de los cientos de Mexicanos varados en el extranjero en espera de rescate
  130. For you wich are the real ones 7 wonders in the world?
  131. Que tan certero crees que sea este estudio genético acerca de los ecuatorianos?
  132. Colombians 23andme result + phenotype
  133. Re-clasify Silverknight/// Re-clasifiquen a Silverknight
  134. ¿Qué altura tienen tu papá y tus abuelos? ¿Qué tan alto lograste ser?
  135. Are these countries racially similar ?
  136. El ‘Nortexit’, la separacion del Norte Mexicano se convierte en trending topic en redes sociales
  137. Where could my parents pass?
  138. Why is the USA anti-intellectual yet economically successful while intellectual countries aren't?
  139. Fotos mías en estado depresivo ¿Me veo Triracial en estas fotos?
  140. Is US/Canada the South Africa of the Americas ?
  141. Muere el escritor chileno Luis Sepúlveda
  142. Mixdguy17 23 and Me Vs Living Dna results
  143. Cuál debe ser el rango para el mestizo balanceado?
  144. What would be the percentages of castes in Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Panama?
  145. What percentage of Brazilians have these phenos?
  146. Venezuelans AncestryDna Results
  147. 17000 descendientes de Judíos Sefardíes en México solicitaron nacionalidad española
  148. Is Anglo-American society that most hostile towards men in human history?(LA,Asian, ME..etc.)
  149. Gringo visits ''Los Altos de Jalisco''. According to some, the whitest place in MX. True or False?
  150. Do these friends of mine look like full euro?
  151. Three Brazilian Heroes
  152. Why there were no Mafias in South America during immigrations?
  153. Common Spanish phenotypes of each region?
  154. The Chilean Race
  155. Which Latin American country has the most self-hate? (Of people wanting to be white?)
  156. How similar are French descendant ethnic group I’m North America to Latinos ?
  157. Would you say most Native Americans are mixed overall in the Americas ?
  158. Euro-Mestizos could be confused with Mediterranean people?
  159. Estimate %Euro, %AmerInd, % SSA (Phenotype) in 5 Fitness Athletes
  160. U.S. man's DNA the oldest found in the Americas
  161. The three most common kinds of Latinos
  162. Venezuelan Phenotype depending on ancestry (Ancestrydna results)
  163. Alnortedelsur's AncestryDNA Venezuelan Relatives
  164. New Peruvian genetic study 2020
  165. ¿Cual de estos estudios es mas acertado para la población Colombiana?
  166. The Iberian Civilization and its Fall.
  167. 1.900 brazilians from gedmatch.Divided depending Amerindian/SSA Ratio
  168. Huge Mexico Genetic Admixture Database that includes most states/provinces
  169. How common is this phenotype in Spain?
  170. Guess who is dominican and who is panamanian
  171. Mixdguy17 23andMe Dna Relatives!
  172. Colombians AncestryDna Results
  173. South American cultural diversity
  174. Galeón San José, el hallazgo más importante en la historia de la arqueología de Colombia
  175. ¿Porqué algunos latinoamericanos se autoidentifican como blancos? (Cuando en realidad no lo son)
  176. Censo Ibero-Americano 2020 - De donde eres/ De onde você é? ?
  177. ¿Qué porcentaje de dominicanos tienen este look?
  178. ¿Qué porcentaje de estas personas lucen completamente ibéricas?
  179. Ayudenme a identificar mis rasgos SSA
  180. Cual es el estudio genético más completo y objetivo realizado de tu país
  181. ¿Que porcentaje de Dominicanos y Boricuas tienen fenotipo parecido?
  182. How the most forgotten US president saved Paraguay 🇵🇾
  183. For or against the reunification of Hispanity
  184. New Mexican Study 2020 many regions tested
  185. How similar or different where the culture of Lima to the culture of Spain(pre-1975)?
  186. Chilegenomico 2020
  187. Where in the Mestizo spectrum would my best friend place ?
  188. ¿Qué porcentaje de estas personas lucen completamente ibéricas?
  189. Classify Puerto Rican Rapper Guaynaa
  190. How can you tell between Indomestizo, Mestizo and Harnizo?(With Pictures)
  191. Latin American chat thread
  192. Clasifica fenotipos mestizos
  193. Spanish national anthem, Arab origin?
  194. El liniero ofensivo de Mexico, Isaac Alarcón, jugará con los Dallas Cowboys de la NFL
  195. Brazilian ancestry depending on self classified race using 3 different studies and 10 locations
  196. Entrevistas a estudiantes de la universidad publica de Santo Domingo
  197. Colombian uper class students phenotypes
  198. Can some Indio-Mestizos be white passing ?
  199. Dominicanos en la NFL
  200. Natural light colored eye people in Latin America
  201. Daven's 23andme relatives II
  202. Which phenotype do you find most attractive?
  203. ¿Como actuarían si alguien toma sus fotos sin permiso y las pone en aplicaciones de antropología?
  204. Amerindian Triqui does DNA test
  205. Panama Oeste Member's of Parlament
  206. Differences between Mestizos from Latin America vs Mestizos from the Philippines
  207. Mestizos, and Euro-Mestizos from the Philippines!
  208. TU MENSTRUACIÓN ES SAGRADA || Cómo me reconcilié y llegué a amar mi ciclo menstrual SIN DOLOR
  209. Where are most of y’all DNA relatives on 23andme from ?
  210. Los españoles de hace 5 siglos eran diferentes a los de la actualidad?
  211. Test Latin American Pisa 2018
  212. Entrevistas a estudiantes de la universidad pública de Santiago de los Caballeros, Rep. Dominicana
  213. ¿Quién creéis que es Ffrida?
  214. Japanese Dominicans// Japoneses Dominicanos (Photos)
  215. Students at the University of Puerto Rico - San Juan Campus
  216. Armenian Diaspora in Latin America
  217. Estudiantes Universidad Pontífica de Santiago, República Dominicana
  218. Estudiantes Universidad Iberoamericana de Santo Domingo
  219. Do Castizos get treated different than Harnizos or Mestizos
  220. Venezuela: captured US mercenary claims he planned to abduct Maduro
  221. Panama Province Member´s of Parlament
  222. Professional sports teams in Mexico [2020 MAP Edition]
  223. Monterrey en alerta por invasión de osos
  224. Would these women be seen as "Chinas" in your country?
  225. USA and Brazil, a tale of of two American powers.
  226. Se puede adquirir el kit de 23 and me en latinoamerica?
  227. Do y'all consider Cardi B racially "black"?
  228. New brazilian study 2020
  229. Lineage Materno (MtDNA) Cuba, Rep. Dominicana, Puerto Rico
  230. Gedmatch kits Thousands of latinos Continental ancestry boxplots
  231. ¿Alguna vez has experimentado racismo online?
  232. Altos mandatarios de Santa Marta y Magdalena (phenotypes thread)
  233. Is Social Class(as concept/talk/importance) much more prevalent in Latin America than in US/Canada?
  234. Dominicans from the Southwestern Provinces
  235. What's your paternal haplogroup? [C e n s o]
  236. What's your maternal haplogroup?
  237. What's your maternal haplogroup [OFFICIAL THREAD]
  238. Classify Dominican dudes
  239. Would these Kazkh people pass in your country
  240. Why is Argentina so sparsely-populated, even compared to Brazil and the USA?
  241. Differences in treatment towards Amerindians between Anglo-America and Latin America. USA and Mexico
  242. Would these women pass in your country, if so, how would they be classified in your country's terms?
  243. Dominicans from Peravia, San Cristobal and Ocoa Provinces
  244. Remains of first black africans in the America's found in central Mexico
  245. Latin America’s top 10 Tech Hubs ranking 2019
  246. Fun thread: which one is more Caucasoid, Panama or Colombia's Caribbean Coast?
  247. Ancestry Matches, files containing all my Ancestry Matches' Ethnicities (9 576 matches)
  248. Posteen su lookalike
  249. Qué canción escuchas en este momento?
  250. first civilization (video game) "Spanish speaking" latin America in civ 6