View Full Version : Latin America

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  1. Classify Dominican military general Maximo Gomez, leader in Cuban War of Independence
  2. Indio mestizos Mexicanos between 35-40% Caucasian pictures and dna results
  3. Do you think all nationalities are ethnicities as well in Latam?
  4. video Los 10 países MÁS NACIONALISTAS de América Latina
  5. Which Latin American country receives the most ultraviolet radiation (UV) and least?
  6. Mi Ciudad (Santiago de Guayaquil)
  7. En tu pais, se usa 'tu' o 'usted' mas?
  8. Es Aguascalientes la mejor región de Latm para vivir?
  9. Which woman is NOT Mexican?
  10. What country can beautiful Sri Lankan Brown skin lady pass in ?
  11. Classify Dominicans who climbed Mount Everest in 2011
  12. Which latin american country do I pass best in?
  13. Mexican Athletes [Phenotypes]
  14. Who is RMuller ?
  15. Native features aren’t ugly
  16. Which country is more Euro-centric ? Mexico or Dominican Republic ?
  17. Andean Natives and Phenotypes
  18. Cual de los paises vecinos a Panama es mas eurocentrista?
  19. Which country has the spiciest food ?
  20. If "Verzuz" started including Latin American artists, which 2 artists would you like to see compete?
  21. The Spanish far-right Vox party responds to criticism from far-left Mexican president López Obrador
  22. Racial identity in some Latin American countries [Maps]
  23. A lot of samples from Santa Cruz the whitest City in Bolivia, lot of paraguayans too, Classify them.
  24. Pregunta a paraguayos, chilenos, colombianos, venezolanos, y de países varios de Latam.
  25. North-Central -West MEXICAN morph
  26. The most Asian Latin American countries
  27. Mexico City jewish mayor orders the removal of Columbus statue
  28. Videos-Phenotypes of Mexico City lower class neighborhoods Colonias
  29. Which country in Latin America, has model minority status ?
  30. Where do these futbol players from Northern Mexico fit in the best?
  31. What percent of Mexico population would you say Is 50-80% European
  32. Three Reasons Mexico Could Fill The U.S. Talent Gap
  33. Rare: Mennonite & Tarahumara amerindian couple with their Mestizo son in Chihuahua, Mexico
  34. Native American Chads destroying Afro-centrics on Live
  35. Venezuelans from Tachira State
  36. Is Chile a great country model for the rest of Hispanic America.
  37. Entonces VOX y el PAN se unieron?
  38. Futbolistas paraguayos nacidos en Argentina / futbolistas argentinos de ascendencia paraguaya
  39. Dominican Republic Demographics
  40. Do Amerindians look Indian ?
  41. Cual acento prefieres: chileno u cubano?
  42. Latinoamericanos que nacieron alla: me consideras latino u no?
  43. ¿Que opinas del lenguaje inclusivo?
  44. El acento serrano ecuatoriano es similar al mexicano?
  45. How similar are Cuban and Argentine whites in phenotype and ancestry?
  46. Ancestral range of various Mexican states
  47. ¿Un mestizo promedio fisicamente hablando a que se termina asemejando?
  48. Que país dirías que es el más Indigenista de Latino América?
  49. Can I pass as Filipino?
  50. Where does this cumbia singer / musician / ocassionally actress Elena Umaña could pass to you???
  51. Central region Mexican football players. Where can they pass?
  52. Paraguayans from Misiones (Remake)
  53. Beautiful Mulata Women
  54. Mis estimaciones étnicas para países latinoamericanos
  55. Belizian almost perfect triracial 33/33/33 pic and dna results
  56. Southern Mexican pro football players + morph
  57. Which Latin American country has the best women?
  58. Regional morphs of professional footballers from Mexico. 300+ pictures used.
  59. Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans: Skin Color Study
  60. Mexico: Legal Immigrants census 2020
  61. Mexico: Poder Prieto/Dark skin power
  62. Best looking men in Latin america
  63. Videos-==American singers dedicating love songs to Mexican senoritas
  64. Presidente de Uruguay Lacalle Pou le tira fuerte a DIAZ CANEL (Patria y Vida )
  65. Venezuelan dictator Maduro lands in Mexico ahead of Latin American leaders' summit
  67. Peruanos discriminados y humillados en Chile
  69. RMuller is triggered
  70. Call of Duty: Vanguard
  71. European Union-style bloc pitched for Latin America, Caribbean
  72. Which Latin American group has the worst reputation in Spain?
  73. Which country besides Mexico has a strong nation identity?
  74. Brazil’s Unvaccinated Far-Right President Bolsonaro Forced to Eat Pizza on the Street in NYC
  75. Post examples of racially homogeneous Latin American families or neighbourhoods
  76. U.S. border patrol cracks down on Haitian migrants in Del Rio with whips, horses
  77. Revela PAN 'Cubagate', acusa atención de Covid con 'médicos cubanos falsos'
  78. Whixh country iin the Americas is the most APARTHEID
  79. Is the European ancestry In Mexico all Spanish?
  80. La hija de Evo Morales, Que países podría pasar ella ?
  81. Los países más conservadores e más liberales de latino America
  82. Peruvian quinoa master race
  83. Which Hispanic country has the best healthcare?
  84. Spin: Which Latin American group has the worst reputation in Miami?
  85. Cortés liberó a los indios. Madre Patria, el libro que desmonta la Leyenda Negra.
  86. Tres olas de catalanes en Guayaquil
  87. Do Peruvians have a bad reputation in your country ?
  88. Que país es más latino ? Peru o Uruguay ?
  89. Porque la gente de clase baja tiende verse mas amerindia que los de clase media o alta?
  90. Is Colombian food really that BAD?
  91. Latin American Migration, Once Limited to a Few Countries, Turns Into a Mass Exodus
  92. Classify Angelines Fernandez
  93. Which Latin American country had the biggest fall off of all time?
  94. The worst and best countries in the Americas according to the HDI(Human Development)
  95. 80% european regions in Latin America
  96. 80% european regions in Latin America
  97. Post conspiracy theories of your country.
  98. Should Haitins just be deported to Africa?
  99. What if all New World Blacks returned to Africa?
  100. VIDEO: CHILE Crisis migratoria en el norte: Desalojan a venezolanos de plaza de Iquique
  101. Cual pais tiene mas orgullo de sus origenes Europeos: Argentina o Cuba?
  102. Should the leftist populism be banned in Latinamerica??
  103. Crees qué debería evitarse a toda costa la elección indefinida de presidentes en America Latina?
  104. If Canada were to switch the weather with Mexico?
  105. 23,000 years old footprints suggest humans lived in The Americas earlier than once thought
  106. Afro descendants in Latin America and the Caribbean [MAP]
  107. Porque a la mayoria de latinoamericanos nos tienen estereotipados?
  108. Rate Gloria Gaynor's Spanish
  109. Los Españoles preferían el clima caliente en comparación a los Ingleses ?
  110. What if all whites returned to Europe?
  112. Why was Hasien's thread closed
  113. Apricity stock market traders
  114. Chileans rise up against Venezuelan migrants
  115. Northeast México and it's people. How much Caucasian is?
  116. USA HISPANICS Florida Hispanics vs Southwest hispanics 23andme experiment
  117. Alguien que obtiene alrededor de 56% amerindios y 39% euro
  118. Estimate your family ancestry ,
  119. 23andme results Half White and Half Hispanic. Boxplots
  120. The most hated racial group in Latin America?
  121. These two boludos brown Nazis consider themselves white, what do you think?
  122. What is the most Castizo country (genetically) in Latin America?
  123. My response to fraud liar HHELLOGAY
  124. Estudio de 23 and Me: 4 Abuelos Panameños
  125. Is 23AndMe releasing a new update anytime soon?
  126. What does a Latino with strong Jewish influence look like?
  127. Which country has the most Euro Lower Classes ?
  128. Are gypsies (gitanos) hated in Latin america?
  129. Is the singer Francisca Valenzuela popular in Latin America?
  130. Tenochtitlan (The Impossible City)
  131. African Americans should be grateful for their European admixture
  132. Dicen los Caribenos que los Mexicanos tienen apellidos "indios apadrinados"
  133. 90% europeo paises y regiones
  134. Angelópolis, one of the most amerindian cities in Mexico. What does it look like?
  135. Estima el% de SSA de 2 atletas femeninas
  136. How did Spain and Portugal become so liberal why many areas of Latin America the opposite ?
  137. Latinamerican populisms have nothing to do with european social-democrat governments.
  138. Poverty rates in Latin America [the latest numbers]
  139. Mestizo quiere que los españoles pidan perdón
  140. How would these two Filipino couples be classified according to your country's racial terms?
  141. The 20 active Cuban Baseball Players in Major Leagues
  142. Mexican anthropologists put face on 14,000-year-old woman
  143. Cuando el rey de España le entrego a Mexico la bandera española para resguardarla [Video]
  144. Another 60,000 Haitians are on the way to Mexico-U.S. border
  145. Separatist movements in Latin America. Do you support any of them?
  146. If the Spaniards had migrated to America in large masses, would Hispanic ancestry been more accepted
  147. Monarcas españoles deben pedir perdón por el genocidio cometido en América, dice Nicolás Maduro
  148. Encanto: La nueva pelicula animada de Disney sobre Colombia
  149. ¿Cuántos venezolanos hay aquí en el foro?
  150. Classify football player Oscar Cordoba (percentage wise)
  151. How common are predominantly Italians and predominantly Spaniards in Argentina?
  152. Can Rivaldo pass in your region/town?
  153. Looks of Whites, Castizos, Mestizos of Latin America
  154. Does money make people look whiter?
  155. Mexico Spain map comparation.
  156. Would you rather be Dominican or Mexican?
  157. Venezuelans from Guarico State (reloaded)
  158. Which Spanish accents are the most to least masculine and feminine sounding ?
  159. Y colorín colorado...
  160. Northern Mexican women average.
  161. Many photos of Paraguayans
  162. Average height in latinamericans countries (2019)
  163. How many Mexicans can easily pass in Brazil (and vice-versa)?
  164. Cual es el pais con los peores usuarios de TA
  165. How white are the 3 richest municipalities in Santiago?
  166. Semiconductor manufacturing in Mexico the answer to chip shortage?
  167. Venezuelans from Anzoategui state (Reloaded)
  168. Cual region es mas blanco, el centro de Chile o el region Paisa?
  169. Rock In Spanish Appreciation Thread
  170. Clasificais los persones de Vitacura
  171. Rank the following places from most to least Afro-admixed and post estimates
  172. Notorious people from East Antioquian Ancestry
  173. Duque de Estrada Descendants in Antioquia (S.XIX and XX)
  174. Is Euro + Margid the hottest mestizo phenotype?
  175. Indio-Mestizo phenotypes
  176. Como traducirias esta cancion al castellano?
  177. Between these 3 countries?
  178. Paraguayans from Ñeembucu
  179. The 'mythical' white & off-white Mexicans [ Phenotypes ]
  180. Post your country's current football squad. How representative are they?
  181. Mexico como pais (racialmente) se parece mas cercano?
  182. Classify childhood friend
  184. In tree rings and radioactive carbon, signs of the Vikings in North America
  185. Pregunta seria para los Españoles
  186. Cual pais piensais es mas cerca a Espana culturamente
  187. Puerto Rico's White population has declined according to the 2020 census.
  188. Puede Gal Gadot pasar por Mestiza?
  189. Does this Filipina who is genetically mestiza look completely Asian to you?
  190. The Chinese 'invasion' of latin america [infographic]
  191. People from the province of Corrientes, NE Argentina.
  192. Chess Grandmasters by Latin American Country
  193. 23andme results Brazilians & Argentines vs White American results
  194. Classify Chavo del 8 (metalhead)
  195. Bolsonaro defends the right of people to arm themselves to oppose tyranny
  196. White population of colonial Mexico
  197. La red social de Donald Trump (Agustín Laje)
  198. Piensais que Quebec es un parte de America Latina?
  199. You know the "Latinx" stuff is out of control when this Salvadoran can identify as "Afro-Latina"
  200. Mexico recovers illegally exported pre-Hispanic artifacts from Italy
  201. Video-Italy returns 600 religious paintings to Mexico
  202. VIDEO-1,500-year-old artifacts found in Chandler museum returned to Mexico
  203. VIDEO-Exploring Mexico’s MASSIVE National Museum of Anthropology
  204. Andalusian Colonial Ancestry
  205. Do you like fútbol? Thread about Hinchadas/Torcidas/Fans of the Football
  206. Classify top Puerto Rican boxer, Josue Vargas
  207. Porque algunos latinoamericanos tienen haplogrupos amerindios?
  208. Why is Bolivia so weak?
  209. Qué tan común me vería en Colombia?
  210. Paternal ancestry in a sample of Ecuadorian MESTIZO population analyzed [2019]
  211. Distribution of paternal and maternal lineages in Mexico [2021]
  212. borrador
  213. Trujillo - Peru phenotypes +300 photos
  214. Paternal and maternal haplogroups in central Argentina
  215. Peruvians develop gene mutation that makes them shorter
  216. El acento más feo de cada país Latinoamericano
  217. To All Spaniards
  218. Am I mean (malicious) or nah?
  220. Which Spanish Accent Is Sexiest? [Video]
  221. What happened to the thread "Anglo-Latino mix thread?
  222. Why was my thread disabled ?
  224. Who's this ugly Inbred Bonte Idiot?
  225. Who will be boxing's first undisputed super middleweight champion of the world? Canelo vs Plant
  226. VOY (Que versión os gusta más)
  227. Why do Hasien, Norway and RMuller think it's ok to degrade people for being black?
  228. Postea la comida de tu país!!!
  229. So I am leaving this forum after 4 days here. This is far too filled with losers!
  230. How Iberian does she look? from 1 to 10.
  231. Clasifiquen a Brenda Smith
  232. ¿México se asemeja más a los EEUU o al resto de Hispanoamérica?
  233. El Día de Muertos gana popularidad en Estados Unidos | Noticiero | Telemundo
  234. Las ciudades andinas más hermosas
  235. Mexican Muralism’s Influence in America " History Fair Documentary
  236. The Americanization of Monterrey,Mexico
  238. Which Latin American country or region has the biggest percentage of people with my eyebrows?
  239. How common Is Greek admixture among colonial Mexicans?
  240. LatinoAmerica, la frontera salvaje.
  242. Classify UFC Mexican fighter
  243. When will the forum server be updated?
  246. Este acento ecuatoriano se parece al andaluz?
  247. Mexican unicorn Kavak says new funds make it second-most valuable LatAm startup at $8.7 billion
  248. México, Brasil y Argentina, los tres países más influyentes de Latinoamérica [Soft Power index 2021]
  249. Is the Mexican accent an adaption to spicy food?
  250. Es Jalisco el estado mas Euro de Mexico y pro Español?