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  1. Uruguay seeks investors for its marijuana industry
  2. Mexican polyglot speaks 11 languages
  3. Top 3 Latin American countries among the top 30 world countries by the number of billionaires
  4. Latin America " The apricity world cup"
  5. Brazil's prostitutes learn English for World Cup
  6. Latin Americans, what's your hair color?
  7. Tejano's 23andMe/Dr. McDonald Results
  8. Independence for South Brazil
  9. Argentina The land of Leo Messi
  10. The mystery of the Maya volcanic ash pottery
  11. New section of Inca road leading to Machu Picchu discovered
  12. Discovery of Aztec dog cemetery puzzles archaeologists
  13. Latin Americans: do you have German ancestors?
  14. Argentine 23andme results.
  15. The cult centre and underground world of Chavín de Huántar
  16. Evidence for Huge Cities in the Amazon Jungle [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
  17. El Dorado The Lost City Gold [FULL DOCUMENTARY]
  18. Brasileño BLANCO se somete a cirugías para aparentar ser coreano
  19. Peruvians Are the prototype of beauty?
  20. Nombre y Apellidos- Nativos de Paises Latino Americanos
  21. Puerto Ricans want to re-unite with Spain
  22. Researchers say the first americans were Australoids
  23. Empire of Exceptions: The Making of Modern Brazil
  24. Day of the Dead: Skulls, confectionery and masks
  25. How common are these phenotypes in Colombia?
  26. gracias frijoleros por el futbol ...
  27. Where does this women's phenotype stick out the least in Latin America
  28. Great Latin American football players
  30. Zu den letzten Grenzen der Erde
  31. Argentina president defies US court order on repayment of debts
  32. Mexico's Russian Mennonites (photo album)
  33. The most beautiful journalist of Brazil 2014 are Mexicans!!!...
  34. Native american languages, how they sound
  35. Bolivian ancestry composition results...
  36. People of Colombia
  37. Casi 1/3 de las gasolineras roban al cliente en México
  38. Cesar accepts Islam in Brazil
  39. In Praise of Mexican Inventors
  40. The downfalls of living in Costa Rica.
  41. Influencia mexicana en la cultura chilena
  42. Asaltan y golpean a grupo de periodistas mexicanos en Brasil
  43. Do you consider Afro-Latinos as truly "Hispanic"
  44. Latin Americans, do you have Spanish ancestry?
  45. Guadalajara Mexico’s Silicon Valley
  46. And I've finally been in Manaus, Amazonas...
  47. Chile releases official study on UFO photos
  48. Santiago.
  49. Chistes de Gallegos
  50. Germany 7- 1 Brazil
  51. "Arriba los mexicanos de raza blanca", afirma funcionario
  52. Latinos, if ISIS invades España & Lusitania, would you go to war for Iberia?
  53. lol best actress
  54. Mexico's Natives quite different from one another genetic study shows
  55. Composición étnica Latinoamerica según universidad brasileña.
  56. Support Argentina Thread! (In your time of Crisis we sympathize with you)
  57. Afro Mexicans
  58. Talk about your Spanish ancestors that arrived to the Americas
  59. Evo Morales wants to remove European names of streets and cities in Bolivia
  60. Spain admiration thread
  61. Brazilian Integralism
  62. Negros en la Ciudad de Mexico preocupados por discriminacion
  63. Previously Uncontacted Tribe Have Contracted Influenza
  64. Latin americans with french ancestors
  65. ¿Qué porcentaje de la población argentina es 100% europea?
  66. Social Apartheid in Brazil
  67. White Cubans?
  68. Top 50 Most Valuable Latin American Brands [ 2013 ]
  69. Ancient Americans ate pachyderms, site challenges theory
  70. Human Development Index 2014 for Latin American Countries
  71. Would more Dominicans pass in Jamaica or in Spain?
  72. Chilean 23andme Results
  73. Se va a la mierda Argentina?
  74. Mining powerhouse Grupo Mexico to enter the 'rare earth metal' race
  75. Chilean Army selects Israel's Galil ACE as new standard rifle
  77. Israel se convierte en el país más odiado del mundo a pesar de su poderoso lobby
  78. Colombian composition (23andme) results
  79. New Solomon Temple inaugurated... in Brazil!
  80. Why has Argentina produced so many great writers?
  81. Racial Admixture in Cuba (new PLOS genetics study)
  82. 1898: Cuando España fue aplastada por USA
  83. Racial admixture in Chile ( 2014 study )
  84. ¿A quién odian más los españoles?
  85. Guatemalan composition results (23andme)
  86. Enrique Eskenazi, top businessman from Argentina, speaks on Latin American-Spanish relations
  88. Españoles: tenemos algos que ustedes no tienen.
  89. Russia’s import ban means big business for Latin America
  90. Most Common Given Names in Latin America
  91. Latin American's 23andme Ancestry Composition - Summary
  92. Request for examples of native LA patterns
  93. Qué paises contribuyeron más al desarrollo de tu nación
  94. Why Chile supported Britain during the Malvinas war
  95. After defaulting for the 8th time Argentines gird for a financial storm
  96. Primitive mexicansset fire too an owl for being a witch.
  97. ¿En tu país son más apreciados los apellidos Vascos?
  98. Fotos de Argentina. Sus ciudades, pueblos y atractivos naturales.
  99. 2014 Basketball WC Latin American teams
  100. What are the main differences between Argentines and Uruguayans?
  101. Ibero-Americans: What is your height?
  102. IQ: Argentina and Uruguay 96, Chile 93
  103. Talks on Pantsir supplies to Brazil go as scheduled, next round in September
  104. Indian pride
  105. Latin People: are you descended from the conquistadors?
  106. Are most Latin Americans basically rape prodcuts?
  107. Why should it matter that the western and southwestern US were part of Mexico?
  108. Latin Americans, do you have British/Irish ancestors?
  109. Latin Americans: Do you have Sephardi ancestors?
  110. Latin Americans, do you have slavic ancestors?
  112. Spanish and Portuguese Empires in the Americas. Smaller than you think.
  113. Latin Americans: Do you have Amerindian ancestors?
  114. Los deportistas (amateurs) Mexicanos con más ingresos
  115. Argentina, un país que no aguanta mas extranjeros
  116. Por que hay mucho menos afinidad y soledaridad entre los latinoamericanos que entre los europeos?
  117. Latin America's economy [official thread]
  118. Militares chilenos y latinos en Bosnia y otras partes de Europa
  119. Mexico's new French model based police force ready to battle cartels
  120. Two ancient Mayan cities found in Mexican jungle
  121. Brazilian Women
  122. Why Western Latin America growths faster?
  123. 45 Interesting Facts About Mexico.
  124. The shocking truth of Peter's projection
  125. Violence and Brazil (Latest study)
  126. Jewish community 'forced out' of Guatemalan village
  127. Who will lead Latin America’s economic performance in 2014?
  128. 230 judíos ortodoxos expulsados de un minicipio de Guatemala
  129. The Shifting Religious Identity of Hispanics in the United States
  130. Nazi operations in Northern Mexico during WWII
  131. How much is your Latin country country White/European?
  132. Mexico City's new $9.2-billion futuristic airport
  133. ‘Idolatry’: Venezuela Catholic Church slams Lord's Prayer homage to Hugo Chavez
  134. Kia plans $1 Billion Mexico car assembly plant
  135. Los Sefaradis i la Chokolata
  136. Japanese Brazilians
  137. Guatemalan Protestor Burned Alive
  139. Socioeconomic Differences Between Races in Certain Latin American Countries
  140. Cantidad de habitantes precolombinos por países-actuales antes de la llegada de los conquistadores
  141. Percentages of people with at least 85% of european ancestry in certain states.
  143. Is African ancestry most widespread in Brazil, Colombia, or Puerto Rico?
  144. Mexican politician calls black football player an ape
  145. colombian women's cycling team uniforms
  146. Argentine Jews/Judíos Argentinos (photos)
  147. Miss Brasil 2014
  148. Inauguran biblioteca sobre holocausto nazi en Montevideo
  149. American artists Miley Cyrus insults Mexico. This is what you Mexicans support as your Ally?
  150. Do you and your brothers have the same pigmentation?
  151. Iberoamericans: which one describes your political ideology best?
  152. Goles de jugadores de LatAm en el mundo
  153. What Latin-American nationality has the best, most earnest and soulful singers?
  154. Nombres y Apellidos "autóctonos"
  155. Sculptures, paintings, statues from Mexico [appreciation thread]
  156. Argentina found to be in contempt of court by US judge
  157. O milho cultivado pelos indígenas do Brasil foi domesticado no México
  158. When Brown people think they are White
  159. Brazil’s Politicians Often Play the Clown in Ads
  160. Argentine Congress Fundraises for Hamas
  161. Prince Charles to visit Mexico and Colombia
  162. Repentistas (Northeast Brazilian guitar verse improvisers)
  163. Maximiliano von Götzen-Iturbide, claiment to the Mexican throne.
  164. Momento polêmico em debate eleitoral no Brasil
  165. Latin America's 'Made-in-USA' recession
  166. Padres de la antropología argentina.
  167. Myths about Spanish colonization of America
  168. El mundo segun los Argentinos
  169. Estados Unidos espió comunicaciones entre Peña Nieto y Dilma Rousseff
  170. RT launches nationwide broadcasting in Argentina
  171. Villa Belgrano, Argentina
  172. World War II Mexican posters
  173. Spring Fundraiser!!!!
  174. The Nazi Statue Giving Uruguay A Headache
  175. The Races of Latin America
  176. Unidos por la Historia-History Channel-
  177. The hard life of a pickpocket in Chile
  178. List of World Heritage Sites in the Americas
  179. Una pregunta para los latinos: apoyarias un Estado latinoamericano unificado?
  180. Guerra de la Triple Alianza
  181. European influence in Latin American traditional music
  182. Mexico considers importing oil for the first time in history
  183. Eleições no Brasil: brasileiros do fórum, em quem votarão?
  184. Eleições no Brasil: brasileiros do fórum, em quem votarão?
  185. Amerindian gene protects women from breast cancer
  186. Two Ancient Maya Cities Unearthed In Mexican Jungle
  187. Teen skeleton found by Mexico cave divers has scientists breathless
  188. Mexico's 5 luxury Superyacht owners
  189. Pegadinhas (pranks)
  190. Halloween?
  191. Los mejores chistes, incorrectos
  192. Brazil buys 36 Swedish fighter jets for $5.4 billion usd
  193. México participará en ejercicio militar multinacional Bold Alligator 2014
  194. Bolsonaro para presidente em 2018, o quê vocês acham?
  195. Is This A Latin Singer ?
  196. New generation of Mexicans less likely to get married
  197. Whats your opinion on Argentina and Argentineans
  198. Mexican Nationalsocialists
  199. ¿Quien era más blanco?,Porfirio Díaz o Carlos Pellegrini
  200. What's your opinion on Chile and Chileans?
  201. How are mestizos treated in Argentina and Uruguay?
  202. El pais mas raciscta de Latino America es Colombia??????
  203. Argentina buying Gripen fighter jets? Brits say 'no way'
  204. Messi's accent
  205. Insultos racistas y xenófobos recibió futbolista venezolano en Chile
  206. Survey: Abortion and Gay Marriage among Latin Americans - by country.
  207. Alumno de Uni Chilena llama a votar por su lista de Centro de Alumnos porque son "gente ABC1"
  208. Son of Mexico's most powerful cartel boss has been captured
  209. Russia wants to send bombers to the Gulf of Mexico
  210. Chile, Latin-America's first Developed Country?
  211. Peru, the most Asiatic Latin-American country?
  212. Why do Brazilians pronounce some letters very strangely in Portuguese?
  213. Chipilo: a little Veneto in the middle of Mexico
  214. Postea Tu Acento 2.0
  215. Uruguay genetic studies
  216. Latin America the overlooked trade giant of Australia’s G20 summit
  217. Why is Pinochet's dictatorship portrayed as if it were uniquely evil in Latin America?
  218. Typical dishes from your country (Latin America)
  219. German-Brazilians
  220. More Latin America Catholics Are Leaving The Church For Protestant Denominations: Report
  221. Latin American countries from least to most corrupt according to Transparency International
  222. Black Awareness Day
  223. State the percentage of whites by Brazilian states
  224. Explaining which Europeans white Brazilians from each state look most like
  225. Translation in spanish
  226. A young Mexican working in Germany
  227. Is this realiable?
  228. Tribute to White Awareness day
  229. Latinamerican types
  230. Fallece Roberto Gómez Bolaños Chespirito
  231. Argentina: Proponen subsidios para travestis y transexuales
  232. Uruguay elects president with ties to Israel, Jewish community
  233. What do you think of this video? White Mexicans lying, pretending to be from Spain.
  234. Brasil se aproximando do Comunismo
  235. O Passado de Dilma
  236. Argentina's military junta (1976-83): a good example of the perversity of international relations
  237. Police helicopter finds huge swastika in bottom of pool in Brazil
  238. Which dictatorships were worse - the Southern Cone ones or the Central American ones?
  239. Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has taken a step toward creating South American citizenship
  240. Uruguay accepts six Guantanamo prisoners for resettlement
  241. Anaconda in Brazil (gross)
  242. Mexico -This stunning map shows tens of thousands of people have disappeared in Mexico since 2007
  243. People of Bermuda
  244. Venezuela shoots down two Mexican airplanes
  245. En cual provincia Española aparece con mas frecuencia tu apellido?
  246. Coats of Arms of families of Argentina
  247. Cómo impacta a México el acuerdo entre EU y Cuba
  248. Colocan estatua del Emperador Moctezuma en la fachada principal del Palacio Real de Madrid
  249. Mexican Vintage Movie Posters [appreciation thread]
  250. Paulistanos são vistos como mais egoístas e orgulhosos