View Full Version : Islam

  1. isis fanboys , there is a tv series dedicated to you!
  2. Turkic Religious Hymn (Also National)
  3. White Christian English girl placed in salafist foster household
  4. Eid Adha Mubarak
  5. The KA'ABA
  6. Cushitic vs Albanian Nasheed. Which sounds better?
  7. Prophets and Messengers by Islam, their books and to what people they were sent
  8. why owning A dog as a pet is haram?
  9. Hot muslim chicks.
  10. Radicalisation
  11. Punk Rock vs SHaria
  12. How Islam Began - In Ten Minutes
  13. The Lie of the Hadith
  14. muslim women who marry non muslim men
  15. i posted a fake isis video bait on youtube , here are the views
  16. isis and pedophilia
  17. Arabs and Islam
  18. @albosni @boats how do you justify al awlaki behaviour???
  19. Equal inheritence in Muslim-majority countries
  20. Albania is Muslim land.
  21. Only islam will save white man
  22. How the Caliph of ISIS was selected.
  23. Madhab
  24. Why do Islamic nations have lower IQs?
  25. should i ask muslims if my dog bothers them?
  26. Is the Arab Muslim better than the non-Arab Muslim?
  27. What Is The Prostration of Thankfulness?
  28. is al bosni an hypocrite?
  29. What is the Difference between the Beginnings of Islam and the Church of Latter Day Saints?
  30. Old women are allowed to don't have tasattur in Islam
  31. There is no Barrier between Two seas
  32. Debunking the moderate Muslim majority myth
  33. Ruling on helping the kuffaar against the Muslims
  34. Muslims who convert to Christianity
  35. Rejecting hadiths means you are a disbeliever
  36. how do the houris look like?
  37. Why islam created such a strong ummah and is this true?
  38. Oh Muslims that have forsaken the Islamic State!
  39. Islamic State threatens 2018 World Cup
  40. how isis supporters are coping with isis losses
  41. Buddhists are raping Muslims younger than 10 years old in Burma (Myanmar)
  42. Your reminder that
  43. CAIR Infiltrated, Islam Exposed
  44. Islamic Republic of Pakistan Child Marriages: 7.3 Million
  45. Sunni islam is shirk and maltheistic
  46. American college students respect ISIS and hate America
  47. The Kaaba Black Stone: A Holy Stone from Outer Space?
  48. On This Day In History
  49. State tv in sweden
  50. Rumi
  51. muslims knows how to party hard!!!
  52. I want my foreskin back! I was mutilated!
  53. Islam has some hope of reformation with this man
  54. 99.99999999% of All Muslims Have Never Seen This
  55. Jihad rap
  56. double post.
  57. Mohammed, Mo problems
  58. Mohammed Was An Illiterate Goat Herder With Fair Skin
  59. Islam Is A Fake Religion Created By That Vatican
  60. Is there any undeniable proof that Islam is THE Truth?
  61. Are these cunts out of there mind?
  62. More and more French believe Islam is compatible with society
  63. Why should Muslim folks learn Arabic?
  64. Moscow Grand Mosque Pictures
  65. Islamic Extremism funded by Western Powers
  66. Cosmology of the Quran
  67. 683 AD: Umayyad siege of Mecca and destruction of Kaaba
  68. the rights of the husband and what are the rights of the wife?
  69. Blessed Ramadan
  70. Islam and The Mark of The Beast
  71. Any good resources about Bektashi Islam?
  72. Ultimate Islamic resource, Sheikh videos, naming scholars and works
  73. Quran
  74. Blessed and Happy Eid - Eid Mubarak
  75. Turkish President Erdoğan recites Islamic prayer at the Hagia Sophia
  76. Treatment of Muslim vs. Orthodox relics in Turkey...
  77. Why Muslim countries are so weak and backward compared to some non-Muslim countries?
  78. Why Muslims enjoy such a bad image in the media and the world
  79. South Koreans protest arrival of Muslim migrants. But why?
  80. Were persians really sunnis ?
  81. Ali Ibn Ali - Abu Bakr
  82. Muslims: Do you think awm al-Qiyamah is close?
  83. what's muslim and non-muslim opinion about "quranist" (or any islamic branch who reject hadit) ?
  84. Sharia law and KSA
  85. Muslims and Sharia law
  86. Islam and AIDS
  87. Definition of Taqqiya
  88. Why Islam is storming Europe, but not New World
  89. Muhammeds role in Qiyamah
  90. Arab view of Islam, the thoughts of a Tatar thinker
  91. Five Devout Muslims Revived from Dead to Relate True Stories!
  92. Where did the Quran come from?
  93. Ask to muslins members: Is there a sense of unity among people from muslim world?
  94. Book: Questions that islam can't answear
  95. Sunni Muslim Doctor Finds God
  96. Radical Arab Muslim filled with Holy Spirit & met Jesus...Beautiful Testimony
  97. Favorite Nasheeds
  98. Why Muslim North Africans eat anything they find in the sea?
  99. Why MGTOW Will Boom In The Muslim World: Some Observations
  100. Jihad interpretation
  101. Secular Muslim-majority nations
  102. Why Muslims are programmed to prefer Christians over Communists?
  103. Jesus throws Muslim Man into Hell for Rejecting His Blood & Saving Grace - Day of Judgement
  104. Original Sources the Quran Stole its Stories From
  105. Horrible Anti-Islamic period in Turkey.
  106. Arabs must blame themselves for creating Islam
  107. Nūr on Mudschāhid
  108. 2 Signs that inidcate a Mujahideen became a Shahid
  109. Iranian Muslim meets Jesus, and his whole family gets saved
  110. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam
  111. Are there stats on how many Muslims are leaving Islam?
  112. All Muslim women according to Islam are required to wear veil or Hijab?
  113. Robert Spencer - A Counter-Jihad Leader for the West
  114. Are Albanians Proud to be Muslim? Poll!
  115. Should Islam be Banned in Europe and North America?
  116. 10 Examples of the Qur'an Being Violent
  117. Inbreeding in the Muslim World - Blood-related Marriages.
  118. The Islamic-Leftist Alliance
  119. Sye Ten's Cartoons about Islam
  120. Can Islam be Reformed? Poll!
  121. Saladin, A great Islamic hero
  122. NIKE offensive shoe with Allah's name.
  123. Isa ibn Mariam and Gibrail
  124. Favorite Islam?
  125. What would an Islamic version of the New World look like?
  126. Worst islamist?
  127. How Islamic Inventors Did Not Change The World
  128. Which Muslim denomination more acceptable for you - Shia or Sunni? (Poll)
  129. Bosniensis translation of the Chapter Romans (Qur'an)
  130. Islam, SJW, Womens rights, Gay rights, Politics, Ideology
  131. Undercover in Mosques
  132. Ramadan
  133. Islam on Balkans
  135. Feminism in Islam
  136. Minor signs of the Last hour (PLEASE WATCH)
  137. Muslim man brutally executed in the streets of East London
  138. Alone with the Alone - Ibn Arabi
  139. Is Lonewolfcypriot a muslimM
  140. city of Petra is the original Mecca.
  141. Muslim girl plagued by evil spirits finds Jesus
  142. Why don't Muslims do temple worship and burnt offerings?
  143. Mosque attendancy rates in countries with muslim communities
  144. Jesus Strongly Warns Us to Avoid the Islamic False Prophet
  145. Does Jesus Prophesy the Coming of Muhammad in John 14? Shabir Ally vs. David Wood
  146. The Return of Jesus and His Complete Victory over Islam
  147. British Muslims Demand Removal of BBC Documentary on Islamic Sex Trafficking in Iraq
  148. The Truth about the Hajj (David Wood)
  149. Jesus Warns Us to Flee Islam's Great City Mecca
  150. Inside the Kaaba
  151. Teutones favourite Mujahideen
  153. A Scientific Question for Muslims
  154. Korean woman sees Prophet Muhammad in Hell
  155. Orthodox vs. West: why Moslems so anti-Orthodox?
  156. Islam and state of Science
  157. When did Europe stop seeing Islam as Satanism?
  158. Satanists (Muslims) attacking Middle Eastern Christians on a Christian page on Facebook
  159. bare naked islam
  160. Roma Muslims
  161. PEDOPHILE Islamic leader arrested in Texas
  162. Are Muslims better than Christians?
  163. Music is Haram
  164. Do Muslims take pride of people being afraid of them?
  165. How much do I look as Orientalid? RATE (1-10)
  166. Why there is backwardness wherever there is Islam?
  167. A great youtube channel about islam
  168. Gaza Imam cheers Shia and non-Muslims being infected with the Coronavirus
  169. Muslims in Germanistan go to a mass prayer
  170. Why I Left Islam and Became a Christian
  171. Shia or Sunni?Which branch of Islam has killed the most?
  172. Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims
  173. Islam may be the last patriarchal stronghold.
  174. Pope Francis asks everyone to fast for Ramadan
  175. Why I left the Far-Right?
  176. Islam was historically more tolerant of homosexuality than was Christianity
  177. Happy Kurban Bajram to all Muslims
  178. Bosniak religious leader Kavazović, Avatar of Satan
  179. Pakistani Christian sentenced to death for refusing to convert to Islam
  180. Who is Dhul qarnayn in Islam?
  181. The Quran vs the Gospel
  182. Where did Jesus say, "I am God, worship me"?
  183. Saved by Jesus - - Ex-Muslim Testimony
  184. Ban burqas
  185. Question for Muslims
  186. Safia, Sunni Muslim woman from Kuwait finds Jesus
  187. Is Mahometanism aka Islam, the most obviously false religion ever?
  188. Do Muslims Support Islamic Law?
  189. Erdogan says Macron needs 'mental treatment,' blasts Europe's Islamophobia
  190. Hamilcar aka. Bassbean is the cousin of K-Maro
  191. is this site inaccurate?
  192. OWD Mahomet was a black slaves' owner. Waadad, wake up!
  193. Cure for depression and Obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  194. Islam Debate Thread
  195. My personal questions to Muslims
  196. Jesus is God?
  197. Are there violent verses in the Quran? Who is ISIS?
  198. Why are even educated Muslims easily radicalized?
  199. Muslims of TA did you kept fast in Ramadan?
  200. A conversation between Allah and Jesus (pbuh) MUST WATCH
  201. Happy Bajram
  202. Lies of muslims are debunked again
  203. How to convert to Islam?
  204. Can Muslims have sex outside of marriage?
  205. Saudi Arabia's $500bn futuristic Neom mega-city to open first hotels by end of 2022
  206. What you should know about Islam
  207. Imam Wadaad: "The Moors were Bad people. The Reconquista was righteous."
  208. What is the actual % of so-called 'progressive muslims' among muslims?
  209. What ?
  210. Kafir
  211. Islam lessons 1# Should Muslims befriend Non-Muslims?
  212. First Ramadan prayer hold in Hagia Sofia after 88 years! Alhamdullilah
  213. Islam and the making of the West
  214. How the Muslims of Cardiff came together for Ramadan after two years of the coronavirus pandemic
  215. Islam is rising.
  216. They teach positive good values to black people. I follow them on Facebook.
  217. Eid Mubarak today is Bajram
  218. Convert from Islam to Christianity with USA viewpoint from me
  219. TikTok Islam
  220. Why does North America have fewer radical Muslims than Europe?
  221. An Arab is not greater than an Non Arab neither a White over a Black except in good deeds
  222. Cannibalism in Islam
  223. Muslim tries to outsmart Christian preacher then runs away
  224. Islamic preacher says Christians are not to be friends
  225. Eid Mubarak
  226. Philosopher atheist Vs Muslim discussion ( MUST WATCH!!)
  227. Why do Muslims hate Israel?
  228. I decited to become Muslim again
  229. I wish all faithful Muslims a Blessed Ramadan
  230. Daily Quran Verse
  231. Why so many Brothers embrace Islam?
  232. Dangers of radical political islam vs. brown and white debate?
  233. China reconstructed the mosques
  234. What do you think of Nation of Islam and is it even Islam?
  235. Contradiction on Jews/Christians in Quran?
  236. I would cry as kid if my relative didnt take me to the mosque