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  1. Ancient Iberian treasure made by extraterrestial iron (2 replies)
  2. ! (0 replies)
  3. ! (0 replies)
  4. ! (0 replies)
  5. Indigenous 22k ybp artifacts found in Maryland, USA (1 replies)
  6. Ancient Irish monuments discovered (0 replies)
  7. (Serbia) Archaeologists discover 7000-year-old Neolithic mega-site (0 replies)
  8. dna of people buried in a visigothic church near Madrid studied (3 replies)
  9. Early medieval French coffins found (3 replies)
  10. Nearly 400 ancient medical tools from Turkey hint at rare Roman doctors' offices (1 replies)
  11. Prehistoric metropolis emerges after more than 2500 years in Ecuador (0 replies)
  12. Were WHG and EHG very similar with today east asians ? (0 replies)
  13. Roman Imperial Cult Temple Unearthed Beneath a Parking Lot in Italy (0 replies)
  14. Ancient Monuments of Egypt (0 replies)
  15. 8th Century Avar belt buckle (0 replies)
  16. Canaanite Excavation shows Child Sacrifice (4 replies)
  17. Norwegian pre-viking ship burial found: 200 ft! (0 replies)
  18. 16,800 yr old cave dwelling found in Cantabria (0 replies)
  19. Bible Evidence Unearthed at Nineveh! (2 replies)
  20. Finnish Lapland 6500 yr old site found-- more samples coming? (0 replies)
  21. In Germany, volunteers unearthed the largest hoard of Slavic coins to date and bronze-age seven swor (0 replies)
  22. Exploring Babylon and the Prophecies Against Her (0 replies)
  23. Civil War weapons thrown into river by General Sherman's forces recovered in South Carolina (0 replies)
  24. A Woman and 5 Girls in a Megalithic Tomb (0 replies)
  25. Sensational find in Itálica (Seville): a Roman circus with capacity for 80,000 spectators (0 replies)
  26. Archaeological Find Supports Ancient Greek Explorer’s Account of Britons (0 replies)
  27. Remains of 4 Confederate soldiers, amputated legs and gold coins found at a Civil War battlefield (0 replies)
  28. Shared horse and human burials show how deeply the vikings cared for their animal companions (0 replies)
  29. Meteorite that crashed to Earth 3,500 years ago carved into arrowhead by Bronze Age Hunters (0 replies)
  30. A Discovery That Will Change The Perception Of The Andalusian Neolithic. (0 replies)
  31. German WW1 U-boat found off the coast of Shetland (0 replies)
  32. Archaeologists uncover AMAZING mosaic depicting Medusa in Mérida, Spain (0 replies)
  34. What is your favorite archeological site in the world, and why do you like it? (13 replies)
  35. In search of the first traces of Jewish culture in the iberian peninsula (2 replies)
  36. Rare Neolithic ‘Polishing Boulder’ Discovered in England (0 replies)
  37. Hero of Trojan War Aeneas's peerless mosaic discovered in Türkiye (3 replies)
  38. Archaeologists Seeking Cleopatra's Tomb Uncovered a "Geometric Miracle" Tunnel (3 replies)
  39. 7,000-Year-Old Submerged Road Discovered Under The Mediterranean Sea (2 replies)
  40. Ancient Greek temple discovery sheds new light on ritual activities in ancient Paestum (0 replies)
  41. 300+ ancient (1000 yrs ago) silver coins just found DNK near Viking fortress...by young girl (0 replies)
  42. The first faces of Tartessos (1 replies)
  43. Roman-era trash dump containing naked Venus statue and other artifacts unearthed in France (0 replies)
  44. Smiling Bug-Eyed God Seen In Unparalleled Prehistoric Cave Engravings (1 replies)
  45. Hiker Accidentally Discovers Ancient Roman Shrine To Mountain Gods In The Alps (0 replies)
  46. Tibetan DNA-- short paragraph (0 replies)
  47. Viking treasure reveals oldest reference to Norse god Odin (0 replies)
  48. Stunning gem-covered gold earrings discovered in 800-year-old hoard in Germany (0 replies)
  49. Ancient Roman ‘spike defenses’ made famous by Julius Caesar found in Germany (0 replies)
  50. 3rd-century-B.C. woman was buried facedown with a nail hole in her skull. Here's why (0 replies)
  51. Archaeologists discover homes of Europe's first monument makers (0 replies)
  52. Ipolcobulcula found (0 replies)
  53. 1,500-year-old Roman skeleton found next to Barcelona cathedral (3 replies)
  54. Ancient Statue of Emperor Dressed as Hercules Discovered During Roman Sewer Repairs (1 replies)
  55. Fear Of Reanimated Corpses May Explain Mysterious Burials At 1,600-Year-Old Cemetery (0 replies)
  56. Giant 2.3 metre-long dakoken sword among unprecedented discoveries in burial mound (0 replies)
  57. Stockpile of 2,000-year-old gemstones found in Roman bathhouse drain (0 replies)
  58. Archaeologists Unearth 3,000-Year-Old Wishing Well in Germany (0 replies)
  59. World’s oldest runestone may contain the earliest example of writing in Scandinavia (1 replies)
  60. Portrait of an 8-year-old Neanderthal boy who lived more than 30,000 years ago (0 replies)
  61. Mercenaries may have helped ancient Greeks turn the tide of war (0 replies)
  62. Europe's famous bog bodies may be part of a tradition that spanned millennia (0 replies)
  63. Wishing well used for Bronze Age 'cult rituals' discovered in Bavaria (0 replies)
  64. 10 dazzling gold and silver treasures dug up in 2022 (0 replies)
  65. Woman finds three 1st century Roman amphorae while cleaning an apartment to sell it (2 replies)
  66. Spanish Experts Reconstruct Face Of 9000 Year Old Mesolithic Woman (4 replies)
  67. Cities founded by the Visigoths in the Iberian Peninsula. (9 replies)
  68. A Roman and a Punic necropolis with grave goods found in a site in Bahía Blanca, Cadiz, Andalusia (2 replies)
  69. Roman Corduba: Probable Republican Baths Found (0 replies)
  70. 30 incredible sunken wrecks from WWI and WWII (0 replies)
  71. Who Built Stonehenge? New Evidence To Answer an Ancient Question (Documentary) (0 replies)
  72. The Nuragic Civilisation of Bronze Age Sardinia (0 replies)
  73. Evidence Shows Archaic Humans Sailed to Aegean Islands 450,000 Years Ago (15 replies)
  74. The BIZARRE, 26,000 year old TRIPLE BURIAL of Dolní Věstonice (video) (0 replies)
  75. A large subway Roman gold mine discovered in León (0 replies)
  76. A necropolis from the 1st century A.D. was found in La Puebla de Cazalla (Seville). (0 replies)
  77. Reconstruction of the face of Agustina de Aragón (1 replies)
  78. Proto-Illyrian cultures (0 replies)
  79. Archeologists believe they have found Cleopatra's tomb (2 replies)
  80. Was the Maikop Culture the PIE homeland ? (2 replies)
  81. See the face of an 18th century 'vampire' buried in Connecticut (1 replies)
  82. 2 Viking swords buried upright might have connected the dead to Odin and Valhalla (0 replies)
  83. Bronze Age gold belt with ‘cosmological’ designs unearthed in Czech beet field (0 replies)
  84. 2,100-year-old burial of Aphrodite ‘priestess’ discovered in Russia (0 replies)
  86. Discovery of an exceptional work with two warriors in relief from the pre-Roman period (Cordoba) (0 replies)
  87. New findings in Regina: "It has been a surprising discovery". (0 replies)
  88. Hypothesis (Video) on how the first bronze axes were cast in prehistoric times. (0 replies)
  89. The Story of one of Spain's "Oldest" Iron Swords Found on Wallapop (0 replies)
  90. How Hallstatt people depicted themselves (4 replies)
  91. "What in the World" game show - high level entertainment (0 replies)
  92. Alarcos (Ciudad Real) Castilla La Mancha discovers first Iberian necropolis with human bones (0 replies)
  93. Alarcos (Ciudad Real) Castilla La Mancha discovers first Iberian necropolis with human bones (0 replies)
  94. Ancient Roman penis sculpture could be the largest of its kind ever discovered (4 replies)
  95. 7,500-year-old Spanish 'Stonehenge' discovered on future avocado farm (1 replies)
  96. Could shipworms be destroying the wreck of Captain Cook's Endeavour? (0 replies)
  97. The Maeotian Culture (2 replies)
  98. Clay figurine discovered in Germany may represent a prehistoric water goddess (0 replies)
  99. Frozen baby mammoth discovered in Yukon excites Canada (1 replies)
  100. Archaeologists race against time to study crumbling 1,300-year-old shipwreck (0 replies)
  101. Tortoise and her egg found in new Pompeii excavations (0 replies)
  102. Amphibian 'death pit' filled with 8,000 bones unearthed in Iron Age village (0 replies)
  103. Broken pieces of rare Viking sword reunited after 1,200 years apart (0 replies)
  104. 2,100-year-old burial of a woman lying on a bronze ‘mermaid bed’ unearthed in Greece (0 replies)
  105. France : Race to save undersea Stone Age cave art masterpieces (The Cosquer Cave) (0 replies)
  106. New runic artifacts discovered during excavation in Oslo old town (1 replies)
  107. Tocharian frescoes (8 replies)
  108. Iron Age arrow found on Norway mountain still has feather fletching on it (0 replies)
  109. Archeological sites in the Balkans (7 replies)
  110. In a burial ground full of Stone Age men, one grave holds a ‘warrior’ woman (1 replies)
  111. Revolutionary find: 19 cannons in river likely sunk in 1779 (0 replies)
  112. 1,700-year-old sandal found on a remote mountain in Norway (1 replies)
  113. Ancient Cave Art Appears Designed So Shifting Firelight Made Engravings Moving Pictures (0 replies)
  114. Roman mosaic found in villa complex (0 replies)
  115. Remains of Roman mercenary and beheaded victim found at ancient site in UK (2 replies)
  116. Possible Royal Graves Dated to the Time of King Arthur Found in Great Britain (0 replies)
  117. French farmer finds rare coin featuring Charlemagne just before his death (0 replies)
  118. 2,500-year-old burial mound found in Siberia’s ‘Valley of the Kings’ (1 replies)
  119. Examining the colored skeletons of Çatalhöyük (0 replies)
  120. Ancient handprints on cave walls in Spain found to include children’s hands (0 replies)
  121. World’s oldest mummy found in Portugal (0 replies)
  122. Excavators in Hungary have discovered a “very rare” gold Roman coin that features the face of ... (2 replies)
  123. Origin of the 30,000-year-old Venus of Willendorf discovered (0 replies)
  124. Track Marine Archaeologists Searching Icy Antarctic Seas for Ernest Shackleton’s ‘Endurance’ (0 replies)
  125. 5,000-year-old chalk sculpture discovered in grave of three Neolithic children (0 replies)
  126. Aussies Say James Cook's Ship Was Found, US Says Not So Fast (0 replies)
  127. 1,400-year-old remains of headless horse and rider discovered in Germany (0 replies)
  128. Pompeii & Herculaneum: the dead do tell tales (0 replies)
  129. How Humans Became (Mostly) Right-Handed (0 replies)
  130. Archaeologists Claim They’ve Uncovered an Ancient Temple to Hercules Visited by Julius Caesar. (0 replies)
  131. Rare evidence of Roman crucifixion uncovered in the UK (0 replies)
  132. Silver plate showing topless Scythian goddess unearthed in Russia (1 replies)
  133. 41,500-Year-Old Mammoth Ivory Pendant Found in Poland (0 replies)
  134. Clovis point confirms the presence of first settlers in Zacatecas (0 replies)
  135. Massive hoard of Roman-era silver coins unearthed in Germany (0 replies)
  136. Metal detectorist finds 2,000-year-old dagger wielded by Roman soldier in battle with Rhaetians (0 replies)
  137. Dozens of Shipwreck Discoveries Anticipated in New Marine Sanctuary (0 replies)
  138. Archeological dig in Newfoundland unearths what could be Canada’s oldest English coin (0 replies)
  139. 5,000-Year-Old Engraved Chalk Plaques Found in Stonehenge Region (0 replies)
  140. Roman-era statues of Aphrodite and Dionysus unearthed in Turkey (0 replies)
  141. Bottle found at Rochester Independent College identified as anti-witch (1 replies)
  142. A blackened mummy cake found intact 79 years after the World War II air raid (0 replies)
  143. Karahantepe will shed light on the mysteries of the Prehistoric period (0 replies)
  144. Oldest pair of skis unearthed in Norwegian ice (0 replies)
  145. “Discovery of a lifetime” golden sun bowl discovered in prehistoric settlement (1 replies)
  146. In Turkey’s Zerzevan Castle, a badge bearing the US national symbol was discovered (0 replies)
  147. Amateur free divers find gold treasure dating to the fall of the Roman Empire (0 replies)
  148. Ancient Jordanian town destroyed by a meteor blast may have inspired Biblical stories,scientists say (0 replies)
  149. 3000 thousands years old millet beer from what is now Czeh Republic (0 replies)
  150. Ancient monument linked to King Arthur is older than Stonehenge, research finds (0 replies)
  151. New research shows men and women of Roman Herculaneum had different diets (0 replies)
  152. Fatyanovo the Ancestor of the Indo Iranians (Documentary) (0 replies)
  153. Archaeologists find skeleton, evidence of Greek in Pompeii (0 replies)
  154. Archaeologists discover treasure hoard in Suzdal Opolye region of Russia (0 replies)
  155. Irish archaeologists discover a rare 1,600-year-old idol in the Roscommon bog (4 replies)
  156. Ancient Roman key depicts lion devouring barbarian (0 replies)
  157. Viking ‘amulet factory’ discovery forces rethink of enigmatic artifacts (0 replies)
  158. Vandals sack Roman-era estate and bathhouse just discovered in UK (0 replies)
  159. David Anthony 2021 - Ancient Steppe genetics and society (1 replies)
  160. Rains unearth ancient bull figurine in Greece (0 replies)
  161. Skeletons of WWII-era nuns murdered by Soviets unearthed in Poland (1 replies)
  162. Pompeii: Archaeologists unveil ceremonial chariot discovery. (0 replies)
  163. Bible account of Jericho's conquest found to be accurate (0 replies)
  164. When were British Isles keltified and what happened to previous inhabitants (14 replies)
  165. Pompeii's museum comes back to life to display amazing finds (0 replies)
  166. Elite Child’s Grave Discovered in Central France (0 replies)
  167. Woman's garden 'stepping stone' turns out to be an ancient Roman artifact (0 replies)
  168. The Most Fascinating Archaeological Discoveries of 2020 (0 replies)
  169. The coolest ancient weapons discovered in 2020 (0 replies)
  170. Archaeologists uncover ancient street food shop in Pompeii (0 replies)
  171. Archaeologists uncover ancient street food shop in Pompeii (0 replies)
  172. Archaeologists uncover ancient street food shop in Pompeii (0 replies)
  173. Mausoleum of Augustus (0 replies)
  174. Slovakia: Archaeologists discover Bronze Celtic statue with golden eyes (0 replies)
  175. Finnish Iron Age (17 replies)
  176. Ancient Greek Helmet Found in Stone Burial Chamber in Croatia (2 replies)
  177. Did Africa Have The First Iron Age? (2 replies)
  178. People who lived in Iberia (5 replies)
  179. Mesolithic Shaman in Sweden (2 replies)
  180. 'Sistine Chapel of the ancients' rock art discovered in remote Amazon forest (0 replies)
  181. 7.000 years old woman skull in Iberia (0 replies)
  182. Where Did Svalbard’s Shipwrecks Go? Ship-eating worms may be devouring centuries of history. (0 replies)
  183. Researchers study the unique hydraulics in the Barbegal water mills, the world's earliest known ... (0 replies)
  184. Decoding Linear A, the Writing System of the Ancient Minoans (0 replies)
  185. The Ring of Legendary King Minos: A Tale of Intrigue and Deception (0 replies)
  186. 3,800-year-old statues found in Peru. (1 replies)
  187. A 48,000-year-old tooth that belonged to one of the last Neanderthals in Northern Italy (0 replies)
  188. Eerily Well-Preserved 17th Century Ship Found in The Dark Waters of The Baltic Sea (0 replies)
  189. New Research Sheds Light on Fraction Signs of Still Undeciphered Minoan Linear A Script (0 replies)
  190. Scientists Map Stonehenge’s Soundscape (0 replies)
  191. Viking sword found in grave in central Norway (0 replies)
  192. Britain's oldest artwork may depict mammoths from a drowned land (0 replies)
  193. Who wants to virtually visit the tomb of Seti I in Egypt? (3 replies)
  194. Pulled pork! Archaeologists hit the PIG time after digging up Bronze Age children’s toy pigs (0 replies)
  195. Yarm Viking helmet 'first' to be unearthed in Britain (1 replies)
  196. Why Was The Angkor Wat Abandoned? | The City Of God Kings | Timeline (0 replies)
  197. Archaeologists Find Prehistoric Man-Made Island In Scotland | Time Team (0 replies)
  198. 5M people lived in Ancient Indus Valley Civilization 6k YBP to 3.8K YBP (0 replies)
  199. Mass 16th century grave reveals grim remains of over 100 children with coins in their mouths (0 replies)
  200. This Stone Age man's jawless skull was found on a spike. Here's what he looked like. (0 replies)
  201. Oldest Viking settlement possibly unearthed in Iceland (0 replies)
  202. Ancient girl Amazon warrior no older than 13 is confirmed by modern scientific techniques (3 replies)
  203. Paleolithic Skeleton from Egypt (0 replies)
  204. The Iron Age in Finland, artefacts (26 replies)
  205. Ancient Roman mosaic discovered near Verona (3 replies)
  206. Tomb of jewelry-clad Iron Age ‘PRINCESS’ unearthed in France (0 replies)
  207. Norway plans to excavate a Viking ship burial for the first time in a century (0 replies)
  208. Sredny Stog culture was not Indo-European (26 replies)
  209. Let the Dice Roll! 1,700 Year Old Board Game Found in Early Iron-Age Norwegian Burial Mound (0 replies)
  210. Ancient Greek Site Where Men were Buried with their Horses to be Restored (0 replies)
  211. Hongshan culture (0 replies)
  212. Hunter-Gatherer Have a Language? (6 replies)
  213. When Nature Unearths the Dead (1 replies)
  214. Traces of a Sarmatian cemetery were found near a hungarian town (1 replies)
  215. Submarine USS Stickleback Found (0 replies)
  216. A 5000 year-old sword found in Venice (0 replies)
  217. JamesBond007 is better than you (49 replies)
  218. Ancient carvings of scores of animals unearthed in Spanish cave (PHOTOS, VIDEOS) (1 replies)
  219. 7000-year-old Neolithic era wooden well in Czech could be the oldest engineering marvel on earth (0 replies)
  220. How A-Boat This! Massive Centuries-Old Shipwreck Found on Bottom of River Vistula (0 replies)
  221. Caucasian Mummies of China (10 replies)
  222. Archaeologists find graves of high-status Romans in Somerset (0 replies)
  223. Tomb Containing Three Generations of Warrior Women Unearthed in Russia (0 replies)
  224. Archaeologists find Bronze Age tombs lined with gold (0 replies)
  225. What did Sintashta look like? (4 replies)
  226. Dazzling 'Temple of Colored Marbles' Honoring Roman God Discovered in Italy (0 replies)
  227. Stunning Warrior Grave — Complete with Chariot, Horses - Uncovered in England (0 replies)
  228. Aerial radar turns up a Viking ship in a farmer’s field (1 replies)
  229. Vandal warriors and their weapons discovered in Poland (0 replies)
  230. Viking Ship Over 1,000 Years Old Found in Eastern Norway - Video (0 replies)
  231. Unusual Viking Grave Includes Nested Boats Buried 100 Years Apart (2 replies)
  232. What Was the First 10,000+ Seat Sports Stadium or Theater Built After Roman Times? (0 replies)
  233. Study reveals that humans migrated from Europe to the Levant 40,000 years ago (2 replies)
  234. Meet Erika the Red: Viking women were warriors too, say scientists (0 replies)
  235. Thorikos: The Oldest Known Theater in the World Lies Almost Forgotten (0 replies)
  236. Rare discovery of four Gallic sculptures in Brittany (3 replies)
  237. Fossilised remains of a Roman chariot buried with two horses '1,700 years ago (0 replies)
  238. 3000-year-old toolkit suggests skilled warriors crossed Europe to fight an epic battle (0 replies)
  239. Depopulation of East Germany (Elbe-Oder region) during the Migration Period (4 replies)
  240. Chicha, an Ancient Beverage Similar to Beer, Could Have Kept an Empire Intact For a Long Time (0 replies)
  241. Incredibly rare Roman mosaic depicting a mythical chariot race is uncovered in a Berkshire village (1 replies)
  242. Ancient horse-riding warrior found buried alongside his wife and three children (0 replies)
  243. Ancient Greeks built temples 2,700 years ago with an intricate system of... (0 replies)
  244. Face of the oldest direct human ancestor revealed: Elusive ancient species that pre-dates Lucy (5 replies)
  245. Kuwait's ancient Greek town (0 replies)
  246. Pompei: new discovery of treasure trove filled with dolls, skulls and miniature penises (0 replies)
  247. Tutankhamun’s ‘Cursed’ Golden Sarcophagus Pictured Outside Tomb for First Time Ever (0 replies)
  248. Spanish archaeologists discover largest Iberian-era building known to date (0 replies)
  249. Switzerland: Standing stones uncovered near important archaeological site (0 replies)
  250. Iron Age Celtic Woman Buried in 'Tree Trunk Coffin' Discovered in Switzerland (0 replies)