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  1. Ultimate European-Focused Modern Western Eurasian G25 Model
  2. Study highlights modern European Jews have *MINIMAL* Mena ancestry
  3. Roman Calculator For Iberians and Italians G25 Scaled
  4. Say You'll Never go Away_CALCULATOR
  5. Neolithic to Bronze Age European-Focused G25 Calculator
  6. G25 coords for each chromosome
  7. 23 and Me like G25 Calculator SCALED
  8. Debunk theories about the ancestry of Greek people
  9. 23andMe Western Eurasian & North African G25 Calculator
  10. how to interpret these results?
  11. Another Medieval calculator G25 Scaled from ExploreYourDNA.com
  12. G25 Ancient West Eurasia Calc
  13. Trying new coordinates based on the Davidski ancient standard calculator.
  14. Kriptc 23andMe results
  15. Widest interindividual genetic variability within a country in europe.
  16. Archaic human G25 calculator
  17. Turkish Ancestry Results
  18. The Moon is Bigger than Yesterday_CALCULATOR
  19. Globe 58 G25 UNSCALED individual samples calculator
  20. Anyone knows if there is any sample from this old British tribe?
  21. Is there any Iberian who tested with Ancestry DNA
  22. Greek Dna in modern albanians
  23. My Eurogenes K13
  24. G25 of full Lebanese it's compatible ?
  25. G25 Ancestry DNA map
  26. Realistic 3-In-One Ancestral Component Calculator for Western Eurasians
  27. My Harappa World results
  28. Post your Dodecad K12b 2023
  29. Ultimate Realistic Neolithic to Bronze Age Calculator for Western Eurasians and North Africans
  30. Bronze Age Calculator (G25 Scaled)
  31. MyHeritage Black Sea German from Beresan Colonies DNA test results .
  32. My wife’s Eurogenes K13
  33. Bell Beaker / Corded Ware / EEF / MENA G25 Scaled Calculator
  34. Gedmatch kits
  35. My mixed Turkish results (5/8 Turk, 3/8 Cretan)
  36. Euro-Mediterranean G25 Scaled Calculator
  37. Sorbs
  38. Northern-Euro/Mediterranean Calculator
  39. Deleted
  40. gixajo´s Next Generation My Heritage & Gedmatch results
  41. Slavic G25 ancient calculator by Feiichy
  42. Kursenieki German GEDmatch kit
  43. Ultimate Hunter-Gatherer/Farmer Calculator
  44. Anyone have any Finnish gedmatch kits?
  45. European (and nearby) Ethnic Groups Calculator
  46. European Neolithic Calculator Version 2.0 by Davide VS Neolithic, Ph2ter: POST BOTH SCALED RESULTS
  47. G25 from Merged Raw Data
  48. Updated European (and nearby) Ethnic Groups Calculator
  49. G25 Vahadou
  50. Post your new Dodecad k10a & k12a results + top new oracle & MM; (found on Admixture Studio 2.5 app)
  51. Your Ancestry DNA Results Here! (G25 Calculator)
  52. Your closest G25 ancient populations 2023
  53. Post results: UNSCALED ANCIENT RAW, ADC .25x using unscaled coordinates on Vahaduo
  54. Create Dendrograms with G25 Data
  55. Madagascar: Interesting new PCA from 2023 article mapped Malagasians in the Centre-of-Everything
  56. Genetic proximity to regional populations
  57. Amerindian Calculator for Mixed Latin Americans with Some Amerindian Admix
  58. Try this G25 Calculator from Anthrogenica.com
  59. My True Ancestry G25 Like Calculator Scaled Beta V.1
  60. Detecting Small Amerindian Admixture
  61. 23&Me New Genetic Communities
  62. 35 Acadiens samples G25 + results
  63. G25 Antiquity & high Middle Ages, calculator linked
  64. Guess Ethnic Background of a Friend
  65. Update of the "try to Catch up" ( Ancient greeks are Modern latinos lol )
  66. G25 modern scaled calculator: is it accurate for you?
  67. Question about ancestry and special samples
  68. Four corners of Europe - Dodecad K12b
  69. Farming elements: E vs W
  70. G25 scaled European REGIONAL calculator: 8 groupings-- cool one!
  71. 4 ancestral components - Lazaridis model(G25 scaled)
  72. GenomeLink Viking Report
  73. Multiple settings G25 ANCESTRY calculator: scaled/unsc, anc/modern, quick/thorough- try it!
  74. *New* Updated Ancestry DNA G25 Scaled Calculator
  75. Autosomal & genetic research: a few conversation questions
  76. CHAT Calculator
  77. Your 23andMe Results Updated!
  78. Best ANE calc?
  79. At what companies did you (for yourself) take an autosomal (not mt or Y) DNA test?
  80. Lanikea Global New Mydnaportal Test
  81. The Seven Seas of Europe Calculator (G25 Scaled)
  82. Updated (V. 3.0) Ancestry DNA Calculator (G25 Scaled)
  83. The Four Corners of Europe + Surroundings Calculator (G25)
  84. An old one, but a goodie: PCA depicting insignificant variability of OOA populations
  85. Eastern European +POL+FIN+BALTICS+RUSSIA; G25 test -- zero NW European samples
  86. Final (V4.0) Ancestry DNA G25 Calculator XD
  87. Europe calculator: G25 scaled
  88. Genetic similarity of Mesolithic hunter gatherers
  89. Tell Me Gen Update
  90. K47 calculator from Genoplot
  91. Scandinavian MyHeritage Results
  92. How accurate is myheritage dna matches?
  93. Realistic Medieval Iberian Calculator Scaled
  94. First century BC post your no-distance results
  95. The best Medieval Calculator I've ever seen
  96. neolithic model(s)
  97. To albanians
  98. Croatian results - continued
  99. Ancestry Estimate from ChatGPT
  100. Iberian Bronze Age and External Influences Calculator G25 Scaled
  101. My MyHeritage results
  102. Post your Tolan K16P7 NeolithicTolan K20M12 Bronze Age (YourDNAportal)
  103. Can this match be real?
  104. How much Barbarian you are? g25 Iberian Visigothic-Era Model
  105. Iberian Visigothic-Era Model G25, Updated!
  106. Gedmatch Results of Australian with European and Aboriginal Australian ancestry
  107. Why is Genomelink so random?
  108. Iberia hanked by North African DNA
  109. New G25 game - above and closest to distance 3! (with rules)
  110. Realistic European-Centered Western Eurasian Model G25 Scaled
  111. New G25 game (II) - lowest distance ABC etc.
  112. Where to find Pannonian Rusyn samples?
  113. Ancient Northern European vs Southern European G25 model
  114. Gedmatch Results Of An Afrikaner
  115. Proto Basque-Like sample from South France, 1911 BC
  116. Simulated coordinates genetic distances to my official G25: average dist 3.0277% OFF
  117. Accurate Medieval Iberian G25 Calculator
  118. Final Ancestral Component Calculator G25
  119. Gedmatch Results Of Another Afrikaner #2
  120. Does anyone use modern individuals?
  121. G25 Calculator from Anthrogenica.com
  122. Picts just Brits?
  123. Actual Final Ancestral Components Calculator
  124. G25 South-Eastern French results
  125. Dodecad and Eurogenes Results Of 6 Afrikaners
  126. Modern Populations Recreated With Ancient DNA
  127. A question about MyHeritage
  128. Updated TellMeGen G25 Calculator SCALED
  129. Can anyone convert these Southern Tunisian GEDMATCH results into G25 coordinates
  130. Balanced Tri-Racial Brazilian Global25 coordinates
  131. Eritrea 🇪🇷 GEDMATCH RESULTS
  132. Dominican Republic DNA Results
  133. Eastern Finland GEDMATCH
  134. Guatemalan Mayan (Full Indigenous GEDMATCH RESULTS) with photo
  135. Why do brazilians seem so dinarid-like?
  136. My Eurogenes K13 and pic
  137. Raw data question: Ancestry vs 23andMe
  138. Gedmatch results of an Italian from Croatia!
  139. "Grecoroman" versus "Viking" world calculator (G25 scaled)
  140. 2-in-one Farmer/Hunter-Gatherer Calculator + Yamnaya G25 Scaled
  141. G25 Scaled "aproximate" version of "Andre's K13 Vahaduo calculator " for Balkans. V. 2
  142. Any Calculators for Montenegrinness?
  143. How can I make averages using Vahaduo?
  144. News North Italians samples
  145. West Asian calc for Balkanites
  146. Autosomal results of my sister
  147. Polish DNA - Myheritage vs. GedMatch K36
  148. Drew Barrymore's Ancestry Results
  149. Any Serbcentric Calculators?
  150. Anyone know what AUT_Wels is on G25
  151. Gedmatch Question
  152. Northern Swedish dna test
  153. ADC 0.5x European Medieval Calculator G25 Scaled
  154. With pieces of your heart CALCULATOR
  155. Gixajo G25 European-Focused Map
  156. Are Yemenite Jews Arabs?
  157. "The turn of the era" calculator from ExploreYourDna
  158. [MAP] Who is More Yamnaya G25
  159. European Calculator and Surroundings G25 Scaled
  160. G25 Iron Age-Rome-Medieval (Unscaled)
  161. West Balkan Slavka calc
  162. Finally a Dzudzuana individual (G25 scaled coordinates)
  163. How Indian I actually am?
  164. Albanian Illustrative DNA Periodical Ancient Ancestry Breakdown results + DNAgenics concern.
  165. Classify Swedish Women's Soccer Team
  166. Paleo calc scaled.
  167. Iron Age Europe G25 Calculator
  168. Classify Virginia Langhammer, Brazilian Youtuber
  169. Comprehensive Middle Ages Calculator G25
  170. K12 10 kybp WHG-EHG G25 calculator scaled
  171. Parent's G25 results
  172. WANTED: Italianness Calculator
  173. Alcoholism Risk Calculator
  174. Rebuilt of Europe - G25 scaled
  175. Perfected 23andMe G25 Scaled Western Euradian & North African Simulator Calculator
  176. Ultimate European & West Asian Calculator G25 Scaled "Amor Meu"
  177. Culus_CALCULATOR_scaled
  178. How Common is the Epicanthic Fold in Europe
  179. The Elegant Atlantid-Dinarid: Examples and Location
  180. Comprehensive Ancestral Component Calculator G25 Scaled
  181. Daniel Conversano G25 results
  182. G25 cslculator shows: Southwest Finns can be substituted by Kashubian Poles and North Russians
  183. The Best Genetic Phenotype Predispositions Website I've seen
  184. Ex Yugo K13 mode
  185. Austro-Hungarian K13
  186. Dušan's Illustrative DNA results
  187. Value of these results? What is your interpretation for me?
  188. Mortimers Illustrative DNA Results
  189. Illustrative DNA krajina Serb results.
  190. My (JGab602) Illustrative DNA Results - Euro Side
  191. My Illustrative DNA results
  192. Differences between DnaGenics & Illustrative DNA G25 coordinates (gixajo enana coords)
  193. Bosniensis' Illustrative Dna results
  194. Croatian Illustrative DNA results
  195. Post your 5 populations autosomal profile from Illustrative DNA.
  196. The Best Calculator For Iberians at ILLUSTRATIVE DNA
  197. Cassie's Illustrative DNA results
  198. Illustrative DNA results
  199. Ylla's Illustrative DNA results
  200. My Illustrative DNA
  201. Dodecad V3 and Africa 9: Post your Gedmatch 4-way Oracles
  202. Laniakea (YourDnaPortal) Post your results
  203. My Living DNA results.
  204. Polish Illustrative DNA results
  205. Free Genotek raw data upload
  206. Ancient G25 scaled
  207. Insular Celts in Galicia
  208. ''Ancient DNA reveals the origins of the Albanians'' study
  209. Ancient Europe G25 scaled
  210. Cool Ancient G25 calc -- try it out! Post anything
  211. My Living DNA results (vikiingMallorcaSpan)
  212. Are you Central Asian?
  213. The Elder Scroll Races G25 Calculator SCALED
  214. The Best HG-Farmer-Pastoralist Calculator for Western Eurasians
  215. Calculator- Poland in various ancient periods, scaled
  216. Udmurts are 3/4 NW European + 1/4 East Asian
  217. K3 turn-of-times Central Europe calculator scaled
  218. K4 - Southern European "WOG" Calculator G25 Scaled
  219. K5 Central Europe and Balkans calculator
  220. Roman-Montenegro compared to modern Balkan populations
  221. Western Ukrainian Genetics
  222. My Heritage DNA Results of Ötzi
  223. One of the Best Ancient G25 DNA calculators I've found
  224. Aggregated G25 modern averages (scaled)
  225. Eastern Europe calculator
  226. Slav centered calculator (G25 scaled)
  227. European Sprachbund Exclusive Calculator G25 Scaled
  228. Czech IllustrativeDNA results
  229. I am the most South Asian member of TA, nobody has a higher south asian percentage then me
  230. What would his Eurogenes k36 look like??
  231. ultimate northerness / southerness 10 kybp K8 G25 calculator scaled
  232. Ancient Troll calculator (G25 Scaled)
  233. Illustrative DNA results of 3/4Hungarian and 1/4Dutch
  234. Unpopular Opinion: Genera é o melhor teste disponível no Brasil e um dos melhores no mundo
  235. 15th century Sassari sardinians samples
  236. Vojvodina IllustrativeDNA results
  237. G25 modern eurasia (scaled coordinates)
  238. The only non-Slavic admixture in Russians is Moksha
  239. Genetic differences between Finns and other Finno-Ugric speakers
  240. Dutch Limburg and Dutch North Brabant
  241. Modern Normand result
  242. New G25 Coords July 6! try to catch out!
  243. My Dna results (Greek)
  244. Small Balkan G25 calculator
  245. 4 corners of Europe - Medieval edition (G25 scaled)
  246. Target: AUS_Willandra_Lakes_4000BP:WLH4
  247. New Canary Islands samples
  248. New ancient samples G25 calculator (scaled)
  249. Ancient calculator
  250. New G25 modern individuals calculator?