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  1. My MundoDNA Results (Beowulf)
  2. another ancient
  3. Greek Illustrative DNA & Global25
  4. Balkan Roma ancestry subtraction
  5. Post your Illustrative DNA results - general thread
  6. Eurasian regions G25 (scaled)
  7. G25 Ancient Spreadsheet Post Your Result
  8. New! Feiichy G25 ancient Slavic calculator scaled v2.4
  9. NewG25ScaledfromDavidski
  10. DNA results confirm proto Turks descend from Ancient northeast Asians (Baikal EBA).
  11. v2.5 calculator
  12. Quick DNA
  13. Turks and Greeks
  14. Decoding values of G25 coordinates
  15. Brother NOSHACOT pigmentation prediction
  16. European calculator
  17. neolithic MENA model
  18. Basic Atlantic/Mediterranean/Baltic calculator (scaled G25 coords)
  19. Post your G25 Modern Europe 2.0 results:
  20. G25 Région Adriatique calculator (Unscalled)
  21. What's Chebyshev Distance? (G25)
  22. RyoHazuki's ILLUSTRATIVE DNA Result
  23. "Croatian-like" Genetics in Southwestern Ukraine and Southeastern Poland
  24. New ancient Mesolithic calc (G25 scaled)
  25. Russki qpAdm result in admixtools2
  26. qpAdm runs in admixtools2 for Northwest/Northeast Europe
  28. Two way or oracle
  29. Eurogenes G25 calculator for Greeks and Turks. (Bronze Age, Iron age, Medieval)
  30. Demirkazık's "Basic" Calculator
  31. G25 - Ancient and Medieval World (Tautalus)
  32. Simple Ancient K36 Calculator
  33. Domitius Medieval G25 Calculator ( Scaled )
  34. "Farmer vs Herder" Suite, a G25 Scaled Calculator
  35. Modern Populations Calculator
  36. G25 world regions sources (scaled).
  37. G25 - Demirkazık's scaled "Chad era" Calculator
  38. Ancient Pop Ave Scaled: show full .25x ADC, and 5RP no ADC
  39. G25 Calculator: Let Your Ancestors Cook for You
  40. G25 drink spectrum calculator scaled (nittionia style)
  41. My True Ancestry website
  42. The ULTIMATE European/West Eurasian-Focused Suite, a G25 Scaled Calculator
  43. G25 beer calculator scaled (nittionia style)
  44. Try these sources if you're Northern Euro (G25 scaled coordinates).
  45. Enhanced "Farmer vs Herder" Suite, a G25 Calculator
  46. G25 medieval and iron age calculator wich i found in Eupedia, Try It!!
  47. Exclusive Iberian Antiquity/Early Medieval Calculator G25
  48. Is Yamnaya component in modern populations overrated?
  49. cheapest whole genome sequencing
  50. European-Focused Antquity/Early Middle Ages G25 Calculator
  51. G25 - Demirkazık's scaled "Iron Age" Calculator
  52. Built from Dodecad k12b samples: Post R4P @ ADC 0.25x
  53. The share of very old populations in today's Balkan and some neighboring populations
  54. South Asian Ancestry of Afrikaners
  55. G25 Bronze Age SCALED calculator from Exploreyourdna.com
  56. Iberian, Southern French & Italian Iron Age G25 Calculator
  57. Eurogenes K13 coordinates: post .25x @ R4P: compare your K13 G25 Sims to G25 Official & post results
  58. Ancient & Modern G25 Calculator: Try 3RP, 4RP, & 5RP
  59. European Calculator-- try 5RP results
  60. Is this a typical GEDmatch result expected for a Hungarian person?
  61. Ancient model with ibm oub002
  62. Dalmatian Islander DNA
  63. Wifes Uncle G25Modern/Ancient results
  64. Ultimate Four Corners of Europe, a G25 Calculator
  65. Southern (Languedoc) French results
  66. K13 results - romanian
  67. The Perfect Way to Model Iberians, G25 Calculator
  68. European Islands G25 SCALED calculator
  69. AncestryDna + Gedmatch : New Member, Croatian
  70. Gedmatch results of two Kabyles. They are one of the most Western-shifted Kabyles I can find.
  71. Eastern Mediterranean Neolithic Calculator Updated
  72. Eurogenes K36 averages in G25-- remove your top 50 distances and run it @ 0-2x ADC
  73. Post Illustrative DNA Periodical Ancestry Breakdown (Medieval)
  74. Beo242 Paternal grandfathers DNA Results
  75. Gedmatch Hunter Gatherer vs Farmer Calculator
  76. G25 SCALED modern IndividualsByPenalva
  77. ILLUSTRATIVE DNA Migration Period, post your results!
  78. k13 on map
  79. What does red sea mean in Gedmatch ?
  80. Puntdnal K10 Ancient -- post results
  81. model yourself with G25 single ethnics coords
  82. Post your MDLP K16 Modern 4-way TOP #1 Oracle
  83. Running jat on a Neolithic model
  84. UNscaled G25: modern and ancient
  85. Serbian Illustrative DNA update
  86. Illustrative DNA updated Ancient Populations 'Mixed Mode'
  87. Ancient G25 coordinates?
  88. Post your IllustrativeDNA “Hunter Gather vs Famer Ancestry” result
  89. Iron Age model
  90. DNA Lounge calculator (unscaled)
  91. [B]Is MyTrueAncestry.com Valid[/B]
  92. Post your original results from Davidski
  93. Why am i so close to Moldovan?
  95. Balto-Slavic vs Celto-Germanic vs Celto-Romance vs Indo-Iranic G25 Calculator
  96. Bronze Age model from von with adjustments
  97. Gedrosia Ancient Eurasia K6 -- post results & full oracle
  98. Norrsken g25 ethnicity
  99. Dodecad K7b -- for fun-- post top oracle result per category + general results if desired
  100. Pop averages ancient scaled datasheet
  101. Nurzat DNA results and graphs
  102. My Mother's IllustrativeDNA results :D
  103. Illustrative DNA results (nittionia's dad)
  104. Joaquín Dopazo, el hombre que más sabe del ADN español: "No hay un genoma vasco o andaluz"
  105. Issue with qpadm for son
  106. Samples from various Tuscan areas
  107. Help to predict my MTDNA, geno 2.0 was say X (X1).
  108. Off the bus calculator G25
  109. Corsicans Stuart results
  110. Medieval calculator - G25 coords scaled.
  111. Who's the genetics genius here? Help me understand merging raw data correctly please
  112. Get Free results on MH uploading your raw data till 8 of October
  113. PCA-related Northern/Southern/MENA G25 Calculator
  114. Maikop Global 25 map
  115. G25 Scaled European Ancestry by Ty Fri - DNA GENICS
  116. DNAGenics Traits Appearance
  117. Inside The Temple CALCULATOR
  118. Please Help about G25 Genoplot simulated
  119. Gallo-Romans + LateAntiquity French results
  120. 4 components model: Atlantic/Baltic/West-med/East-Med(G25 scaled)
  121. One question about g25 simulated EUROGENES k13 or Dodecad k 12b.
  122. Megalithic Ancient Calculator (G25 Scaled)
  123. better calculator gedmatch to half middle eastern and half southEuro (Spanish, Italian and Brazil)
  124. 23&me had an updated on ancestry results....
  125. How does ancient calcs g25 works?
  126. Greek Gedmatch results from various regions (Peloponnese, Macedonia, Epirus, and more)
  127. Real G25 vs. Simulated from K36
  128. How close are Western Turks/Anatolian Turks to Italians and Iberians?
  129. What it's more accurate my origins 3.0 by Ftdna or G25 by David?
  130. West Asian on MyHeritage ?= Iranic
  131. What groups are Ashkenazi Jews genetically closest to?
  132. Benjamin Franklin Ethnicity Calculator
  133. G25 scaled Iron Age
  134. Can you model yourself with 50% one parent with K13 or G25? How?
  135. What is the ancestral profile of the Old Jews?
  136. Gedrosia K12 for G25 scaled coordinates
  137. Ancient Balkan calculator(G25 scaled)
  138. Very ancient calculator (scaled).
  139. Mesolithc versus Neolithic calculator (G25 Scaled)
  140. How found ethnicity of dad by mother and son results ? EUROGENES k13
  141. Can we assign an average IQ for every autosomal admixture to calculate a population IQ ?
  142. G25 - Demirkazık's Bronze Age Calculator
  143. Northern vs Southern European, NOW WITH ANCIENT SAMPLES!
  144. Late Roman/Early Medieval Localized Calculator
  145. How much Caucasian are you?
  146. Closest continental europe West vs East
  147. Phenotype calc unscaled
  148. ancient Europe G25+ world regions , scaled.
  149. Post Your Pannonia Calc Results
  150. Medieval Swedish Vikings; Russian and all other Medieval Viking samples optional
  151. French vs German
  152. Balkan-Caucasian-only calc
  153. Many Moons Ago: An Amerindian calc
  154. TES race G25
  155. Ask out the hot chick you have a crush on!
  156. What is Judah Kingdom?
  157. Talk to your DNA (AI New)
  158. Eurogenes K10 & MDLP World -- map yourself!
  159. HG Trial Calc-- find your breakdown of only HG
  160. Subregions of Europe calculator (G25 scaled)
  161. Am I a Cherokee?!
  162. 23andMe G25 UNSCALED calculator (Gergő Marosvári)
  163. Different version of Ancient Standard calculator (G25 scaled)
  164. Negromongol calculator
  165. Any good NON-G25 calculators?
  166. European Meta-Ethnicity G25 Calculator
  167. [SCALED] G25 Basic Baltic by Ph2ter
  168. These genes that caused europeans to lose iq points
  169. Small balkan g25
  170. How Koreans Are Genetically Related to Mongolians?
  171. Ancestry 2.0 -- a modern calc idea to try
  172. Here is which ethnic group composes 45% of the Han DNA (chinese)
  173. Eurogenes K13 Global
  174. My Heritage ethnicity update............
  175. Meta-Ethnicity Calculator 2.0 (Europe Focus)
  176. Late Neolithic calc
  177. My Saga dot com
  178. NW Euro K42
  179. How do I quantify Vahaduo distances?
  180. Balto-Salvic Drift G25 Calculator scaled (ph2ter)
  181. V2.6 calculator - Balkans/central/eastern Europe
  182. Dna results of a mixing of Lebanese and Italian-Spanish-Brazilian.
  183. Native french from Herault, Gard.
  184. Early Bronze Age Calculator from exploreyourdna.com
  185. G25 admixture to 50-Lebanese and 50-Iberian/Italian-Brazilian
  186. Gairo ogliastra sardinia sim sample
  187. Far NW, NW Euro UNscaled Modern calc
  188. Nw-Nw Euro UNscaled *updated* V2
  189. Megalithic, Chalcolithic and Around Calculator
  190. Are the Romani People in Scandinavia Genetically Diluted?
  191. Why Do People From Muğla Have the Highest East Eurasian Admixture in Turkey?
  192. Simulated G25 Yamnaya Oddity
  193. How to "phase" K36 coordinates?
  194. Why do I have such a low Eastern Euro component on K15 eurogenes?
  195. Blind Test of K36
  197. Southern Origins calc v1: From Basque to Yamnaya: North African, Med & Balkanic
  198. G25 - Demirkazık's Steppe, Farmer and Hunter calculator
  199. Organizing globe13 calculator 's admixtures by IQ
  200. BVB Players DNA Results
  201. Ajax Players Discover Their Family History with MyHeritage DNA
  202. Baltic states have significant Slavic admixture
  203. North Eurasian calc v1
  204. European 4 components model (G25 scaled)
  205. Archaic Human Calculator (G25)
  206. What does "Northeast_African" refer to in the Eurogenes?
  207. What do you think of this spreadsheet result ?
  208. Yamnaya calc, UNscaled
  209. G25 if you only use your known ancestors places from "modern scaled"
  210. Euro_Seas Calculator G25 Scaled
  211. Ancient Non-NW Euro k25 v1: UNscaled
  212. Sacha's IllustrativeDNA Results
  213. Necromancing with K36
  214. Member Chromosome K36 Coordinates
  215. Jingle Bell Father's results
  216. g25 VS qpadm/admixtools2 comparison.
  217. autosomes: wife + father-in-law
  218. Russian Empire G25
  219. Promo Code Illustrative DNA
  220. Dodecad World9 calculator(scaled G25)
  221. Your own personal Oracle "4-way" G25: Mod Pop Ave Unscaled
  222. Post MDLP World results (for Amerindian ancestry)
  223. New IBD tool for ancient DNA-- an article
  224. Do African-Americans know that they have European DNA?
  225. Model I saw here with some adjustments
  226. How am I Kartveli? IllustrativeDNA
  227. Iron Age model v1
  228. Bronze Age ancient calculator (G25 scaled)
  229. Steppes are 66-72% ANE.
  230. Medieval Calculator for Iberians (G25)
  231. Some of my calculations
  232. The Best Sub Racial Admixture Calculator, Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Does It Exist?
  233. German DNA results
  234. Ancient Caucasus Origins v1 calc
  235. Having Jewish cousins
  236. Iron Age v2
  237. Crusader calculator (scaled G25)
  238. My Tentative of my European side proxy (Insipired in Eurafricanid)
  239. Demirkazık's DNA results.
  240. Simulated results for my sister's daughter.
  241. Mixdguy17 Illustative DNA results and Coords
  242. "Who is the most Afghan on the forum?", G25 scaled calculator.
  243. Different amount of snp will generate noise results?
  244. Modern averages scaled
  245. Model from user Samuel on exploreyourdna
  246. It's understandable why most Greeks are often slightly more white than their fellow brother Cypriots
  247. Eastern-Southeastern Modern Origins calc v1: Scaled G25
  248. @Beowulf -Your results are here (G25)-
  249. European-Fosused Broadly Western Eurasian G25 Calculator
  250. First working Neolithic model for qpadm working for my son