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  1. Andros, Greece (Cyclades) DNA result!
  2. Post your chromosome painting from Doug McDonald.
  3. New Italian and Greek GEDmatch results: MDLP K23, Dodecad K12, and PuntDNA-L K12
  4. Where in Africa is the most likely source of Sikeliot's distant African ancestry?
  5. 10 Calabrese GEDmatch results.
  6. Who here ordered a 'MyHeritageDNA' kit?
  7. 9 South Italian from Campania GEDmatch results, and 1 Sicilian from Messina.
  8. Anatolia Chalcolithic on Gedmatch
  9. World Genetic Regions Map
  10. Quantifying the Sub-Saharan African slave contribution to the DNA in the Azores, Madeira, Canaries
  11. Strange genetic facts about populations that surprise you.
  12. Post your DNA Tribes results
  13. Do you wanna share and compare your DNA results with me on GEDmatch? (Turkish)
  14. Liberal Balkan Scores on WeGene
  15. As they exist today, which races are the "oldest" and "newest"?
  16. Distance from Greece and Lebanon on Gedrosia K15 for Sicilian/Aegean/Cretan results.
  17. Russians and Finns admixture?
  18. Things are looking up?
  19. Rate all the DNA companies and tests currently available
  20. Where would the average Romanian/ Norwegian mix cluster?
  21. Near East Neolithic K13 two-way oracle result for Italians, Sicilians, Greeks.
  22. Post k36 + geographical proximity map
  23. Post your Gedmatch 'My Evil Twin' results!
  24. Post Near East Neolithic K13 results
  25. Post Eurogenes Jtest results
  26. Which calculator is the best for measuring % of East Asian / Mongoloid
  27. PuntDNAL K12 Ancient Results
  28. Post your Angry Negrito %
  29. Where do you think my Negrito admixture went on the puntDNAL K15 calc?
  30. Prehistoric Romanian (~40,000 years old) in GEDmatch
  31. Eurogenes K9b Results
  32. Post Gedrosia K15 Oracle results
  33. Greek 23andme result from Ikaria, North Aegean islands.
  34. Istanbul Greek GEDMatch results.
  35. North African, SW Asian, and North Euro admixture in S. Europe: Dodecad K12b.
  36. Two GEDmatch results: Chios, Greece and Palermo, Sicily.
  37. Can Lebanese Christians be considered fully Caucasian and even mostly white?
  38. Bulgaria,Macedonia,Romania,Greece Gedmatch Results
  39. Post PuntDNA-L K12 results (for yourself and for other ethnicities)!
  40. Post Eurasia K10 CHG results
  41. Amounts of SSA for Sikeliot's Portuguese-surnamed relatives on GEDmatch.
  42. Post MDLP k27 results
  43. Lazaridis et al on Sicilians, Maltese, and Ashkenazi Jews.
  44. What's the best gedmatch calculator for detecting South Asian admixture?
  45. Post your Gedrosia K12 chromosome painting
  46. Post your Eye Color Prediction from GEDMATCH
  47. Post your Dodecad K7b Oracle results
  48. Post your 'MDLP K16 Modern' gedmatch calculator results!
  49. Post your MDLP K11 Modern (new calc)
  50. Jewish?
  51. North African affinity in Southern Europe according to Eurogenes K13. West Med is NOT just European.
  52. Lithuanian, Latvian, Finn Gedmatch results
  53. Why do I get Cypriot on every gedmatch test?
  54. Rhodian Greek GEDmatch result!
  55. Post your GEDMATCH Eurogenes Hunter_Gatherer vs. Farmer results
  56. Is there more Albanian and Slavic ancestry in Italians or in Greeks?
  57. GEDmatch for another of Sikeliot's cousins (Palermo, Sicily)
  58. Post your Gedrosia K3 chromosome painting.
  59. Post your 'Dodecad Africa9' calculator results
  60. Are your parents related?
  61. How much "Neolithic Balkan Farmer" do you get on Eurasia K14?
  62. Spaniards plot south: Greeks/Albanians closer Tuscans, Bulgarians, and North Italians.
  63. Post your Gedrosia K12 results
  64. Post your Gedrosia K9 ASI results
  65. My Eurogenes K13 results
  66. Post your MDLP World-22 Atlantic-Mediterranean Admixture results
  67. Albanians genetically closer to Spanish than Croatian?
  68. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) from Lazaridis et al. 2016
  69. How well do North Amerindian calculators work?
  70. Post Eurasia K11 CHG-NAF results
  71. What's the autosomal DNA of kabyle berbers?
  72. Who, genetically, are the least Slavic of the Slavs?
  73. Post your Eurasia K14 results!
  74. Any Albanians/Greeks who can beat my North Sea score?
  75. IBD sharing in Europe
  76. Ancient CHG samples in MDLP World-22
  77. "Scythians = Slavs", the biggest anthrofora myth ever?
  78. Ancient mtDNA from Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
  79. Interpretome painting Hapmap 3
  80. HarappaWorld averages for Sicilians, Calabrese, Greek mainlanders, and Greek islanders.
  81. Post your highest Siberian score!
  82. MyOrigin, Is this Sephardic Jew sign?
  83. Eurogenes K11 Results
  84. Do Irish genetically differ on the east and west coasts?
  85. Do these GEDmatch Oracle results make sense for me?
  86. Dominicanese's DNA.Land results
  87. South Italian (Calabrese/Apulian) person's AncestryDNA and GEDmatch result!
  88. New Scythian and Sarmatian genomes from Eurasian steppe
  89. 3 population admixture for my father and me-FTDNA
  90. Deep inland Sicilian GEDmatch from Caltanissetta... Maltese-like, Arabian shifted.
  91. 2 population admixture for my father and I
  92. They wuz kangz n' sheeeit??
  93. My My heritage results are in.
  94. Post your EEF-WHG-ANE test.
  95. Distances to Greek populations for Sicilians on MDLP World.
  96. Peloponnese Greeks Eurogenes K15 results.
  97. Two Greek GEDmatch results; Kythera island. Identical to Sicilians and Cretans.
  98. Any Albanian/Greek with lower Baltic + East Euro result than mine?
  99. Guess this person's origin from DNA result: Sicilian, Jew, or Greek?
  100. Interesting North Aegean island Greek GEDmatch result (Chios island)
  101. Don't trust My heritage results after these Mdlp K16 nMonte results
  102. 5% West Asian, or 1% SSA
  103. Which US state has the most genetic affinity to the Levant?
  104. Post Eurogenes K12 results
  105. 6 Eurogenes K15 results... MATCH them to their ethnicity.
  106. Sazzini et al 2016: Italian population structure (PCAs included here)
  107. Ancestry Special on RTE Late Late Show
  108. PCA Map Of Tested Albanian TA Members. (Eurogenes v2 K15)
  109. Polynesian autosomal DNA question
  110. On this admixture chart which looks most 'different' -- Crete, Peloponnese, or Sicily?
  111. Turks are Iranids who mixed with Mongolians around 1250 AD
  112. Thevillager overlap with other members based on ftdna ancient origins result.
  113. Post your Eurogenes K15 North Sea admixture %
  114. Post your puntDNAL K12 Ancient Oracle results
  115. A BIG MISUNDERSTANDING WHEN IT COMES TO GENETIC CALCULATORS! Especially if you are new to genetics!
  116. Post your CHG scores
  117. Bronze Age Levant GEDmatch results.
  118. Post your DNA.Land North-East Euro (North Slavic + Finnish) %
  119. Post Atlantic scores from Eurogenes k15
  120. Ancient Egyptian mummy DNA closer to Middle Easterners than modern Egyptians
  121. Genetically, who are the closest continental Europeans to Cypriots?
  122. HG vs Farmers
  123. Good blog post on the possibility of higher "Slavic" input in Peloponnese
  124. Post Your Afanasevo_Yamnaya score (GedrosiaDNA Eurasia K14)
  125. 4000 BC source list admixture run for Balkanites, Cypriots, and West Sicilians
  126. Greeks and Albanians, post MDLP K16 northeast euro and steppe
  127. Percent of Nordid-influenced types in Southern Europe.
  128. I love this new feature of AncestryDNA!
  129. Post East European scores from Eurogenes k10
  130. SNP: Are you homo sapien, mixed or neanderthal?
  131. How neandertal are ya'?
  132. Post Eurogenes K36 Central Euro + East-Central Euro
  133. Mixed Oracles: Eurogenes K15
  134. Guess this person based on their GEDmatch score on MDLP K15.
  135. Post your Eurogenes k15 mixed mode oracle results
  136. Post Eurasia K10 CHG Admixture Proportions
  137. Would genetics differ in southern Italy between rich and poor?
  138. Has Southern Europe gotten more, or less, Near Eastern over the millennia?
  139. Post Dodecad v3 results
  140. If you removed the SSA from NW Africans, who would they be closest to?
  141. Post your WeGene Eyelids SNP results.
  142. Post your WeGene Theoretical Thinking SNP results.
  143. Post your WeGene Math SNP results.
  144. Post your WeGene Micropenis SNP results.
  145. Post your Eurasia K14 Neolithic Admixture
  146. South Italy & Balkans PCA and dendrogram created my user "mlukas"
  147. Estimate ethnicity/origins of person with these results from Eurogenes K15
  148. Please estimate origins/ethnicity of someone with these results from Eurogenes K15
  149. Post your new FTDNA results!
  150. Post Western European scores from eurogenes k12b
  151. Post Eurogenes k36 autosomal map results
  152. Greek results in K36 & PCA (TA users mostly from Sikeliot sample)
  153. Post your Siberian/Mongoloid/East Eurasian from all companies you tested with.
  154. Post your Spatial Ancestry Analysis (SPA) autosomal maps
  155. Is ancestrydna worth the money?
  156. Post your GEDmatch Oracle-4 and Oracle results
  157. Should Albanians who score non-Balkan/South East Euro get exterminated?
  158. Which modern SSA people best proxy the African admixture in Egyptians?
  159. What are the Ainu like genetically?
  160. Chernyakhov culture (Goths) DNA ?
  161. Guess this person's origin from their GEDmatch. Rep comment to winner.
  162. About new myorigins2.0 results
  163. Post your most controversial genetic hypotheses.
  164. A Gedmatch Admixture Guide!
  165. Post your ANE scores from Eurogenes ANE k7 results
  166. K15 French PCA
  167. 3 GEDMatch results: which is Sicilian, Ashkenazi, and Cretan?
  168. Post your WeGene E11 calculator results.
  169. Oneeye's updated MyOrigins results
  170. Post your ftDNA Ancient Origins
  171. Eurogenes K36 Oracle: my results
  172. Does anyone have Irish GEDMatch results or IDs from the following regions?
  173. Which are the most "native" regions of the UK, Ireland, Italy, and Greece?
  174. Post your MyHeritage DNA results!
  175. About "Predict Eye Color" on Gedmatch...
  176. Ikaria, Greece GEDMatch result -- very interesting
  177. Two interesting GEDmatch results from Palermo/Trapani area, Sicily (both shifted toward Caucasus)
  178. Is "East Med" a Levantine admixture?
  179. Ancients on K12b Dodecad
  180. Skin color SNP (rs1426654) what is yours?
  181. Eurogenes k15: Western Eurasian spatial maps denotations
  182. Dodecad Africa9 Calc
  183. Afrikaners non-European admixture?
  184. South Europeans admixture?
  185. Amerindian admixture in the US
  186. Europeans admixture
  187. Maltese GEDmatch result on multiple calculators.
  188. GEDmatch result from Serradifalco, Caltanissetta, Sicily.
  189. Greek genetic connections/IBD sharing to Western Europe: why and how?
  190. Northeast Sicily by y-dna: entirely lacking historical "northern" inputs? Chart provided.
  191. Half Japanese, Half Askhenazi results
  192. "Tungus Altaic" component on MDLP K23b
  193. Ragusa, Sicily GEDmatch result: high SW Asian and higher Baltic.
  194. Gedmatch result of a high North African scoring cousin: far western Palermo province, Sicily.
  195. Maltese result on MDLP K23
  196. Two VERY extreme Sicilian and Greek results.
  197. what nationalities do you match on autosomal?
  198. Post your west med scores from Eurogenes k15
  199. Chios, Aegean islands GEDmatch result.
  200. Negrito/Aeta/Mamanwa/Semang/Papuan gedmatch kit-#s....anyone have any?
  201. What are people from Nepal like genetically?
  202. Guess this person from their MDLP K23, Dodecad K12b, and Eurogenes K15 results!
  203. Kazbech's Autosomal DNA
  204. The EHGest person, population and province at 2017 AD...
  205. Post Iran Neolithic K6 Calculator results
  206. Jewish Admixture by Country...
  207. Guess the origin of these three GEDmatch results. Will rep comment.
  208. A genetic characterization of 109 BBC individuals
  209. Post you MDPL K23b Archaic Human & African
  210. Rothschild dynasty Eurogenes K15 results
  211. Search sardinian kit on Gedmatch
  212. Several new South Italian Eurogenes K36/Dodecad K12 results (Sicily, Apulia, Campania, Calabria)
  213. Guess who is who from Eurogenes: Apulian, Peloponnesian, Campanian, and Rhodian.
  214. 32 Tunisians results on Eurogenes V2 K15
  215. Iberians or Italians, who have more SSA admixture?
  216. How much Greek ancestry exists in Turkey, southern Italy, Cyprus, Pontics, and the Aegean islands?
  217. NEW: wide range of South European results; Sicily, Greece, Central Italy, Spain, etc!!
  218. Several MENA results on Eurasia K9 ASI.
  219. Two Greek GEDMatch results: Laconia (Peloponnese) and Chios (North Aegean)
  220. Azorean vs mainland Portuguese GEDmatch results
  221. Eurogenes' "West Sicily" sample is unrepresentative of western Sicily: should be replaced/removed!
  222. Greek from Thessaly Eurogenes result! And one Sicilian.
  223. Which is highest/lowest: Slavic in Greece, Norman in Sicily, or Moorish in Iberia?
  224. Your ancestors 15K & 4,5K years ago - Eurogenes K36 new Tool
  225. New Italian Eurogenes and Dodecad results, country wide!!
  226. Post your Eurogenes k36 spreadsheet results
  227. Sarno et al 2017: South Italians and Greek islanders plot together.
  228. Who is genetically closer: Sicilians-Cretans, or English-Irish?
  229. Not a Cop's autosomal opus.
  230. Guess the origins of this person from their GEDmatch.
  231. Autosomal results of Egyptian Muslims
  232. Post your GenePlaza Results!
  233. Any Gypsy/Romani GEDmatch kit numbers?
  234. Genetic Map of Europe, what is the biggest component in your country?
  235. Ancestry online map
  236. puntDNAL K13
  237. Closest to a Canary Islander
  238. Guess this person's ethnicity from a calculator result! Rep comment if you're right.
  239. Why I get 25% Scottish on every calculator?
  240. Google Map with position of every chromosome (SPA programm). Somebody try this?
  241. One-to-many DNA comparison
  242. Im a real genetic romani
  243. About The Genographic Project
  244. Can anyone tell me analyze my gedmatch results? What else am I besides Italian???
  245. DNA Land height predictor.
  246. Tunisian Autosomal DNA result
  247. Alnortedelsur DNALand Composition Report
  248. Why do Aegean islanders (besides Cretans) have less Levantine/Arabian input?
  249. Hallstatt Autosomal DNA?
  250. Post your MyHeritage DNA results! Upload ur raw data to MyHeritage.com for free ethnicity estimate!