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  1. American Southerner with consistent Central Asian dna results
  2. Western Turkish GEDmatch results
  3. Post EEF-ANE-WHG calculator results
  4. Post your HarappaWorld results
  5. Guess this person from their AncestryDNA results.
  6. Nganasan?
  7. Post gedmatch eye color predictor results
  8. is MyHeritage bullshit? Help me.
  9. Impute me
  10. Aryan GEDmatch Results
  11. New Sicilian GEDmatch result: Caltanissetta region (inland)
  12. My Gedrosia K3 GEDMATCH test comparison with a Saudi Arabian
  13. Genetically, what would the islands of Lampedusa, Pantelleria, and Ustica be like?
  14. Can anybody tell me of what components general "middle east" ancestry exists out of?
  15. aDNA calculator doesn't work
  16. Paint my Chromosomes (interactive map)
  17. My GedMatch Autosomal results --- Some Serious German
  18. WTF is going on with Anthrogenica ?
  19. Grandmother's GEDmatch results from all calculators!
  20. Post your 3-population approximation on Gedrosia K3.
  21. Finnish ancestry?
  22. Peterski's Doug McDonald BGA results
  23. What reference populations are linked to Yemen ?
  24. K36 Similtude for Mixed people
  25. What does Gedmatch mean with the term "Caucasus/Caucausus"?
  26. Post your Caucasus score from Dodecad K12b
  27. What is "Yunusbayev" in Gedmatch ?
  28. Hamitic Haplogroups?
  29. Do West Asians & North Africans score any European on DNA tests?
  30. How accurate is Impute.me ?
  31. Post your DNA.LAND results :P
  32. İzmir Turk GEDmatch results
  33. Post your Northern Europe (Dodecad K12b)
  34. Is this South Asian noise?
  35. Could it have been that my MENA ancestry was Hispanic/Med all along?
  36. Does anybody know the country of origin for the Surname "Dacosta-Gomez" ?
  37. Guess where this person is from, GEDmatch result!
  38. Post your WeGene results
  39. REPOST my ethnicity calculated by Doug McDonald
  40. How much North african/Berber would i have according to Doug McDonalds BGA?
  41. I wonder how much more accurate is Dr McDonalds DNA analysis than gedmatch?
  42. Post your top 10 closest populations on Eurogenes EUtest.
  43. What would you guess is my total Mediterranean ancestry?
  44. Northern Greek AncestryDNA... 30% Slavic.
  45. Who can run my grandmother through MDLP K13? (Files attached)
  46. How to tell apart Hispanic ancestry from Latino ancestry?
  47. Turkey: Regional averages of East Eurasian / Mongoloid DNA.
  48. Turkish GEDmatch results - Western Anatolia
  49. 6th century Slavic Autosomal
  50. What is avg. number of SNP used in Gedmatch calculations?
  51. French-Canadian Eurogene Anomalies
  52. Im not even slavic. (geneplaza results)
  53. Post Eurogenes K12b Results
  54. Post eurasia k9 results
  55. I have Turk blood?
  56. MDLP K23: Most North Greeks do not even score Sicily or Crete in their top 20.
  57. Post your MDLP K23b Oracle results
  58. Post your Japanese score on Ethiohelix K10+Japanese.
  59. What could Lithuanian be interpreted as?
  60. How to put tags on your profile from what ethnicities you are from?
  61. Samaritan DNA result.
  62. Post your Steppe K10
  63. Greek regions ranked from most/least genetically similar to Sicily. (PuntDNA-L K13)
  64. Post puntDNAL K13 Global results
  65. Nvm dont go on this thread
  66. Post your eurogenes hunter gather vs farmer results
  67. 7000 B.C Europe (Without IE People)
  68. West Asian Gedmatch Results?
  69. Have i found the possible origins of my Great Grandmother?
  70. How accurate is Morley predictor?
  71. Post Eurogenes k15 4-way oracles results
  72. What do you feel is the minimum percentage for Pride in heritage?
  73. My Geneplaza genetic results
  74. What are the black minority groups in Ethiopia like genetically?
  75. Post MDLP World Admixture!
  76. Results of an Acadian (Canadian) French [gedmatch only]
  77. Post Sicilian/South Italian Eurogenes K15 results here.
  78. Turkish Eurogenes K13 averages by cities and regions
  79. Post your Geneplaza General Intelligence predictor results
  80. GenePlaza results for Sikeliot's grandmother.
  81. K39 PCA
  82. Are tatars or samis more mongoloid?
  83. Post your Gedrosia K3
  84. Pazyryk Scythian aDNA results (mtDNA)
  85. Post your PuntDNAL K15
  86. Post Eurogenes K15 Groupings
  87. Gencove Ancestry Results Update
  88. Gencove update
  89. Litvin's Updated Gencove
  90. Isn't my MENA too high for 1/3th mediterranean ancestry?
  91. Uploaded my results to various sites - results! (And pic)
  92. Post Your Globe13 Results
  93. Any Kahramanmaraş or Alevi results?
  94. Gedmatch results group on Facebook
  95. post your dodecad V3 results
  96. FilhoV’s PCA plot via Eurogenes
  97. Pontic Greek results
  98. My K47 results
  99. Post your Eurasia K14 Neolithic
  100. Puzzle for any gene enthusiast with my data
  101. Post you're North Caucasian score from Eurogenes k36
  102. Does Berber ancestry get sucked in the Mediterranean component or just North African?
  103. Central Asian Genetic Contribution to the Turks
  104. My friends MyHeritage:100% Sicilian
  105. The Nigerian thing!
  106. Portuguese DNA results Video
  107. Post K47 Results
  108. Doug McDonald results show me as 45% Palestinian? Is this just my Sicilian side?
  109. post puntDNAL K15
  110. What population do you plot closest to autosomally overall?
  111. South Asian admixture?
  112. Caucasus peoples genetics?
  113. Iraqi GEDmatch samples
  114. New Sicilian results on GEDMatch: Very rural area on the north coast.
  115. 2 Canary Islander Results
  116. Half-Ethiopian Half-Russian GEDmatch Results
  117. Cypriot MyHeritage Results
  118. Druze: Main phenotypes and what ethnicities can they pass for.
  119. Who of you Forumers cluster with Tuscans?
  120. Southeast Sicily and Apulia: higher preservation of original Italic and Greek DNA?
  121. What DNA test should I do?
  122. Interesting GEDMatch from Enna province, Sicily
  123. Is most of South Italy genetically closer to Apulia, or to western-central Sicily?
  124. Eurogenes K15 and my morphes for West Mediterranean
  125. Gagauz people admixture
  126. Kazakhs are Turkified Balkans - MyHeritage
  127. Japanese more caucasoid then Indian - Proof
  128. RARE Sicilian result: VERY RURAL Enna, central Sicily.
  129. Does anybody have any Iranian Azeri kits?
  130. K10 Steppe Results O.o
  131. Post your K11 Admixture (DIY)
  132. New Sicilian result -- rural Messina province, NE Sicily
  133. Why Eurogenes K13 seemingly can't be accurate
  134. Which is the most aryan/indoeuropean non european group?
  135. Post your Puntdnal k10 ancient results
  136. Puerto Rico & Brazil more Iberian then Spain
  137. Greek mainland vs Greek island vs Sicilian GEDmatch results comparison.
  138. Ethnic groups with highest PIE/IE admixture?
  139. How much PIE or Yamnaya in the Irish?
  140. My Heritage New Feature: Ethnicities Around the World
  141. Umbria gedmatch kits
  142. Northern Russians
  143. Northwest Croat gedmatch
  144. Who differ most genetically -- Mainland Greeks, Sicilians, or Aegean islanders?
  145. Significantly different Ethnicity Estimate (beta) results MyHeritage
  146. GEDmatch results from Trapani, far west Sicily -- evidence of extra N. African and Norman?
  147. MDLP K23b: my results
  148. Did the ancestors of Amazigh/Berbers originate in the Levant or Arabia, or are they indigenous..
  149. My Ancient origins results FTDNA
  150. Are your parents related on Gedmatch?
  151. Autosomal results of ancient Dacians from modern Hungary.
  152. Turns out I'm not a Moor, at least not that much.
  153. Sicilian cousins of Sikeliot GEDMatch results with regions specified.
  154. Persian Jew DNA results
  155. All Southeastern Europeans and West Asians post your Eurogenes K36 Taux de Similitude Map
  156. ATYPICAL West Sicilian GEDMatch result. Ancestral towns listed.
  157. "Eastern Euro" component in Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15. Post your "Eastern Euro" result
  158. MyHeritage results Azores
  159. Apulian GEDmatch from Brindisi: exactly like mainland Greeks
  160. How do Albanians from Montenegro score autosomally?
  161. Eurogenes K13 (Kabyle) Algeria
  162. Which DNA testing company is better for finding your ancestors and genetic admixture?
  163. Does anyone have Chaoui gedmatch kits
  164. Post Near East Neolithic k13 results
  165. West Med on Eurogenes K13 from highest to lowest for selected Mediterranean populations.
  166. Eurogenes K15 - How European are you?
  167. Where did the Slavic DNA in Greeks originate?
  168. What is the eastern euro component on eurogenes k15
  169. Bosniensis ancientOrigins(FTDNA)
  170. K36 Ancestry Reports by LukaszM
  171. Albanian MyHeritage results
  172. Gedmatch and MyHerritage results of a Turk
  173. My Geneplaza Ancient Admixture Calculator
  174. Post your Steppe admixture from geneplaza
  175. Bosniensis FTDNA Results (Gedmatch etc...)
  176. Madeiran Portuguese GEDMatch result, with documented African heritage
  177. Post your Global25
  178. Eurogenes K36 Component Graphs
  179. My father's DNAland results
  180. DNA of Ireland and UK: what we can tell from the admixture chart from the new study.
  181. DNA of Southern Italy and Greece: What we can tell from Sarno et al admixture chart.
  182. How do i get GEDMATCH to work?
  183. post your single population oracle from the MDLP K16 Modern calculator
  184. Cuban Eurogenes K13 Results
  185. Post your Med score from PuntDNAL k15
  186. Uzbek GEDmatch results
  187. Whats the most accurate gedmatch calc in your opinion?
  188. Which Europid sub-type is genetically closest to Turanid sub-type?
  189. Dick Dna-tribes
  190. Post your Taux de Similitude results
  191. Andalucía Eurogenes K13 results
  192. What part of Europe would you say Bobby Martnen is part of, genetically?
  193. Why do Iberians have so much less Caucasus-related ancestry than other South Europeans?
  194. My DNA Results
  195. Ossetia Kit Eurogenes K13
  196. Sephardic Jewish Eurogenes K13 Results
  197. Aryan Afghan GEDmatch Results
  198. Is sharing DNA with some ethnic group a reason to like them?
  199. Post Your Gedrosia Ancient Euroasia K6
  200. Closest modern day populations to CHG & EHG?
  201. Sicilian GEDMatch result: cousin of Richard S Castellano (Peter Clemenza) in the Godfather
  202. New CYPRIOT Gedmatch result.
  203. Gedmatch Azores/Madeira Results
  204. RE: Are Calabrese closer to Thessalians or Cypriots? (Eurogenes K15 results posted to show which)
  205. Ancient Sicilian sample from 2500-1900 BC from Bell Beaker study: what does this imply?
  206. Kazakh GEDmatch Results
  207. Bosniensis K36 Ancestry (Oracle, nMonte)
  208. My Geneplaza results
  209. Sicilian GEDMatch: Sommatino, Caltanissetta province, inland Sicily.
  210. Any Vlach / Aromanian GEDMATCH results?
  211. HIGH BALTIC/SLAVIC for a Sicilian. Inland Catania (SE Sicily). (GEDMATCH result)
  212. Map of West Eurasian Admixture based on Harrapa World data
  213. The Genetic Structure of Anatolia: From the Neolithic to the Oghuz Migrations
  214. Where can I find a chart which shows the relationship and closeness between anthropological types?
  215. Oden Gedmatch results
  216. Sicilian MyHeritage results
  217. Punjabi Sikh MyHeritage Results
  218. Updated Sicilian/Greek islands Eurogenes K15 averages from my sample.. who can plot them on a PCA?
  219. How much non-French European ancestry do French Canadians have?
  220. Lebanese Shia Gedmatch results
  221. MENAs on PuntDNA-L K13... do European populations show in their top 20?
  222. Post your total Caucasoid score
  223. How big is the Arab Diaspora in the Dutch Antilles + Origins?
  224. SE Sicily/Apulia/Trapani: represent older population structure or the reverse (more mixture)?
  225. Guess this person from their MDLP K23 result.
  226. Myheritage result for Sicilian from Castellammare del Golfo, TRAPANI province
  227. Palermitan GEDmatch result *MUST SEE*
  228. *EXCLUSIVE* SHOCKING Sicilian GEDMatch result *MUST SEE*
  229. Guess this person's ethnicity *HIGHLY SHOCKING*
  230. Southern European admixture among Mexican Americans from California
  231. Post your Sintasha Steppe herder score from Gedrosia K12
  232. Post Eurogenes K10 results
  233. Post Eurogenes K11 results
  234. Malagasy gedmatch results
  235. Searching for GREEK CYPRIOT K15
  236. What are the best GEDMATCH calculators for non-European Caucasians?
  237. 2 (Half) Sicilian Arbereshe GEDMatch results... do you see evidence of actual Albanian input?
  238. Hungarian Myheritage Results
  239. DNA Land Results
  240. Sequencing.com
  241. 6 Myheritage results from Messina, northeast Sicily
  242. Possible far ancestors from the steppe?
  243. Uncles Eurogene K13 results (Portuguese)
  244. What happened to the gedmatch ancient Egyptian samples?
  245. nMonte using Global PCA 25 spreadsheet
  246. Gedmatch and Population Sharing
  247. Any Middle easterners willing to compare results and One on One Comparisons with me?
  248. Regarding the Greek_Cretan sample on MDLP World
  249. Maniot gedmatch
  250. My Eurogenes K13