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  1. European N-L1026 members are related to mtDNA D5a3a member of Hongshan culture, China
  2. Ancient Chamorros hundreds samples Ancient DNA Y haplogroup All O2-p201(old O3)+ Mt haplogroup E
  3. Xiongnu Chanyu Y haplogroup:R-Y174827 Ancient DNA
  4. Afghan and Pakistani DNA
  5. Origin of R1b in Bashkirs
  6. Croatian with I1-P109 Y-DNA
  7. R-Z16539
  8. Big Y results
  9. Y-DNA of Timacum Minus (Roman Balkans)
  10. Curious Paternal Haplogroup for Danish Patrilineal Descent (R-Y4010)
  11. Hungary I-L22
  12. Extraction of my Y-DNA from autosomal test(Sarakatsani results)
  13. New Y-stuff on FTDNA
  14. Information about this Y-DNA: J2a1i L88
  15. CTS-1977 ( I2a2a)
  16. L-M349
  17. O1b2-47z and R1b-DF47
  18. Y-DNA Matches
  19. Where do I come from?? Yseq results
  20. YSEQ Clade Finder: Reliable?
  21. Y-DNA distribution among ethnic Hungarians
  22. What haplogroup is R-FT12812?
  23. R-BY95973 (R-Z229/R1B) - Fom Portugal
  24. R1a-M513 Origins
  25. Big Y-700
  26. What is a good tool to find more specific subclades?
  27. Post Your MyTrueAncestry Y-DNA Breakdown
  28. Why Do the Majority of Sardinians Have I2?
  29. Upgrade Y-37 (I1-Z140) to Y-111 (Y-7279)
  30. R-Z17
  31. About R-S47
  32. I2a among Ukranians
  33. Question about certain SNPs on my Slavic Y Chromosome.
  34. NSYNC's Lance Bass has Negroid haplogroup A, so does Tommy Lee from Mötley Crüe
  35. It is incest if both ur parents have same haplogroup origin
  36. Women with Ydna
  37. A3b and E1a in Sicily
  38. Rank haplogroups from most to least woggy
  39. How did hg L get to England and Ireland?
  40. Neolithic haplogroup
  41. Which haplogroup (other than your own) is your favorite?
  42. Is I1 the most European haplogroup?
  43. Algerian Emir Abdelkader had European Y-DNA (R1b-U106)
  44. I1 in Slavs