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  1. British ex-boxing champion Anthony Small defends ISIS beheadings (5 replies)
  2. India: Ancient Nalanda University Reopens After 800 Years (0 replies)
  3. China 'has breached terms of Hong Kong handover' (2 replies)
  4. Another American beheaded by the Islamic State (22 replies)
  5. Resign now! Parents of slain Navy SEAL annihilate ‘cowardly’ Obama: ‘You, Sir, are the JV team’ (0 replies)
  6. Monsanto has completely bought all levels of the government (11 replies)
  7. We Aren't The World (3 replies)
  8. Seems like Arab spring is coming to China (democracy protests in Hong Kong) (8 replies)
  9. Myth of arctic meltdown: Arctic ice cap has expanded for second year in row (0 replies)
  10. Hello Kitty is not a cat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (6 replies)
  11. A Little Hope amidst the Monastery Debris (1 replies)
  12. Melting glaciers in northern Italy reveal WW1 dead Austrian soldiers (1 replies)
  13. Tensions in Ukraine (7 replies)
  14. Don't mess with nuclear Russia, Putin says (9 replies)
  15. Woman working 4 jobs to make ends meet dies while napping in car between shifts (44 replies)
  16. Mexico Toxic Ravages environment. "worst modern mining disaster" (0 replies)
  17. Jews complaining... what a surprise. (0 replies)
  18. 43 UN peacekeepers captured by al-Nusra Front (2 replies)
  19. Polish and Ukrainian scientists unearth 1,000 victims of Stalin in castle once used as secret police (1 replies)
  20. The ultimate tyrrany must be stopped. Finally a voice of sanity (0 replies)
  21. Executions are up in Saudi Arabia. (3 replies)
  22. Snapchat sounds like a great program for perverts. In b4 "jews b evil" (3 replies)
  23. UK: How Pakistani councillors 'acted as barriers' to tackling Rotherham child abuse scandal (0 replies)
  24. Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism. (88 replies)
  25. Are Brazilian Rioting Prisoners Who Behead Two Other Inmates Chanting "Allahu Akbar?" (32 replies)
  26. Are Brazilian Rioting Prisoners Who Behead Two Other Inmates Chanting "Allahu Akbar?" (2 replies)
  27. 'Out of Africa' theory of human evolution under fire (3 replies)
  28. CDC whistleblower confirms MMR vaccine exposure at young ages causes autism (1 replies)
  29. Israeli Spokesperson answers some typically loaded questions from "Al Beeb" (0 replies)
  30. Biologists unlock the secrets of Antarctica (0 replies)
  31. Hundreds dead - Syrian airbase falls (14 replies)
  32. Swedish Horse Police Trample Anti-Nazi Protesters (15 replies)
  33. Blue-eyed people are smarter (115 replies)
  34. Cloning for commercial Reasons (10 replies)
  35. US Congress Investigates Strange Circumstances In Deaths Of Navy Seal Team That Killed Bin Laden (2 replies)
  36. Earth Overshoot Day 2014 (11 replies)
  37. Hamas Murders 4 Year Old Israeli Boy (3 replies)
  38. Should illegal immigrants be welcomed? (67 replies)
  39. Police: Couple wanted 2 Amish girls for slaves (5 replies)
  40. We Can All Breath Easy - "Halt And Catch Fire" Renewed For Second Season (1 replies)
  41. Outrage as UK Foreign Secretary Claims ISIS Attracts 'Moderate Jihadists' (1 replies)
  42. Some misunderstanders of Islam (ISIS) developing means to ‘blow up’ a US city (21 replies)
  43. Syria war toll over 180,000: activist group (8 replies)
  44. Group that first kidnapped American murdered by ISIS this week funded by Obama (0 replies)
  45. Hamas takes responsibility for kidnapping, murder of Israeli teens (video) (1 replies)
  46. US Defenseless Against North Korean EMP Threat (0 replies)
  47. Israeli wedding of Jew, Muslim draws protesters amid war tensions (12 replies)
  48. Charlie Sheen's Ice Bucket Challange (2 replies)
  49. Let's playya da chicken (0 replies)
  50. Russia to replace boycotted European Fruit produce with produce from Israel (9 replies)
  51. "Human Rights Watch" Criticises Jordan For It's Treatment Of Ethnic Palestinian Refugees From Syria (0 replies)
  52. Socialists found to have no moral character (1 replies)
  53. 20,000 march in India in show of support for Israel (2 replies)
  54. Manchester Curry Restaurants Likely Using Cat Meat (1 replies)
  55. A Muslim threatens To blow up Sydney Church (54 replies)
  56. Ebola, a new global risk (43 replies)
  57. Australia: Black Man Denied a Job as a barista By Chinese Cafe Owner (8 replies)
  58. American Mulatto Murders Her White Mother While On Holiday In Bali And Stuffs Body In Suitcase (39 replies)
  59. Germany tapped John Kerry’s phone, spied on Turkey for years - report (7 replies)
  60. Dutch Pensioner Returns War Medal for Saving Jewish Child After Six Relatives Killed by Israelis (0 replies)
  61. Pakistan anti-government protests draw determined crowd (1 replies)
  62. Germany Bans Sandcastles (1 replies)
  63. Mohammed Now The Most Popular Name For Baby Boys In Englandstan And Wales (5 replies)
  64. U.S: Viking Ship Discovered Near Mississippi River (6 replies)
  65. Anti-White Jihadist Race War: 'ISIS want to impregnate Yazidi women and smash our blond bloodline' (10 replies)
  66. Naked woman wanders around Vienna (21 replies)
  67. Racial tensions grow in Missouri after black teen was fatally shot by police officer (76 replies)
  68. Malaysia: Teen faces sedition probe for liking “I love Israel” FB page (0 replies)
  69. Joan Rivers rant on the Gaza dispute (18 replies)
  70. Horrific crime commited by Poles in UK (8 replies)
  71. This is funny - peer review process is fascist bullying (0 replies)
  72. World's leading geneticists attack 'racist' book based on their research (3 replies)
  73. Distusting turkish woman kicks cat to death... (23 replies)
  74. Life After Annexation: An Uneasy Return To Crimea (0 replies)
  75. The real Mowgli: Russian girl, 3, survives 11 days and nights lost in Siberian wilderness. (0 replies)
  76. Foreign Press Assoc protests “blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox” Hamas intimidation (0 replies)
  77. Meet the man who kicks cats for fun. (4 replies)
  78. French Report ISIL Leader Mossad Agent (3 replies)
  79. Iraq: ISIS Murders Christian Family For Refusing To Convert To Islam (8 replies)
  80. Madness: Amsterdam Council Teaches "Morrocan" Youth To Harass Police (3 replies)
  81. Kurdish rebels help rescue besieged Yazidi refugees from Iraq mountain (10 replies)
  82. A surprising map of the countries that are most and least welcoming to foreigners (31 replies)
  83. Ted Nugent Makes a Compelling Case Against Gun Control In The USA (0 replies)
  84. Clash at Armenian Church in Georgia Investigated (1 replies)
  85. Man buys 23 Burger King pies to spite a small child (9 replies)
  86. Sunni Jihadists Behead Christian Children in Iraq (6 replies)
  87. Russian ban on food imports could cost EU $16bn (0 replies)
  88. Ebola Outbreak Continues to Spread (1 replies)
  89. Obama Authorizes Airstrikes against ISIS (0 replies)
  90. Yet Another European Church Vandalised By A Muslim (According To Priest) (3 replies)
  91. This Married Couple Apparently Found Out They Have The Same Mother (5 replies)
  92. Christian Bishop In Gaza - Hamas Fired Missiles From My Church (0 replies)
  93. Islamic State Traps over 100 Christians and Yazidis, Slaughters Men, Sells Women/Children as slaves (10 replies)
  94. New Israeli Solutions For The Gaza Problem (3 replies)
  95. Jewish "Australian" pedophile in new scandal (32 replies)
  96. Jewish "Australian" pedophile in new scandal (3 replies)
  97. Hiroshima marks anniversary of atomic bombing (7 replies)
  98. Saudi Arabia Adds $1B to Lebanese Military Aid (3 replies)
  99. Yazidi Kurds facing genocide in Iraq (8 replies)
  100. The post-thinking age (0 replies)
  101. Indian Channel exposes HAMAS (12 replies)
  102. Spain embargoes arms sales to Israel (6 replies)
  103. U.S. sent Latin youth undercover in anti-Cuba ploy (1 replies)
  104. IDF Sniper Brags about Killing 13 Children (17 replies)
  105. Washington DC: Muslim Mob Attack Pro-Israel US Marine (0 replies)
  106. "Why Does Google Employ a Pro-Slavery Lunatic?" (7 replies)
  107. 1 million children in Gaza risk to die due to the consequence of the war. (43 replies)
  108. The New "Fire Challenge" Causes Horrific Burns in Children (9 replies)
  109. The day seven of my family died in Gaza (1 replies)
  111. Hamas Breaks 6th Ceasefire, Kidnaps Israeli Soldier 90 Mins Into Truce (3 replies)
  112. Albanian ISIL terrorist posts a picture of beheading a man (91 replies)
  113. Erdogan: We saved Jews when they were expelled from their homes (36 replies)
  114. Bill Clinton admits he let Bin Laden go. (18 replies)
  115. Legenday Congressman Trey Gowdy Interrogates Democrat-Invited Law Prof on IRS Scandal (0 replies)
  116. Al-Qaeda Has Received $125 Million In Ransom From Europe Since 2008 (0 replies)
  117. Race to be scrapped from Swedish legislation (41 replies)
  118. Missing student Holly Bobo, 20, 'was filmed tied up and crying before her murderer raped her' (1 replies)
  119. Teenage girl, 17, was 'raped (0 replies)
  120. Only 27 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of Muslims, down from 35 percent in 2010 (134 replies)
  121. Video - Hamas imam to Jews: “We will totally exterminate you” (5 replies)
  122. Third rocket arsenal found in UN school in Gaza (1 replies)
  123. +1500 executed in one day by ISIL in Iraq (Video) (34 replies)
  124. Chinese hackers obtained info on Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system (0 replies)
  125. Facebook says page calling for death to Jews doesn't violate 'community standards' (1 replies)
  126. Why Benjamin Netanyahu Should Be Very, Very Worried (1 replies)
  127. China will become the world's largest economy by the end of the year (5 replies)
  128. Mosab Hassan Yousef, Son Of Hamas Founder, Interviewed About Hamas (0 replies)
  129. Superhero Wonder Woman Slams Hamas 'Cowards' Who Hide Behind Women and Children (3 replies)
  130. Pro-Israel Arab Activist Has Lucky Escape From Muslim Mob In Londonistan (16 replies)
  131. Second Gaza flotilla to be defended by Turkish navy (1 replies)
  132. Analyst: Germany Secretly Planning to Join BRICS (8 replies)
  133. Ahmadi woman, two minor children killed in Gujranwala over alleged blasphemy (1 replies)
  135. The children of Gaza I Channel 4 News // British News (3 replies)
  136. Gaza Casualty Statistics (26 replies)
  137. ISIS Uses Chemical Weapons Against Kurdish Defenders (29 replies)
  138. US Lies Exposed: They Knew Ukraine Shot Down the Malaysia Airlines (0 replies)
  139. More European "culture": Separatist woman posts picture using mascara looted from MH17 crash site (310 replies)
  140. Jew Shill Sean Hannity Refuses to Let Pro-Palestinian Guest Speak During Interview (38 replies)
  141. Nobel Peace Leuters and Celebrities Call For Military Embargo on Israel (5 replies)
  142. Israel calls Brazil a diplomatic dwarf (5 replies)
  143. Video: Founder Of US "Muslim TV" Wanted To Portray Islam Postively Now Jailed For Honour Killing (1 replies)
  144. Video Of Savages/Muslims Blowing Up "Johah's Tomb" in Iraq (33 replies)
  145. Video Of Hamas Beating Civilians To Become Human Shields - Savages (36 replies)
  146. Canadian with Muslim name arrested after making threats on plane (10 replies)
  147. God bless dying America (0 replies)
  148. List of Jews who dominate us (3 replies)
  149. The USS Liberty: What Really Happened? (0 replies)
  150. Jewish Monsters Kill Dozens During Attack on Undefended United Nations School (0 replies)
  151. Pervert Jew Radio Host Howard Stern Defends Israeli War Crimes (3 replies)
  152. The Christians of Mosul had 24 hours, the infidels of the West have a bit more time. (3 replies)
  153. Adolf Hitler about the palestinians and they're struggle (3 replies)
  154. RT host schools CNN loop (22 replies)
  155. The Blatant Gratuitous Sexy-Photo Pro-Israel Propaganda Thread (Warning Semi-Naked Females) (13 replies)
  156. As Gaza sends rockets to Israel, Israel sends food and fuel to Gaza (53 replies)
  157. Hillel Neuer schools PLO's Diana Buttu & HRW rep in Gaza debate on Al Jazeera (5 replies)
  158. Teens Murder for Fun; Smash Heads of Homeless Men with Cinder Blocks (2 replies)
  159. Israeli football team attacked by Palestina supporters during friendly match in Austria (3 replies)
  160. Muslims arrested in Canada trying to derail a passanger train (2 replies)
  161. Would this Englishman really eat the Mexican girl or not? (9 replies)
  162. 51 Ex-IDF soldiers endorse refusing army service (5 replies)
  163. Right Wing Israeli proffessor: Raping Arab women only way to deter suicide bombers (39 replies)
  164. Right-wing rabbi’s ruling: Israel may totally destroy Gaza if necessary (112 replies)
  165. UN planning to condemn Israel and ignore Hamas (as usual) (3 replies)
  166. Meet Cerise Davey: Modern English Woman (11 replies)
  167. Malaysia Airlines flies over Syrian airspace - Flightradar24 (1 replies)
  168. Not content with rearming Hamas now UN ambulances transport Hamas fighters (0 replies)
  169. Spoiled American Teen Brat smiles in selfie at auschwitz, internet reacts accordingly (1 replies)
  170. Over 700 Syrians Were Killed Last Week. But Jews Didn't Do it, So the Media Doesn't Care (5 replies)
  171. While their allies Hamas divert attention Isis militants 'seize Iraq monastery and expel monks' (0 replies)
  172. Hamas Interior Ministry To Social Media Activists: Always Call The Dead 'Innocent Civilians' (0 replies)
  173. Letter from Gaza by a Norwegian doctor (43 replies)
  174. Secret Base in Antarctica (0 replies)
  175. This is why swarties like to travel in groups of ten packing knives (16 replies)
  176. UN gives rockets found in UN school back to Hamas (0 replies)
  177. U.S. Drone Kills 15 Militants in Pakistan (0 replies)
  179. Islamic State kills 270 in Syrian gas field 'massacre' (0 replies)
  181. UK: Twice the number of British Muslims fighting for Jihadists as for UK military (1 replies)
  182. Lebanese woman comes out against Islam: "I was brought up to hate Jews but found (0 replies)
  183. Last Speech of Ruslan Kutaev in Court (4 replies)
  184. Videos Of The Glorious And Holy Israel Defence Forces Crusading Against The Forces Of Evil (90 replies)
  185. What is Israel doing? (97 replies)
  186. BUSTED! Ukraine Caught Trying to 'Frame Russia' for Shooting Down Malaysia Flight MH17! (9 replies)
  187. Meet Jim Wallis, Obama's Pastor (0 replies)
  188. BREAKING NEWS: Malaysian airlines shotdown in eastern Ukraine killing all 295 on Board (809 replies)
  189. Bomb watching, Israeli Edition (120 replies)
  190. 7 year old beats his grandmother over chicken wings (2 replies)
  191. Here's Something You Don't See Everyday - Jewish Mob Attacks Muslims In Paris (1 replies)
  192. Large crater appears at the 'end of the world' (2 replies)
  193. Beauty queen stolen from her family by gypsies as a child reunited with her mother 16 years later (2 replies)
  194. Texas shooting: Girl whose six family members were killed released from hospital (10 replies)
  195. Police open fire on Palestinian Solidarity protesters in Los Angeles (0 replies)
  196. The Mayor of Vitoria accuses Moroccans and Algerians of living off welfare and not wanting to work (4 replies)
  197. Muslim Mob Rampages In Paris, Attacks A Synagogue (6 replies)
  199. Margaret Thatcher 'personally covered up' child abuse allegations against senior ministers (3 replies)
  200. President Putin: I Support Israel (1 replies)
  201. Russia to forgive 90% of Cuba's debts (0 replies)
  202. Heroic final moments of family executed by their uncle (1 replies)
  203. Growing Influx: Germany Caught Off Guard By Surge in Refugees (0 replies)
  204. Germany Asks CIA Official to Leave Country (4 replies)
  205. Ghanaian football fans request asylum in Brazil (0 replies)
  206. UK: ISIS Jihadists Living In Council Flat Made Larger By Kicking Out A Former British Soldier (2 replies)
  207. Population of the EU tops 507million but people flee the Mediterranean in favour of Britain and Germ (9 replies)
  208. British Lord says Christians should marry Muslims to combat “Islamophobia” (16 replies)
  209. The awesome (and chilling) genius of the Germans: From soccer to supermarkets, and factory floors to (6 replies)
  210. Twenty-First-Century Energy Wars (0 replies)
  211. Video of Savages/Jihadists Destroying More Ancient Artifacts In Iraq (6 replies)
  212. Jews committing genocide in Palestine (194 replies)
  213. Japan upset as Chinese paper prints mushroom clouds on map (1 replies)
  214. Lewis Hamilton turns up the heat with jibe at Nico Rosberg’s nationality (1 replies)
  215. ISIS: "Turkey will be the next target" (37 replies)
  216. Mayor of Paris announces plans to ban smoking in public parks (and wine from workplace) (2 replies)
  217. Heartstopper: Massive disaster barely avoided at Barcelona airport (1 replies)
  218. Ray Whelan, British director of Fifa hospitality partner, arrested in ticket touting probe. (0 replies)
  219. Man beaten with iron pipe for flying Israeli flag (4 replies)
  220. 2,200 more Indians want to return (0 replies)
  221. Dalai Lama urges Buddhists to halt violence against Muslims (0 replies)
  222. FEMEN's Jewish financial backer George Soros pulls out after FEMEN plans to launch Israeli branch (16 replies)
  223. Islamic State issues passport from “State of the Islamic Caliphate” (2 replies)
  224. Racism anti-black in USA, still exists? (88 replies)
  225. Man sexts with some internet harlot as his beautiful blond haired, blue eye child roasts in car (15 replies)
  226. By 2045 'The Top Species Will No Longer Be Humans,' And That Could Be A Problem (35 replies)
  227. If Islam is Bad, How Can It Inspire People to Be Good? (1 replies)
  228. Armenian Clergymen are Beaten In Jerusalem (0 replies)
  229. Cannibilizing Islam (8 replies)
  230. Villagers revolt against Gypsies in Spain (16 replies)
  231. Australia to cut welfare payments to Muslims waging jihad in Iraq and Syria (4 replies)
  232. Water being auctioned for millions of dollars in California as drought reaches extremes (0 replies)
  233. How Will Obama Celebrate America's National Day - Visit A Mosque Of Course!! (0 replies)
  234. Imperiled Amazon Indians Make 1st Contact with Outsiders (12 replies)
  235. Lebanese café bombed for opening during Ramadan (0 replies)
  236. Chechen “face of Islamic State” asks Allah for caliphate or martydom (2 replies)
  237. “Spain is the land of our forefathers, and, Allah willing, we are going to liberate it" (134 replies)
  238. UN Adds ISIS To Human Rights Council (Satire) (4 replies)
  239. Ron Paul on Street Demonstrations in Germany and the Mystery of Germany’s Gold (5 replies)
  240. Poll Data Shows Obama Now Considered The Worst Post-War President (7 replies)
  241. The "Religion Of Peace" Continues To Preach War - Isis leader Says Rome Will Be Next Target (1 replies)
  242. Medical staff warned: Keep your mouths shut about illegal immigrants or face arrest (1 replies)
  243. German Official: U.S. Spying ‘Biggest Strain’ in Relations Since Iraq War (0 replies)
  244. Japan: Muslim Saudi university student vandalizes, destroys ancient Buddhist statues (7 replies)
  245. Islamic State: “If Allah wills, we will kill those who worship stones in Mecca and destroy the Kaaba (37 replies)
  246. Spanish police detains teen over 'racist' attack on Mongolian man (166 replies)
  247. Jewish terrorists sentenced to less than a year for placing a bomb under a car. (4 replies)
  248. Obama seeks $2B to respond to flood of Central American immigrants (7 replies)
  249. Russian Jets and Experts Sent to Iraq to Aid Army (2 replies)
  250. Pope Francis condemns Rome's 'moral decay' (32 replies)