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  1. France: Muslims erupt in “extremely violent” riots after woman is ordered to remove her niqab
  2. Police officers in Finland to receive body cameras
  3. Swedish woman attacked without reason by twenty men in subway
  4. Refugees in the Netherlands call Syrian prisons a better place
  5. Disrespectful migrants attack Swedish pensioners and hit elderly man in the face
  6. US govt counterterrorism center accidentally releases ‘remote mind control’ documents - report
  7. Hot weather really does make us angrier, dumber and more violent: Study shows
  8. A third of the world’s murderers are in Latin America
  9. The Real Reason Britain Will Not Release Alfie Evans to Italy
  10. Culture matters. “Culture is the social behavior and norms found in human societies.”
  11. Eurostat: 20 percent of Greeks face extreme poverty
  12. Communist Quiz
  13. $46,654
  14. 38% of CHILDREN in Turkey live in extreme poverty
  15. Now even FEMINISTS are deriding transgender ideology as “incoherent political intimidation”
  16. China bans journalist from buying a home due to “social credit score” system
  17. No apparent movement on Iran pact
  18. Greeks burn ‘Judas’ in ritual Orthodox anti-Semitic cult
  19. A Shortage of Men?
  20. Women's rights in Kosovo/European Muslim countries
  21. Trump Tower on fire
  22. Diet and Weight Loss | The best diet plan and natural ways of weight loss
  23. Performance of foreign children in English GCSE exams
  24. Israel kills 44 Palestinian protesters... but nothing in the controlled media about it
  25. Fascism - It’s fundamentally about economics – not racism, says Eric Peters.
  26. How False Flag Operations Are Carried Out Today
  27. Armenia Heats Up as the Proxy War Continues
  28. Just How Is Google Watching You?
  29. Israel eyed after Hama, Syria, attack reportedly kills Iranians
  30. Facebook’s latest technique to suppress conservatives gets exposed — and the facts are damning
  31. Ellis Island vs. San Diego
  32. Big brother sees you! Chinese jaywalkers receive their fine immediately through SMS
  33. Which countries are most generous to new parents?
  34. EU Sanctions Have Disastrous Effects - Syria’s civilian population forced to emigrate
  35. 8 Unrealistic Expectations That Will Ruin You
  36. Knesset authorizes PM and MoD to declare war alone
  37. Worse Than the Fall of Rome The coming collapse of the world economy, with billions dying.
  38. Radical left-wing group Antifa has its roots in Nazi Germany
  39. Border Patrol agent: Migrants look like an invasion of US
  40. The Satanic Holiday of Beltane is upon us again
  41. May Day May 1st - The Truth May Shock You!
  42. Kanye West flanked by bodyguards in LA after Crips threat
  43. Turkey tells EU to criminalize criticism of Islam
  44. Out of Africa
  45. Terrifying moment lion savagely attacks an elderly man
  46. Paris vandalized on May Day Celebrations
  47. Briton who has never left the UK was ordered to move to Uganda
  48. Hundreds of dead newborn girls have been found dumped in garbage piles in Pakistan
  49. Loneliness epidemic sweeps the US
  50. Mozambique will circumcise more than 100,000 men to help stop the spread of AIDS
  51. Black costumers were told to pay up front for a meal in Toronto.
  52. Macron thanks PM's 'delicious wife'
  53. The adorable moment of a dog teaching baby how to crawl
  54. Flooding the Voter Rolls in US and Greece
  55. Was African-American slavery a choice?
  56. Mongolians drink 'oxygen cocktails' and 'lung tea' to cope with air pollution that is more than 130
  57. Founding population that gave rise to original Native Americans consisted of just 250 people
  58. ‘Diana died at 36 and Meghan’s coming into the family at 36': Royal biographer says
  59. Man who was talked out of jumping off a bridge by a stranger reveals they're now best friends
  60. Brown-eyed girls are up to two times as likely to feel blue when the weather is bad as their eyes le
  61. The heartwarming photos that will restore your faith in humanity
  62. The War on Men Is Hurting Everyone
  63. New Cars Are a Bad Deal Financially..but there is a used car sweet spot, says Eric Peters.
  64. Transgender woman claims to have slept with THOUSANDS of men since her gender reassignment surgery
  65. Three black teens are finalists in a NASA competition. Then this happened...
  66. Woman who went to India to treat her depression is drugged, raped and beheaded
  67. Horrific moment a taxi driver is mauled to death by a bear after trying to take a selfie with it in
  68. Chinese ‘Patriotic’ Rapper: ‘We’ll Make Americans Call Us Daddy’
  69. No, Kanye West did NOT say blacks “chose slavery” 400 years ago, and there’s video proof
  70. Saudi Arabia 'agrees deal with Vatican to build churches for Christians living in the Muslim country
  71. The hottest April day on Earth EVER? Temperatures in Pakistan reached a sweltering 50.2 C
  72. Mortified fake tan fanatic is left 'looking like Shrek' after turning brown and GREEN in epic bronzi
  73. The pill that gave a generation deadly rare cancers
  74. Pakistani Mr Bean
  75. Kanye West hates being a Black man in America
  76. Palestinian kid
  77. Donald Trump works as a farmer in Spain
  78. “Cultural Appropriation” Should be a Two-Way Street
  79. How To Bring Down the US and the West (With self-destructive open borders, says Doug Casey
  80. Roma slave gang who splashed out on champagne parties are jailed for 40 years
  81. Hollywood actress attends anti-gun protest
  82. Why Kanye West and Alex Jones can help HEAL race relations in America
  83. Loneliness and social isolation may be a greater public health hazard than obesity, researchers say
  84. Will Greenland Secede From Denmark? And become an independent country
  85. Finland: Muslim migrant has sex with 10-year-old girl, court says it’s not rape
  86. Cousin of H.I.V is off the charts in Australia
  87. HHumans who have their brains reanimated after they die suffer a 'fate worse than death'
  88. How China Became the World’s Number One International Financial Donor
  89. Man Pays for Mints, Cop Pulls Gun on Him
  90. Christ-Hater George Soros
  91. CA School Mural Depicts Aztec Warrior Impaling Trump’s Severed Head.
  92. India's challenges with reducing inequality
  93. Roaming feral dog packs kill six children in a week as terrified Indian villagers slay every stray
  94. Sex with car lands American man in hospital
  95. Tokyo Dreaming
  96. Paris Mayor backs Communist Party plan to turn public park into migrant camp
  97. 'Targeted acid attack' victim is forced to strip off in street so firefighters can hose her down
  98. Acid-wielding thug who severely burnt two men by hurling liquid on them in parked car for no reason
  99. Creative people are 90% more likely to be schizophrenic and face a greater risk of suffering from bi
  100. Can plants really get upset? Bizarre experiment sees students 'BULLYING' one flower and praising ano
  101. Scientists discover a trove of rare-earth metals in Japanese waters
  102. Independence Now! The Scottish secession movement doesn’t quit.
  103. Before and After Welfare Handouts
  104. We’re All Trespassers Now in the Face of the Government’s Land Grabs
  105. Is Social Media Destroying Humanity on Purpose?
  106. Chocolate spills onto motorway in Poland
  107. Russia showed off its military might at a massive parade through Red Square
  108. Male professor faces sanction for elevator joke
  109. Israel attacks Iranians in Syria -- Media and politicians get it all wrong (surprise?)
  110. Malaysia Elects 92-year-old Authoritarian, 'Proud anti-Semite' as Next PM
  111. UK Proposes Six Year Prison Sentences for Online Posts Against Religion, Transgender
  112. Male circumcision leads to a bad sex life
  113. Sexuality expert’ says babies should “give consent” to having their nappies/diapers changed
  114. How Did Americans Get So Lazy?
  115. Texas woman discovers she's white after 70 years
  116. Ohio Lesbian Woman Sues Sperm Bank After Having Biracial Child
  117. Melting Pots, New Identities and Flowering Barbarism
  118. Black Polish boxer obliterates left-wing Polish journalist
  119. Australia, Gun-Control “Utopia,” Has Worst Mass Shooting in 22 Years
  120. Muslim leader says “We are in Sweden only to spread Islam….Sweden will be a Muslim country”
  121. Asylum seeker killed sex worker after fellow migrant said he could make money by beating prostitutes
  122. Rita Ora reveals she's bisexual as her new single Girls is hailed an 'LGBT anthem'
  123. Depression is soaring in all but one US state - and rates are climbing fastest among teenagers
  124. Woman who slashed her husband eight times across the face avoids jail
  126. US sanctions against Iran are ‘sword of Damocles hanging over Belgian economy’
  127. Here’s the Message America Just Sent to North Korea by Nuking the Iran Deal
  128. EU’s worst nightmare becomes reality as Italian eurosceptics join forces
  129. The US Embassy about recent attacks on Roma in Ukraine
  130. Croatians suffer from panic attacks because of a new turbo-folk radio station
  131. Intermarium might still save the world
  132. Family Hounded Out of Germany by Liberal Extremists Settles in Russia
  133. The Death of Free Speech: Twitter Ramps Up CENSORSHIP Of ‘Hate Facts’
  134. Dislike Extremely Loud Dirty Rap With Your Coffee?
  135. Clash of Civilizations in Europe
  136. Horrifying moment mother 'taking selfies' on a shopping centre escalator drops her 10-month-old baby
  137. Sweden: After getting permission in one city, Muslims now plan to broadcast call to prayer all over
  138. Furious Eurovision fans accuse Israel's winning singer of cultural appropriation
  139. Kansas Police No Longer Allowed To Have Sex With People They Pull Over
  140. Kosovo — an Illegal Entity Annexed and Ruled by NATO — Is to Create a Regular Army
  141. 'Jihad' Graffiti on Swedish Church Sparks Social Media Storm
  142. Poles severely beaten in Belgium by immigrants
  143. The Donald’s Done – The Deep State Wins Its War On America First
  144. Italy, A Parallel Currency and Immigration – Merkel’s Worst Nightmare
  145. The Worst Man In Modern History..yet he’s beloved
  146. How We Know Trump’s Lying About Iran
  147. Brazil’s first lady mocked after jumping in lake to rescue dog
  148. Study: Young Men in Sweden Twice As Likely To Be Killed in Shootings Compared to Rest of Europe
  149. US, Sweden and Finland Boost Military Cooperation to Form New Alliance
  150. 'I'm Just a Girl Who Likes to Tweet About Syria - I'm Real'
  151. First Venezuela, now Argentina on the verge of financial catastrophe
  152. Illinois to Impose 1% Property Tax on Top of Everything Annually for 30 Years
  153. Putin Opens Europe’s Longest 20km bridge
  154. Germans as a people do not exist
  155. Donald Tusk warning Donald Trump
  156. These People Lost Everything to Big Government … Are You Next?
  157. Netanyahu's Son Posts 'F*ck Turkey' on Instagram
  158. Kanye West and Democrats
  159. Hungary’s Multi-Layer Border Wall: It’s brilliant and keeps out invaders physically and legally
  160. The Death Of The Liberal World Order
  161. Barbarism: Man 22 has his eyes gouged out with a spoon by his family because he wanted to marry a gi
  162. Shocking photos show scorched bed after 'devil' woman poured acid over ex-lover
  163. Lithuania to set quotas for foreign workers
  164. EU sues six countries including Britain for exposing their citizens to too much air pollution
  165. Blowback Begins: EU To Ditch Dollar In Payments For Iranian Oil
  166. Euro Demise
  167. Median-Priced Home In San Francisco Requres $333,000 Annual Income
  168. Facebook Plans to Interfere in Elections — Around World!
  169. Hypersonic Weapons: The Perfect Tool for Asymmetrical Warfare
  170. US Media Whitewashes Gaza Massacre
  171. Depression in men slashes a couple's chances of getting pregnant by 60 percent, new research reveals
  172. Defense Expenditure as a share of Gross Domestic Product
  173. Arizona Border Ranchers Live in Fear as Illegal Immigration Crisis Worsens
  174. The Average Croatian Doesn't Leave Home Until They're 32
  175. Spree shooting in Texas! (18th May 18). fatalities. INCEL uprising is going mad.
  176. Woman used her karate skills to fight off two illegal immigrants who attacked her on her way home
  177. Angry racist booted from eatery: ‘I pay for their welfare!’
  178. Welcome rape-tourists !! from Finland.
  179. Syrian Child's Message to the World
  180. Every single Catholic bishop in Chile has resigned over a sex abuse scandal
  181. n Policy Were Consistent, America Would be Bombing Israel Right Now
  182. The English language is collapsing into “Idiocracy” gobbledygook on liberal college campuses
  183. ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Is Fastest Ever To $1B Global Box Office; Disney Tops $3B WW In Record Time
  184. LIVE: Royal Wedding 2018 of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
  185. 'Doxxing' demystified: Expert reveals how hackers can piece together your life online - and ruin it
  186. Pope Francis tells gay man: 'God made you like this'
  187. Majority of American Muslims support same-sex marriage, more than evangelicals
  188. Sweden World Champion in hockey 2018
  189. UK: Use your vote or end up with Khan or Magid
  190. Marry Down or Else
  191. Study Shows How The Human Body Can Detect Events 1-10 Seconds Before They Occur
  192. In less than 20 years, the U.S. dollar has lost 80% of its value vs. REAL money (gold)
  193. Draghi Opened Pandora's Box: Now Debt-Deflation Looms For Italy
  194. Vaticanomics: Serving the “God” of the State
  195. China Considers Ending Birth Limits as Soon as This Year
  196. Turkey bans Wikipedia for noting it supported the Islamic State in Syria
  197. Erdogan in Bosnia: “Are you ready to demonstrate strength of European Turks?”
  198. Humans account for less than 1% of all life on Earth - but have wiped out the majority of other livi
  199. Japan is poised to FLOOD the Pacific with one million tons of radioactive Fukushima water
  200. Brainwashed and Coerced Into Wars
  201. Visualizing What Happens In An Internet Minute In 2018
  202. American couple take their 30-year-old son to COURT to try and get him to leave their family home
  203. Heatwave in Pakistan kills 65 people and leaves dozens passing out in the street as temperatures roc
  204. 1,400 Underage Dutch Girls Forced Into Sex Slavery By “Migrant Background” Males
  205. Swedish far-right party's rises support months before election
  206. Danish Minister: "Dangerous For All Of Us" If Muslims Work During Ramadan
  207. We’re Going Back! China To Become The First Nation To Land On The Dark Side Of The Moon
  208. The U.S. Government Has Bombed So Many Muslims . . . Thomas DiLorenzo donate FacebookTwitterShare .
  209. Among the Persians
  210. Bahia is Brazil's blackest state – but you'd never guess it from latest TV soap
  211. Man (JohnSmith) arrested at McDonald's for threatening customers with stun gun
  212. Twitter Is Cracking Down on Bulgarian Users
  213. Pharmaceutical Murder — Mass shootings caused by drugs, says Dr. Mark Sircus.
  214. Sweden: Police warn lots of rapes will happen this summer and advise women not to go out late
  215. Children in Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Spain are now the fattest on the continent
  216. 30 yo man evicted by parents
  217. Three Indian men accidentally film themselves drowningg in a pond
  218. Christian Homeschooling Booms in Russia - #1 in Europe
  219. 'Disturbing' half human-half CHICKEN embryos are created in the lab
  220. Leaving children in hot cars could cause deadly heat stroke in less than an hour - even if you park
  221. Sweden changes law to make sex without consent rape: Silence will no longer be interpreted as 'yes'
  222. Trump Adopts Hillary Clinton’s Foreign Policy
  223. Trump the Dumb
  224. Will Poverty, Disease And War Lead To 3 Billion Fewer People?
  225. ‘Italy Should Not be a German Colony’
  226. The little Syrian boy who meets Trump, Putin, Merkel, Kim and other world leaders
  227. Media Black Out Over Activist Tommy Robinson's Arrest
  228. Ancient DNA Study Reveals Prehistory of Southeast Asia
  229. The End Goal Of Western Progressivism Is Depopulation
  230. Listen to Yuri Maltsev!
  231. Immigrant hero who saved a child dangling from balcony is awarded French cotizenship
  232. 'Oldest tree in Europe' is found in Italy, and it is STILL growing at the age of 1,230
  233. Tommy Robinson's Last Live Stream Reporting On Muslim Child Rapists
  234. Poland Offers $2 Billion for Permanent US Military Base
  235. Appalled tourist shares 'disgusting' breakfast he was served in Cyprus
  236. Why today's youngsters are as ignorant about real intimacy as their oh-so innocent grandparents
  237. Ripper, bubbler and hyphy: The top slang words in each US state revealed
  238. Interview With The Lifelike Hot Robot Named Sophia
  239. India: Vigilant mob kills 5, injures 20 instigated by false online “rumors”
  240. Belgium: ”Allahu Akbar’ Gunman Kills Two Female Police Officers, One Bystander in terror attack
  241. A Chart Exposing How The Bilderberg Group Controls The Entire World
  242. Why Human DNA Might Be The Product Of Another Intelligence
  243. US State Department Tells Syria What It Can and Can’t Do on Its Own Soil
  244. British man beaten by 10 Chinese in Cambodia for having 'Taiwan' tattooed on his forehead
  245. Australia is not real
  246. Capitalism vs. Socialism
  247. Camel baby milk launches in Dubai
  248. Birds had to relearn flight after meteor wiped out dinosaurs
  249. Donald Trump: Mexico Will Pay for the Wall and ‘They’re Going to Enjoy It’
  250. War starts again, Gaza's missiles strike israel