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  1. eBay removes listings selling Nazi caricatures of Adolf Hitler… made from LEGO (0 replies)
  2. Man that has not bathed in 60 years... (17 replies)
  3. Backlash growing against the jihadists (1 replies)
  4. US to flood Romania with terrorists (8 replies)
  5. What the hell is wrong with people? Two white girls hold down black girl to be raped by black men (66 replies)
  6. Spain to give citizenship to descendants of expelled Sephardic Jews. (0 replies)
  7. Sarajevo pays tribute to its last shoe shiner (0 replies)
  8. "Fedora" wearing thief robs multiple churches. (2 replies)
  9. Man crashes into Conn. gas station, steals banana (7 replies)
  10. Beagle won't be denied chicken nuggets (0 replies)
  11. This cat is a thief and has stolen thousands of socks (5 replies)
  12. Germans fight back against Gay Propaganda in Schools (52 replies)
  13. India diplomat indicted in visa fraud case, to leave United States (1 replies)
  14. Historic swell hits Europe with 60-foot waves (5 replies)
  15. NSA and GCHQ activities appear illegal, says EU parliamentary inquiry (0 replies)
  18. The 9/11 Scam: New York’s Disability Disgrace (1 replies)
  19. Berlin supermarkets discover banana boxes stuffed with cocaine (9 replies)
  20. Italian court overturns pedophile conviction as 11-year-old 'in love' (9 replies)
  21. Nick Robinson: BBC made a 'terrible mistake' over immigration debate (11 replies)
  22. Not much news from the northern Syrian front (13 replies)
  23. Historic Lebanese Christian library torched by angry (is there another sort?) Muslims (1 replies)
  24. Jihadists create a theocracy in no man's land (1 replies)
  25. Defending your home from vandals in modern america is a serious crime (4 replies)
  26. Everyone is Tired of White People on TV (131 replies)
  27. Kim Jong-Un's uncle stripped naked and fed to 120 starving dogs as tyrant watched (44 replies)
  28. Top Israeli Government Minister Says even Homosexual Jews have “Higher Souls” than Non-Jews (1 replies)
  29. Muslim cashier in British department store refuses to sell Christian book (1 replies)
  30. Hong Kong: World record broken as over 4,000 teddy bears hit the Ritz (0 replies)
  31. The false religion of Islam strikes again in Volgograd, 15 dead (0 replies)
  32. Prosecutor Overseeing Turkish Graft Inquiry Is Removed From Case (0 replies)
  33. Muslim extremist from Dagestan kills 15 people in russia (212 replies)
  34. Black guy breaks the bones of a nuns and rapes her brutaly on christmass (51 replies)
  35. Incest Al sharpton father made Al sharptons sister pregnent... (0 replies)
  36. Comrade Mao's birthday! (6 replies)
  37. Christians Targeted in Christmas Day Bombings (52 replies)
  38. Germany: Baring breasts inside church on Christmas day (47 replies)
  39. The Matrix (5 replies)
  40. Russia's State Duma speaker visits Afghanistan (0 replies)
  41. Humanity reached a new Low (21 replies)
  42. Rifle Designer Mikhail Kalashnikov Dead at 94 (5 replies)
  43. Major Canadian Newspaper Prints Racist Article Against Anglo-Saxons (3 replies)
  44. died last decent russian. (1 replies)
  45. Georgia's FM: Georgian-Russian relations make progress (0 replies)
  46. M&S faces boycott as it lets Muslim staff refuse to sell alcohol or pork (1 replies)
  47. Nigella Lawson faces police drugs investigation (6 replies)
  48. The Norwegian Oil Fund worth NOK 5000 billion (1 replies)
  49. Theory of Everything, Reality is just a Illusion (6 replies)
  50. India: Four cops arrested for minor's gang rape (0 replies)
  51. Executive order granting pardon to Mikhail Khodorkovsky (0 replies)
  52. GCHQ and NSA targeted charities, Germans, Israeli PM and EU chief (1 replies)
  53. News Report Finds Climate Change Caused... (2 replies)
  54. Merry Christmas Everyone: Justin Bieber's Retirement Announcement (9 replies)
  55. Duck Dynasty Star Suspended for Christian Beliefs (16 replies)
  56. A black student at a US University staged mock "lynching" of two white men and called it art (53 replies)
  57. Bulgaria Is on the Verge of Collapse, and Right-Wing Extremism Is on the Rise (1 replies)
  58. Mosque hosts monthly Christian-Muslim events (1 replies)
  59. Muslims help rebuild Catholic church in Zamboanga (1 replies)
  60. Ten Syrians kept chained in Athens by Pakistani human traffickers (2 replies)
  61. US Senator McCain Heading for Ukraine – Report (6 replies)
  62. Bachelet Wins Chilean Presidency in Landslide (3 replies)
  63. Study: Israel among most corrupt developed states (4 replies)
  64. Pedophiles Converting to Islam To Evade Prosecution – Protected by Sharia Law (20 replies)
  65. Chinese rover Yutu moon landing, video (8 replies)
  66. Fascist past is commemorated widely (0 replies)
  67. David Duke on Press TV: Israel, true nuclear rogue state (0 replies)
  68. Illegal to dislike Jews in Britain (18 replies)
  69. Jew sentenced to prison for raping 8-year-old girl (18 replies)
  70. Chinese spacecraft lands on moon (3 replies)
  71. Turkish National Library sold books to a junk company (2 replies)
  72. Modern ‘Nazi salute’ said sweeping Europe (49 replies)
  73. Syrian opposition seeks Islamists' protection against al Qaeda (1 replies)
  74. North Korean leader's uncle executed for 'treachery' (1 replies)
  75. Creeping Sharia: UK Universities Justify Gender Segregation To Appease Muslims, Protests Ensue (0 replies)
  76. Levantine Arabs Prove to be Superior Warriors than Gulf Arabs (3 replies)
  77. Al-Jazeera Fires Reporter for Questioning Arafat 'Assassination' (1 replies)
  78. Ukrainian riot police withdraw after overnight move on demonstrators (0 replies)
  79. Chinese boyfriend jumps to death after girlfriend insists on doing more shopping (49 replies)
  80. Selfies at Funerals Tumblr to shut down (0 replies)
  81. Uruguay legalizes marijuana (28 replies)
  82. Jewish Historian and researcher praises Arab immigration in Europe (65 replies)
  83. Madagascar village 'hit by bubonic plague' (1 replies)
  84. Bob Dylan insults Croats, gets sued for it. (4 replies)
  85. WTO agrees global trade agreement (0 replies)
  86. “Saint” Mandela? Not So Fast! (21 replies)
  87. CEO: It's okay to harass white males, they're not "a protected class" (29 replies)
  88. Chinese Army Plan Moon Base (4 replies)
  89. Syrian rebels abducted 12 nuns, head of convent (6 replies)
  90. Thousands protest in Bahrain capital, demand 'torturers be brought to justice' (0 replies)
  91. 6,000 cases of women raped during Syrian conflict, human rights group says (0 replies)
  92. Science is very sexist, so are human brains (9 replies)
  93. Amsterdam has a deal for alcoholics: Work paid in beer (1 replies)
  94. Nelson Mandela died at age 95 (178 replies)
  95. Chinese Yuan overtakes euro in trade (1 replies)
  96. Race Mixing is Anti-Christian (0 replies)
  97. Artist drapes white models around his neck as 'Trophy Scarves' to highlight interracial relationship (1 replies)
  99. Oldest Human DNA Reveals Mysterious Branch of Humanity (6 replies)
  100. Narayan Sai: India guru Asaram Bapu's son arrested over 'sex assault' (0 replies)
  101. Hezbollah commander Hassan Lakkis killed in Beirut (4 replies)
  102. Chemtrails (7 replies)
  103. Why is violent crime so rare in Iceland? (13 replies)
  104. Economic Intelligence: No, Capitalism Is Not Evil (0 replies)
  105. The European Union Proposes To Ban Communism (1 replies)
  106. 20,000 Chinese officials penalized for being too bureaucratic (0 replies)
  107. Catholic hospitals denying life-saving treatment to pregnant women (9 replies)
  108. Israel in the PISA test (2 replies)
  109. Pope attacks Capitalism (0 replies)
  110. 4Chan User ‘Stephen’ Live Streams Suicide Attempt, Sets Self On Fire (14 replies)
  111. ‘Video games are good for kids’ - Israeli Study (1 replies)
  112. Shocking CCTV shows girl attacked by Black bus mob (11 replies)
  113. PAUL WALKER NOT DEAD - MUST READ (17 replies)
  114. Racial memories passed from father to son in mice (2 replies)
  115. Femen members urinate on Ukraine leader's photo in Paris (75 replies)
  116. Child taken from womb by social services (5 replies)
  119. Paul Walker's Death - Illuminati Connection (96 replies)
  120. Paul Walker Dies in Car Accident (118 replies)
  121. Lee Rigby Murder Trial (0 replies)
  122. Iran Nuclear Deal Good for Western Banks..Control System to Continue (0 replies)
  123. 13-year-old California boy to stay locked up for killing neo-Nazi dad (2 replies)
  124. Christianity kills baby (13 replies)
  125. Putin: drones aren't toys, Russia won't use them like other nations (8 replies)
  126. ADL calls on the US to ensure fighting anti-Semitism and hate crime remains a top priority at OSCE (0 replies)
  127. This is important for you and your family (MUST WATCH) (0 replies)
  128. While western europe is falling Russia remains a hope for the future (54 replies)
  129. UK, Germany, France want to limit free moves within EU for poorer members (12 replies)
  130. US and Hezbollah secret talks (0 replies)
  131. CBS asks Lara Logan to take leave after 'flawed' Benghazi report (0 replies)
  132. Israeli mother ordered to pay fine of $140 a day for refusing to circumcise her son (39 replies)
  133. Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins pleads GUILTY to attempted rape of a fan's baby and other offences (18 replies)
  134. Stone-tipped spears predate human existence (0 replies)
  135. Porn is BAD! (87 replies)
  136. VIDEO: Saudi Muslims Hang Black Ethiopian Maid From Hook, Beat Her to a Pulp (26 replies)
  137. Brian Griffin officially killed off in Family Guy (17 replies)
  138. Slave girl's agonised plea in one of 500 letters to the neighbour she was obsessed with (0 replies)
  139. Muslim arrested in “knock-out” game of Brooklyn Jew… Typical (8 replies)
  140. VOA Reporter Involved in Standoff Between Syrian Troops and Kurds (0 replies)
  141. Iran nuclear deal reached! (245 replies)
  142. Leading Syrian rebel groups form new Islamic Front (1 replies)
  143. US House looks to enhance commitment to Israel’s military edge (0 replies)
  144. BREAKING NEWS: Racial Discrimination charges against children. (80 replies)
  145. Poverty shrinks the brain, and brains have lost tennis ball-sized chunk over lat 20000 years (6 replies)
  146. Neo Nazis = Terrorist in the US? (7 replies)
  147. Saudi men arrested for offering free hugs in Riyadh (7 replies)
  148. World's youngest divorcee (9 replies)
  149. It's official: Sexiest Man Alive is Jewish (57 replies)
  150. US Government Lets JPMorgan Off the Hook for Mortgage Fraud (0 replies)
  151. Iranian Jews hold pro-nuclear rally in Tehran (0 replies)
  152. EU Lawmakers Back Plans for 40 Percent Quota for Women on Boards (18 replies)
  153. Plastics cause epigenetic damage (3 replies)
  154. White supremacist who killed blacks and Jews is put to death in Missouri (24 replies)
  155. Lawsuit Paid In Full: Samsung pays Apple $1 Billion sending 30 trucks full of 5 cent coins (12 replies)
  156. Christian Children's Entertainer Who Wanted to Eat Kids Gets 20 Years (1 replies)
  157. Schoolboy spent years raping little girl aged after watching internet pornography (6 replies)
  158. Iranian Jewish community holds rally in support of nuclear program (4 replies)
  159. Beirut Bombing: Attacks Target Iranian Embassy (8 replies)
  160. Pregnancy crisis centres lie to women to prevent abortions (0 replies)
  161. Dow Hits New Record Amid Deepening World Slump (0 replies)
  162. Another couple found guilty of murder after using techniques found in Christian parenting book (14 replies)
  163. Iranian-Israeli heading IDF team helping 300 a day after recent natural disastor in the Philippines (2 replies)
  164. Shooting in Paris — Left-Wing Libération Targeted (4 replies)
  165. Pedophile priest guilty on new charges (1 replies)
  166. Turkish firm buys majority stake in Montenegro’s port (0 replies)
  167. Edward Snowden Leaked up to 200,000 NSA Top Secret Documents (1 replies)
  168. Boeing airliner crashes in Russian city of Kazan, 50 killed (1 replies)
  169. Athens to get its first mosque. (25 replies)
  170. More children killed by religiously-based medical neglect (0 replies)
  171. Woman gets $3,500 fine and bad credit score for writing negative review of business (4 replies)
  172. Pope Francis: corrupt should be tied to a rock and thrown into the sea (5 replies)
  173. Simon Cowell donates $150K to IDF Soldiers (7 replies)
  174. Turkey jails six ‘Marxist’ journalists for life (54 replies)
  175. Nominee to Head US Federal Reserve Reassures Wall Street in Senate Testimony (3 replies)
  176. Al Qaeda-linked rebels apologize after beheading wrong man, report says (3 replies)
  177. 1/3 of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Members are Christians (20 replies)
  178. Muhammad Ali speaks against racial mixing (80 replies)
  179. Plant geneticist: ‘Darwinian evolution is impossible’ (5 replies)
  180. Social-Engineering: Destruction of Traditional Family, Religion, Eugenics and Abortions. (2 replies)
  181. Holding Onto The Other Half Of 'Mixed-Race' (25 replies)
  182. Syrian Kurds declare autonomous government (0 replies)
  183. Knife-wielding Persian arrested at Israeli embassy in Brussels (8 replies)
  184. Pastor claims sex with boys gave them 'sexual purity in the eyes of God' (3 replies)
  185. New Zealand Teen Rape Club (1 replies)
  186. Justice for George Zimmerman (18 replies)
  187. Report: 90% Saudi Disabled People Suffer Sexual Abuse (7 replies)
  188. DEGENERATE Subhumans (22 replies)
  189. Iran backed out of nuclear deal - John Kerry (2 replies)
  190. iranian deputy industry minister shot dead (0 replies)
  191. Racist slaughtered partner and daughter but spared youngest child because she was 'pure Aryan' (55 replies)
  192. Saudi police in Riyadh clash with migrant workers (0 replies)
  193. Schwarzenegger will attempt to run for president in 2016 (28 replies)
  194. Tom Cruise Admits Scientology Contributed to Katie Holmes Split (10 replies)
  195. The Origin of Darwinism (1 replies)
  196. CIA Pays AT&T to Spy on Phone Data (0 replies)
  197. Russia’s New Law: Relatives of Terrorists Pay The Bill For The Damages (37 replies)
  198. Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of strongest storms ever, heads for central Philippines (1 replies)
  199. EU rules that gay Africans are entitled to asylum (132 replies)
  200. Arafat polonium poisoning (2 replies)
  201. Anger after women in 9/11 Twin Towers fancy dress win Halloween costume contest (0 replies)
  202. Thousands of Russian Nationalists rally in Moscow (0 replies)
  203. Saudi Arabian Fatwa forbids Muslims from traveling to Mars (Hope For Western Culture On Mars) (10 replies)
  204. The White Man's Purpose (29 replies)
  205. Jewish Pedophile Ring Exposed. (0 replies)
  206. Jewish Politician Admitting Pedophilia Tendencies. (2 replies)
  207. CNN Exclusive: Inside Syrian town living under al Qaeda reign of fear (7 replies)
  208. One in five sunlike stars have a planet in the earth zone! (0 replies)
  209. English proficiency ranking (3 replies)
  210. Mavi Marmara was a great mistake, Israel’s former spy chief admits (0 replies)
  211. Computer-generated 'Sweetie' catches online predators (1 replies)
  212. Sting operation using virtual Filipina girl snags thousands of sexual predators (1 replies)
  213. Is it an art ? (10 replies)
  214. BBC: setting the stage for the future of decline for 40 years (3 replies)
  215. Crucifix defaced with Hebrew graffiti in Ukraine. (5 replies)
  216. 3-Year-Old Saudi Girl Gang Raped (9 replies)
  217. Slave reparations: Euro countries sued by Caribbean states. (10 replies)
  218. Pentagon is very angry about white male christians (19 replies)
  219. Telegraph report suggests Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is Jewish (1 replies)
  220. MTA Driver Bans 10-Year-Old Boy From Bus for Speaking Arabic (8 replies)
  221. Balkan is boiling at high temperatures in the summer, is guilty geoengineering for it? (0 replies)
  222. Israeli planes strike Syrian military base, U.S. official says (123 replies)
  223. Jürgen Klopp signs 5-year contract with Borussia Dortmund (0 replies)
  224. NSA infiltrates links to Yahoo, Google data centers worldwide, Snowden documents say (2 replies)
  225. Putin world most powerful person according to Forbes (37 replies)
  226. HLA Genes in Macedonian and the Sub-Saharan origin of Greeks (4 replies)
  227. The Origin of Palestinians and Their Genetic Relatedness With Other Mediterranean Populations (73 replies)
  228. St Jude's storm whips across northern Europe (2 replies)
  229. Lebanese Christians 'prefer' Assad victory (0 replies)
  230. Schoolgirl found hanged after saying she 'wanted to be with daddy in heaven' (17 replies)
  231. Russian Justice System Helps Greenpeace Activist Find Religion (0 replies)
  232. Syrian Muslim "Rebels" Burn Christian Bibles Outside Catholic Church (0 replies)
  233. Bahraini Activist Urges US to Stop Supporting Al Khalifa (0 replies)
  234. US bugged Merkel's phone from 2002 until 2013, report claims (1 replies)
  235. Iran Gives Russia Copy of Downed U.S. Drone (0 replies)
  236. Jewish billionaire: US should drop atomic bomb on Iran (174 replies)
  237. Top German spy chiefs to go to Washington for talks (0 replies)
  238. Islands’ men ‘import brides’ to increase population (91 replies)
  239. Media criticized for "propagating negative myths about Roma" (15 replies)
  240. Bulgarian woman claims she's Maria's mom: 'We gifted her' to Roma family (192 replies)
  241. Londonistan: "Muslim Patrol" cut American tourists face with glass White Chapel Tower Hamlets (23 replies)
  242. Americas NSA spied on phones of 35 world leaders (0 replies)
  243. Black teen sues over arrest after buying $350 designer belt (65 replies)
  244. Bulgarian boy beated almost to death by gypsies because of patriotic shirt (26 replies)
  245. Dead Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev DID butcher (Jewish) "friend" (and two other Jews) (58 replies)
  246. The Jewish Mentality (16 replies)
  247. Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (0 replies)
  248. Did BNP leader, Nick Griffin, prevent the West from invading Syria? (1 replies)
  249. The ocean is broken (0 replies)
  250. Nevada School shooting (10 replies)