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  1. Gay Teens Voted 'Cutest Couple' in High School
  2. Are Black People Allowed to be Racist?
  3. Iran Moves to Ban Pet Dogs from Public
  4. How Muslims have Cynically Bankrupted the United Kingdom
  5. Why do some people think they know what average people look like in countries not their own?
  6. Mixed-Race Hispanics 'Passing' For White In Polite Society - Members Experiences etc
  7. Top ten countries with the highest population
  8. What Are The Benefits Of Islamic Immigration To The West?
  9. gypsy crime, pickpocketing, fraud, theft
  10. it takes more then a iq test to explain how our brains work
  11. Race and modern society...
  12. So if Russian and Korean Societies are so Homophobic? How is it ...
  13. New Ku Klux Klan vs. New Black Panthers the shocking truth
  14. Neo-Nazis in Israel
  15. More White Americans Dying Than Being Born
  16. "The Tragic Mulatto;" The Achetypical Sad Mixed-Race Person In American Literature
  17. Which ethnicities and Races are the smartest in your opinion?
  18. We should test Nick Griffin
  19. Racial Classification of Indian People in USA
  20. To all people! Wake up!!
  21. In Sudan, pale is beautiful but price is high
  22. Races of ancient Egypt
  23. ... the fuck?
  24. Do you have less respect for non-tribal societies?
  25. Where do you think Germanic/Nordic pride came from?
  26. Poll; Should stupid people be allowed to vote?
  27. The USA Cultural Imperialism - Your thoughts.
  28. Mongols and Slavs? Are the rounded slavic woman facial features from Mongols?
  29. We Must End Welfare & Foreign Aid & Use Money Saved As Incentive For Whites To Have More Children.
  30. Mixed race Britons/Irish and Brits/Irish who have dated outside of their races
  31. All Human Races According to DNA
  32. Indo Iranien hair color, eye color, Y DNA, mtDNA
  33. Are Mediterranean people White?
  34. Group apologizes to gay community, shuts down 'cure' ministry
  35. Who is the most sexually attractive on the forum among the newbies?
  36. WATCH: Army Chief Deliver A Scathing Dressing-Down To Sexist Soldiers
  37. What Races lived in pre Indo European Europe
  38. Does how others perceive you ethnically shape how you identify yourself?
  39. Did Caucasins arrive in America 15,000-20,000ybp: Stunning DNA evidence
  40. 6,625-4,025 year old DNA from Germany identical to modern Europeans
  41. Are Mediterranean people vampires?
  42. Origin of Body Hair among Caucasiods
  43. New UN Report Warns of Uncertain Future for White People
  44. DNA Revials: Native Americans ancestors came to America more than 10,000 years before Clovis culture
  45. Surprising nyc council bill could ban cops from identifying suspects based on simple descriptors suc
  46. Somali and other muslim girls with hijab
  47. Two Ex-Marines Sentenced to Death After Raping Husband's Wife and Killing Couple
  48. Do you regard Alexander Pushkin as White?
  49. Muslim is awarded damages after he refuses to shake female boss' hand
  50. Ethnicities you have had a change of heart about.
  51. Legalization of prostitution
  52. Video: The Islamic Rape Of Europe
  53. East Asian vs Western European/American: the Geography of Thought.
  54. white leadership is inferior. Muslim and Asians race will rule the world. We need to copy the east
  55. Are Germans Infallibly White?
  56. Is Rocky 4 A Metaphor for a Revenge Fantasy For The Holocaust?
  57. Stereotypes about your country
  58. SCIENTIFC STUDY proves: Racists have low IQ's
  59. Asian obsession with race
  60. What matters most in your life?
  61. Most richest regions in Europe
  62. Overpopulation is a Myth
  63. In reality: Are gypsies more white than Middle easterners?
  64. Danes and other Scandinavians
  65. Why men rape women?
  66. 150 Million Europeans Hate Israel
  67. Are Cypriots European?
  68. are racists becoming a minority?
  69. come up with your own definition of racism
  70. Social Structure of the Chechens and Nakh People
  71. White girls : who date black boys, Asian boyfriends, Muslim husbands, Indian lovers
  72. DNA averages vs Individual DNA
  73. Racism in Israel
  74. misgenation/anti-misgenation
  75. Is Philo eligible to be a Nazi?
  76. AMAZING depictions humans in Europe from 15,000-42,000ybp
  77. Mass Immigration Finally Criticised In Mainstream British Press
  78. Euthanasia, Eugenics, Abortion
  79. Is It Possible to Change Your Ethnicity and Culture?
  80. Where can this Middle Eastern women pass?
  81. What would have to change before men and women achieved true equality?
  82. Would you marry from outside your place of origin?
  83. An 11-year old Chilean girl was raped by her mother's boyfriend
  84. Are Poles Slavic or Finnic? What do you think?
  85. Don’t say goodbye at parties, just leave
  86. Are Poles and Irish one and the same?
  87. Where do the white kablye of north africa come from
  88. "Why are Italians so irritating and stupid?"
  89. The Global Corruption Barometer 2013
  90. Is that bad if you are an indifferent person to others?
  91. What Europeans think of each other?
  92. Top Ten Most Dangerous Cities in Europe
  93. Post your ethnicity in folk/tradional dress!
  94. Chechens and Ingush.. where could they pass in Europe?
  95. Dumb ways to die, smart ways to kill (time)
  96. The Mongol invasion changed the demography of Iraq and parts of Eastern Syria
  97. Classify Eurovision 2011 winners, Eldar Gasimov and Nigar Jamal
  98. Black americans, Horn africans , Nubians VS. modern Egyptians
  99. Shenzhen: Before and After
  100. Racist Indian Film wants White People to be Indian Slaves in the Future
  101. Are gypsies more white than Arabs , Turks , Armenians ?
  102. people of Eastern Germany-----Germanized Polish?
  103. Countries by Autos self-sufficiency
  104. A warped view of Sicilians
  105. Polish Type
  106. George Zimmerman found not guilty.
  107. AMAZING : Mixture of Turks and Korean = Kazakhs Asians + mixture of Somalians and White = White
  108. Racist Agenda of Wikipedia towards Europeans
  109. How are perceived MENA in usa ?
  110. Do you consider Caucasus part of Europe ?
  111. Stop racism against Caucasus. They are the brothers of White/European race.
  112. Muslim youth throw stones at rescue workers after massive train wreck near Paris, robbed the corpses
  113. "Genes" a reason poor kids struggle at school, says Australian government report
  114. Who do you like more Jews or Blacks
  115. What nationality ?
  116. "Antiwhites Debunked"
  117. question for nationalists?
  118. Prostitute flash mob in red light District Amsterdam against human trafficking
  119. which cultures are the most foreign to you?
  120. Which country is whiter?
  121. Egyptian girl shoots herself to death after refusing to wear hijab
  122. Top 5 European Ghettos.
  123. question for racialists
  124. Why Muslims In The West Need To Pay Extra Taxes
  125. What background culture do I most appear to come from?
  126. Guess this guy's natioanlity?
  127. How White is Puerto Rico?
  128. MSNBC's "white shame" over Zimmerman verdict
  129. how are interracial couples viewed at your place?
  130. Finland: Moroccans Ask Passers-by if they are Finns Then Attack Them When the Answer is Yes
  131. Race (human classification)
  132. Do you support George Zimmerman???
  133. France Will Be 40 Percent Muslim in 2030 Says Italian Journalist Based Upon Official Statistics
  134. Albanians and Serbs
  135. Ethnicities people confuse for one another that you think look nothing alike.
  136. Who's failing the family
  137. Muslim Colonists In Western Europe
  138. Ramadan in Eurabia: In Hamburg over 150 Muslims, shouting "Allah Akbar", attacked policemen
  139. Mixed People (We are all one)
  140. The number of blacks & whites who marry outside their race has increased in the US
  141. Arin Andrews and Katie Hill, Transgender Teenage Couple
  142. 11-Year-Old Yemeni Girl Nada Al-Ahdal Flees Home to Avoid Forced Marriage: I'd Rather Kill Myself
  143. Are All Races Equal Physically and Mentally?
  144. Nations that hate USA the most
  145. French Train Crash Revisited: Fireman Says He Was Bombarded with Racist Insults
  146. I wanna go to America
  147. What ethnicity have you been thought to be?
  148. White People (We are all one)
  149. Contemporary antiziganism
  150. Inbred People (We are all one)
  151. brown people (we are all one)
  152. Fat people (We are all one)
  153. Retarded people (we are all one)
  154. Why do liberals deny race exists? Help.
  155. Korean Woman Assaulted by Western Guys
  156. Why Muslim Immigration To The West Is A Brilliant Idea
  157. Nobody is equal so deal with it
  158. Scottish speak out- racism is doom
  159. The invention of the US color line.
  160. Are Jews more European or Arab
  161. Drunk countries of the world
  162. Top 10: America Loving Countries
  163. Does she look more European or Hispanic
  164. A question about armenoids
  165. Poll: Do you accept assimilated law-abiding Mulattoes as legitimate European citizens?
  166. Apologies to non-whites!!!!
  167. Black on white racism
  168. Are Middle Easterners in Europe inferior to those in Latin America?
  169. Do you think White Racism is justified the most of all Racism because ....
  170. Genes vs Memes
  171. Is racism and discrimination always wrong?
  172. "My father thinks black women are worthless"
  173. Do you hate the US?
  174. Chinese perceptions of Europeans: “Fat” ladies and “handsome” men
  175. The two basic human groups
  176. could you get along with a multi-racial and multi-cultural company
  177. White Student Union at Georgia State raises questions
  178. did the anglos
  179. How would this people be perceived in USA ?
  180. Is modernity dysgenic?
  181. Is NWO real?
  182. why euros think white is a superior phenotype
  183. Truth about the Hysteria of Russian Gay Propaganda ban
  184. Do you consider the Komi people of Arctic Russia to be European/White?
  185. What would a pure Berber look like?
  186. what subrace are albos
  187. Unstereotypical Members - Have Certain Members Made You Reassess Your Ethnic Predudices?
  188. Genetics and Population Displacement (or lack therof?) in Swabia
  189. Why is there not more black lady porn? Why all blonde?
  190. Glenn Beck exposes what a wicked witch Oprah Winfrey is
  191. Oprah Winfrey 'racism row' a 'misunderstanding'
  192. Insecure, Frustrated Bully With Something To Prove Considering Career In Law Enforcement
  193. Global problem; Overpopulation?
  194. Who is more European?
  195. Immigrants in your sport national teams
  196. Can these Yemen pass for European?
  197. Anime: look Wapanese or white ?
  198. When a Jewish Extremist Talks Like a Nazi
  199. World Bank Demands Europeans Give Their Countries to Brown People and Go and Live in the 3rd World
  200. Stupid American census " all white " immigration
  201. Which modern day population is closest to the original Jews?
  202. What Balkans nation besides Greece do Southern Italians overlap with most?
  203. UK- Surveillance state
  204. What would be most likely for North Caucasians/Georgians to be mistaken for in Europe?
  205. Do you agree with this video?
  206. Why do Slavic "Bulgarians" name themselves after a Turkic tribe?
  207. UK´s asian taxi / cab rapes.
  208. Blog article debunking the Muslim issue in Scandinavia
  209. Host-parasite relationship, Invasive Species; Third World Immigration to Europe
  210. The "AB" blood type in Slavic Europe: Of Turks and Mongols?
  211. In Hezbollah stronghold, Lebanese Christians find respect, stability
  212. We are Europa!
  213. What Percentage Of The 7-17% "Saharan-Arabian" Admixture in Spaniards Is Non-White?
  214. White australian student in usa murdered by three blacks-media doesn't mention racism
  215. Are the French Northern, Central, or Southern Europeans?
  216. Blacks Who Advocate Race War Against Whites
  217. For you "Mulatto" are black ?
  218. Poll: Should The West Instigate A Caste System?
  219. Are Balkanites really tough as they think?
  220. Jewish blood among ethnic Germans
  221. For all Turkic members!!!
  222. Glorious Diversity of America at only Beach in the Bronx of NYC
  223. Why do Persians hate Turkic peoples so much?
  224. "Don’t Ignore Race in Christopher Lane’s Murder"
  225. More charges considered for rapist(paki)of special needs women.
  226. Can albino Pakistani/Indian past for Europeans
  227. Is European a social construct?
  228. Disgusting behavior by Black American in South Korea
  229. Classify Berber Jews
  230. Is this man native to North Africa or not?
  231. Why do the worst Berbers come to Europe?
  232. Should Berbers get their own country?
  233. How much does Haplogroup tell about ancestry?
  234. will whites ever be able to integrate with other ethnic groups (future perspectives)
  235. Are Europeans with East Asian admixture superior ?
  236. Should the Saami have their own country?
  237. Top 10 suicide countries
  238. Which man looks more like the Ancient Egyptians?
  239. Do Kazakhs and Russians get along in Kazakhstan?
  240. Finnland - the land with the largest amount of blonde people in the world?
  241. Is Pure European genetics an Illusion?
  242. Is Melissa Gorga a mulatta pretending to be a regular Italian?
  243. Not All Caucasians Are White: The Supreme Court Rejects Citizenship for Asian Indians
  244. Abraham Lincoln wanted to deport the blacks after the Civil War
  245. Ethiopian about "African American"
  246. Why are Mulatto looking Moroccans considered not mixed?
  247. Americans of European descent? Do you feel close to Europe??
  248. What countries do you consider to be Northern Europe?
  249. Ghetto Tracker site offends
  250. Why are southern Europeans so eager for people to think of them as Europeans?