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  1. Essentially aren't we all Patawomeck indians?
  2. Is this hypothetical person white?
  3. Classify another Bedouin from my great grandmother tribe
  4. Can someone with no pre-Revolutionary 13 Colonies ancestry ever be a true American?
  5. What would Latin American Mestizos and Ameridians be perceived as in Russia?
  6. 1488
  7. Will all people of the world mix creating one race in the future?
  8. Is this hypothetical person White?
  9. Are mixed race people the biggest fear of the Alt-Right?
  10. Who is the proudest MENA on here?
  11. Why are so many Jews either liberal, commies, or socialists?
  12. Which of these people are White?
  13. Racism flowchart
  14. I'm more British than Prince Philip
  15. The Truth about Slavery in America
  16. The most racist cartoon/movie ?
  17. Black Sheboon Bully Sucker Punches White Cheerleader, Unleashing the Blonde Beast
  18. Which Arabic speaking peoples do you actually consider to be Arabs?
  19. One of the fathers of Turkish nationalism was a Kurd.Ironic or not, what you think?
  20. Wipe-out/Delete one country in the world.
  21. Who contributed more to Civilization: Canada or Australia?
  22. I wish that the Baltic region had been Germanized and Lutheranized in medieval times
  23. Europeans are descendants of Japeth !
  24. An interesting article claims that much of Nazism was inspired by American racism
  25. What do Poles and Ukrainians think of Slovaks?
  26. Why do the Blacks constantly bitch and moan about shit that happened 150+ years ago?
  27. Are South Americans just well-groomed Turks?
  28. Mediterranean Thread
  29. If your ancestors didn't fight in the Revolution, you'll never be a real American
  30. Rate this song
  31. Thread of the North Atlantic
  32. European problems
  33. Colonial blood survey in my hometown
  34. Baltic Thread
  35. Blacksea Thread
  36. Myths about Black people in the UK debunked
  37. Question for TA ethnonationalists
  38. Did Colonel Sanders actually call the Blacks "niggers"?
  39. Who would win in a fight - Meade Skelton or the uppity Negroes at Kroger's?
  40. How large is your friends network IRL? \Poll\
  41. The Palestinians never owned the land known as Israel !
  42. Where did original Jews come from?
  43. Does it make me a Jewish?
  44. Which people do you consider part of Western civilization?
  45. European communities with Significant R1a-z93 y-Dna ?
  46. I saw scary black guys late last night
  47. Did anyone else think that the "N" in NAACP stands for "n*gger"?
  48. How much do you believe that affects genetics on the determination of cultural differences?
  49. Russell Brand: Nationalist Convert?
  50. How is This a Thing? 1st of October 2018
  51. Do all black people have a problem with slavery?
  52. Top 30 political constituencies in the UK with the most mixed-race people
  53. Why They Blame Whites | The Brett Kavanaugh Resistance
  54. do you think iq science is accurate?
  55. Cruise Ruined By 1300 indian Men On A Work Bender | A Current Affair Australia
  56. mob of indian boys beat up school girls
  57. Bernile Nienau
  58. if you are of mixed ancestries
  59. Justice Clarence Thomas on racism
  60. Do you think the Northern abolitionists were "stirring up trouble"
  61. How accurate is this about Armenoids and Arabids
  62. Was the Balkans influenced by pre-Turkic Anatolian admixture ?
  63. Leftists: "White People Should not Date White People"
  64. Do you consider yourself one of the more nicer members of your own ethnicity as awhole, or one of...
  65. How Europeans will look after 100 years ?
  66. Nations having a National Colour
  67. Aryans were almost majority West Asians by the time they reached Southern Asia.
  68. Culture, military, or technology?
  69. What is the Y DNA of Yamnaya Mummies ?
  70. Sargons shadowbanned vid - Black Identitarians Attack the Jews
  71. White People Who Don’t Want to be White
  72. Off-topic from 'good and bad wars' thread: are Gypsies more hated in Serbia or the UK?
  73. The ACLU Worries that the Harvard Affirmative Action Suit will "Mostly Benefit Whites"
  74. Bush & Blair’s Iraq war was key that opened door to Syria’s current hell
  75. How can you justify the concept of race given what we know of human history and genetics?
  76. Being Nice Won't End Racism
  77. On Culture - Do White People have no Culture?
  78. European Jews are Semitic - David Duke
  79. Proving Racial Differences
  80. Racial Diversity May Reduce Innovation
  81. The Sinification of Vancouver
  82. ‘The Simpsons’ producer confirms Apu is being written out of show following controversy
  83. White Shift | Ending the White Majority | Eric Kaufmann
  84. The Barcelona & Marrakesh Declarations (the End of White People?)
  85. They Don't Like Mirrors
  86. Dr. Phil's "White Privilege" Video Goes Wrong
  87. We Must Oppose and Stop the UN Global Compact for Migration
  88. East Asians do NOT have the lowest testosterone levels
  89. The International Financing of Engineered Migration
  90. Mule Britannia: The Erasure of Whites from British History
  91. anatolians dont know what they are
  92. The Ancestral Argument for European Nationalism
  93. What's the worst criminal act you've ever done?
  94. 'NOW THIS' Says White Neighborhoods Are Inherently Prejudice
  95. English Town Is Completely Islamised | Savile Town | The Diversity Lie
  96. Dr Phil: self-loathing 16 year old African american girl thinks she's Caucasian
  97. Don Lemon Thinks like a Nazi
  98. The Nature of Identity
  99. Pay gaps
  100. My position on mixing
  101. Do you prefer your own race?
  102. How America Was Lost | w/ Tom Kawczinski, TPS #205
  103. Do most South Italian, Jewish, and Pontic/Islander/Anatolian Greek Americans know they are....
  104. The ethnic genocide of Germans is irreversible
  105. Is USA sucker-punched by bankrupt nations due to Liberal agenda ?
  106. The U.N. is Trying to Take Over All Decisions on Migration | The Global Pact
  107. Democrats Want To Replace White People
  108. Did the Romans leave a genetic legacy in the British isles
  109. Michelle Goldberg Wants White People To Get Replaced
  110. How Sharia Became Law in the West
  111. Behold, White Man--The Wall!
  112. Dr. E. Michael Jones on The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
  113. Do you think mainland Latinos can discover self-love and overcome their ‘colonial mentality”?
  114. What is the most intimidating race?
  115. Zionism and the Holocaust ?
  116. Do you like Russell Brand?
  117. Florian Geyer on the New Colonialism
  118. Rate your overall level of contribution to civilization!
  119. If you had to be Asian, what Asian race would you choose to be?
  120. The Liberal Plot to Multiculturalise World War One
  121. What country do you pledge your full allegiance to first and primarily?
  122. The Future of the American Conservative. One Last Hoorah
  123. Jews terrorize 90 year old man
  124. Japanese or American culture, which are you more a fan of?
  125. Breaking the Power of Anti-White Media
  126. Are you pro or against car-free cities?
  127. Top 5 Public Intellectuals of Today ;Who is your favorite?
  128. Who is white to you?
  129. Multiculturashit works: black woman to talk in the WWI centennial! TROLOLOL
  130. Greenland and Faroe Islands being the true leaders
  131. What if Schengen dumped Balkans, Iberaia and Italy?
  132. Where did the name "Amerindians" come from?
  133. 8 Football Legends Uncover Their Origins with MyHeritage DNA
  134. Albanians who control the London drug trade flaunt their wealth
  135. Would you, personally, live under Albanian or Slavic rule?
  136. Ethnicities in the US most/least accepting of LGBT+ people?
  137. What will happen to White Africans?
  138. Mother from Germany, Father from Magreb what am i?
  139. Look at this picture, what's your opinion?
  140. How does your society classify skin tones and what words to they use ?
  141. Birth of a Nation (1915)
  142. What it feels like to not fit in among any race or ethnic group
  143. Disparities in America
  144. If crocodiles became human would they be considered Black or White in today's society?
  145. Savages... which race/group exemplifies the prototypical "savage" stereotype/look?
  146. White Wamen Bad - Midterm Election Aftermath
  147. Can We Avoid a Race War? (A Discussion About the Failing State of Multiculturalism)
  148. Why do you think caucasoids extensively mixed more with other races throughout history?
  149. Your ideal world map
  150. Are these 2 people the same species?
  151. White/Black or Caucasian/African.. which racial label/classification do you prefer?
  152. Jewish Ancestry
  153. steven tyler black background
  154. is montenegro racist? should they change their name?
  155. is 1/64 black enough to say the "n" word?
  156. Anti-Semitism on the far left
  157. Aboriginal or not-video by SBS
  158. Does she look german & Do germans understand her?
  159. What Is Racial Consciousness?
  160. Why do people think it is such an easy thing to "go back" to their parents country of origin
  161. Why They Want To Replace White People
  162. Best Mixed Race people(post pics)
  163. What ethnicities do you wish you were?
  164. Can someone please classify me?
  165. What you think of the yellow vests movement? Hope or dissapointment?
  166. Truth or flase: War is the only thing that will free the peoples of this world?
  167. Mattreo Salvini, do you trust him?
  168. French Generals Accuse Macron of Treason for signing the UN Global Migration. Opinions.
  169. German dictature plans to take away kids from right wing families.
  170. Will germans ever realize they don't live in a democracy?
  171. UN Migration Pact: Europe & Ireland
  172. BBC Presenter Loses EU Immigration Debate With Hungarian Politician
  173. Why do white nationalists insist on seeing Jews as the enemy?
  174. Should North Africans, Levantines, and Iraqis reject "Arab" identity?
  175. So, Belgium won? Belgium First minister resigns for accepting migration pact of UN.
  176. Marine Le Pen talks about Yellow Vests protests + Emmanuel Macron, Gilets Jaunes, English subtitles
  177. Canada, not even a country anymore. Thanks, Globalists and their minions.
  178. FInland announces they want to jail all illegal immigrants that get to their country.
  179. Two Scandinavian Women are killed in Morocco. One of Them Beheaded.
  180. Rohingya beauties with blue eyes / green eyes should be protected
  182. Dr William Pierce explain the jewish role in humanity.
  183. Swedish women protests against UN migration pact.
  184. Chinese heroic family beats the crap out of muslim "refugees" that beaten a woman and a 53 y/o.
  185. Afghan rapefugee rapes a 79 y/o grandma, whose mental age was 3 and lived in special house for old p
  186. China's social credi system begins.
  187. Why do so many ignorant people feel such a strong sense of pride for their own ancestry?
  188. Americans are Stupid and Emotionally Infantile Because They’re Fat
  189. Polish “Euroweek” Program Hands Over Infant Girls to rapefugees for “Integration”
  190. Nordicism Makes No Sense this is why.. I am not anti Nordid just stating facts.
  191. The White Man who Snapped - Rejecting White Guilt
  192. Are Trump fans retarded?
  193. Do you consider "gringo" to be a racial epithet?
  194. Why Do Leftists Think You Can End Racism With Racism??
  195. Fascinated and Horrified: Why is it important to know the differences in average IQ?
  196. The Hypocrisy of "Cultural Appropriation"
  197. The Truth We Dare Not Speak?
  198. WHY the West is Lost.
  199. Jordan Peterson destroying Political correctness idiots & Feminists in medias
  200. Could a one state solution for Israel/Palestine even work?
  201. "USA is to Australia what Brazil is to Argentina". Do you agree with this?
  202. Does ethnicity or ethnos involve racial component?
  203. Why was there extensive mixing between races in Latin America?
  204. What race would you say has the most in common with Indians overall?
  205. Why No One Actually Believes Slavery Reparations are a Good Idea: A Challenge
  206. A Tale Of Two Different Cultural Narratives
  207. Feminist Professor: White Nuclear Families Are Racist & Supremacist
  208. Is this English man right?
  209. Videos that prove Iran is awesome
  210. CIVIL WAR – An Ancient Warning
  211. The Politics of Black Panther
  212. The problem with 'supremacy' and how it relates to inequality
  213. Hasan Piker: The Alt Right For White People
  214. Bird Box Is An Attack On Whites
  215. JF's Alt-Right News (7-1-2019)
  216. "Whiteness" is Pure Racism - Tim Pool, 2019 | TPS #275
  217. Proud to be White
  218. Why does US society value blond hair and blue eyes more than British society does?
  219. Laugh with Reza Jorjani OWDism
  220. White comedian banned for having dreadlocks
  221. The Europeans fear Caucasoid muslims but not Mongoloid muslims ?
  222. Native Americans and Jews....
  223. White dude attacked by Asians in Australia
  224. Whitewashing Diversity in Film
  225. Question to Euros, South Asians and MENA: Do you see Amerinds as your distant genetic relatives?
  226. Chinese cultural superiority over Japanese
  227. The example of Poles in Iceland: how English can HINDER genuine integration in a new country
  228. Son de Flor Attacked for Being White!
  229. Should We Bother Saving the West?
  230. How true are each of these paragraphs, 1-10?
  231. How We Can End Multiculturalism
  232. Can New World nations be considered "ethnic groups" in the same way European and Asian nations are?
  233. does people here have seen white genocide propaganda on porn sites?
  234. Do you believe in unity between different races?
  235. Black Panther and the Delusion of Wakanda
  236. Black Women Need to Take Responsibility
  237. Nvm
  238. Would you rather look like a Nigerian or a Filipino?
  239. Who’s whiter Lebanese Or North Caucasus
  240. Til : Elon Musk is a Norman
  241. A curiosity, perhaps, for some: Two days in a row, the story leading NZ 's evening news is about..
  242. The Engineering of Third World Migration
  243. Eastern Europeans are more likely to regard their culture as superior to others
  244. Why We Must Fight Back - Frodi Midjord
  245. If you were reborn a mixed race, would you rather be part West African or Southeast Asian.
  246. Who is culturally closer to the Irish : Russians or Greeks?
  247. Why is the alt right/white nationalists so possessive of their (white)women?
  248. Are European Muslim Immigrants difference from American Muslim Immigrants?
  249. Street shitting is a meme
  250. The State of White America