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  1. Saudi pedophile marriage culture: The model with follow is prophet muhammad.
  2. Would you rather spend a year in Brazil or Eastern Germany?
  3. Did The London Riots Vindicate Enoch Powell?
  4. Identify racial type of my friend
  5. Which system would you prefer for your country?
  6. 1 in 10 UK kids are from a mixed-race family
  7. The American Dream Film-Full Length
  8. 10 Things That Every American Should Know About The Federal Reserve
  9. Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings.
  10. Pests: a possible issue with non white illegals
  11. Murder and mayhem in Britain: 2012
  12. Transrace in Cloud Atlas
  13. 3D Porn?
  14. Kyrgyzstan and Bride Knapping: Ancient Steppe Tradition or Response to Soviet Gender Eqaulity?
  15. Human rights in a modern civilized society
  16. Watch the leftist's real face emerge as Israel's right-wing member of Knesset, Dr. Michael Ben Ari..
  17. Chechens Flee to Europe
  18. What is "multi-culti"?
  19. Anti-racist is a Codeword for Anti-White
  20. Master race examples in your view!
  21. 15 Shockingly Racist Vintage Ads
  22. What do sensible Jews think about leftest/Marxist Jews?
  23. English neighbour Racially abuses Couple for being Scottish!
  24. New World British descendants: Regional differences
  25. Anti-eastern Eruopeanism in Europe
  26. Is the average ethnic french wog ?
  27. Who is considered "white" in Scandinavia??
  28. The Kalergi plan
  29. Anniversary of the brutal murder of Kriss Donald.
  30. Jewish Conspiracy Theories
  31. Sesame Steet Is Racist
  32. Asian mafia in eastern Europe
  33. Old white man punches down black rapper in bus.
  34. similarities between Immigration into Russia and the Arabian peninsula
  35. Some Counter-Nazism
  36. Why are your people's friends/enemies, well, your friends/enemies?
  37. The IQ map of Europe, Friuli-Venezia Giulia is the smartest Region in Europe
  38. Europeans,do you consider european minorities from your country a good thing?
  39. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad = Jew.
  40. How are Turkish people viewed in your country?
  41. How Are Yugoslavs Viewed In Your Country?
  42. Romanophobia
  43. Discuss this nigger behavior, youtube inside.
  44. What do you think Europe will be like 50 years from now?
  45. Neo-Nazism attracts violent outcasts
  46. Reactions To White Women With Black Kids?
  47. The World as 100 People
  48. Is this interracial marriage?
  49. Was Buddha really white?
  50. Albanians + Macedonians = Brothers
  51. Afro-Spaniards
  52. Psychlogical effects of racially diverse facial appearances
  53. Are Jews responsible for immigration and race mixing?
  54. Most developed New world indigenous culture
  55. From Darwin to Hitler
  56. Muslim or Gay, Here's The Question!
  57. A real life Uncle Ruckus!
  58. Which of these ancestral groups has contributed more to NW European dominance:
  59. Question for Balkanoids in other countries
  60. Orthodox Christians are the richest Christians in America
  61. If the Anatolian Peninsula is known as "Asia Minor" why isnt...
  62. If Anti Semitism exists...what is/was "Semitism"?
  63. Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.
  64. The Book of Mormon dark skin and Native Americans
  65. Why are the Bulgarians on this forum so pro Albanian?
  66. What is your opinion of Conservative Blacks?
  67. Fish farmer bans Eastern Europeans
  68. Have you ever race-mixed?
  69. It's so stupid to use haplogroup to identify one's race and culture
  70. Europe and America: Sharing the Spoils of War
  71. mocking other skin colours
  72. why levantine Arabs look like French people?
  73. So if you're from Africa, why are you white?
  74. Should White women sex tourism pay Black men and Asian men be expelled?
  75. Is the behaviour/character and soul of a person dependent from their ethnicity ?
  76. Which group of people would you consider most white/caucassion?
  77. one thing I could not understand is ...
  78. Large ethnic European families
  79. Why do Middle Easterns have a hard-on for Great Britain?
  80. Jewish most closely related to Kurdish people
  81. "Real Men Don't buy girls"
  82. 11-year-old Bulgarian girl raped and killed by Albanian
  83. Chechen had white wife
  84. proof that Jews are not smart
  85. Non-whites, are you butthurt over White privilege?
  86. Brainwash
  87. Toughest Place to be a Bus Driver
  88. How Whites took over Murika' pew pew pew and Anti Racist Hitler.
  89. Football Fans in Bulgaria Carry "Happy Birthday Hitler!" Posters
  90. Albanian Mafia fueling Al Qaeda terrorist activity in US: Kosovo schools and orphanages open
  92. Aryan Brotherhood; A Jewish Connection
  93. Docu about Demographic Decline
  94. The Path of the Horse.
  95. AntiRacist Hitler
  96. I could not believe that there are some Abkhazians of African descent!!
  97. 30% of white Americans have some black ancestry
  98. Middle Eastern eyes vs North European eyes
  99. Questions of rank
  100. would you date with someone outside your own ethnicity?
  101. Which race has the best hair?
  102. Why are Punjabi Indians so much lighter than Hindus?
  103. 'British Sikhs are the best example of cultural integration' agree or disagree?
  104. Jewish Atheism (and some social psychology)
  105. why many people get confused with Russians and Ukrainians?
  106. Who are the coolest people of Europe?
  107. Do you think amerindians are a superior race?
  108. Inside the (Muslim) Arab Mind!
  109. Polll: Which Group Has Contributed More To Europe, Jews or Muslims?
  110. Do you view Turkish, Cypriot and Greek people as being different races?
  111. Topless Jihad
  112. Do you think gypsies are a superior race?
  113. Which group is hardest to classify; Southern Europeans vs. Northern Europeans?
  114. 'Britains mixed race population leaps over one million as research reveals prejudices have sharply..
  115. Comakdag: Mongoloid ethnic group in Turkey
  116. Who were the Celts?
  117. Why do Irish people tend to be quite hairy?
  118. Do you consider Teri Hatcher white?
  119. Asian and Jews are smarter than European whites.
  120. Do you consider upper class members of third world countries as third worlders?
  121. Work Ethic by Ethnicity / Culture
  122. Men with short, stout faces more aggressive
  123. Do you consider this ad racist?
  124. What ethnicity is closest to you (Finnish or Armenians)?
  125. Question to European Muslims
  126. What is meta-ethnicity and what would mine be?
  127. Do you understand these British & Irish accents?
  128. What is you favourite British/Irish accent?
  129. If you could be from any other European country, which would you chose?
  130. Your opinion on the Irish accent?
  131. What are your views on inter-ethnic marriage?
  132. Would it be wrong for an Irish person to marry a Welsh person?
  133. Would a relationship between two people from here be wrong?
  134. Do you consider Irish people white?
  135. National and ethnic caricatures
  136. Where to be born? 1988 vs 2013
  137. The Plight of Black Women
  138. Pedophilia among males in Afghanistan.
  139. Post mutts of your ethnicity
  140. Jewish Responsibilities about Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombs
  141. What Percentage Of Immigrants In Europe Before Civil War?
  142. A New World System
  143. DPRK: The Land Of Whispers
  144. Do white women prefer black men over white men?
  145. Best countries to be a mother in 2013
  146. Scenic Routes Around the World
  147. BBC - The Trap, What Happened to Our Dreams of Freedom
  148. If you had to live in any country outside of Europe, Canada, the US etc, where would you chose?
  149. North Korean Documentary "Exposes Western Propaganda" (And it's scary how true it is).
  150. What is your favourite northern European country?
  151. What is your least favourite northern European country?
  152. What is your favourite southern European country?
  153. Man Stabs His Friend For Refusing To Swap Positions During A Threesome
  154. Why many users in this forum think kurds look like people from Pakistan, Adghanistan or Gypsys???
  155. White girl runs in black mans arms
  156. Classify the Ubermensch, Ralf Moeller!
  157. 10 reasons why I don't like Asians
  158. Who is superior?
  159. self hate?
  160. Future Perspectives
  161. Definition of Latin(o) and Hispanic (Teaching America)
  162. The R.I.P. thread
  163. Which non European/non Anglofile country would you like to visit the most?
  164. How anti-racism lessons INCREASE pupil intolerance
  165. Law of Jante
  166. Auf Wiedersehen, Spain: Learning German to Escape the Crisis
  167. Your opinion on the Irish accent!
  168. Non-Jewish & Muslims and circumcision
  169. What do you think of CSD?
  170. Stereotyping in Europe
  171. Weird Skin Color Illusion Can Reduce Racism
  172. Map shows world's 'most racist' countries (and the answers may surprise you)
  173. A new era has arrived in immigration-Scrambling for the immigrant elite
  174. Balkanites: If Balkans Are Attacked...
  175. Your opinion on the Scottish accent?
  176. Beta Thread? Beta Thread!!!
  177. Census Data Show Hispanic Boom; Blacks Leave Cities for South, Suburbs
  178. Post images of your ethnic group or heritage
  179. What time period would you rather live in?
  180. Samurai society decent from Ainu? Yayoi or Jomon ( claimed by American anthropologist )
  181. integration or assimilation
  182. Which human race do you like the most?
  183. why are black racists not against homosexuality the same way white racists are?
  184. Genocide the inferior complex race
  185. Regarding Europe's future...
  186. would you be bothered if your race went extinct?
  187. NON-european immigrants?
  188. Analyst Fired After ‘Low Average IQ of Hispanics’ Immigration Study
  189. A Tourist’s Global Guide to Tipping [infographic]
  190. are gypsies europeans or indians?
  191. Which non european people would you like to choose?
  192. The recent riots in Stochkholm,in Husby district,please discuss
  193. Who are the horniest European Men
  194. Lets all stop hating each other!!
  195. The best reply Islam ever received.
  196. Power of the THIRD REICH. The ultimate State.
  197. Where do people of European and non-European descent belong?
  198. Richard Lynn explains eugenics and dysgenics
  199. Love dilemma
  200. Diasporans: Do you plan to return to your homeland?
  201. Immigration in Western Europe.
  202. why are so many people obsessed with light features ?
  203. Great Idea For The West: Myanmar Imposes 2 Child Limit For Muslims
  204. Can a Mestizo Ever Be Considered European?
  205. What would you prefer: religion or race?
  206. People with high IQs from low IQ nations... do you think they suffer because of it?
  207. Do you consider jews to be european?
  208. Is there a double standard for whiteness?
  209. 4 out of 6
  210. Post pictures of the city/area you where raised in
  211. Your favourite non-European language songs
  212. Could Abkhazians pass as europeans?
  213. Do you consider North Caucasus region as part of Europe?
  214. Cornel West and Michael Lerner say Jews are not white.
  215. What are your views on med unity?
  216. The proof that British people are not the whitest Europeans
  217. Why are women more attracted to dark men than they are attracted to pale men?
  218. race matters: are middle easterners really white?
  219. were ancient jews white?
  220. what is the main reason behind anti-ziganism
  221. White women with black babies!
  222. How Fast-Food Eaters Split Along Ethnic Lines
  223. Why do people hate Egypt and Egyptians?
  224. AntiRacist Hitler
  225. Asian eggs worth more
  226. Romani Girl from Kosovo goes to India to find her Roots
  227. Racist Serb Anthropologist writes Gypsies are Indo-Europeans
  228. Which Immigrant Group Would You Prefer; Black Christians or White Muslims?
  229. chinese are black in southafrica
  230. Fearing of Black Domination: Indians in Southafrica switch Loyalties
  231. Is Some Homophobia Self-Phobia?
  232. Do you accept Tatars as Europeans?
  233. Jared Taylor Videos
  234. are romas multi-racial or southasian ethnic group
  235. 13 Ignorant Assertions of Racial Denialists
  236. Were ancient Indo-Aryans/Vedics White or Nordid?
  237. Milton Freedman on Immigration; Brilliant Analysis of Why Mass Immigration and Welfare Don't Mix
  238. Do you think that "ethnic preservationism" is the same than "racial preservationism"? [Poll]
  239. White Student Union
  240. Do you Find these Women (Mercedes Benz Fashion Festival models) Attractive?
  241. Hasbro (Jewish) has new cartoon about a crossdressing superhero
  242. America’s Greatest Affliction: The Presstitute Media
  243. How Japanese viewed immigration in the 80s and 90s in Comparison to the West
  244. Is there any connections between Somalis and ancient Egypt?
  245. What's the real origin of Palestinians arabs?
  246. Are North-East Asians Superior to Europeans?
  247. Are Ashkenazis Signficantly Superior?
  248. Whos darker on average?
  249. Indian talking on Roma Gypsy Radio about Similarities, Brotherhood
  250. Gay Teens Voted 'Cutest Couple' in High School