View Full Version : Catalunya

  1. The Catalan Countries
  2. CAT| Music tradition
  3. Catalan women
  4. Strangling Catalonia
  5. Catalan Books in English
  6. CAT| Traditional houses
  7. Catalan men
  8. CAT| World lipdub record in French Catalonia
  9. CAT| 51% Catalans for independence
  10. CAT|Historic maps of Catalonia
  11. CAT|Pop-rock in Catalan
  12. Catalan art
  13. New Catalunya subforum
  14. Spanish court suspends Catalonia independence vote
  15. Catalonian lighthouses
  16. Castells (Human Towers)
  17. Cartoteca (Maps)
  18. Reconstrucció d'un iber (Iberian face reconstruction)
  19. Prosecutors in Spain to charge Catalonia leader Mas
  20. Spain investigates Catalonia leader over independence vote
  21. Famous Catalans
  22. Barcelona, Spain
  23. Villages of Catalonia
  24. Toxic Cloud in Barcelona
  25. Cognoms i origen genètic
  26. Girona, most Romantic town in Europe
  27. Spain gets first memorial stones to Nazi victims
  28. surname origin
  29. average Andorran phenotype
  30. Juzgan a Pedro Varela por editar el libro 'Mein Kampf' de Hitler
  31. A Fortress Built of Salt
  32. Do the Catalan culture is more similar to the Portuguese one or to the Italian one?
  33. Catalonia to hold independence vote.
  34. Flamenco La Rumba-Zorro!
  35. First of October 2017, Catalunya independence referendum.
  36. Should we separate the Catalunya section from the Spanish one on TA?
  37. Which country would be the first to open an embassy in Barcelona?
  38. Barcelona star Pique ready to quit Spain national team over Catalan referendum support
  39. Russian Senator Slams Western ‘Hypocrisy’ Over Catalonia Violence
  40. Morning mail: thousands march to keep Spain united
  41. Spanish Senate approves direct rule in Catalonia after regional parliament declared independence
  42. Finland could be first to back Catalan republic amid stunned reaction around the globe
  43. Tensions between Spain and Greece about Catalunya.
  44. MAPPED: Catalonia Is NOT Alone - The Regions Desperate for Independence Threatening the EU
  45. Finally, Catalan separatists finish in jail
  46. The simple hack that can instantly improve your wifi
  47. Spain sees Russian interference in Catalonia separatist vote
  48. Barely a quarter of Catalans want to pursue split from Spain: poll
  49. Turd-related Christmas traditions of the Catalans
  50. What Is the Caganer, the 'Defecating' Catalan Christmas Figurine?
  51. Clashes in Spain as Religious Art in Catalan Museum Heads Back to Aragon Monastery
  52. Tabarnia - the 'region' that wants to leave Catalonia
  53. Explicando Cataluña en 10 minutos
  54. Compromís reclama que el govern espanyol indemnitzi els pobles del Maestrat bombardats pels nazis
  55. Un juzgado inadmite la querella de Torra contra Bono por llamarle nazi
  56. Nearly 50,000 protest protest in Spain against PM's talks with separatists
  57. El escalofriante super poder de los separatas catalufos.
  58. Catalonia's ex-president Carles Puigdemont on life 'on the run'
  59. I support Catalonia Independance
  60. 75% of ethnic Catalans are in favor of Independence
  61. Refugee Helps Girl with her Purse
  62. ]Polémica en la UPF por el uso de una esvástica gigante para promocionar una obra de teatro
  64. Hasta cuándo será el día que los catalacos célebren su soberanía
  65. ¡VOX habla de los que todos callan! Sólo queda VOX
  66. La Fiscalia demana 12 anys de presó per a un llibreter neonazi de Barcelona
  67. ¿El catalán es una lengua moribunda?
  68. "El Raval's Drug Flats” walk-through Barcelona’s Most Dangerous Neighbourhood 🇪🇸- Into The Hood
  69. Russia was asked for help by the Catalan independence movement.
  70. Resultados elecciones catalanas 2024.