View Full Version : Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

  1. New virus found in Africa
  2. Researcher: HIV decreasing under PEPFAR in Africa
  3. Migrants man Swine Flu helpline
  4. World Health Officials Say Two Billion People May Contract Swine Flu
  5. Scientists ID First Human With Gorilla Strain of HIV
  6. Vaccination Myths and Truths
  7. Swine Flu Vaccines Contain LIVE H1N1 VIRUS!
  8. Fort Worth firm testing swine flu vaccine on volunteers
  9. Swine Flu Scare: It’s All about The Adjuvant!
  10. U.S. has bought 195 million doses of H1N1 vaccine
  11. Survey Finds Six in Ten Americans Believe Serious Outbreak of Influenza in Fall
  12. Big drop in new swine flu cases
  13. Epidemiologist Speaks Out on Pandemic Fear Mongering
  14. Deadly Fall Flu Not Borne Out by Facts
  15. Parents are worried about the swine flu vaccine
  16. Mutated Virus from Vaccine Causing Polio Outbreaks in Africa
  17. Exeter children may trial swine flu vaccine
  18. H1N1 vaccine wars to plague world
  19. New HIV strain discovered in woman from Cameroon
  20. Scientists identify new lethal virus in Africa
  21. Madsen on RT: Vaccine Creators Refuse to Take H1N1 Vaccine
  22. Antibiotic-resistant Superbug Found on U.S. Beaches
  23. New York Gov declares a state emergency to deal with the swine flu
  24. Mysterious virus kills 30 people in Ukraine
  25. People will die after swine flu vaccine — but it’s just coincidence
  26. H1N1 Vaccine Worse Than Swine Flu, says Doctor
  27. New Plague in Ukraine?
  28. Flu Vaccine is the most dangerous ever devised
  29. Ukraine Plague Is "H1N1 Swine Flu" says WHO
  30. Plague in China
  31. Toronto H1N1 Vaccination Coverage, Press For Truth
  32. Ukraine Swine Flu - 1 122 188 affected 189 Deaths 57 286 Hospitalised
  33. Boy Left In Agony After Receiving H1N1 Nasal Mist
  34. Goat Flu Epidemic Reported in Netherlands
  35. U.S. lifts ban on travelers with HIV or AIDS
  36. Drug firms 'drove swine flu pandemic
  37. Researchers Induce A New Transmissible Prion Disease
  38. Half of Black Women Have Herpes
  39. WHO says investigating smallpox reports in Uganda
  40. Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health
  41. West Nile Virus and the Role of Pesticides [Angela Logomasini]
  42. Discovery might help develop HIV vaccine.
  43. Scientists find new superbug spreading from India
  44. Scientists eradicate deadly rinderpest virus
  45. Armadillos pass leprosy to humans, study finds
  46. World's biggest virus found in sea off Chile
  47. Conclusive link now admitted: swine flu vaccine causes chronic nervous system disorders
  48. Boys should get vaccine for HPV, too: Panel
  49. The spanish influenza epidemic of 1918 was caused by vaccinations
  50. Deadly Virus!
  51. Threat of world Aids pandemic among heterosexuals is over, report admits (2008 art.)
  52. Mammals Made By Viruses
  53. What comes after antibiotics?
  54. Experts Debate H5N1 Research
  55. New Theories Link Black Death to Ebola-Like Virus (2001 art.)
  56. If you found out you were HIV+
  57. Map: Worldwide scourge of HIV/AIDS
  58. Medieval skeletons give clues to leprosy origins
  59. How Do We Name Deadly New Viruses?
  60. 2 Men Cleared of HIV Virus After Stem Cell Transplant
  61. Newly discovered “Pandoravirus" could redefine life as we know it
  62. Bird Flu Experiments Proposed
  63. Do vaccines cause autism? (must see)
  64. Vaccines bring 7 diseases under control
  65. Vaccines Have Almost Totally Eliminated These 13 Infectious Diseases In The U.S.
  66. Engineered bacterium hunts down pathogens
  67. Gloves and Gowns Don’t Stop Spread of All Infections in Hospitals
  68. Drug-resistant bacteria spreading in Europe
  69. mutating microbes - the end of antibiotics?
  70. A Brand New Hybrid Bird Flu In China Has Scientists Worried
  71. How even a tiny cat bite could leave you in hospital
  72. Will Smallpox Reemerge in Siberia as Corpses Thaw from Climate Change?
  73. Second US baby is HIV-free after early treatment
  74. AIDS breakthrough as new gel protects monkeys from HIV -even when administered three hours after sex
  75. Measles Outbreak Hits New York City
  76. Two people catch Tuberculosis from a pet cat
  77. Ebola Virus: A Grim, African Reality
  78. 2,300 tubes of SARS virus missing
  79. Vaccination Nightmare
  80. Human ancestors caught herpes from CHIMPS
  81. Ebola: Ten Things You Should Know About
  82. Help Africans and bring Ebola home!
  83. Ebola vaccine to be manufactured by criminal drug company
  84. A short visual history of the Ebola epidemic
  85. Ebola Vaccine Only Works on Whites
  86. Genital wart vaccine has already crippled thousands with epstein barr
  87. Frozen Poop Pills Could Fight Deadly Infections
  88. Islam Blamed for Spread of Ebola
  89. Tuberculosis rates in European countries in 2013 according to WHO
  90. Ebola Facts: Where Are the Most New Cases Being Reported?
  91. AIDS is a male homosexual desease
  92. AIDS world map
  93. Is this toxic Trifecta lurking in your food
  94. Measles: immigrants' gift
  95. Plague of mosquitos carrying deadly diseases is headed for Britain, scientists warn
  96. Ebola epidemic is 'wake-up call' for investment in universal healthcare
  97. Only Three Countries Left With Polio
  98. Syphilis Is Making a Comeback, and U.S. Public Health Officials Aren't Sure
  99. New "superBug / sickness" emerging In UK from Pigs
  100. Early Arrival: HIV came from Haiti to United States
  101. Rabies in a human patient
  102. Large-Scale Phylogenomic Analysis Reveals the Complex Evolutionary History of Rabies Virus.
  103. BBC Report: Inside Europe's last leprosy colony ( Romania )
  104. The Global Ecology and Epidemiology of West Nile Virus
  105. Leprosy
  106. androgen insensitivity syndrome
  107. WHO: Not Enough Antibiotics in Pipeline to Curb Superbugs
  108. Animation: how flu virus spreads
  109. African migrants bring untreatable form of tuberculosis to Europe
  110. I think I have a weak immune system
  111. Bobby Martnen is sick
  112. Do not sense high temperature like other people do. What is the cause?
  113. Ebola Disaster Looming due to Regional Warfare, Says WHO
  114. Do you experience weakening of immunity after taking a bath?
  115. Mysterious And Incurable DISEASE Sweeping The Globe
  116. Mysterious And Incurable DISEASE Sweeping The Globe
  117. The Banana AIDS (fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense).
  118. Video: "Cytotoxic T-cells on Patrol."
  119. POLIO update: Pakistan, Angola and the Philippines
  120. Rabies and Travel Health
  121. New species of antibiotic-resistant bacteria found in infected wound
  122. Will A Mask Really Protect You From Coronavirus? - Cheddar Explains
  123. 10 Steps to Survive a Global Pandemic
  124. Scientists Discover Mysterious Virus in Brazil With No Known Genes They Can Identify
  125. Studies: Effect of "harmless" and "deviant" bacteriophages on human health.
  126. Spanish Flu: a warning from history
  127. 3 Chineses got plague after eating raw kidney of marmots
  128. Pandemic and 1918: How History and Illness Intertwine
  129. The Truth about Swedens Anti-Lockdown Strategy
  130. remdesivir being used on Covid-19 trials
  131. Revealed: The Long-Term Severe Effects Of Covid-19 That Could Go On For Months
  132. Congratulations New Zealand - there are no active covid cases, thus most restrictions are lifted
  133. The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan
  134. Coronavirus: Confirmed cases in UK fall to pre-lockdown level
  135. Coronavirus: New 90-minute tests for Covid-19 and flu 'hugely beneficial'
  136. Bubonic plague death prompts China to seal off Inner Mongolia village
  137. Legionnaire's Bacteria Found in Drinking Water at Nine Reopened Schools
  138. Honeybee Venom Kills Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells, Study Shows
  139. Bubonic Plague At Lake Tahoe
  140. Moderna covid vaccine might come out in December
  141. Young scientists hunt for covid cure. 3M awards
  142. Ebola-like can spread between humans
  143. What does a 'superspreader' look like? Scientists identify physical features that could boost Covid
  144. From the horse's (or rather the bat's) mouth: Wuhan scientist allows WHO inspectors to visit her lab
  145. Countries that have had at least 10,000 recorded Covid deaths
  146. Top 20 countries for Covid deaths per capita
  147. India sees close to 10k Black Fungus or mucormycosis from covid pandemic
  148. Coronavirus undercounting widely rampant
  149. Covid in Europe: How the continent reached a crisis point as cases, deaths and hospitalisations surg
  150. Hong Kong has more covid cases per capita than anywhere else on Earth
  151. XE variant has been detected in the United Kingdom and India
  152. Covid genetics and risk factors
  153. How often did you have Covid? Pls also vote!
  154. Coughing Outbreak in Turkey
  155. Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutations
  156. Pseudocholinesterase deficiency and high COVID mortality
  157. The truth about Covid’s origins is finally coming out
  158. Most new HIV infections occurred outside sub-Saharan Africa for first time – UN report
  159. Top fifty Covid death rates per capita as of August 17th 2024