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  1. Do you believe the current Russian government is corrupt?
  2. Russia's Zhirinovsky urges Muslim world to support Gaddafi
  3. Aleksandr Dugin: Russia on the verge of great ordeal
  4. Putin takes Russian hybrid car for a test drive
  5. Best Russian novel? / Лучший русский роман?
  6. Russia: Racism and abuse in asylum centres
  7. Raving in the Black Sea
  8. The meaning of a smile? Why do Russians smile so seldom?
  9. Moscow pensioners occupy metro in low birth rate protest
  10. Тамань. Small excursion at Taman, Russia
  11. "Moscow Museum Puts Lenin's Jewish Roots on Display"
  12. Ships come back to life in Kaliningrad
  13. Kiddie porn thrives in Russia
  14. Russia declares 'total war on drugs'
  15. Диетологи нашли самый стройный из народо
  16. Contract for First Mistrals Worth Over 1Bln Euros
  17. General Plan Ost
  18. Should Russia reintegrate Central Asia and fully Russify the region?
  19. The Original Rus - Scandinavian or a Finnic tribe?
  20. Russia's Winter Olympics slips into controversy over 'Nazi images'
  21. Conflicts in Caucasus region
  22. How has Russia remained as one nation?
  23. Russian Music
  24. Russian Oil Cities
  25. What are relations like between Russia and it's neighbours?
  26. Discrimination
  27. The Art of Russia
  28. North Korea to rent farm land in Russia's Far East
  29. Russia --- National Anthem.
  30. Lokomotiv Jaroslavl (KHL) plane crashes; 36 people dead, many former NHLers
  31. “Russia for the Russians”
  32. Russia's children drama
  33. Vladimir Putin, Action Man
  34. How Russian are Volga Germans?
  35. Russia's Putin set to return as president in 2012
  36. Russia bleeds cash as investors pull out
  37. Are Tatars White?
  38. Putin proposes setting up 'Eurasian Union'
  39. Hitler explains his reasons for invading the Soviet Union
  40. Taras Bulba film
  41. Russian nationalists march in Moscow
  42. Russian nationalism may be biggest threat to Putin's power, experts warn
  43. Russian lawmakers back fines for gay 'propaganda'
  44. Putin was booed after the fight MMA
  45. Russia's Demographic Nightmare
  46. What if the Communists Never Came to Power
  47. Russian Army Tank Brigade. Great Video!
  48. Currency Wars - Russia Officially Adds 19.5 Tonnes of Gold Reserves in October Alone
  49. Color Revolution for Russia?
  50. Russian nationalism on the rise despite Putin crackdown!
  51. Nationalists Mark Manezh Rioting
  52. Prokhorov Will Run Against Putin
  53. Chechnya: In reality
  54. Happy New Year! President Medvedev 2012 address.
  55. Russian comrades, what do you think of Alexei Navalny?
  56. Russian culture minister slams US claims to sacred Jewish books
  57. How impressive is Russian history?
  58. Sochi Armenians want to criminalize denial of genocide in Russia
  59. Communists' election program
  60. Al-Jazeera about RT (Russia Today)
  61. Russian Holocaust Memorial Removes Mention of Jewish Victims
  62. Sharapova Decimated by Younger Belarusian Player Azarenka
  63. 7,500-Year-Old Fishing Seines and Traps Discovered in Russia
  64. Putin says Russia needs "new economy"
  65. highest number of birth since 1991
  66. 'Woolly mammoth' caught on video in Siberia
  67. НТВ-шники - Национальный вопрос
  68. В Москве 18 февраля пройдет акция протеста 
  69. Запрещенный Фильм "Покушение на Россию"
  70. Moscow 100 years ago
  71. Miss Russia 2012
  72. "К черту эти выборы"
  73. A Historical Question: Female portrayal/social dynamics in the USSR
  74. С 24 февраля в Рунете вводится цензура
  75. The manliest men live in Russia
  76. The beginning of history
  77. Georgia abolishes visas for Russians
  78. Lavrov to US: “Days When Russia is Lectured Are over”
  79. Dugin on Syrian T.V.: “Western Colonialism and the Dissent of Sovereign States”
  80. Did Israel Help Spark the Russia-Georgia War in 2008?
  81. Как Эстония нападет на Россию
  82. Россию уважают, когда она сильна
  83. Putin Reelected
  84. Russia unveils fifth-generation Kalashnikov assault rifle
  85. How Western is Russia?
  86. Chechen Mentality
  87. Udmurt Grannies to Represent Russia at Eurovision
  88. Was Russia better off under the Soviet Union?
  89. Learn Russian with RT
  90. Stalin and the Betrayal of Leningrad
  91. Amsterdam firm designs Russian town
  92. Abkhazia and South Ossetia - your views?
  93. Russian plane crash kills 31 in Siberia
  94. Russian Nationalists Unite to Form New Party
  95. There are 3,200 women annually who are going to be raped daily and brutalized in ways unimaginable
  96. Spartak Moscow Create Fund to Fight Racism
  97. Maps of Russia
  98. Russian Football Racism a New Phenomenon - Pundit
  99. BOSCO - beauty of success
  100. Russian Ministry of Interior urges to increase fines for propaganda of Nazism
  101. Как Белые захватили Америку / How Whites Took Over America
  102. Russian gay activist convicted of spreading "homosexual propaganda" in St. Petersburg
  103. Soviet October Revolution Parade, 1974 Парад 7 ноября
  104. Mosfilm
  105. More mass protests in Russia
  106. Vladimir Putin inaugurated as President of Russia
  107. Congratulations on the 67th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
  108. Почему Вы хотели американцы?
  109. This is a problem.
  110. Putin Pledges to Increase Russia's Population
  111. Novosibirsk: 10 year-old girl raped
  112. Moscow bans gay pride parade for 7th year running
  113. The Russian Revolution in Colour
  114. Cities of the Underworld - Stalin's Secret Lair
  115. [BBC] The Art of Russia
  116. In Russia, The Worst Kind Of Racism Arrives On Campus
  117. Жизнь в СССР после войны В ЦВЕТЕ
  118. Russia is awesome.
  119. Corruption continues unabated after reformer is gunned down
  120. Why do Russians become more like Americans?
  121. Soviet Top Secret Weapons
  122. At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires
  123. Правозащитники и Google через суд решили спор п
  124. Rusophobia
  125. Russian members, how many Blacks live in Russia?
  126. MPs approve larger fines for extremist symbols
  127. Translation of this text in Russian?
  128. Hail Moscow! By Joseph Goebbels
  129. План "Ost"
  130. Origin of nobility (Rurik, etc.)
  131. Is ''Russian'' a nationality or ethnicity?
  132. Russia (1955)
  133. I Love Putin!
  134. Russian riot police training
  135. Secret Russian Aircraft of WWII
  136. Born in the USSR - 28 Up (28th May 2012)
  137. Joseph Stalin In Private
  138. Do you support the independence of the North Caucasian republics from Russia?
  139. Russia's Demographics Continue to Rapidly Improve
  140. Russians suffered most under communism more than anyone else
  141. The Khatyn Massacre
  142. Russia is awesome!
  143. Концепция национальной политики - Партия
  144. Concept of national policy
  145. Russian March
  146. Российские вузы – выход из тупика незаслуk
  147. Иванов Анатолий Михайлович
  148. Тулаев Павел Владимирович
  149. Program abstracts
  150. Программные тезисы
  151. О геноциде Терского казачества в 20-30 годы xx в
  152. The Russian Anarchist Prince Who Challenged Evolution
  153. Активисты ВР захвачены ОМОНом перед Русс
  154. Требования партии «Великая Россия»
  155. Проект Декларации о правопродолжении
  156. Национальный вопрос: Путин, Рогозин и русl
  157. Requirements party "Velikaya Russia"
  158. Ivan Ilyin
  159. Can you help me to bann this racist??
  160. Открытое обращение к министру внутренни&
  161. Антропологическая психология И. А. Сикорс
  162. Борис Коверда
  163. Тверь 1941: два месяца без коммунистов
  164. Евразийцы и националисты предложили зак&
  165. Новая антирусская статья 20.2 КоаП
  166. The Defense Ministry revealed new steal a billion rubles
  167. Russian fans are not allowed to go to the match, "Anji" - "Liverpool"
  168. Письмо К. В. Родзаевского И. В. Сталину
  169. Russian Fascist Party
  170. Владимир Авдеев
  171. Оружие - это наша традиция
  172. Конференция партии "Великая Россия"
  173. Заявление партии "Великая Россия"
  174. Марш Великой России
  175. Выступление Олега Возовикова
  176. Проблемы метисации
  177. Как лгут и подличают русофобы на НТВ
  178. О национализме и расизме
  179. О русском национализме
  180. Аудиокнига «Дроздовцы в огне»
  181. Аксиома: Советский Союз – не Россия
  182. Russian Titanic: Soviet fleet's greatest disaster
  183. Y-DNA T in Kuban Cossacks indicates a Caucasian male gene flow
  184. Russian Driving
  185. Nazi propaganda to be banned in Russia
  186. Завершился визит А.Савельева в Пермь
  187. Прямые выборы губернаторов: поиграли и хв
  188. BBC This World: Stolen Brides (Full Documentary)
  189. Miss Earth: «My Russia is a beggar»
  190. A question about Russian Cyrillic?
  191. Murder Trial in Russia Inflames Ethnic Tensions
  192. Mad college professor claims nobody murdered by Stalin
  193. China jumps aboard a Russian Arctic-bound train
  194. Russian Animation
  195. russian hat
  196. Russian genocide of the Adyghe
  197. Miss Russia 2012- Miss Universe typical Russian girl?
  198. Putin says 3 Children to be the norm in Russia Путин: 3 детей для каждой пары
  199. Moscow court finds Nazi ideologist's book extremist
  200. United States bent on eventual destruction of Russia
  201. Омон Видео Утечка
  202. Message to Kim Jong Un from Russian Party Leader
  203. Zenit St. Petersburg fans: No blacks or butt pirates, please, we're Russian
  204. Что было бы если бы Дагестан получил незаk
  205. Matryoshka, Balalayka - is Russian folk culture fake?
  206. Half of Russian employers plan salary increases for 2013
  207. Russians invented Artistic Style of Japanese Anime Characters
  208. Ancient Russia - Kievan Rus' - Ruthenia
  209. Central Asian migrants change the face of Moscow
  210. Understanding Chechens
  211. Which Russian anthem is better которые гимна лучше?
  212. Why do people's say that Putin is "anti-Russia?"
  213. Stephen Cohen about Russian Democracy
  214. Gerard Depardieu now Russian
  215. hilarious russian youtube channel making fun of chinese products
  216. Почему Ален Делон так популярен в России?
  217. Learn Russian / Учите русский
  218. About the "rapes" of German women by Soviet soldiers
  219. Russia may ban all foreign adoptions
  220. К неравнодушным
  221. The best police uniforms in the ex-USSR?
  222. Chechen wedding
  223. Loader-Uzbek woman raped
  224. Moscow attracts migrant criminals
  225. Migrants throats cut Muscovite hosting them
  226. Police arrested two Uzbeks pedophile
  227. К чему привела политика "толерантности" &#
  228. Кавказский шовинизм на Ставрополье.
  229. How do Russians keep warm in the winter?
  230. Russian Empire, Russian Republic or USSR 2.0 ?
  231. Старый гимн новой Руси
  232. How are native ethnic minorities in Russia percieved by Russians?
  233. Chechnya from an Objective Viewpoint
  234. French Warship for Russia 'Won't Work in Cold' - Minister
  235. Russia to offer Russian citizenship to Circassian diaspora
  236. Russian Smartphone Manufacturers Русские производителей смартфоноk
  237. The Third Reich vs USSR: the battle for Moscow
  238. Five Myths About Russia (Forbes)
  239. Russia Today wants to be more independent from government Budget
  240. Do you think Russian colonialism in Asia is justified? Because they experienced genocide by Mongols?
  241. Russias daredevil culture
  242. Siberian Pensioner Accused of Founding Anti-Semitic Cell
  243. The best capital in the former USSR
  244. The current Russian Navy
  245. 62% of Russians want the death penalty back
  246. Detained in Moscow skinheads
  247. In the Penza region on trial cannibal
  248. Stepfather raped her 13-year-old stepdaughter
  249. Best Russian Accent
  250. A resident of the Tula region will be responsible for the rape and attempted murder of 3-year-old gi