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  1. Russian political satire
  2. Miss Russia 2013
  3. In Moscow, for the murder of six janitors police arrested 20 teenagers.
  4. Azerbaijani raped 10-year-old girl
  5. Russia wants to decrease Inflation not my interist rates but by cheap energy and producing more food
  6. Russian Mail Order Brides: Why Russian women look abroad
  7. hilarious US senate debate about Russias WTO access by lifting jackson vanik
  8. The greatness of Russia
  9. 3 Reasons why i think Russia is not so great
  10. Should Ukraine and Russia reunite
  11. Russian blogger sentenced for making pro-Nazi statements online
  12. The Myth of Russia's Brain Drain
  13. Russians culturally closer to Koreans and Chinese than to Western Europeans
  14. The oppressor is cyring Wolf as Russians flee Adyghea
  15. Russian genetics,a very weird thing
  16. Информативные сайты на русском
  17. Proof that Russians are more Turanic than Turks
  18. Syria crisis: Russia won't pressure Assad, says Lavrov
  19. Eurovision 2013 song from Russia
  20. The living Standard of different Regions in Russia Уровня жизни различных регионов
  21. Gordievsky: Russia has as many spies in Britain now as the USSR ever did
  22. Southern Russians / Cossacks
  23. Russian man and women take school hostages with fake plastic weapons, demands only pizza and Sprite
  24. Russia bans foreign banks from opening branches
  25. Sakhalin Island, how a Russian island could become a new Norway in East Asia
  26. Russia Navy to have permanent fleet in Mediterranean
  27. Ethnicities of Russia in Pictures
  28. Khatyn massacre
  29. Boris Berezovsky found dead
  30. Russian Army life captured on Instagram
  31. Turkic peoples of Dagestan - Russian documentary
  32. Medvedev says Russia to study impact of Cyprus deal
  33. Russia moves to criminalize Holocaust denial
  34. Russia criticises Arab League’s move to give Syria chair to rebels
  35. Russian Jewish senators resign amid double nationality scandal
  36. RECOMMENDED: Bryza warns of Greek DEPA sale to Russia
  37. Putin flexes Russian military muscle in naval exercise
  38. Russia Tightens Noose on Foreign NGOs
  39. Money Talks: China-Russia Energy Relations after Xi Jinping’s Visit to Moscow
  40. Б.Березовский "Как заработать много дене&
  41. What does this say?
  42. Russia delivers aid for Syrian refugees in Lebanon
  43. Putin decree targets elite's foreign assets
  44. Russia may block wikipedia articles that explain how to use drugs
  45. How Russia's creative revolution is changing the cultural landscape
  46. Is it dangerous for a foreigner to be in Russia?
  47. Russia now the second largest Automotive producer in Europe after Germany
  48. Will Russia Recover From Its Massive Underpopulation Problems?
  49. Polish and Russians - the most distant of relatives
  50. Russian MPs back harsher anti-blasphemy law
  51. Famous Germans from Russia and the CIS
  52. Putin Builds Space-Weapon Deterrent as Russia Targets Mars, Moon
  53. Russia bans Americans in retaliation over Magnitsky Act
  54. Do you think it was wrong for the Soviets to ally themselves with America against Japan?
  55. new found Diamond Reserves in Russia are 10 times bigger than global Reserves
  56. Some Pictures from Yakutia..
  57. Pressure from Moscow: Chill Settles over German-Russian Relations
  58. Russian Male hairstyles & fashion
  59. Kuril Islands- Russia's Eastern Frontier
  60. Rason special administrative zone of North Korea with Russia like Kaesong
  61. Czarist Russia
  62. Russias Gypsy problem and how western media is hypocritical about it
  63. (AUF DEUTSCH:) Wälder, Bären, goldene Kuppeln - Flussgeschichten zwischen Russland und Schwarzem Mee
  64. Porfiry Ivanov the Russian Man who lived his entire life half naked
  65. Russia slams America
  66. [AUF DEUTSCH] Der Kreml - Im Herzen Russlands
  67. (AUF DEUTSCH:) Ich Putin - Ein Porträt - Interview mit Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin
  68. Путин дает большие пальцы для Фемен Putin gives thumbs up for FEMEN
  69. Putin, Russia and the West: "New Start" - Rus Subs - © BBC HD 2012
  70. Настоящий Путин ('2012' документальный фильм)
  71. Запретные Темы Истории. Невозможный Нан-М
  72. Lozhkin
  73. Видео путешествие по прекрасному остров&
  74. An interesting documentary about Kola peninsula
  75. Moscow population: the capital of Russia may hold up to 17 million people and not 11 million
  76. The Last Man in Russia: The Struggle to Save a Dying Nation
  77. (AUF DEUTSCH): Russlands Ströme - Russlands Schicksal
  78. (AUF DEUTSCH:) Sibiriens Schicksalsstrom
  79. Trading House opens in Moscow
  80. Russian Toys
  81. Габор Вона: «Нас просто использовали…»
  82. Russia plans to deploy fighter jets, base in Belarus
  83. Lev Tolstoy statue will be erected in Budapest
  84. Dosto or Tolsto?
  85. Russia envoy seeks to shield Lebanon
  86. Ukraine’s Jews worry anti-Semitism back in vogue
  87. Soviet Russians: Your Reaction
  88. Putin ‘alarmed’ by economic slowdown
  89. Japan puts aside Russia row for sake of economy
  90. Neo-Nazi Skinheads in Ukraine
  91. Hungarian foreign minister lauds relations with Russia, criticizes opposition in EU
  92. Russian fist fighting
  93. Russia Confronts Mideast Salafists By Courting Christians, Minorities Read more: http://www.al-moni
  94. Adyghe women/ Адыгэ женщины
  95. Russia Nearing Final Stages For New Assault Rifle In Legendary Kalashnikov Series
  96. My vision of Russia by Aleksandar Todorovic (Serbia) 2013
  97. Russia's Suicide Rate Continues To Decrease
  98. Turkey Fears Russia Too Much to Intervene in Syria
  99. (AUF DEUTSCH:) Die Russlanddeutschen - Auf der Suche nach Heimat
  100. Russia, US Agree To International Syria Talks
  101. Russian aristocracy was Bulgarian?
  102. Putin says Russia needs stronger defense against Afghan threats
  103. (AUF DEUTSCH:) Nächster Halt Sibirien
  104. Victory Parade 2013
  105. Kremlin: Netanyahu to meet Putin in Russia
  106. Images from the USSR
  107. Is that normal?
  108. Прогрессивность и эпохальные изменения
  109. Pentagon plans to share missile secrets with Russia opposed by Republicans
  110. RUSSIANS: Macedonia?
  111. Origins of the Chechen resistance
  112. Russian MP wants Nazi sympathizers to face criminal charges
  113. Dutch 20yr old "entertainer" stabs young 11yr Russian in Crete
  114. Sasha Grey visits Russia
  115. Дерматоглифика Карел и других Северян
  116. Russian warships enter Mediterranean to form permanent task force
  117. Russian Weapons Exporter have 38 Billion Dollars contracts in their Books
  118. New Lada Kalina 2 Новый Ла́да Калина 2
  119. Whats up with the high murder rate in Russias Asian populated Regions?
  120. NATO Expansion And Russia: You're Not Paranoid If They Really Are Out To Get You
  121. Economic News from Russia
  122. Syria crisis: Russia 'sends sophisticated weapons'
  123. Russian app overtakes Korean audience
  124. Game Insight: Shedding light on Russia's game trends
  125. Russian POP Music docu
  126. Chinese prostitutes in Russia
  127. A New Russian Empire: What Exactly Is Putin Planning?
  128. US lawyer expelled from Russia over fresh spy allegations
  129. Jobbik President Gábor Vona delivered a lecture at Lomonosov Moscow State University
  130. Council of Europe head says Russia must protect LGBT rights
  131. Каждое пятое преступление исходит от имм
  132. Space Images Reveal Over 10 New Siberian Oilfields – Scientist
  133. Russia's VTB in talks to sell Rosbank stake
  134. Sberbank and MTS listed among most valuable brands
  135. Russia to develop largest retail space in Europe
  136. What is the meaning and origin of the name Perepechko?
  137. 'Black widow' bomber attacks Russia police
  138. Russia: Gay Rights Activists Arrested At Rally
  139. Russia canceled S-300 deal with Assad, report says
  140. Russian, Ukrainian and Belarussian Waffen SS and Wehrmacht Volunteers
  141. new Russian Super Material for Boeing and Airbus: "Four times as hard as steel"
  142. Russian who fights with Nazis should be punished for fraud - Memorial
  143. A movie about Arkhangelsk
  144. Russia's up 6 points in the world competitiveness ranking
  145. János Kóbor the frontman of the Omega rock band has been awarded with a High Russian Orthodox Church
  146. Russia to ban adoptions by foreign same-sex couples
  147. Russia has to react as NATO moves closer to its borders - Medvedev
  148. Chinese beauty queen fired for dating Naomi Campbell's Ex, Russian billionaire Vladimir Doronin
  149. Russia wants Seagal to be face of weapons industry
  150. Russia says cooperation with Hungary will continue
  151. Russia's Vladimir Putin and wife Lyudmila divorce
  152. Russia the next Asian Miracle? Like Japan and Korea?
  153. Russian Economy is as big as Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore together
  154. First Woman in Space Ready for No-Return Mission to Mars
  155. Russia detains over 300 Muslims during prayer
  156. 87% of Russian Internet users are playing computer games monthly, most of them are Women
  157. Vladimir Putin's Approval Rating Isn't Actually Declining
  158. Russia's Putin shows off his English
  159. What City would you prefer to live in? Saint Petersburg or Moscow?
  160. Europe for Russia: A key secondary partner?
  161. Russia bans gay “propaganda”
  162. Russia Slams UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Syria
  163. Putin introduces Cameron to the notion of honesty
  164. 62-летний брянский депутат подозревается k
  165. In Moscow detained Uzbek, who tried to rape a 15-year-old girl
  166. A resident of Ryazan shot himself in the Moscow dash
  167. The deputies voted for the ban on gay adoption in pairs
  168. 62-year-old member of Bryansk is suspected of raping 12 girls
  169. At a wedding in Dagestan, police shot and killed a colleague
  170. Ветеран ГРУ И.И. Паринов: «Путин — самый крупн
  171. Russia Shipping Arms Worth $1 Bln to Azerbaijan – Report
  172. Election of the mayor of Moscow in 2013
  173. From Russia with love: Glamourous spy Anna Chapman
  174. Russia now a human trafficing net importer Россия в настоящее время является
  175. Russia's ambiguous view of the West
  176. Where Russian Democracy ended backed the West
  177. Russian News from North East Asia
  178. Russia losing interest in Europe
  179. Putin Steals Super Bowl Ring! Russian President a Gypsy?
  180. Why are many Russians so emotional
  181. What is your opinion on the founding of Russia?
  182. Russian MP proposes prosecuting individuals who justify Nazi crimes
  183. Foreign Policy - Russia's our No. 1 enemy
  184. The Mongol Invasion of Ancient Rus (Docu)
  185. Five years on, Georgia makes up with Russia
  186. Russian Navigator market dominated by Russian companies
  187. Why Russia evacuated its naval base in Syria
  188. Russia agriculture news
  189. Film shows Generation Z oblivious of the Holocaust
  190. Russian Technology News
  191. Secretary-General of the OECD wants Russia to be dependent on foreign Medicine
  192. "Why Russians Don't Get Depressed"
  193. pick up lines in russian
  194. China to join Russia in its largest-ever naval drills
  195. 10 ЗАПОВЕДЕЙ МОЛОДЫМ ДЕВЧАТАМ/10 Commandments for young girls
  196. The Russian Imperialist Genocide In Chechnya
  197. Chechen terror leader calls for attacks on Winter Olympics
  198. Калининград Kalinigrad
  199. Why Russia is not losing Siberia
  200. Russians think like Jews when it comes to Religion
  201. Russians in Wehrmacht and other anti-Communist divisions (photos).
  202. Ask a Russian about Russia (or something else).
  203. Colored photos of Russian Imperial fleet
  204. Russian protest against Chechen crime in a little city Pugachev.
  205. Russia plans to build floating nuclear power plant
  206. British farmer in Russia.
  207. Soviet meets Russian.
  208. Yabaolu, Russiatown in China
  209. центральные азиаты взяли русскую школу
  210. Why do you hate Russians?
  211. Russia's Age Structure Is Very Similar To Other East European Countries
  212. Russia's Age Structure Is Very Similar To Other East European Countries
  213. Kremlin security agency to buy typewriters 'to avoid leaks'
  214. How many ethnic Russians live in Siberia and the Russian far east?
  215. Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Chile and Uruguay now High-income economies according to World Bank
  216. South Korea has a worse gap between Rich and Poor than Russia
  217. Chechen Neo-Nazis killed two Muslim immigrants.
  218. Russia in largest war games since Soviet era
  219. Ex-IMF head Strauss-Kahn works now for Rosneft owned Russian Regional Development Bank
  220. Senator asks US to boycott Russian Winter Olympics
  221. Russian thief jailed
  222. Piece of Trash Apple can go home
  223. 6 Better Reasons Than Snowden to Boycott the Sochi Olympics
  224. Russia to adopt new cyber security concept
  225. Russians do you wish the Czar back?
  226. learn Russian language (advice, help, wishes etc)
  227. Russia to pump a fortune into modernizing rail lines
  228. Europe, Japan, China, the US, Turkey and Ukraine want to destroy the russian car industry
  229. Banned Russian Cigarette Brands from Donskoy Tabak who target Young Girls
  230. do you like it and how much do you understand of this Serbian translation of Маяковский
  231. The true Reason why the West hates Putin
  232. How Russians View Other Countries
  233. Russia Bans US Rockers Bloodhound Gang Over Flag Stunt
  234. Russia warships dock in Cuba on friendly visit
  235. The Survivalist in the Kremlin
  236. Caucasian Women who marry Russian Men
  237. Russia gives 1 million USD to Auschwitz site
  238. Do you think of Ukrainians as Russians?
  239. Did Russias Ban on Exports of Food Trigger Arab Spring?
  240. Moscow's real-life 'Fight Club' turning office workers into 'real men'
  241. Russia’s Far East hit by biggest floods in 120 years
  242. Documentary about Russian Americans
  243. 8% soldiers of Russia Army are Muslims
  244. Photo: folk festival in the village Pozharische, Vologda Oblast
  245. Gay American Russian-hating journalist disrupts discussion on RussiaToday
  246. Why do Jews dislike Russia?
  247. Russian Universities raise more money than American, German and Chinese rivals
  248. Russia gets infiltrated by atheist extremism sponsored by foreign NGOs
  249. Vladimir Serbsky, founder of forensic Psychiatry in Russia
  250. ‘Russia will soon unveil latest missile system’