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  1. Lewiston council passes amended resolution condemning white supremacy and 'all forms of violence'
  2. NHL wants less whites.
  3. Joe Biden threat to the USA
  4. What's your favorite US accent?
  5. Rates of employment, unemployment and occupation levels by race/ethnicity
  6. California court rules in favor of Christian baker who refused to bake cake for lesbian wedding
  7. We waz Moors n chiet found guilty on 76 counts, 6 murders.
  8. This cohort commits heinous crimes FAR out of proportion to their percentage of the populace
  9. Tribute to a fellow I never knew
  10. New World Order thugs attack free speech at California College Campus
  11. Elon Musk cleans house and fires the street poopers.
  12. Warning Signs That You Are A Fascist
  13. Anti-Defamation League Says Extremism Going Mainstream Online
  14. Protecting Confederate monuments: How statues across the state of North Carolina remain standing Th
  15. Flyers With A Noose That Say ‘White Only’ Alarmed Chicagoans On Social Media.
  16. Traitor Obama Serving its Elite-class and Corporate Masters
  17. Preparing the masses for elite-class control
  18. What Did The Irish Do In The American Civil War?
  19. Do I look good as Cowboy?
  20. Vital contributions to the USA ways of life
  21. Republicans Did Just Fine.
  22. 1 in 6 hiring managers have been told to stop hiring white men, survey finds
  23. Voting Fraud in the 2022 U.S. Elections
  24. LGBTQ Are Now Targeting Your Children
  25. White ‘Lion King’ sign language interpreter says he was ousted over skin color
  26. Donald Trump, Speaker of House?
  27. Arizona Election Fraud Repeats Itself.
  28. School Bully STABS Asian Kid After Knockout Game Goes Wrong!
  29. School Bully STABS Asian Kid After Knockout Game Goes Wrong!
  30. Common behavioral norm for the sub-human cohort
  31. Crazed dame with jungle genes goes on rampage
  32. How many sanctuary cities are there in the USA?
  33. Its good to be a Redneck
  34. Elon Reinstates Trump on Twitter.
  35. The first transgender beauty contest winner
  36. This Is What Happens When You Order A President Through The Mail
  37. No Way Out for the USA
  38. Happy Thanksgiving America.
  39. Satanic temple performs “unbaptism” at pagan festival
  40. Americans Living Under Communism
  41. Breaking the Voting Psop Addiction :
  42. AMERICAN DECADENCE. The decriminalization of robberies in democratic states is a success, LMAO
  43. Elon Says If Apple/Google Block Twitter, He’ll Make His Own Phone
  44. New York City Will Hospitalize More Mentally Ill People Involuntarily
  45. Whites Built America!
  47. California panel estimates $569 billion in reparations is owed to black residents
  48. Coalition Sends Letter to Elon Musk Urging Twitter to Adopt International Antisemitism Definition
  49. World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder calls for Apple, Spotify to remove Kanye’s music
  50. Sinema Leaves Democrat Party.
  51. Crews remove box around Christopher Columbus statue in South Philadelphia
  52. More self hating whites...
  53. Washington Post Ataca Selección Argentina.
  54. Elite-owned mainstream media is evil
  55. Beware the rampaging Moslem hordes!!!
  56. Fight Invasion of USA
  57. Trump has a horde of supporters
  58. First Time I heard Joe Biden is based
  59. University courses advised to decolonise their curriculum
  60. Racism raises Alzheimer’s risk for non-White Americans, HHS claims in new report
  61. Downfall a matter of when
  62. Conservative Women Happier (STUDY).
  63. Do I look and/or sound American?
  64. Beware the evil New World Order
  65. Busloads of migrants dropped off near Kamala Harris's home on Christmas Eve
  66. What well-indoctrinated Woke pro-New World Order buffoons see everywhere . . .
  67. Tyranny has Risen Within the USA
  68. What's up with the memes about Ohio?
  69. Today's Reality
  70. Commie Illinois Banning Assault Weapons.
  72. Morti in chicanostyle
  73. Fascism Came To America Wrapped In A Rainbow Flag And Wearing A Pussyhat
  74. Parents demand principal of US’ top public school be fired after she withheld prestigious awards
  75. Learn your place White filth
  76. Majority know that Biden is incompetent
  77. The times they aree achangin'
  78. Soros and his agendas that harm freedom
  79. Trustee apologizes for saying faculty who challenge DEI should be taken to ‘slaughterhouse’
  80. Tyrants lust for an unarmed populace:
  81. Military Bureaucracy
  82. Another day, another fake Indian
  83. Elite Class Corporate Lackey Propaganda & Indoctrination
  84. Bumbling Buffoon Biden reeks of excrement
  85. The State of Indiana.
  87. Pit Bull Madness
  88. Ex-Virginia Tech soccer player who refused BLM kneel gets $100K in settlement
  89. New York LIBTARDS banning Gas Stoves.
  91. Traitor Biden serving its elite and corporate masters
  92. Lackey in the White House
  93. USA headed for 2nd-world status for the masses
  94. The feral filth hate you and want to kill you
  95. Are Latinas better wife material?
  96. Invaders spitting upon USA tax payers
  97. Lost and Found Department
  98. Kamala Knows Whats Coming.
  99. 2023 USA Political Map.
  100. Professor tells students to ‘watch gay or lesbian porn’ to learn how to be ‘bisexual’
  101. Lying and framing innoceent people
  102. Tyrants and criminals seek an unarmed populace
  103. Prepare for Civil War Two, patriots
  104. USA minority rule
  105. Wyoming Plans To Ban Electric Cars.
  106. Preparedness begins at home
  107. Destroy the USA
  108. 'Racism is still alive:' Texas Democrats push to end Confederate Heroes Day
  109. How many Americans are white?
  110. City leaders propose multiple bills to stop messages of hate, antisemitism in Jacksonville
  111. It’s coming to America
  112. U.S. Demonyms
  113. Media Traitor Filth Serving Corporate Masters
  114. USA Federal Government Enemy of We, the People
  115. Elites have ultimate power & control
  116. The ADL launches a Twitter account to track antisemitism. Now it’s looking for followers The tracke
  117. USA in decline
  118. Oath Keepers attacked by tyrant traitors
  119. Disney World closed Splash Mountain after allegations of racism. Not everyone's happy.
  120. Destroy USA & Western civilizatioj
  121. Aspiring rapper societal scum
  122. Be a whatever you are where kids are not forced to see you
  123. Female voting destroying the USA
  124. Why USAmericans never travel abroad?
  125. Tucker Carlson must see video on Lindsey Graham
  126. Make your choices wise, gents. A low-class dame can ruin your life!!!
  127. Mr. Rogers' Biological Reality.
  128. A truly quality cohort . . . USA aspiring rappers!!!!
  129. Time to prioritize, USA
  130. What would the United States' birth rate look like if out of wedlock was unaccounted for?
  131. Daffy USA dames
  132. For the MGTOW cohort in the crowd
  133. A failed institution???
  134. Modern dames have eased the selection process for traditional non-indoctrinated males.
  135. Gay boys up to their typical tricks
  136. Propaganda and indoctrination
  137. Mainstream Media REFUSES to Cover Black on White Violence
  138. Rachel Blevins -- Why I moved to Moscow in 2022
  139. Abbott announces statewide model security plan to ban TikTok
  140. Enormous financial costs of illegal alien invasion
  141. Crown Heights riot.
  142. Matt Walsh Clashes With Commie.
  143. America blew up Nord Stream pipelines
  144. US's Magnitsky Act: DER SPIEGEL uncovers its fraudulent basis of Bill Browder lies
  145. FBI versus USA citizenry
  146. Zero students proficient in math in 23 Baltimore schools, test results reveal
  147. "Who The Hell Do You Think You Are!?" -- Boebert v Twitter-FBI
  148. Our traitor-in-chief:
  149. America's Bane committing crimes far out of proportion to their percentage of the populace
  150. Whistleblower: FBI targets Christians
  151. Utterly evil American policy towards Syria
  152. Disciples of Christ church seeks to destroy Western civilization
  153. US recruiting militants for terrorist attacks in Russia
  154. Keep the TV going and the masses will never rise up to end economic slavery.
  155. Dr. Umar Johnson and Kayne West, Dr. Umar Johnson on Kayne West
  156. US Chemical Disaster (Media Blackout)
  157. What People WON’T SHOW YOU During Black History Month
  158. U.S. To Sell Another 26 Million Barrels Of Oil From The SPR
  159. A Negro shall guide the USA into a future no White devil could ever attain
  160. MSU shooter Anthony McRae was armed thanks to Soros-aligned, far-left prosecutor
  161. Ohio Town: Where's Pete Buttigieg?
  162. Destruction of the West
  163. War Against Whites
  164. Tyrants paint patriots as traitors. The media and those owning it are the traitors!!!
  165. Traitors spitting upon patriots within dying USA
  166. US Economy Keeps Charging Ahead
  167. Yale Professor: It’s Time To Talk About ‘Forcing’ Seniors To Commit ‘Mass Suicide’
  168. Indiana school TOO WHITE
  169. New World Order enslaves the masses
  170. Snowden: UFO Balloons "Engineered Panic" to Distract from Nord Stream Revelations
  171. Heinous Crime
  172. Video: Jewish Democrat Says Banning Abortion Violates Her ‘Religious Liberty’
  173. Traitors running the USA federal government
  174. Florida bill would make some methods of spreading antisemitism illegal
  175. Lawmakers push to stop flow of US tax dollars to 'anti-Israel' UN office
  176. Scott Ritter -- The Truth about the American War Machine
  177. Trump Visits Ohio.
  178. Amish Pizza Delivery.
  179. USA traitors striving to start World War Three
  180. Action deserving death
  181. Video: destroying USA education
  182. Dilbert comic strip dropped by US media over creator's racist tirade
  183. California schools may someday require African-American studies — a move to 'directly counter' laws
  184. Can ideology-detecting algorithms catch online extremism before it takes hold?
  185. The Pentagon has warned soldiers to stop eating poppy seed bagels and pastries or risk failing drug
  186. Half of Americans think the government should use torture in anti-terrorism campaigns
  187. SAVE THE HOUSE!!!!!
  188. American woman does not want to pay for food because there was a channel in Spanish in the restauran
  189. USA tyrant elites and their traitor politician lackeys spitting upon the USA
  190. Florida Sheriff Goes Nuclear on Neo-Nazi ‘Motherf*ckers’
  191. New World Order elites destined to win the West
  192. Scott Adams Cancelled, here's why.
  193. STRIKE!!! WALK OUT!!!!
  194. Mentality of the US Americans
  195. Lori Lightfoot Loses Election.
  196. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee in drag clothes
  197. Fight back against demonic pro-New World Order firms!!!!
  198. Antifa members and supporters, know your enemies!!!
  199. Cowards abound and warriors are scarce
  200. Mercenary Defects to Russia.
  201. Fight tyrants and tyranny within USA
  202. Lower-class Americans forced into homelessness
  203. Traitor filth attacking patriot Trump and ALL patriots by proxy
  204. Because of Out of Control Black Violence in America (And No Snitching Culture), Clearance Rate ...
  205. Florida bill would require bloggers who write about the governor and legislators to register ...
  206. 61% of ALL VOTERS—including 57% of Democrats—believe 'it is likely' that Feds 'helped provoke' Jan 6
  207. Delaware lowers passing score on bar exam in push for racial diversity: Not supposed to be a barrier
  208. In the USA stay away from the feral barbarians!!!
  209. How do the common folks ever determine fact or truth?
  210. Growing tyranny within the USA
  211. Professor demands black workers get special paid leave over 'systemic racism'
  212. Tyranny rising in USA Need more Jan 6 2021 protests!!!!
  213. White Neighborhood in Atlanta to Secede from the City of Atlanta
  214. Save the USA from evil foreign influence
  215. Concentrated power within the USA
  216. White House backs Senate bill to boost US ability to ban TikTok
  217. Seattle Makes History by Passing Anti-Caste Ordinance
  218. Tyranny grows stronger in all Western countries
  219. Segregation can save a society and an entire country
  220. Traitors sending patriots to prison. Time for Rev War Two, patriots!!!!
  221. Economic Meltdown???
  222. Arizona launches hotline for public to report 'inappropriate' school lessons
  223. Diversity means destroy White Western civilization
  224. Oscar-Winning ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’ Director Defends Drag Queens and Drag Children
  225. Analyzing Child Firearm Assault Injuries by Race and Ethnicity During the COVID-19 Pandemic in 4...
  226. 80% of Republicans oppose US involvement in Ukraine conflict
  227. Boston BLM leader and her husband indicted on more than 20 fraud charges
  228. Ukraine sucking USA taxpayers dry!!!!
  229. These Southern National Guard Units to Toss Confederate Battle Streamers
  230. Audubon Society won't change name, despite namesake's racism. It wants to focus on bird conservation
  231. Death Penalty For Abortions.
  232. Two-front war to destroy the USA
  233. Brother Nathaniel reveals what others fear to say
  234. Diversity & multiculturalism destroys cultures, societies & entire countries!!!!
  235. No price too great. Even thermonuclear war!!!
  236. Ukraine Elites and Tyranny
  237. New Legaal System Needed in USA
  238. Time for Public Hangings?
  239. 'Lindbergh' may be the next Madison school name to go
  240. 'White fragility' author warns people of color to 'get away from White people'
  241. The evil that is Soros and other horrific hustlers
  242. Elites and their New World Order Continue to Win the War
  243. Remember Ruby Ridge and the Murders There
  244. California bill would ban police dogs from arrests, crowd control; cites racial bias, trauma
  245. Wyoming bans transgender youth from girls’ sports teams
  246. Everything Is Racist: A VDARE.com Retrospective
  247. Arkansas restricts school bathroom use by transgender people
  248. Georgia lawmakers push to remove Confederate designation on Stone Mountain Park
  249. Growing tyranny throughout Western civilization
  250. New World Order and Tyrannical Elite Tyranny