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  1. The Battle of Keren, Where Indians Beat Fascist Italy of The Failed Italian Empire
  2. The winged hussars
  3. (e- book) consequences of allowing foreign jihadists settling in the balkans
  4. soviets in afghanistan (Fields Of Armour Afghanistan The Bear Trap Documentary)
  5. Burning of the Guernsey Martyrs
  6. Which of these ancient civilizations are your favorites?
  7. Your favorite ancient civilization
  8. Who was Prince Eddy?
  9. Pre-Islamic history of the Middle East
  10. Britain’s Rumour Factory – a new essay on the origins of the gas chamber story
  11. Atatürk's Reforms in Chronological order
  12. Entente Balkanique (1934)
  13. Vikings economic migrants to the UK
  14. The Scandalous, Narcissistic 19th-Century Countess Who Became Her Own Muse
  15. Ten Creepy Historical Masks
  16. Documenting madness: Female patients of the Surrey County Lunatic Asylum
  17. Smoker’s Delight: Vintage photographs of opium dens (Slightly NSFW)
  18. biohistory of humanity
  19. Why Adolf Hitler didnt had any children?
  20. 40 Turks raid Tang China's imperial palace
  21. Jewish Photographer Hid These Photos From Nazis During WWII
  22. the fall of yugoslavia
  23. It Was Once Someone’s Job to Chat With the King While He Used the Toilet
  24. War Crimes
  25. Josef Mengele – the Creation of a Myth
  26. Bizarre Deaths of the Middle Ages
  27. Bahri Dynasty: Egypt's Turkic Mamluk rulers
  28. Deborah Lipstadt's Lies & Deceptions
  29. Were Ancient Macedonians and Epirotans really Greek?
  30. Stare slike iz Sandžaka (Old photos from Sandzak) - Video
  31. Suleiman the Magnificent
  32. Romani Resistance May 16
  33. The Conquest of Cyprus: Part 1
  34. Captivating colourised images of WWII – they really do bring another angle to history
  35. To Understand Robespierre
  36. WWII: The Funniest and Weirdest Pictures
  37. Vincent Reynouard - Globalization Against Nations: A Prophetic Editorial of May 1943
  38. An Online Vault of the most Awesome Cameras Ever Made
  39. Was Adolf Hitler racist?
  40. Seven Famous Death Masks in History
  41. 14 Depraved And Disturbing Cases Of Human Cannibalism (NSFW, You Have Been Warned)
  42. Was Kemal Ataturk gay?
  43. How Joan of Arc Turned the Tide in the Hundred Years’ War
  44. Sack of Jerusalem in 1244 and battle of La Forbie
  45. The Chemistry of Auschwitz
  46. Friedrich Nietzsche’s Strange Writing Ball
  47. The Tragic Story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911
  48. Shem, Ham, and Japheth
  49. Mongol invasion of old Russia 1237-1238
  50. We wuz native americunz n' sheeit!
  51. Vincent Reynouard: The Ultimate Holocaust Gas Chamber Challenge
  52. Nine Reasons Why Hitler Believed That D-Day Was a Feint
  53. The remains of Amelia Earhart may have been found on an island
  54. The Art of Kissing Fanny
  55. The Shortest Reigns of the Middle Ages
  56. What was life like for a court jester?
  57. The Canary Girls and the WWI Poisons that turned them Yellow
  58. Shark teeth swords and knukles
  59. Aryan measurments in Nazi Germany
  60. 5 Famous “Revolutionaries” That Were Anything But
  61. The highest paid athlete of all time was a Roman Charioteer
  62. The Jolly Roger flag – Pirates were informing you that you were going to be attacked
  63. Poisonings, drowning, a nunnery, or exile: Life as one of Ivan the Terrible’s eight wives
  64. Roald Amundsen: The unbeatable explorer who reached the South Pole and North Pole first
  65. Florence Nightingale – The story behind the lady with the lamp
  66. Recreating The Aroma Of The Ancient City: Incense In The Ancient Mediterranean
  67. Fulgencio Batista – One of the worst and most cowardly dictators in history
  68. David Lane (white supremacist)
  69. Top 10 Most Popular Freak Shows Throughout History
  70. If Japanese attacked USSR instead of U.S.A, AXIS powers would win the war?
  71. Emmett Kelly: The first sad hobo clown who was best-known for his character named “Weary Willie”
  72. European GDP per Capita before the WW1
  73. Yaghnobi Tajiks: Preliminary Results May Reveal Iranian Plateau Affinity [Original Work]
  74. History of the Phoenicians
  75. The Ancient Romans would flood the Colosseum to re-enact sea battles
  76. Zaida Catalán
  77. Alexander the Great fair looking Greek
  78. The Hall of Infamy on Jack the Ripper: Nine suspects profiled, including one woman
  79. Byzantine Empire vs Holy Roman Empire
  80. Weird professions that no longer exist
  81. Scandinavians are the earliest Europeans
  82. RASPUTIN’S MURDER: The Untold Story … And ‘Yes’ The British Were Involved
  83. Duplicate thread, remove.
  84. Duplicate thread remove
  85. Amazigh kings
  86. List of Persian Inventions
  87. Curated Lies
  88. Greek priest admitting that "ancient Greeks" spoke Albanian.
  89. when the ottoman caliph sent help to the irish during the famine
  90. The Life and Times Of The Marquis De Sade, The Man 'Sadism' Was Named After
  91. Details About The Blood Eagle, One Of History's Most Nightmarish Torture Methods
  92. The Little-Known Reason Pencils Are Yellow
  93. Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal
  94. Hanged, drawn and quartered penalty in England
  95. Ernst Zündel - in memoriam (March 1st, 1939 - August 5th, 2017)
  96. Do you know torture of Mankurt?
  97. Battle of Teutoburg Forest: Turning point of European history (Latin invasion repelled by Germans)
  98. Carousels emerged from early jousting traditions in Europe and the Middle East
  99. Normans Vs. Seljuks: Medieval master Conquerers
  100. Pitiless English bombing of German cities and civilians in WW2
  101. Vincent Reynouard: Ten years of ineligibility for "racists": revisionism, our last chance.
  102. Warsaw Pact troops entered Czechoslovakia 49 years ago
  103. Lost WW2 warship USS Indianapolis found after 72 years
  104. George Klein did not land at Pointe du Hoc on D-Day
  105. Conquistadores
  106. The best part for your nation, in history?
  107. Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War (video with TOP British WW1 historians)
  108. Why Hitler Declared War on the United States
  109. Would you exist if time travelers stopped World War I?
  110. The friendship of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Harry Houdini ended over supernatural powers
  111. Pope Joan: The Female Pope whose Real Gender was Revealed after she Gave Birth in a Procession
  112. Oldest Universities In Europe (and continually operating)
  113. Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions
  114. Who was the most terrifying historical figure?
  115. Do you agree with Hitler's annexation of Austria in the Anschluss?
  116. Soviet Union didn't singlehandedly win WWII: Lend Lease
  117. Suppressed Human History Movie! Extraordinary Theory.
  118. I Was Dr. Mengele’s Forensic Pathologist in the Auschwitz Crematorium
  119. Germans vs Americans
  120. Battle of Kosovo 1389 animated documentary
  121. WWI German U-Boat Found Nearly Intact Off Belgium Coast
  122. Soviet Ghosts: The Ruins from the Era of Communism are still around us
  123. Va-Va-Vandal: The Life and Times of Gaiseric, the Vandal King of North Africa
  124. 19 of the World's Oldest Photos Reveal a Rare Side of History
  125. The life of a 19th century “ornamental hermit”: One broke his contract, snuck off to the pub
  126. Lost city in Iraq founded by Alexander the Great discovered by archaeologists
  127. The group photo of the Solvay Conference in 1927 is likely “the most intelligent” picture ever taken
  128. The Muslim Egyptian ruler who wanted to destroy the pyramids
  129. Historical Truth – III
  130. Grimaldi: The man who turned the role of the clown into the main character in the Harlequinades
  131. Justinian II – An Imperfect Reflection of God on Earth
  132. Tondrakians, Medieval Armenian Marginals
  133. Origin of Turks According To Europeans in 15th century
  134. 3,200-Year-Old Stone Inscription Tells of Trojan Prince, Sea People
  135. Are the old name for all Slavs was "Serb" really?
  136. Battle of Nicopolis 1396 video documentary
  137. Books Banned by "Banned Books Week"
  138. What happened to the original Spaniards! The original inhabitants of Spain should have been darker
  139. Yitzhak Arad on Majdanek
  140. What if Turks were Zoroastrian?
  141. Byzantine-Persian War of 602–628
  142. When the West was wild: Fascinating 19th century photographs reveal world of cowboy saloons
  143. Which ethnic group is the cartoon villain of Europe/Europeans
  144. The Killing Machine: Che Guevara, from Communist Firebrand to Capitalist Brand
  145. Vincent Reynouard: North Korea: Eternal Hypocrisy of the US Administration
  146. World’s Rarest Textile is Made From the Silk of One Million Spiders
  147. Confucius was a HUGE man!
  148. Origin of the European flags - video
  149. Did Hitler Have Brown Eyes Or Blue?
  150. 16 Scandalous Women in History Who Seduced Their Way to Power
  151. Arab migration to Byzantine Anatolia?
  152. Dutch photographer bought a 1929 camera and developed 70-year-old film found inside
  153. Th Greco-Persian wars
  154. Anne Bonny was a violent & ferocious warrior & one of the few female pirates to sail the high seas
  155. In Victorian London, small green huts built to prevent horse drawn cab drivers from drinking on duty
  156. The U.S. government has a locked up collection of Nazi art
  157. Dancing Plague: Mysterious phenomenon of Medieval Europe that drove people to dance until collapse
  158. Pamiri are ancient Tocharian Whites of China, original are Iranians of pre- Xinjiang are not Uyghurs
  159. Iranian survivors of Turkic invasions in pre-Xinjiang
  160. The Orthodox Holocaust Narrative as a Conspiracy Theory
  161. The beak-nosed plague-doctor mask that continues to terrify was invented in the 17th century
  162. Tartan may scream Scotland, but traces of the fabric have been found on ancient Chinese mummies
  163. Because of Spaniards; White ppl got the name; White people
  164. Crazy Facts About Europe’s Bizarre Habsburg Rulers
  165. Historical Clowns That Helped Make Clowns Terrifying
  166. 10 Cultural Capitals Of The Ancient World
  167. 10 Bizarre Heretics Who Shocked Medieval Europe
  168. The Qashqai's
  169. Do you like Malcolm X?
  170. The Jews who fought for Hitler "We did not help the Germans we just had a common enemy"
  171. Stede Bonnet: a pirate and a gentleman
  172. The Kitty Salon – a SS-run Brothel in Berlin during the Second World War
  173. 10 Sex Scandals That Shocked The Ancient World
  174. Royal Carriages: Traveling in Splendor
  175. If you could resurrect one person from all of history, who would it be?
  176. Joseph Palmer: The eccentric war veteran who was sent to jail for wearing a beard
  177. What Exactly is the Holy Grail – And Why Has its Meaning Eluded us for Centuries?
  178. The Smelliest Women of Ancient Greece: Jason and the Argonauts Get Fragrant
  179. The legend of Saint Ursula and her 11,000 virgin followers
  180. Buttcheeks and blowjobs! Konrad von Hochstaden: 13th Century Kingmaker
  181. Amelia Earhart was held, executed on Saipan, prison worker's nephew says
  182. The Medieval Gig Economy
  183. Joseph Pistone, alias Donnie Brasco, infiltrated the Bonanno crime family as undercover FBI agent
  184. The mystery of Al Capone’s vaults
  185. The Most Overrated and Underrated Historical Peoples and Events
  186. History of Iranian-Persian states
  187. Journey to the North Pole in a Hot Air Balloon
  188. Osamu Tezuka, “father of Manga,” wanted to help Japanese overcome depression over World War II
  189. “Ape Woman” Julia Pastrana was exploited during her life, exhibited for 153 years after her death
  190. Tribe "Serboi" and their first mentions...
  191. William The Conquerer’s Corpse Exploded On People At His Funeral
  192. The Story Of Michael Rockefeller And The Cannibals Behind His Disappearance
  193. The Nazi’s Lebensborn Program And The Quest To Breed A Master Race
  194. 5 Vintage Hollywood Scandals That First Showed Tinseltown’s Ugly Side
  195. Two classy hoes from Brazil colonial(Minas Gerais)
  196. 3 countries with the most fascinating history?!
  197. History of my Aryan Tribe,Kaushik from C. Asia to Mature Vedic Period.
  198. Banner Ladies: The Human Billboards of Yesteryear
  199. Vincent Reynouard ~ Confessions of a Reformed Denier
  200. Why Pre-Industrial Life Was Anything But Paradise
  201. Is the role of coloured forces understimated in the defeat of nazi germany?
  202. Soviet liberation of Krakow
  203. German settlements and presence in Eastern Europe throughtout history
  204. what would happen if albanians converted to christianity?
  205. Stalin's Jews
  206. Children of the Middle Ages
  207. History of Japan
  208. A brief history of the English rose
  209. Victoria and Albert: a marriage of misery?
  210. 5 royal births that rocked a nation
  211. 7 things you (probably) didn’t know about Roman women
  212. Anne of Cleves: Henry VIII's most successful queen
  213. 13 weird historical facts
  214. What was life like for a medieval housewife?
  215. Four incredible Slavic Women Who Rocked In The Ottoman Empire
  216. Veche – The Ancient Popular Assembly In Medieval Slavic Countries
  217. Anna Anderson, the impostor of Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov for 63 years
  218. “The Turk” was a fake chess-playing automaton that defeated Benjamin Franklin and Napoleon Bonaparte
  219. 22 Facts about Strange Artifacts in Museums
  220. The Contradictions & Impossibilities Of The “Holocaust by Bullets” Allegation
  221. “The Wealthiest Woman in America” was so stingy she took her injured son to a free clinic
  222. Dekulakization: The slaughter of Russia's peasants
  223. Khan Tuvan: Turkic father of Rus Khagans and founder of first Rus' state ?
  224. Is the Meschech the ancestor of East Slavs?
  225. When a dead woman woke up on her way to the graveyard in 1724, the law was rewritten
  226. Goths vs Romans: Siege of Rome 537-538
  227. Syrian history of Cyrpus
  228. Ernst Zundel's reply to TV Ontario - will Revisionist ideas make you a fire-breathing Nazi?
  229. How the vikings made the Franks shit their pants and defeated them
  230. Why did some people migrate from modern day Ukraine to Ireland 5000 years ago?
  231. If the Nazis had won the war, how would the world look like nowadays?
  232. Chloroform, arsenic, and suspicious family doctors: Lady poisoners of the Victorian era
  233. Chilling photos of the contents of abandoned suitcases left behind by psychiatric patients at asylum
  234. Vampires originated from India and travelled to Europe.
  235. Whoops: In 1387, King Charles II of Navarre was burned alive by accident
  236. Medieval Text Resolves Mystery of Viking-Irish Battle
  237. Emirate of Tbilisi: Arabian history of Georgia and Transcaucasus
  238. Native americans didnt come from the bering strait
  239. Jews did not genocide Russians.
  240. Who Owned Belgium? (57 BC - 2017)
  241. Jewish Nazi collaborators
  242. The SS murderers were from all over Europe, but not from Poland
  243. Non-German Nazis ???
  244. Ancient city of 60,000 structures discovered under Guatemala Petén Jungle
  245. St. Brice's Day massacre and its impact on English ancestry
  246. Were the Kangju of Central Asia Scythian, Turkic or Tocharian?
  247. Queen Elizabeth II Is A Descendant Of Prophet Muhammad?!
  248. Why do Hungarians love Attila so much?
  249. Account of Reptilians from18th century Somaliland
  250. Caste system: Why other Indo-Europeans did not implement it?