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  1. Linguistic preservation: Should native languages be taught in schools?
  2. Assimilation of multiple languages from an early age
  3. Was ancient Macedonian Greek?
  4. Classify Macedonian language
  5. Can Bulgarians understand Slovenian?
  6. Your favourite Latin Quotes
  7. Swedish Language slang from Immigrants
  8. Which languages do you speak?
  9. Noxçiyn mettan denna lerina dolu Sölzha-g1alan meran deq1aldar
  10. Mutual intelligibility of dialects
  11. Which European languages are mutually understandable?
  12. Easy Romance
  13. CH and SH in English
  14. My poem dedicated to Sabinae
  15. Serbian Words Similar to Proto Indo-European Words
  16. Meaning of "Kriseneinsatzpools"? Help please!!
  17. "Our Father" in your language or dialect
  18. For those people interested in Indo-European
  19. Favorite language? (updated)
  20. Most beautiful-sounding Romance language
  21. Most Beautiful-Sounding Romance Language?
  22. Where did English come from?
  23. Why is English Language Altered in America?
  24. Francicization of names gone horribly wrong!
  25. What does English sound like to you?
  26. Some help deconstructing Southern Appalachian English
  27. Šuma/Forest What is the etymology of the Serbo-Croatian word for Forest?
  28. Serbs; which language is easier for you to understand?
  29. Is English more similar to French or German?
  30. What language(s) do you want to learn?
  31. Germanic Romance
  32. Game: say in dialect the word asked by the user before you
  33. House: Kuća and Casa. What are their origins?
  34. Why do Serbian language have so many Turkish loans?
  35. What does Nahuatl sound like to you?
  36. English will die out like Latin
  37. Post an example of your script(s)
  38. Number of Romance languages?
  39. Is Burushaski Indo-European?
  40. How does Serbian sound to you?
  41. "Sever" means North in most Slavic languages.
  42. Albanian is an Indo-European language
  43. Rum/Romioi (Greco-Turkish) language of the Anatolian christians in 1909
  44. Learn Serbian! Učite Srpski!
  45. Which ethnicity has an ugliest accent in the English language?
  46. Top Enigmas of the English Language
  47. How does Slovak sound to you?
  48. Unique words in Slavic languages
  49. Graeco-Armenian
  50. mutually intellegible slavic languages?
  51. How close is Mongolian to Turkic languages?
  52. The word HVALA. How many Slavs use it to mean Thank You?
  53. Words for "dog" in South Slavic languages...
  54. How many slavic words in Romanian Language and in Romanian Toponyms?
  55. How do you say CAT in your language?
  56. Example: Dead as a doornail -- do you know any more?
  57. Archaic Greek in a modern world
  58. Ancient Greek Color Vision
  59. What is This Letter/Symbol "Æ"
  60. Is IE closer to Uralic or Afro-Asiatic
  61. Which Slavic language is easiest to learn?
  62. Which Latin language is easiest to learn?
  63. Maltese Language
  64. Which Germanic language is easiest to learn?
  65. Which Baltic languages is easier to learn?
  66. Which Finno-Ugric language is easiest to learn?
  67. How does Belarusian sound to you?
  68. Dalmatian
  69. How does Ukrainian sound to you?
  70. How does Slovenian sound to you?
  71. How Does Circassian Sound To You ?
  72. What does Farsi (Persian) sound like to you?
  73. Sanskrit and latvian
  74. The Indo-Uralic hypothesis
  75. How does North Saami sound to you?
  76. How does Ainu sound to you
  77. Before Babel: In Search Of The First Language
  78. How do you call the BARN OWL in your language?
  79. How do you call Ape?
  80. How does the corsican language sounds to you?
  81. Girl in Slavic Languages- cognate with Diva?
  82. Untranslatable words of your language
  83. The Proto-Human Language
  84. What does fish mean in your language
  85. Undocumented languages
  86. Lost languages
  87. Website about the Dutch language and the accent (in English)
  88. How does the ligurian language sounds to you?
  89. how does the language from emilia-romagna sounds to you ?
  90. Do you speak griko?
  91. Breakthrough in world's oldest undeciphered writing
  92. 'French with friends, German with enemies, and Italian with the female sex'
  93. What language do you think in?
  94. Is the English language closer to French or German
  95. How do you say Shoes and Socks in your language?
  96. Which Slavs use this word: RADI. It is an old Persian/Avestan word.
  97. Cyrillic/Greek alphabet writers: difficult to learn Latin?
  98. What does Kurdish sound like to you?
  99. Origin of the ancient Balkan word for horse "MEZENA".
  100. Anglo-Norman (Romance England)
  101. Geographical/Geopolitical reasons behind the Indo-European languages expansion?
  102. Dené–Caucasian or Sino-Caucasian languages
  103. How to Speak Proto-Indo-European
  104. Love is a Slavic Word
  105. Which Balkan language is the most melodic?
  106. African speech patterns
  107. Similarities between Slavic language and ancient Egyptian language
  108. Closest tp IE: Altaic or Semetic
  109. Czech language
  110. worst insults in your languages
  111. Nostratic languages and their neighbors
  112. About the degradation of language
  113. Danish versus Swedish; which language sounds stupider?
  114. Which Latin-based language?
  115. Slavic Languages
  116. How do you say NO and YES in your language?
  117. Which Slavic language to learn
  118. Esperanto: Does anyone here speak it?
  119. How does Chinese sound to you?
  120. Linguist Makes Sensational Claim: English Is a Scandinavian Language
  121. What language?
  122. Do you have oklava and merdane?
  123. How does my English sound to you?
  124. Piemonteis language: how does sound to you?
  125. Old slavic celebration linked to Winter Solstice and links with current romanian language
  126. British natives who can't speak 'th'?
  127. Sanskrit/Hindi Most Scientific Languages in the world
  128. White guy teaching punjabis the importance of their native tongue
  129. How does Welsh sound to you?
  130. Happy New Year in your language
  131. how do you say "Fuck you asshole" in your language?
  132. Dairy products in your language
  133. Lost In Translation: Question For Native English Speakers
  134. How does Croatian language sound to you?
  135. Etymology of Italia - Greek or Latin?
  136. Which sounds better - Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian?
  137. Favourite accents?
  138. How does Middle English sound to you?
  139. How do you say all the days in your language?
  140. How do you say months in your language?
  141. Zodiac signs in your language.
  142. How do you say mother and father
  143. Lace: Čipka in Serbo-Croatian and Slovakian
  144. Is this correct in Polish?
  145. Where does this last name originate?
  146. Most attractive European language?
  147. The decay of language - a reflection of the decay of civilisation?
  148. Languages of Europe: male or female?
  149. Comparison of Croatian and Serbian language
  150. Four Seasons in Your language.
  151. EU27: Top 5 languages by country
  152. Ancient Whistling Language - Canary Islands
  153. How does Russian sound to you?
  154. Numbers in your language
  155. 17European Capitals in Your language.
  156. European Portuguese vs Brazilian Portuguese
  157. Names of countries in your language
  158. What is the origin of the word Beč?
  159. What Slavic language is closer to Lithuanian?
  160. How do you say Cake & Cookies in your language?
  161. Superpowers in your language
  162. Flowers in your language.
  163. Serbian langiage = Croatian language?
  164. How does Danish sound like?
  165. In which region of your country is the standard form of your language spoken
  166. Etymological origin of Spanish words "camisa" and "almohada"?
  167. Boy and Girl in your language?
  168. What languages do you speak or read?
  169. French sound to you like a Romance/latin language ?
  170. Translate my invented language
  171. Georgian VS. Armenian
  172. Help me with the origins of another surname please!
  173. What is your favourite accent?
  174. Why Does Canadian English Sound So Nasal?
  175. Proto-Italic: Origins
  176. If you could speak another langauge, which would you chose?
  177. Which is the most attractive European language?
  178. Which is the least attractive European language?
  179. Which sounds better - Nordic & Baltic languages
  180. Etruscan: "Neolithic Invader Language" or IE?
  181. The sun and the moon in Your language.
  182. Ancient Greek's Closest Relatives?
  183. gold /silver /platinum in your language.
  184. Religious terms in your language.
  185. Is your language affected by globalization of English?
  186. CAD v. SURETH
  187. why you think it is that the 3 main language families in europe dont have all 3 Christianities?
  188. Is that a yes or a no when you nod your head?
  189. Split thread: Script adapatation ect..
  190. These words in your language...
  191. Germans singing in English
  192. The police are coming!!
  193. Underwear in your language
  194. Same love song sung in different languages
  195. Latvian/Lithuanian Language Similarities to Slavic Languages
  196. What of the three languages would you like to learn?
  197. Your least favourite European lange
  198. Favourite and least favourite non European language
  199. The sound of Arabic
  200. How close are Slavic and Romance?
  201. Indo-European languages and their differences
  202. Languages of the Caucasus
  203. Germanic ling area
  204. Hungarian and Finnish ?
  205. Should American English be Ignored?
  206. Indo-European Origin Theories: Greatest Hits and Misses Lectures
  207. Uralic in N. Europe = Mesolithic vs. Bronze Age vs. very late arrival to Europe????
  208. Germanic languages furthest away from each other?
  209. Romance languages furthest away from one another?
  210. The sound of Hebrew
  211. Language Question to Armenians from Lebanon.
  212. Sumerian language comparison with Kurdish
  213. The hardest language to learn?
  214. Sample of Sumerian Sentences Similar to Old Tamil
  215. Celtic words in your language
  216. Are fino-ugric languages related to turkic languages?
  217. Gothenburg accent - Sexiest accent in Sweden
  218. What does Hungarian sound like?
  219. Swearing in your native language.
  220. What does Western Norwegian dialects sound like to you?
  221. What does Azerbaijani Turkish sound like to you?
  222. Are Slavs a lost East Germanic Tribe like Goths, Burgundians and Vandals were?
  223. Lithuanian and Latvian - Similarities and Differences
  224. Neolatin wordmaps
  225. Your least favourite accent in your country
  226. Languages in Europe map
  227. Which Slavic speakers have the heaviest accents in English?
  228. Why does the English not roll their Rs?
  229. Guttural R, where does it come from?
  230. Why Don't Russian's Speak A Germanic Language?
  231. How do you say ''scales'' in your language?
  232. Gàidhlig! :)
  233. Which accent do you like - American or English?
  234. I am your father, in your language
  235. Forgetting a language because of peer pressure/bullying
  236. Forum polyglots
  237. Zakynthian - Septinisular dialect.
  238. Germanic sound shifts
  239. 11 Official languages distribution in South Africa
  240. Tone and/or Dialect transference..
  241. Which language sounds less European?
  242. Should Romania have been a slavic speaking country?
  243. The best sounding Slavic language
  244. Philippines - Number 1 in business English proficiency, Norway 2nd ?
  245. What is the easiest language to learn?
  246. German Dialect Help Needed
  247. Tongue Twisters. Come in!
  248. The devil in your language?
  249. T–V distinction
  250. How do you say Rain and Sun in various languages?