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  1. On slavery
  2. Which one of this do you think suffers from the most self hate?
  3. obsessed with my phenotype/appearance
  4. Discord Chat
  5. Bye bye, people. It was nice to meet you.
  6. White Feminist vs Black Hebrew Israelites, who do you think will win?
  7. Americans are not European
  8. Do people forget I'm Canadian?
  9. How do you proceed to move to another country?
  10. Help me find a rich husband please
  11. What is the difference between Green and Hazel eyes?
  12. What should I post on the Peru forums?
  13. 3 Lies and 1 Truth
  14. Heavy metal finds a home in Botswana
  15. The best TA's troll, who he/she is?
  16. Who can I blame for my awkward face shape?
  17. Who can blame Andids awkward ugly faces?
  18. The Latest Blond Map of Europe
  19. Ed after Ed...
  20. Do Spanish people dress similar to Americans?
  21. Question about a specific feature
  22. My friend looks a different ethnicity at different times of the day
  23. WHAT... is thy quest?
  25. What's the least autistic country?
  26. Are Wadaad and Davai only two normal guys on this forum?
  27. How is Jonas Kaufmann German if he is black-haired, brown-eyed and dark-skinned?
  28. Am I white?
  29. what method would you rather die from
  30. bye bye TA
  31. Perception of color
  32. lil advice on snacking and fashion on the cheap
  33. Most autistic haplogroup?
  34. Alien Alphas Stealing Your Women
  35. Obama stares down Putin
  36. it's all about self actualizing
  37. Poop hoarder
  38. Why is it so trendy to call people autistic?
  39. you look to pale
  40. How to make everything OK
  41. Does my skin tone look weird with my features?
  42. The thumbs down shaming thread
  43. MMA
  44. Where did this pic come from?
  45. J2b2 and E-V13 vs R1apes
  46. LOL @ pic
  47. Is it wrong to think this is hilarious?
  48. Bros...
  49. Teenage girl, 18, proposes to 60-year-old janitor of her old school
  50. Nationality/ethnicity with the worst women?
  51. Money can't buy happiness?
  52. What now?
  53. Girl ruins marriage for game show
  54. Awesome Sandwiches
  55. How is Jonas Kaufmann German if he is black-haired, brown-eyed and dark-skinned?
  56. Why does it have to be like this?
  57. Brazilian political crisis: what do you think about it? Is it really a "coup" like leftists say?
  58. Who do Muslim Albanians and Bosnians feel closer to?
  59. donald TRAMP
  61. Why are there Japanese people in East Russia?
  62. Calling all Balkanoids...
  64. Favourite Meme Thread
  65. Why suburbia is soul crushing
  66. looking for a gf, any girls here on TA?
  67. Why do some members lock their profiles?
  68. Ask Sikeliot anything
  69. What does racism mean to you?
  70. What's your gender?
  71. Taller girl
  72. The INCEL are becoming braver
  73. Out of Africa Theory: What is the problem?
  74. Has the behavior of your kinfolk ever caused you to be ashamed of your ethnicity?
  75. John Wayne tells it how it is
  76. Why do pregnant/married woman let themselves go?
  77. Geek guys and approachable girls
  78. Why do Europeans suck so much?
  79. Is nuclear war inevitable in our generation?
  80. Russian counterpart Merkel - champion of the world throwing knives
  81. Potato pride
  82. How old would you say most people in your county are when they lose their virginity
  83. How old are most people in your country when they lose their virginity
  84. Do you see yourself as stupid?
  85. Wishing Greece was an Arvanite State Today
  86. Why do people say northern Africans are caucasian if they score SSA admix?
  87. classify my dog
  88. What are your favorite physical features about yourself?
  89. Persian power
  90. Which European country is the best one for an American to study abroad at?
  91. Most racist TA member
  92. can you change your face without plastic surgery?
  93. Stop throwing around the word "OWD"
  94. UN: Replacement Migration program for Europe or... how to exterminate the WHITE RACE.
  95. Tell a story
  96. Does anybody know why Cech wears that helmet?
  97. Japan vs US Navy Commercial
  98. Does anybody know why Cech wants to build a snowman?
  99. Does anybody know why Cech allahu akbar?
  100. Almost cheated on my gf
  101. Why is this forum about European proud if their owners are mixed?
  102. 6'0" is the best height to be in America
  103. Post women who look masculine
  104. Mortimer/Gigolo How You Doing? workout, Diet etc.
  105. Are you swarthy/atypical and of full European descent?
  106. Is Syrian girl OWD ?
  107. If you had to become another ethnicity, which ethnicity would you choose?
  108. Myths about your culture
  109. Chinese eats a frog alive
  110. Alpha guard silences laughing crowd
  111. Half of US guns in the hands of 3%
  112. Ron Paul on the Syrian ceasefire
  113. should the world set a limit to the amount of children you have?
  114. US vs Russia war in Syria
  116. I got a Japanese boyfriend
  117. Hillary gets trolled
  118. How do I close my account?
  119. New trend among American youfhs to kick innocent cats
  120. What's with the hate?
  121. What is your "fix"?
  122. Answer please
  123. Empathy quotient test
  124. Re-classify German model Jordan Carver + where can she pass
  125. LOL!!
  126. Why is Cintia Dicker red-haired? Her phenotype doesn't match the climate she's inhabiting.
  127. Why are Turks and Iranics out against each other on this site?
  128. Is "Jew" a race or a person who follows judaism?
  129. Why is "Judeo-Christian culture" a thing when Albanians and Bosniaks are ignored?
  130. My afghan cousins ancestrydna test from 2013
  131. Found my family business
  132. My inbox is officially empty
  133. What's the reasoning behind your username?
  134. Whats my ethnicity ?
  135. Ethnic Strife
  136. What happened to the asian russian guy
  137. What ethnicity has a lot of gap toothed people
  138. Testing123...
  139. What single country do you feel the closest connection to?
  140. I'm back, sooner than later.
  141. ᚻᛖᛚᛚᚩ ᛖᚹᛖᚱᚣᚩᚾᛖ!
  142. What's the darkest and the whitest ethnicity you've been mistaken for?
  143. New Invention: Burger Holder
  144. Can one of you moderators put this under my name?
  145. Hitler was a christian, Eva braun was jewish. Was hitler part jewish?
  146. Most Pro-Russian Slavs
  147. Are Tutsis Horners?
  148. American pizza vs italian pizza?
  149. just made an instagram
  150. Romanians are not Dacians
  151. Putin is the BOSS!
  152. Proust's Questionnaire
  153. Do you like Japanese people?
  154. Physical Differences between White and Colored Children
  155. ITT: Post your favorite pic
  156. Which Steak would you choose?
  157. Beta males are more likely to become rapists
  158. Sad zionist jewish lady pretending to be muslim loses debate to muslim lady on hijab
  159. Is it something good to lose 5 kg in a week?
  160. Sleep? How does one solve this puzzle?
  161. The GIF thread
  162. Tosks vs Ghegs
  163. What would you choose to be if you had to, extreme racist or a extreme liberal?
  165. How come Italians on this website are telling themselves that Ariana Grande looks ethnic bcuz tans
  166. Why are women always late?
  167. It hurts.
  168. Is this site a secret to people in your personal life or no?
  169. If Aliens would attack the Earth, would Jews fight alongside rest of Humanity or?
  170. MENAs, if you ever had a kid with someone of European descent
  171. Why are R1 men into interracial porn?
  172. Immature behavior
  173. Rate my new sig
  174. Do you have any black friends?
  175. It's my birthday today!
  176. Is Davai King of Wikipedia?
  177. Anti-Semitic Tila Tequila
  178. Chinese Am. destroys Gun Control
  179. Mexican Filipino Cultural Similarities
  180. Dietary Suggestion for Mortimer
  181. What do you do when you feel down?
  182. The Real Reason Why Gaddafi Was Killed
  183. The car on which you want to travel
  184. Tilla tequilla qoutes
  185. Russian Babushka Demonstrates Incredible Level of Fitness
  187. My Albo neighbor
  188. DOCS: Pest House
  189. More stupidity: "Dinosaurs never existed"
  190. Should I buy these headphones?
  191. winter and snow is here
  192. is it possible to get back funding member status?
  193. Right Europeans of TA, what's something Americans of USA do that you think is weird or bizarre?
  194. Weird Hypnotic Japanese Song
  195. I've lost everything that makes a person fundamentally human
  196. Slow walkers should be arrested!
  197. Are these psychedelic mushrooms?
  198. VIDEO Adam Ruins Everything - Adam Ruins Immigration
  199. Religious/traditionalist people are stupid
  200. Can I pass as Italian?
  201. Sad songs thread
  202. Trolls Beware: Grimes and LieDetector are on the job
  204. africans control the german girls
  205. I am southern Brazilian and therefore germanic.
  206. Why some Albanian calls themselves Arab?
  207. Atypical people, do you ever feel like you don't belong to your ethnic group?
  209. Happy Birthday TJames
  210. What's the average age of TA members?
  211. Hitler was jealous that many jews look more aryan than him
  212. HAPLOWARS!!!
  214. What the worst kind of trouble you've ever gotten into?
  215. Top 10 messages in your Social Media news feed (Facebook, Vk, Twitter...)
  217. When should a person that is terminally ill let their close ones know that they are dying?
  218. Roberto Grande updates his profile pic like we're on Facebook
  219. is rap music the most type of alpha music?
  220. Kosovarian Appreciation Thread
  221. Ask MONEY anything
  222. Five TA members who you would travel?
  223. The Aryan Republican Army
  225. Taking significant other applications
  226. You people are way off
  228. What do you think of open relationships?
  229. Why are the toughest people Albanians and Chechens?
  230. These 100-Year-Old Colour Portraits Of New York Immigrants Reveal Incredible Outfits
  231. Are you hot enough to get in?
  232. Does relationship/marriage seem hella boring to you?
  233. Whatever happened to the one guy that was obsessed with jews
  234. What is love?
  235. Euroscums hypocrisy is disgusting and continue to support ISIS
  236. An example of what could have been with an abortion
  237. Do Europeans Actually Understand Democracy?
  238. What year and month were you born
  239. Do Muslims discriminate Christians?
  240. A message to Serbs
  241. What day of the week were you born?
  242. Do you have friends with opposing political views?
  243. --------
  244. How Many Wisdom Teeth Grew For You?
  245. -----
  246. Why do people on this site act like they're experts on ethnicities they didn't know existed until
  247. Clingy friends?
  248. What year did you graduate from high school? What about college/university if you went?
  249. Iranians closer to Bulgarians or to Afghans?