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  1. If you could have your own harem, how many and what women would be in it?
  3. To call people Eastern Europeans is a rude insult and all of you know that
  4. Does Samuel L. Jackson look like this dog?
  5. Why some people in TA is obsessed with being white and blond/e?
  6. Is this the most badass way to die?
  7. Open air mental hospital.
  8. Sweat it out, Bobby Martnen
  9. George Soros's True Face -- full of Demons!
  10. How many times a week do you shower?
  11. Pope Francis Real Face ... Shocking!
  12. Which white country has the girls that fit the most into your tastes?
  13. OPRAH as you've never seen her before!!
  14. Do you post on the Breitbart Disqus forum?
  15. Were you lucky in the "genetic lottery"?
  16. What is your favorite movie ?
  17. Do you Euros think your cops and military would protect you if all hell broke loose?
  18. The Jewish eye smile
  19. Movie about Gypsies in Serbo-Croatian
  20. Good night Psychos!
  21. Comedians Defend Louis C.K.
  22. Animals who look freakily like famous people.
  23. Constructive criticism on "passing" threads.
  24. The Truth About John McCain
  25. I am now the #50 poster on this site
  26. This sounds like a feminist anthem but its super catchy
  27. Do my son and I look identical as babies?
  28. The Corruption of the Catholic Church Thread
  29. Post your 23andme European score.(speculative)
  30. Would you read a story like this?
  31. Why you should be against gun control
  32. Los Angeles's Gay Prison
  33. I miss Casandrinos
  34. Cylinder Head Rebuild?
  35. All religions worship Saturn. Ca you opine about this video?
  36. George Soros: The Greatest Fag of Them All
  37. Roma woman who never went to town alone
  38. Traditional Slavic patterns and symbols for tattoo.
  39. Rate song.
  40. Did you Know why?
  41. Have you ever humiliated someone for fun?
  42. The Coming Economic Collapse. Opinion thread.
  43. Do you drink?
  44. why did the monkey gedmatch thread get deleted?
  45. Serbian site: Albanians have 13cm D****!
  46. Did you know what really means to be born in sin?
  47. Post your PC Desktop Screenshot!
  48. Holocaust denial?
  49. Offering to work for free?
  50. What are your favorite items to get at Taco Bell?
  51. You think this girl is cute?
  52. What are some songs that describe your relationship with Apricity?
  53. Help me settle my disagreement with LONGBOWMAN!!!
  54. Do you pee in the shower?
  55. What do this weird song means? (lyrics) Rep comment guaranteed
  56. Do you remember when Godzilla attacked haiti?
  57. According to his opinion, which side killed more civilians in World War II?
  58. @Kouros
  59. So one G-d is bad, and the other is... what, indifferent?
  60. Can psychopaths alone sustain a society?
  61. Should their be a new catagory for race?
  62. Reddit has been taken over by crazy feminist
  63. What animals are best actors, and what animals are worst? (video)
  64. Which South American flags you like?
  65. @Drusilla, do you like Double Bun?
  66. So the world is about to be destroyed. Anything you autists wanna add?
  67. "Speak English please"
  68. Do you believe in karma?
  69. Does anyone else ever forget what they want to post
  70. Are Asians or whites most adapted to colder climates?
  71. The British Empire: A Taste For Power
  72. Post your GEDmatch predicted eye color, and your real eye color.
  73. Is CNN, "Journalist" Brian Stelter Transgender?
  74. Don't get married, bros.
  75. Roma Nation Day in 2018
  76. Turkey Anthem parody
  77. I'm misogynistic when it's convenient.
  78. Butlerking is not Indian and I apologize for confusing everyone.
  79. Construction worker reflects on what teacher said to him
  80. The Illuminati has a new website
  81. Look what I found
  82. Is Brazil a first world middle class country?
  83. My youtube video
  84. Do European girls like American guys?
  85. A lot of bitchez are jealous of my genes
  86. Is it just me, or does the forum feel really empty tonight?
  87. A trick for finding out how your friends really feel about you
  88. Former posters who you miss April 2018
  89. Spaniards are depigmented North Africans and Finns are depigmented Central Asians.
  90. What is your opinion of the McDonald's Big Mac?
  91. Could I play a Yugoslav Partisan in a movie?
  92. Hooray for Sardinia Atlantis!
  93. I might be a dad again
  94. White people with Asian features.
  95. In what areas specifically did whites and Asians evolve In?
  96. Would you fight someone who was bullying your friend
  97. The Klan does the deeds of the Lord
  98. White Revolution
  99. Would you go to the Summer of Love?
  100. I think the muslims wanted to harm me?
  101. What exactly is a "Hohol"?
  102. happy birthday mein führer
  103. How can I protect something so perfect without evil?
  104. Which jobs are more importants, if you had to choose?
  105. I don't need a hero. I'm Emma Duval. I don't need you
  106. Adolf Hitler
  107. Why I always liked America even as Kid
  108. Am i shizophrenic and fat and unemployed because Im Gypsy?
  109. My american friend
  110. Goku looks North Indian, Asian , European, Middle easterner ?
  111. Como mueve el culo la dominicana (¿qué lo que?)
  112. Is Mortimer an American?
  113. Bitch you a thot, ain't trickin'
  114. The americans invented the roman salute not Hitler
  115. Do you think its possible to controll the mind?
  116. It's hard to be from a mixed background
  117. in austria i was a nigger
  118. Alt right and their fetish for asian woman
  119. Illuminati Shutting Down America - A Video You Need To See
  120. I remember that once I beat an american
  121. Rothschilds Meet with the Devil
  122. Blatant evidence of the nefarious alt-left agenda of Wikipedia.
  123. Rest in Peace Officer Tamby Yagan
  124. What happened to the Prussians?
  125. Me reading one of William Shakespeare's poetry
  126. With the mustache do I look more like a mexican?
  127. I had sex with this one prostitute
  128. how important is 23andme
  129. Our Overlords are Pushing for War with Russia
  130. London Female Had Acid Thrown In Her Face By Her Ex-Friend Who Envied Her For Having Lighter Skin
  131. Who would you rather date - Lorena Bobbitt or a feminist?
  132. I was once in a greek pub
  133. Should I have a asian wife?
  134. Is Bobby Martnen a good role model?
  135. Do I have something from Germanics/Nordics etc.?
  136. we're Neanderthals more Asian or white looking?
  137. Are the Jews the world elite or victims and scapegoat?
  138. MILO exposes the truth about feminism! *MUST SEE*
  139. which race drinks the most milk?
  140. I sang a high G in my chest/mixed voice
  141. I don't like speak in English
  142. carlitos way is a wiser black man
  143. Illuminati?
  144. Was the enlightning satanist?
  145. Why is there an illuminati triangle on the back of the dollar bill?
  146. Do you think Michael Jackson was innocent or guilty of child molestation?
  147. Do I have the race card?
  148. Government mind-control
  149. Should I stay in Austria, go back to Serbia or somewhere third like UK or USA?
  150. Who do you feel closer to?
  151. do you like my mortimer cartoon???
  152. Putin is the new leader of the Free World
  153. who are better greeks or romans???
  154. I think I sound german even when I speak a slavic language like russian. I dont sound slavic right?
  155. Do I speak fluent yugoslavian?
  156. I want to take a picture with a black person
  157. May hair cut
  158. Who is more Aryan Russians or Germans?
  159. Please classify my cat
  160. germanics vs egyptians
  161. are there serbs who like america like me?
  162. the nazis in my town said im white
  163. Turkish greediness: 16 empires of the Turkic people as all Turkish
  164. Debunking myths about your countries/cities
  165. Looks like the West will finally get the World War 3 they wish for...
  166. Do Fyromians hate Greeks due to their inner Albanian conscience?
  167. minoans settled the mediteranean.
  168. WW3; Whose side would fight with?
  169. Have You Ever...
  170. @Carlito’s Way
  171. I might go to taco bell tonight
  172. Will drinking a lot of alcohol help to make you happy and forget your troubles?
  173. Do you ever feel like the world is out to get you?
  174. Do you talk to yourself?
  175. which jersey is better or more beautifull???
  176. Sometimes I forget what I want to post
  177. would non turks vote for erdogan???
  178. Which of the below cultures is most compatible with Greek culture?
  179. Ant infestation
  180. How come White people are "crackers"????
  181. I just had a really trippy thought
  182. What kind of internet troll are you?
  183. Anti-Polish Rants
  184. Top 10 Grandest European Cities
  185. I was less angrier when I was skinnier
  186. Interesting And Intriguing Dwarf Men
  187. Modern Ethiopia
  188. ancient egyptian phenotype.
  189. The Refugee Who Breaks Alcoholic Drink Bottles In Germany
  190. Did Ancient Romans consider Greeks and Illyrians as inferior?
  191. which race is acceptable to date outside your own.
  192. I was asked if my heritage is Polish today
  193. Photic sneeze reflex (Achoo syndrome)
  194. How many rings are there in marriage?
  195. Do not fight Iranshahr
  196. How do I delete a thread? Can a mod delete for me?
  197. Is it acceptable to date different Europeans?
  198. What are some TA users you associate with each other?
  199. Honest opinion of police?
  200. join the noble club, join Rethelites!
  201. Bobby Martnen's greatest hits
  202. Do you wear makeup even though it's oppressive?
  203. Which side would you have supported during the English Civil War
  204. Best Cologne for men
  205. Rot Weiss Rot
  206. Gay Pride Parades!
  207. Do any of you watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine?
  208. Hands off! Adorable dog protects drunk owner sleeping in the street
  209. Israel wins the Eurovision Song Contest 2018
  210. 4 Things People Can't Choose
  211. Your MBTI?
  212. I don't mind running alone...
  213. what is the final solution to the "wetback question"???
  214. Is there anyone more perfect than Dick?
  215. LGBTI human rights laws within Europe
  216. Do you think Mortimer hates Gypsies and is a self-hater?
  217. Depigmentation...
  218. What is the skin colour of these two Circassian woman according to Fitzpatrick scale?
  219. If you had to choose born in those countries, what you would choose?
  220. Cooking
  221. What is the meaning of the dream I had about chicken nuggets?
  222. In a perfect world, Alsace-Lorraine would belong to...
  223. Your opinion on Hitler?
  224. MidWest female
  225. Hello everyone
  226. Why do so many British isles peoples have pseudo-mongolioid looks?
  227. Anyone investing in P2P lending sites such as Mintos, Twino e.t.c
  228. Rate my flamboyance 1-10
  229. European colonization of the Third World - your view?
  230. Aelaufey is an accomplished game developer.
  231. why are anti whites on the apricity??
  232. This is America
  233. Can you understand the guy with the most irish accent ever?
  234. They control the narrative...
  235. My..uh, art
  236. Being an octoroon
  237. Why I cannot post on Stormfront?
  238. What country is more racist?
  239. Another set of my artwork
  240. Turks (Turkey) vs Central Asians: who's more Turkic?
  241. User Böri claims that I am Kurdish but I pretend to have Turkish, Circassian and Romanian roots.
  242. Diving into 1000 Mousetraps
  243. What country has the highest % of crazy annoying Drunks?
  244. should english be the official language of the usa???
  245. reclassify father.
  246. How white liberals really view black voters
  247. Thessaloniki mayor, beaten up, attending the Pontic genocide remembrance day.
  248. Do you shower everyday? A.Poll
  249. On 9/11/01 and shortly after I was afraid
  250. I am attracted to Zuleikha Robinson.