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  1. I am attracted to Zuleikha Robinson.
  2. Why are Slavic women overrepresented in the prostitution and strip clubs professions?
  3. What does your name mean according to Gypsies?
  4. ysearch database is suspended
  5. Why are some members on here even when they're sleeping?
  6. I enjoy being single
  7. spanjards vs turks
  8. What genes are stronger?
  9. Mandela effect
  10. I've Got Some Beer
  11. Would a plastic surgeon amputate a non-diseased penis for cosmetic reasons if the patient requested?
  12. are these good examples of mtebid??
  13. Leaving TA
  14. Being a man in US (pick one: Incel or #metoo)
  15. i saw a very degenerated and disgusting satanic interracial couple
  16. Pre Christian ideas on the age of the Universe
  17. I have more than 1,000 posts now, just noticed it
  18. Jay Robinson as Emperor Caligula (The Robe, 1953)
  19. who will win the world cup??
  20. What should we do with the USA and Russia?
  21. would yall screw around with demonic shits?
  22. A Brave Man Gains French Citizenship.
  23. Italians, who you feel closer to: Albanians or Romanians
  24. Eminem vs. Donald Trump in a Fight(Poll)
  25. Their Twisted World: The Leaked Emails of Elliot Rodger
  26. Why is there blood when I blow my nose?
  27. I ate an entire cake today
  28. Robocop - What do you think of me? lol
  29. Have you ever done NaNoWriMo? Will you participate this year?
  30. mortimer cartoon.
  31. "Mixed" means "of recently mixed origin"
  32. Is it possible to find family if you were disowned by the one you were born into?
  33. Slatin Pascha - Austrian/Czechian adventurer and officer
  34. @Norb
  35. Alternate realities. Thoughts?
  36. @Teutone
  37. Former CBS Reporter Exposes Media Lies, Internet Shills & Astroturfing
  38. which latin countries do like/love the most
  39. Has anyone ever had a dream about GEDMatch calculators?
  40. Deaf guy gold digger prank
  41. Dead animal drones
  42. Which Balkan nation makes the best Baklava
  43. Who makes the best Gyros?
  44. Alex Jones Shuts Down Anti-Zionist Caller Adam Green
  45. Post your menacing stare.
  46. Which one are you?
  47. who will win the copa libertadores???
  48. Which country should be renamed Мартненија?
  49. How come I get criticism for my sex/genitalia threads, but MissMischief doesn't?
  50. Should I keep this memory box?
  51. What went wrong with gypsies
  52. A world without sex and romance would be like a world without mosquitoes and cockroaches
  53. What site can I use to upload a 230 MB zip file for public download?
  54. best cuisine in the world!!
  55. Virgins are more virtuous
  56. my message to carlitos way and mexinol!!
  57. Where is JohnSmith?
  58. I wrote something in binary code
  59. Do you like jazz music?
  60. What can I do?
  61. Who has the most variation between Tanned and non tanned, Russians(not minorities) or Italians?
  62. How old do I look
  63. Infoeintrag: Bosniensis' sock Ptolemy is active again
  64. New set if my artwork..extra weird
  65. what is your favorite logo???
  66. How old do I look
  67. argentina vs israel match canceled after death threats!
  68. When a user receives a lot of shit for his views, does that mean people feel worried he is right?
  69. Gypsy Defence League Simeon Sword founded in Jerusalem
  70. Comrade Stalin dances Katyusha
  71. A Very Motivational Video That Could Make You Cry!
  72. Where do banned members go?
  73. who will win theyr first world cup??
  74. Black hair
  75. Real Übermensch?
  76. Straight Gay or Bi the basic info you checked
  77. The most common skin colour among some countries:
  78. Trump and Hillary: What are they doing now?
  79. Central Asians and Arabs?
  80. Video games are for fags
  81. Is this a scam?
  82. How can I get blood out of sheets?
  83. Philosophers, Geneticists, or Politicians....who are the most superior?
  84. Clothing
  85. Post your handwriting
  86. Ask uncle Garvey anything, folks!
  87. Almost Instagram Famous
  88. Noticeable weight loss progress
  89. Is Mortimer a honorary American?
  90. Europeans can you compete with this latina?
  91. I had a weird dream last night - what does it mean?
  92. Got into a heated fight with...
  93. What’s the most common name in your country?
  94. The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful
  95. Where is Smeagol?
  96. Is Roberto Grande jerking off today?
  97. UAE Vlogger pimping out Sister
  98. Classify Tomoko
  99. Things you find yourself thinking about a lot?
  100. Stearic acid?
  101. Photos of beautiful people: Men and women. Children and elderly. Black and white, yellow and brown.
  102. Korea in 1950 vs 2018
  103. football stars DNA.
  104. Were Ottomans rather Persianate or Hellenicist?
  105. My town park(walking ground)
  106. where could these ethnic french pass best??
  107. Rate Your Snowflake Side
  108. Hi
  109. How's my Turkish fam?
  110. Do Balts and Slavs mostly tan better than Westerners?
  111. HIking and the outdoors thread
  112. grecoroman myheritage results
  113. Which Europeans are ashamed of their affiliations with non-Europeans the most?
  114. Weirdness at its finest: new set of my artwork
  115. Islam and homosexuality.
  116. So Turks are a massive 21% Mongoloid!
  117. I got a message somebody is stalking me
  118. Americans react to Albanian rap
  119. who is the best looking player of the world cup?
  120. Ancient Europeans scoring ASI in MLDP K11
  121. world cup 2022 teams!!
  122. Ask me anything
  123. Me and my nuckas, 'bout to cause a ruckus!
  124. If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans
  125. Why dont Europeans like being fit?
  126. First encounter with "Black Muslim" Afrocentrists
  127. First world problem thread
  128. Growing My Beard
  129. Border of West & East Europe
  130. Attack on Roma Camp in Ukraine leaves one dead
  131. What would be like if there was a caste (Varna) system in your country?
  132. If I were born and/or raised in US as a Turk, most probably I would have been a basketball player.
  133. My first ever departure from anthroscape
  134. Can you read my handwriting? + Show yours (in your native language of course)
  135. Do you sleep naked?
  136. (Off-topic) Greeks vs Macedonians sun symbol
  137. Who can grow a full beard?
  138. Vicente Fox running for U.S president.
  139. watch it
  140. Do you wear any underwear?
  141. Sugar, spice, and everything nice
  142. Uruguay vs Canary island which region is whiter?
  143. Anyone in this forum with any connection to a passenger on the Titanic?
  144. Spaniards or Georgians? Which one has lighter pigmentation in terms of average?
  145. Light hair and light eyes map. Do you think they are accurate?
  146. My pork sausage meat is coming today
  147. ---
  148. BMW, Mercedes or Audi?
  149. I ate a cake and a pie today
  150. Who do you support - males or females?
  151. University students of Apricity. What are you studying in particular?
  152. Polish or Germans? Which one has lighter pigmentation in terms of average?
  153. Light hair and brown eyes combo. In which regions is it common?
  154. Bobby Martnen, Troll or Not a Troll?
  155. Is she OWD? -_-
  156. Western Balkans. Eastern Europe or Southern Europe?
  157. Which group of Middle Easterns has darker pigmentation overall?
  158. Which regular Russian poster do you prefer: Leto or Mary?
  159. So this is what untermenschen look like!
  160. How depression treatment differs in Europe?
  161. South Siberians and West Eurasian component?
  162. Warning: "Swedish Cryptocurrency" SCAM
  163. average askenazi jewish phenotype
  164. where in Europe can the wild thornberrys pass?
  165. Hollander....
  166. Jewish Skadi
  167. Staying safe online
  168. Forum retardation
  169. People with same Name & Last Name
  170. The Bible is the most important book EVER!
  171. Do you have to have ancestry from a culture in order to participate it?
  172. Why Middle Easterners all try to get into Europe but blame Turks for EU bid etc?
  173. Is Bobby Martnen a seminarian?
  174. What nationality do trolls on TA like to pretend to be the most?
  175. Let's make a Mr. ancient Roman looking guy contest.
  176. What happened to Forumbiodiversity?
  177. Germanic worlds/Endphase21 forum is closing today
  178. post the jersey you want.
  179. F*****g Greek summer turns tropical
  180. average maltese phenotype
  181. once you go black you dont go back (different meaning)
  182. Chinese millionaires want to leave China
  183. croats vs italians
  184. Rate and opinion on my artwork set #4
  185. Guys i love dad jokes. my friends hate me. when there's alcohol involved i'm even more annoying.
  186. Why does europe fxcking suck?
  187. All modern rap music sounds pretty much the same
  188. The Superpower of Sex Appeal
  189. Help me pick a laptop?
  190. Were you a bully or bully-victim in your school days?
  191. A question for my American friends.What's with the obsession of putting beds in front of windows?
  192. Why do Europeans smoke so many cigarettes?
  193. Thick or Fat?
  194. Who are you going to root for?? Croatia of france??
  195. jewish hypocrisy
  196. White people: the most prone neurological problems
  197. Does baby oil make you tan well?
  198. which new car should myanthropologies get?
  199. What music or songs would like to played at your funereal.
  200. Make your own euro borders trying to reach best ratio between:everybody happy/least pissed off
  201. Who is Mortimer to you? (yes copied from Wadaad)
  202. Heathers mimicking Card B
  203. Is Hadouken unbanned?
  204. Proportion of each continent in world population , projections.
  205. Does this drawing looks offensive or insensitive to you?
  206. Rate this music by Palestinain Arab bedouin group
  207. Most brutal form of torture?
  208. Can you drink tap water where you live ? do you prefer bottled water?
  209. My main man got his genitals removed this week...
  210. Why is Russia's birth rate so low?
  211. Should i leave The Apricity?
  212. alnortdelsur is highly European
  213. The Curse of Croatian King Zvonimir
  214. Jesse Lee Peterson Troll Moments
  215. I've decided. Goodbye TheApricity!
  216. Why do so many posters use the EU flag?
  217. Ask to Turkish members: a true turkish nationalist should be muslin?
  218. Americans are 'most attractive' people in the world, poll finds
  219. Do I look Dark Irish?
  220. Rate my drawing #2
  221. People with Celtic ancestry more open to Country Music?
  222. Am I a fairly good singer? What genre am I ?
  223. What is this song about?
  224. Woggiest + Aryanest member's picture thread.
  225. Macedonian vs Albanian Cafe on Key and Peele
  226. romans vs south america
  227. If I marry a Latina woman, would that be miscegenation?
  228. Are people with Celtic ancestry more likely to be retarded?
  229. Is 35 really "middle aged" anymore ?
  230. I was Warned for talking against Migrants!!!!!
  231. Bosniensis is retarded
  232. Charles Murray Human Accomplishment..
  233. Whose the person that insulted the apricity on Quora?
  234. best movie depiction of jesus
  235. I Cant sleep!!
  236. Bloody lunar eclipse prompts end-is-nigh prophecies
  237. Where are Government and we are here to help
  238. What kind of accent do you have?
  239. Heather's got a big butt
  240. where were these pictures taken??
  241. which skull type is this?
  242. @Mods
  243. Polish guy Józef on Britain's Got Talent
  244. Are you a good timekeeper?
  245. Gay culture
  246. Italy vs portugal
  247. Is this tan for real... or is it fake tan?
  248. Are Greeks an inherently thief nation?
  249. Do I come across as a low IQ individual?
  250. People with exceptionally high IQ's are actually less creative?