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  1. My dream diary
  2. Which country have worst record of white washing their celebrity
  3. Really embarrasing and funny Vin Diesel interview
  4. How to know if you got a good genetic profile
  5. if ta was a high school
  6. Lefties, brownies and rest of fauna: which is the Nazi that you most dislike?
  7. appreciation marinus thread
  8. This is how time travel can be possible but no way coming back
  9. Canada sucks big time!
  10. Boy, 12, writes harrowing poem to bullies who told him ‘being ginger is worse than cancer.
  11. This wicked world is becoming more evil by the day
  12. What would you do if your caught your partner on that act
  13. How do you deal with cringe???
  14. Any Martial Art enthusiasts?
  15. ANONYMOUS: The Collapse of the Dollar
  16. Hank Hill
  17. Don’t know how Spotify thinks of this shit....
  18. World map ajusted to population size
  19. The US or the UK, which country helped more the spreading of English worldwide?
  20. What was your most interesting New Years celebration?
  21. Global Corruption Index of 2018
  22. Does anyone here do martial arts?
  23. An article about TheApricity (funny content)
  24. Today is Christmas, so enable my Thumbs Up/Down feature again
  25. Patreon is Fucked
  26. My Christmas Livestream Replay
  27. On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me.....
  28. The meaning of your name in different languages?
  29. What is the most dangerous mafia organization in the World?
  30. May 1934 - H.G. Wells Predicts World War 2
  31. Why people with a darker skin colour get called turd/shit?
  32. Picture upload
  33. I acknowledge to be Balkanic thread and poll
  34. Indomitable Drunk Native vs. The Mighty Kaloon
  35. I'm afraid... I'm afraid of Hillary.
  36. Have You Joined TA In 2018?
  37. Which European country makes the best cabbage rolls?
  38. When did you join TA? Years from 2009-2019 (POLLS)
  39. I got a more modern record player !
  40. Heritage Scanner for Android
  41. Speaking English with British accent - How To Thread
  42. What race do you think is most alienated on a universal scale?
  43. Happy new year!!
  44. I don't want Diabetes!
  45. Is it sexual harassment to ask a woman to kiss you?
  46. Beginner driver needs your advice
  47. Rubber Johnny
  48. Would you dare to climb Mount Everets?
  49. Listen to this if you ever thought Mike Tyson was just a stupid black man
  50. Real life trolling
  51. Follow my White Nationalist podcast
  52. Post examples of weird PC nonsense from TV/movies.I
  53. What thoughts might have been running through their heads as Coon made his cranial measurements?
  54. Welcome to 21 century
  55. Are beta males essentially masculine versions of women?
  56. Is it that weird for an Ecuadorian-Canadian to be interested in Jews?
  57. Iranians on TA in a nutshell
  58. How often do you call parents?
  59. What nightmares do you have?
  60. Why do I rarely have nightmares?
  61. Is there such a thing as British Music?
  62. Lebanon in 50 photos
  63. Why do strangers online act like they care about my wellbeing?
  64. New Race Ladder
  65. Large Occiptal Bun
  66. Should suicidal people have the right to take their own lives?
  67. Does my singing voice sound a lot different now than when I was younger?
  68. What do you think of Emma Watson's American accent?
  69. How to Defag Western Europe
  70. Live at Grimey's (literally)!
  71. What birthday was the hardest for you?
  72. What would you change on yourself if you can?
  73. This is how Australia would look like if it existed:
  74. Bubba's Anniversary !
  75. Right
  76. Legalize Cocaine? Poll?
  77. Adrenochrome ~ Why Child Ritual Sacrifice Is Used By Hollywood, Politicians and the Elite
  78. Most fun cities in Europe
  79. Mods, remove my given likes!
  80. Who looks more alike: Turks and Pakistanis or Irish and Greeks?
  81. Which European countries strongly look down on farting around other people?
  82. What is your favorite cuisine?
  83. Insights on Putin's physiology
  84. A weird dream I had
  85. "Don't bow down to Islam" - Christopher Hitchens
  86. I just redid my floor!
  87. Natural beauty vs make up look?
  88. Vodka, Rakija or Whiskey, which is better?
  89. How to be Petros Agapetos - an educational guide
  90. Best party games?
  91. I feel like crap
  92. China sentences Canadian to death for drug smuggling
  93. Razor shaved my head for the first time. Thoughts?
  94. I am quitting smoking for good!
  95. Just saw a weaboo on the bus
  96. Civilization is DOOMED
  97. who are we going to war with next???
  98. Ashkenazi Jews - An Explanation
  99. School days
  100. Migraines are a funny thing
  102. Metro of ATHENS vs metro of PARIS
  103. What are the most conservative and less decadent European countries?
  104. What lies did your parents tell you?
  105. the jews have won
  106. What androgens and substances, beyond testosterone, makes a man a MANLY assertive man?
  107. Martin Luther Coon, er King !
  108. Does my music sound dated, yet current?
  109. Describe in brief, an imagined sense of self you find interesting..
  110. which balkan nation has the best looking women???
  111. Nato vs other Apricitian members (POLLS)
  112. Spend your life in village or city?
  113. Which of the Personality Disorders can you relate to the most?
  114. Mystery Of The Missing Million
  115. Taking A Break from TA !
  116. Someone's trying to revenge-ban me
  117. Rate her voice
  118. We Must Reconfigure Our NATO Alliances
  119. Would You Turn Your Cat Into A Drone?
  120. Grimes' Hall of Fame
  121. Are you a 5th Columnist?
  122. What I could possibly be?
  123. Outrage as Azealia Banks brands Irish people 'inbred' and 'leprechauns'
  125. Your reaction to this?
  126. Rape capitals of the word
  127. ladies, which men are better looking???
  128. Do you need a reason to be interested in something?
  129. Me crushing coke can on my head
  130. What the hell is the Jew smiley saying?
  131. why does this guy still have a platform?
  132. Pictures and videos of mountains
  133. Let's play a guessing game who's whiter.
  134. Species dysphoria: People who think they're animals
  135. Were Nazi troops from WW2 really Nordic races?
  136. Winged Hussar Selfie While Charging
  137. ROAST ME
  138. What is wrong with people?
  139. a fuunny video of what thinks ukrainians about scandinavians
  140. Crystal Lake Memories - Complete History Of Friday The 13th
  141. Why Africans have so many kids ?
  142. Europe should follow israel example
  143. Politicize this map.
  144. the wisdom of george carlin the funniest philosopher of the last 50 years
  145. Jesus was over 6ft[SCIENTIFIC STUDY]
  146. Would you rather be completely forgotten or hatefully remembered?
  147. White people with fake tan thread
  148. my dilemnas
  149. why third parties decide at our place of what is good for us
  150. hilarious vegan fail
  151. Shah Jahan and Mumtaz love story
  152. How common are marriage between different Jewish ethnic groups
  153. Do you think that my future niece or nephew won't look indian ?
  154. Do you celebrate your birthday?
  155. new trend: vegan pets
  156. Future of North Cyprus
  157. Are you dealing with electrical installations?
  158. Im ashamed
  159. Could I be a psychopath?
  160. jewish question of miniister farrakhan
  161. What happened when you block someone on apricity ?
  162. What happened when you block someone on apricity ?
  163. How to know whether someone have block you on apricity ?
  164. What do you think about Stefan Molyneux?
  165. Post the most inflammatory political ads of all time
  166. Why Men Are Refusing To Help Women and Children
  167. Which country is more sympathetic to you?
  168. Guess the places in Greece these pictures come from and define architectural differences
  169. Do you think that your life would have been better if you were born as opposite gender ?
  170. The Assassination of Hugo Chavez
  171. Which language do you want to learn
  172. Can you do like this?
  173. How I found this forum and began my Taxonomy journey
  174. Life After Outages Electricity on Earth
  175. Do you fight against evil when you see it?
  176. Depression thread
  177. Can Kourtney Kardashian pass as Latina or European?
  178. Azerbaijani savages brutally killing a wolf. 18+
  179. I don't like my physical appearance and it's actually limiting my life
  180. Gender imbalance in Eastern Europe is a myth
  181. Why there are more women than men in Turkey?
  182. Is he a creep?
  183. Do you think passports will be, one day, delivered based on haplogroups ?
  184. I'm drunk madafuckers.
  185. Is it weird to randomly ask someone their race?
  186. I'm high now!!!
  187. incel in japan
  188. Do you want a daughter or son?
  189. Do you ever have gotten hit by car or bike
  190. Countries with lowest and highest fertility rate
  191. Do you want kids?
  192. Israel have highest fertility rate in developed countries
  193. Vegan Disgusted When Date Orders Fish
  194. What informs your interest in (or passion for) Anime?
  195. Do muslim men prefer hijabi or non hijabi?
  196. Does your society accept that animals have feelings just like people?
  197. meat eaters deserve death
  198. Should Gypsy get their own country ?
  199. Jews and gypsy
  200. do you like my cartoons??
  201. Have you ever seen bioluminescent waves?
  202. Cat covers his ears because he can't stand his owner. Comments
  203. Comments, cat defends baby from babysitter
  204. True or False: Cats are the cutest and most marvelous pets
  205. Is it possible to be an alpha without a father?
  206. Have you ever been Urban Camping?
  207. What is your age ?
  208. Do you wish that you were younger or older?
  209. Are you younger or older than me?
  210. True or False: Pointing out flaws in your country is patriotic.
  211. Do you run?
  212. 1980s runaways (Bay Area and Seattle)
  213. Dubai ethnic demographic
  214. Do you consider israel a western country?
  215. Did someone just threatened my life?
  216. the facial features/traits that i like
  217. Which culture's foods have you eaten?
  218. Why people think that only people in Western men can be incel
  219. ¿Como se llama la canción que sale en el comercial de Fox?
  220. Average iq of Ashkenazi jew
  221. A fight for fight fans
  222. Damn I'm depressed
  223. Why lesbians are not gay
  224. isis general message to muslims
  225. Tears in Rain: The Art of Tennis Doubles
  226. American women are not easy
  227. Avril Lavigne is in love with the Devil
  228. Tree Of The Year
  229. incel thread
  230. Incel are incel because of high standard
  231. What is the correct measurement to measure the socio-economy of a country?
  232. Is she attractive in asian terms?
  233. White men, will you deny this girl?
  234. WHat's you favourite anime and why?
  235. If you had to choose/ Your daughter marrying a jewish or muslim arab
  236. Darwinian Theory destroyed
  237. What is "Hakon" permission group?
  238. What is your predominant feeling regarding this?
  239. Should I shave my head again?
  240. Aladdin (2019) Trailer Reaction
  241. Migration is not good for anyone
  242. Asian women are as attractive as asian men
  243. Vegan kebab
  244. Most popular plastic surgery in South korea
  245. caucasoid people origins.
  246. Would you let your 19 year old daughter to go to a trip with a guy alone ?
  247. Black women like asian men
  248. Truing to see world through black women eyes
  249. Something similar?
  250. Which is the poorest and richest region in your country?