View Full Version : Classify Turanian Nationalist Nihal Atsiz

11-01-2013, 12:30 PM

Pan-Turanist whose dream is/was an united union of all Turanian Ethnicies.
Hated everything what was non-Turanic (Islam,Arabs,Christianity,Jews,Chinese,Russians,Ge rmans and others)
Also he was a Tengrist.

Vesuvian Sky
11-01-2013, 12:31 PM
interesting. he doesn't look as Turanid as he could.

11-01-2013, 12:33 PM
Yes, he was Caucasoid.

11-01-2013, 12:34 PM
interesting. he doesn't look as Turanid as he could.

He was also quite "Racist" basically it didnt matter how you look like aslong as you see yourself Turanic.
And after his view all Turanians were superiour to all other races and were basically the master race.
If i think about it he is basically the least racist of all racists.

Vesuvian Sky
11-01-2013, 12:39 PM
He was also quite "Racist" basically it didnt matter how you look like aslong as you see yourself Turanic.
And after his view all Turanians were superiour to all other races and were basically the master race.

I've actually heard of him before but never knew the exact details of beliefs. From what I initially read of him he seemed to want to make Turkey more Tengrist and closer to old Central Asian Nomadic cultures. Interesting though how its whether or not one "sees" oneself as Turanic.

The words of Zmey Gorynych ring loud and Tr00.

11-01-2013, 12:41 PM
I've actually heard of him before but never knew the exact details of beliefs. From what I initially read of him he seemed to want to make Turkey more Tengrist and closer to old Central Asian Nomadic cultures. Interesting though how its whether or not one "sees" oneself as Turanic.

The words of Zmey Gorynych ring loud and Tr00.

He knew that there is not really a pure race so his view was more ideological.
If i saw him in Europe i wouldnt think he would be atypical.

11-01-2013, 12:44 PM
That guy has his origins in the North-Eastern Turkish province of Gumushane.
He looked quite European; despite praising Mongols and Gengis Khan and bashing Indo-Europeans over Gypsy people.

They worked hard so that Turkey enters WW2 in German side, but it failed.
In 1944 when people understood that Germans were to lose the war, the weak Republican government of Turkey jailed him and his friends (including the future Gray Wolf leader Alparslan Turkes) to make themselves look better by Stalin. The same Republican government had sent all Turkish Jews to Askale concentration and labor camps, in 1942 when Germans reached Stalingrad.

Vesuvian Sky
11-01-2013, 12:44 PM
He knew that there is not really a pure race so his view was more ideological.
If i saw him in Europe i wouldnt think he would be atypical.

It would be hard to accomplish I'd imagine to tie Turanism strictly with race since Turkic culture was so widespread. And yes he really wouldn't look out of place at all through most of Europe.

11-01-2013, 12:46 PM
That guy has his origins in the North-Eastern Turkish province of Gumushane.
He looked quite European; despite praising Mongols and Gengis Khan and bashing Indo-Europeans over Gypsy people.

They worked hard so that Turkey enters WW2 in German side, but it failed.
In 1944 when people understood that Germans were to lose the war, the weak Republican government of Turkey jailed him and his friends (including the future Gray Wolf leader Alparslan Turkes) to make themselves look better by Stalin. The same Republican government had sent all Turkish Jews to Askale concentration and labor camps, in 1942 when Germans reached Stalingrad.

The thing about jews doesnt stand anywhere in the internet also you are right they jailed both without a real reason.
I wish that Alparslan was still alive because today he would easily beat Erdogan.

11-01-2013, 12:47 PM
It would be hard to accomplish I'd imagine to tie Turanism strictly with race since Turkic culture was so widespread. And yes he really wouldn't look out of place at all through most of Europe.

What would you classify him/in what county could he pass?

Vesuvian Sky
11-01-2013, 12:51 PM
What would you classify him/in what county could he pass?

He could pass throughout the Balkans and southern parts of central Europe easily I'd imagine, or he's most appropriately placed there outside of Turkey aside obviously passing in Turkey. He has some rather progressive pulls to him but also some West Asian pulls. Its almost like a nordid-armenoid blend with the armenoid aspects reduced somewhat.

11-01-2013, 04:44 PM

11-01-2013, 05:00 PM
I don't know what you are talking about. He looks Turkish to me. I don't know in which countries he would fit in the Balkan. He fits more in Caucasus imho. A great mind, an idealist but not realist, I still fancy him and his legacy, may his soul rest in peace.

11-01-2013, 05:12 PM
Rough pictures.

Looks Alpinid

11-01-2013, 05:22 PM
Very good person. I agree 100% with his racial idea of turanist because turkic people are the most diverse in the world it goes from pure mongoloid yakutian to pure caucasoid gagauz, passing through mixed tatar adn bashkir.

11-01-2013, 05:22 PM
Looks Alpine for me too

11-01-2013, 08:45 PM
Looks European. LOL at his Turanian racialism.

11-01-2013, 09:20 PM
Ponto-Mediterranid + Alpinid.

11-01-2013, 09:26 PM
Dinarised Atlantid. He can fit in lot of places in Europe.

11-01-2013, 09:55 PM
Hated everything what was non-Turanic (Islam,Arabs,Christianity,Jews,Chinese,Russians,Ge rmans and others)
Indeed. His letter to his son:

Communism is an enemy ideology to us. Remember this well. Jews are the secret enemies of all nations. Russians, Chinese, Persians and Greeks are our historical enemies.

Bulgarians, Germans, Italians, Engish, French, Arabs, Serbs, Croats, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanians are our new enemies.

Japanese, Afghans and Americans will be our enemies in the future.

Armenians, Kurds, Circassians, Abhaz, Bosniaks, Albanians, Pomaks, Laz, Lezgians, Georgians, Chechens are enemies among us.


11-01-2013, 09:57 PM
Indeed. His letter to his son:


His view was a little too extreme but in generall i agree with him.

11-02-2013, 01:04 PM

11-23-2013, 05:55 PM

11-23-2013, 06:21 PM

11-28-2013, 01:57 PM

01-03-2014, 10:02 PM

01-04-2014, 02:13 AM

01-04-2014, 02:19 AM

In this photo he looks like a Member of the Nazi Party :D

03-12-2014, 09:29 PM

05-20-2015, 01:12 PM
Looks like there is nothing Turkic inside him

05-14-2021, 01:36 PM

05-14-2021, 02:25 PM
Dinaro-Pontid maybe?

05-14-2021, 03:16 PM
This nigga is pontid tho

05-14-2021, 06:54 PM
This nigga is pontid tho

Pontids are Meso, Atsız is Brachy, high-vaulted and has a flat occupit. Noric may have brown-dark hair and dark eyes, even Nordids can have this pigmentation (even though dark hair and dark eye combo would be rare for a proper Nordid) - lets remember the fact that Noric have both Dinarid and Nordid admixture, not a proper Nordid one.
He also has sharper features, thin lip and a long nose. Nothing Med about him.

Other pictures of him:

https://i.ibb.co/B2Y3xq9/248457eebd35b0db2bc6ed043d3fe170.jpg (https://ibb.co/fdTF54s)
https://i.ibb.co/ZRDq5br/Unknown-1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

05-14-2021, 07:01 PM
Pontids are Meso, Atsız is Brachy, high-vaulted and has a flat occupit. Noric may have brown-dark hair and dark eyes, even Nordids can have this pigmentation (even though dark hair and dark eye combo would be rare for a proper Nordid) - lets remember the fact that Noric have both Dinarid and Nordid admixture, not a proper Nordid one.
He also has sharper features, thin lip and a long nose. Nothing Med about him.

Other pictures of him:

https://i.ibb.co/B2Y3xq9/248457eebd35b0db2bc6ed043d3fe170.jpg (https://ibb.co/fdTF54s)
https://i.ibb.co/ZRDq5br/Unknown-1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Dinarized Iranid+ Pontid, his features arent sharp enough for Iranid, but the Pontid makes him Euro passablr

05-14-2021, 07:04 PM
Pontids are Meso, Atsız is Brachy, high-vaulted and has a flat occupit. Noric may have brown-dark hair and dark eyes, even Nordids can have this pigmentation (even though dark hair and dark eye combo would be rare for a proper Nordid) - lets remember the fact that Noric have both Dinarid and Nordid admixture, not a proper Nordid one.
He also has sharper features, thin lip and a long nose. Nothing Med about him.

Other pictures of him:

https://i.ibb.co/B2Y3xq9/248457eebd35b0db2bc6ed043d3fe170.jpg (https://ibb.co/fdTF54s)
https://i.ibb.co/ZRDq5br/Unknown-1.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

Dinarized Iranid+ Pontid, his features arent sharp enough for Iranid, but the Pontid makes him Euro passablr

05-14-2021, 07:13 PM
Dinarized Iranid+ Pontid, his features arent sharp enough for Iranid, but the Pontid makes him Euro passablr

Where do you see Pontid or Iranid? I'm really curious right now, Immanenz.

05-14-2021, 07:35 PM
Where do you see Pontid or Iranid? I'm really curious right now, Immanenz.

Just look at the plates of Coon and Bunak etc. Lundmann called all East Meds in fact high headed...
If you base "Pontid" on the Blade and those examples posted by amateurs than i cant help you

05-14-2021, 07:37 PM
Just look at the plates of Coon and Bunak etc. Lundmann called all East Meds in fact high headed...
If you base "Pontid" on the Blade and those examples posted by amateurs than i cant help you

Hehe, I see now. Thanks.

05-14-2021, 07:56 PM
alpine-pontid with dinarid.

05-14-2021, 08:25 PM
Hehe, I see now. Thanks.
high head, sharp features, thin lips, convex nose- this guy has a Oriental touch
take away the Oriental touch and depigment it, you become something like this:

Op in youth has visible softer features, with age he became sharper and therfor he also easier passes outside of Med area in older age
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRk0jjVh6Meqh89QY_z6984ORlK3sSeq e6TIA&usqp=CAU

He has a big-ass forehead :D if you want- he goes already into "Irano-Nordoid"

05-14-2021, 09:33 PM
high head, sharp features, thin lips, convex nose- this guy has a Oriental touch
take away the Oriental touch and depigment it, you become something like this:

Op in youth has visible softer features, with age he became sharper and therfor he also easier passes outside of Med area in older age
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRk0jjVh6Meqh89QY_z6984ORlK3sSeq e6TIA&usqp=CAU

He has a big-ass forehead :D if you want- he goes already into "Irano-Nordoid"

OK, he is Oriantalid than :D

https://i.ibb.co/ZXVg2nn/Unknown-2.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

05-14-2021, 09:36 PM

05-14-2021, 11:02 PM
OK, he is Oriantalid than :D

Hitler is most likely Keltic Nordic-Danubian type (not meaning he looks British but only a continental type), he was most likely mesocephalic, but if you want to see as Noric somewhere inbetween Nordic and Dinaric i guess, its acceptable.
Nihal looks certainly more Med-ish, but "Iranid" being grouped in Oriental types, they have different features to Arabids etc. Also it was more a bridge to describe his features. he is overall Pontid in his look and passification fits the Pontid as well, being more a Southeastern type although i think he passes pan- Southeuro.

02-03-2022, 07:56 PM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XreM_IZbnBUnvPnTEo06a_8kWDoFJwQpfGP5ONsF5Q8lxwz-7q8Wd7X9si3EFrpRtkVVhvKzczME5oZBtqoQ6SG77WVl2lpUtW lBLYk
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https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/j7LgFkaR7-sH1YNLbhEnAIzyAiaBaC8k1_r1gdXict9inYS-aKuVALYHUNc3NBK0kUar1vKaWiA96U0_shRP1JwpCPRg_Ou2fo oiXLfC
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/bsnL97pdl0cOhHsb6xVy9hZwTV0qVuBVeP2PzukxdPaAjRTGn4 vO62WIiPTpVCuJFKUXuH_-ZKXZhOKILrUUvDgRRK1z7kp0T5MIFo9G
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https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/asAARFSjldbzja_evXuptBW8AGXqZBVkOLrEKVHvXEbP6yz3xQ C7YLCavY8WUBJC-n6mmKH8Q8_BFnen82-8NnqaxMFY8QD4QmGKgiw
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/9stTW5yAcrr5BTkeK91rHDaUae3CAK1rgZI2V9K1dsKM1jEGz4 x1nVx-x0W31juhrRtHfgn6gicvYEUFVx3nHvDer7GpF1N962kARnuPGw

02-03-2022, 08:04 PM

02-03-2022, 08:25 PM
Nihal Atsız's brother Ahmet Nejdet Sançar

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/U8Sfrjg-38IM8dZLribN6_Hql9jUbu0ztHnizJLobH1nthzYUjlcEkseob bWrE5XI3LKf4_SWSLVnq50cajds3lrCYTwcbI7auTlbvXI0Q
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/jxQIDzmh3pByMBxhsVhMRbt2txxwmlfZlM7NX6KtU2p5TPitZt hj5hJMOI0_r76-kDbqwGL52CsYsCZp6qEhmlNS0lXpuOliLK42x0w6ag
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/rzLAYgusDKOTt_1J-c21Pfx3XmqULoYk7Fu43jhVvwWZ699ZLFNVhKYotfewfimJMdX iShMqf42jRF5LuSWXceFIisVPIbzqxP0IdGLs
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/BiSvYI8rlScYPg2TfD8OSJfYOWmR4bGCHc7yQoYTlpIAZF340r UEoufcDF0BU8xLKEADsf1wENh11w-zQMdFtSD67TVAAqdpi26AFzb0

Nihal Atsız's sons Buğra Atsız and Yağmur Atsız

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/QHay7mJk4eXGI4h7HKRu3TZek5E5B8tUgDUeqLQ9PriVBL4dp5 JjAbs5mmL1GKJh6LPgfH_e6A9AXXRiCNVnFTnyajBHGl-spih5gKY
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/iuRNAGQCA4Au9Sq8yUriJ4ktk97Tc9Y8McwZ7tjDnW0RlA5KVy 50gZmeMa732MHb3_HDMKUoom_CspM0xHjc-RZVIuoCtzgqTLgp2pU

02-03-2022, 08:41 PM
Reha Oğuz Türkkan, a former lecturer at Columbia University, is a professor who studied anthropology at the Sorbonne and has close views to Nihal Atsız. (He also has a work called "Are the Native Americans Turks?") In the video, he talks about measuring the cephalic index at Atsız's request.
“Turks have an average type. It has a round head feature. Brachycephaly. It starts from 84. His was 81.3. Atsız's size is something in between. Not for identification. It is made to detect something historical. But I realized that Atsız was angry with me. “


02-03-2022, 09:09 PM
He also opposed those who accused him of being Rum. He says that Bayındır Turks lived in his hometown Gümüşhane, historically and ethnologically. According to what he reported, Fatih Sultan Mehmet had sent Turks from Amasya to Atsız's hometown Gümüşhane. The Greeks were fishing on the Black Sea coast. According to him, the Greeks cannot cross the Zigana mountains and come to Dorul to farm. Beach people always migrate to other beaches.

Atsız's son Yağmur Atsız talks about a study called "Hidden Christianity in the Black Sea" in a newspaper article. In this study, it was written that one of the areas where the secret Christians were most concentrated was the Dorul district of Gümüşhane. When the nationalist movements intensified in the 19th century, they became Muslims out of fear. But they kept their true religion. Just like their Dönmehs. Atsız's family immigrated to Istanbul in 1852 from Midi village of Dorul district. Yağmur Atsız says, "This is probably why I must be Rum."

"In fact, I don't care much because I feel historiquement et culturellement "Ottoman". However, if I were asked about my "nationality", I would of course say "I am Turkish." I say, because that's how I feel. I hope no one will object to this. Already, Nihal Atsız has clearly expressed his opinion on this matter: “Those who come from Turkish descent and who feel as Turkish as a Turk are called Turks."

He opposed those who said he imitated Hitler because of his hairstyle. He says that he is neither a fascist nor a democrat, and has enough national pride and consciousness to not accept any foreign view. He says his social view is Turkism.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/GFsP2kwZf6AqmFxUxiUpY90A9Di9OL8AJjBHFLBGV3oS6OPBCe oIbuyWjdJ7Ox9LprsfJnKbPzNQZWjI-rNVCeLWTjwm3-yYJdE6fo4