View Full Version : Mavi Marmara was a great mistake, Israel’s former spy chief admits

11-05-2013, 04:22 PM
An Israeli former military intelligence chief admitted that what happened in the Mavi Marmara raid was a big mistake.

Retired Major General Amos Yadlin was the chief of the military intelligence during the deadly raid in 2010 that killed nine Turkish citizens on board. “What happened with Mavi Marmara was a great mistake. Both Israel and Turkey made mistakes and I wish those incidents did not happen,” Yadlin told Anadolu Agency.

Israel formally apologized to Turkey in March over the killings. It also agreed to redress the damages and loss of life and promised to lift an embargo imposed on the Gaza Strip.

When asked if he would act the same if the incident happened today, he said: “With these experiences, those incidents would not happen today.” The retired general is on the list of defendants in the trial in Istanbul’s 7th High Criminal Court.
