View Full Version : Stanley Tucci - Classify and say where he fits in

11-10-2013, 07:02 PM



11-10-2013, 07:02 PM
He's of Calabrese ancestry. Again, all the darkest Italian Americans tend to be Calabrese.

He's a Med-Armenoid type and would pass just fine in the Levant.

11-10-2013, 07:05 PM
Dinaro-med, very cool looking guy.

11-10-2013, 07:07 PM

11-10-2013, 07:08 PM
He's of Calabrese ancestry. Again, all the darkest Italian Americans tend to be Calabrese.

He's a Med-Armenoid type and would pass just fine in the Levant.
Yep! This is why he pulled off being the brother of Tony Shalhoub in Big Night! Ever seen that movie? If not... watch it! Tony is Lebanese BTW!

11-10-2013, 07:15 PM
Yep! This is why he pulled off being the brother of Tony Shalhoub in Big Night! Ever seen that movie? If not... watch it! Tony is Lebanese BTW!

alfieb who used to post here always thought Tony Shalhoub could pass as a relatively typical Sicilian from the western portion of the island.

11-10-2013, 07:17 PM
Is he really Italian? Doesn't look...

11-10-2013, 07:19 PM
East Med + Armenoid. He looks Levantine to me (Lebanese, Syrian the most).

11-10-2013, 07:23 PM
He looks very Lebanese.

11-10-2013, 07:25 PM
I have to agree, he DOES look very Levantine...I'll ask again, is he really Italian?

11-10-2013, 07:25 PM
I don't know why but the oddest ''italians'' i see are italian-americans.

11-10-2013, 07:25 PM
Is he really Italian? Doesn't look...

Of course. If you don't think he looks Italian it's because of your ignorance, not because he doesn't look it. He is quite typical for the far south. In the US he fits in just fine in any Italian American community.

11-10-2013, 07:25 PM
I don't know why but the oddest ''italians'' i see are italian-americans.

He's not strange to me. How is he that different looking from say, me?

11-10-2013, 07:27 PM
I'm sorry, but even the Nordicist Arthur Kemp addmitted "Europeans cluster tightly genetically", and thus I belive they are a race by looks as well; is that ignorance?

11-10-2013, 07:30 PM
I'm sorry, but even the Nordicist Arthur Kemp addmitted "Europeans cluster tightly genetically", and thus I belive they are a race by looks as well; is that ignorance?

Yes. What the fuck does a Maltese or Sicilian have to do with a Latvian? That's ignorant. What does a Spaniard have to do with a Russian, or a Greek and a Brit?

Stanley Tucci, being of Calabrese origin, is autosomally closer to almost every Middle Eastern group than to a Brit, German, or French.

11-10-2013, 07:32 PM
He looks Italian to me.

11-10-2013, 07:32 PM
Yes. What the fuck does a Maltese or Sicilian have to do with a Latvian? That's ignorant. What does a Spaniard have to do with a Russian, or a Greek and a Brit?

Stanley Tucci, being of Calabrese origin, is autosomally closer to almost every Middle Eastern group than to a Brit, German, or French.

So Arthur kemp lied about something he doesn't agree about? And French are mostly Alpinid.

11-10-2013, 07:34 PM
I don't know why but the oddest ''italians'' i see are italian-americans.

NOT true at all... Fiorello out-blacks ANY Italian American unless they are spray tanned, which they very well might be!


11-10-2013, 07:36 PM
I've actually seen some Sicilians much darker than Italian Americans. People like Melissa Gorga who are obviously mixed don't count.

11-10-2013, 07:39 PM
Do you people even consider this man to be European? Excuse me, but the defination of Whites as people of European decend isn't my invention..

11-10-2013, 07:39 PM
He's not strange to me. How is he that different looking from say, me?

You aren't ''odd'' and neither ''exotic'', i told you many times. I know two guys here (both southerns) with your appearence.

11-10-2013, 07:40 PM
Must agree, he looks pretty south Italian and/or Sicilian to me.

11-10-2013, 07:40 PM
You aren't ''odd'' and neither ''exotic'', i told you many times. I know two guys here (both southerns) with your appearence.

I don't think I look much different than Stanley Tucci. Dark eyebrows, eyes, and big nose.

I don't think he is odd for southern Italy either. I'd certainly guess it before many other places.

11-10-2013, 07:42 PM
Stanley Tucci is NOT atypical for a Calabrian... Don't be absurd, guys! Fiorello is darker! AND HE IS NOT ITALIAN AMERICAN!!!!

11-10-2013, 07:44 PM
Sikeliot, why do you not even try to understand the pan-European defination of Whiteness? Splitting Europe into "White" and "Swarthy' Europeans isn't taking us anywhere, just look what Hitler did to the Slavic nations in Europe; 2 million ethnic Poles died, and Belarus was almost whiped off the map, all because of Germanicism.

11-10-2013, 07:46 PM
NOT true at all... Fiorello out-blacks ANY Italian American unless they are spray tanned, which they very well might be!


This is Fiorello and isn't ''dark' as you claim (posting odd picture), don't be ridiculous please.




Italian-americans are oddest simply because they aren't ''italians'' (they're americans....) and a good amount of them are just MENA or hispanic who claim to be italians.
I saw A LOT of MENAs in the West Coast who claimed to be ''sicilians''. An high number.

For example, in Ellis Island not so long ago you might have claimed your name as ''sjhskiehbshhej merda-culo-figa'' and they would have registered you in this way, so...

11-10-2013, 07:47 PM

GET REAL PEOPLE! Have you guys never seen Italians? Stanley is FAR from atypical... he's just a very extreme and caricature-like Southern Italian.

11-10-2013, 07:48 PM
I had some VERY dark Italian ancestors MUCH more Mena looking... and I can show pictures that would blow you away... and I know as a fact these ancestors of mine spoke Italian and were involved in the Italian-American community and were not MENA! I even have documentation from Italy... I'm sure there are some fakes like Mellisa Gorga... but not all the dark Italians are fakes you idiots!

11-10-2013, 07:49 PM

GET REAL PEOPLE! Have you guys never seen Italians? Stanley is FAR from atypical... he's just a very extreme and caricature-like Southern Italian.

They're still White.

11-10-2013, 07:49 PM
Get lost you Northern Italian racist piece of SHIT! OK?

11-10-2013, 07:50 PM
They're still White.

Of course... They are! I guess...

"white" is not very scientific though! HAHAHA!

More "off white" in reality. And there are many unrelated "off white" ethnic groups.

I'd consider most levantine people "off white".

11-10-2013, 07:52 PM

GET REAL PEOPLE! Have you guys never seen Italians? Stanley is FAR from atypical... he's just a very extreme and caricature-like Southern Italian.

I live in North Italy, in a city of 2 million people with 65% of the population made by second generations southern italians, i see south italians daily.
I know how they look, i never seen a skullshape like Tucci in my entire life.

I had some VERY dark Italian ancestors MUCH more Mena looking... and I can show pictures that would blow you away... and I know as a fact these ancestors of mine spoke Italian and were involved in the Italian-American community and were not MENA! I even have documentation from Italy... I'm sure there are some fakes like Mellisa Gorga... but not all the dark Italians are fakes you idiots!

Well, thell this to the hordes of arabs and pakis who hold ''typical italian restaurants'' in Brooklyn or Lower Manhattan

11-10-2013, 07:53 PM
If you are a northern Italian you haven o say in this because you are a racist who hates the south! My family in Italy has experienced this, even the light skinned ones... It's really stupid and you should all get a life! You live to try and prove your peninsula as white sweden! How stupid!

11-10-2013, 07:53 PM
You are a fool... I have family IN Italy that are way more arabic looking!

11-10-2013, 07:57 PM
Stanley Tucci doesn't look atypical overall. His head shape being off might just be because of his individual face shape, it doesn't mean anything.

11-10-2013, 07:58 PM
This is Fiorello and isn't ''dark' as you claim (posting odd picture), don't be ridiculous please..

I am pretty sure that is his brother, they are two different people. If you're going to refute what he is saying, at least don't get the two of them mixed up!

11-10-2013, 07:58 PM
If you are a northern Italian you haven o say in this because you are a racist who hates the south! My family in Italy has experienced this, even the light skinned ones... It's really stupid and you should all get a life! You live to try and prove your peninsula as white sweden! How stupid!

I don't hate the south, that's a raw lie.
They were the most advanced part of Europe (much more than their fatherland, Greece) in a time when my celto-italic ancestors still had human sacrifice, i like their history.

I simply dislike (sometimes) their attitude..or, said better, the attitude of some of them (''eheheh we have the sun and the beaches, north italy is boring and cold, you are the ruin of the south, south was richer before piemontese invasion, you took our industries during the unifications, you're racist, you're not real italians, napoli greatest place in the world, milano is shitty, i'm a womanizer, etc etc). As i often tell them, if the south is so great and north sucks, why you're here, then...?

Nothing ''racial'' or ''phenotypical'' as you can see.

11-10-2013, 08:00 PM
I also think Stanley Tucci could pass in Greece too.

11-10-2013, 08:00 PM
Who cares if he's woggish, he's a really good actor.

11-10-2013, 08:02 PM
You people are ridiculous.

I just posted a large group of old Sicilian men, and tell me that Tucci looks atypical or would if he was in this group.


11-10-2013, 08:04 PM
This is the governor of my region, Rberto Cota, half piemontese and half apulian




if this is an ''arab'' because it's half apulian, then i'm Rudy Giuliani.

11-10-2013, 08:05 PM
This is the governor of my region, Rberto Cota, half piemontese and half apulian

Apulians are lighter than other southerners, but he looks more northern either way. Apulians look kind of Albanian, if anything.

I don't get why you try posting abnormally light southerners and passing them off as typical. Maybe Stanley Tucci isn't typical, but you'll find more people in Calabria like him than the one you just posted.

11-10-2013, 08:05 PM
This is the governor of my region, Rberto Cota, half piemontese and half apulian




if this is an ''arab'' because it's half apulian, then i'm Rudy Giuliani.


Go cherry pick more southern italians but at least pick the right region, you fool!

11-10-2013, 08:10 PM
If you are a northern Italian you haven o say in this because you are a racist who hates the south! My family in Italy has experienced this, even the light skinned ones... It's really stupid and you should all get a life! You live to try and prove your peninsula as white sweden! How stupid!

you live far from italian reality

mostly of the people in the north see southern as regular italians , at least in my region

on the contrary some southern italians claims all the time how they are superior , how they are good hospital people (wich look at the reality they aren't very different from those in the north) , how they have sun and sea (sea is present also in the north and ligurians sea can compete with southern sea , summer in the north is sunny as in the south) and some other BS

also we don't fell similar with central europeans , we in emilia-romagna fell more close to southern europe than baviera austria france ecc ecc...

11-10-2013, 08:13 PM
Ok, you're rigth.

Here an half calabrian-half piemontese born in Turin.




sooo dark...

In average full blooded calabrians are the darkest southerners, but they haven't this long skullshape as Tucci.

And ''lol'' about MENAs....you don't know ho a MENA look...my city is like 20% moroccan and i can spot them from calabrese from miles away.

11-10-2013, 08:14 PM
you live far from italian reality

mostly of the people in the north see southern as regular italians , at least in my region

on the contrary some southern italians claims all the time how they are superior , how they are good hospital people (wich look at the reality they aren't very different from those in the north) , how they have sun and sea (sea is present also in the north and ligurians sea can compete with southern sea , summer in the north is sunny as in the south) and some other BS

also we don't fell similar with central europeans , we in emilia-romagna fell more close to southern europe than baviera austria france ecc ecc...

This is not what happened to my grandpa when he spoke Neapolitan to his brother in the north... >.<

11-10-2013, 08:15 PM
you live far from italian reality

mostly of the people in the north see southern as regular italians , at least in my region

on the contrary some southern italians claims all the time how they are superior , how they are good hospital people (wich look at the reality they aren't very different from those in the north) , how they have sun and sea (sea is present also in the north and ligurians sea can compete with southern sea , summer in the north is sunny as in the south) and some other BS

also we don't fell similar with central europeans , we in emilia-romagna fell more close to southern europe than baviera austria france ecc ecc...

Yeah, they're so annoying when they talk about these BS...

11-10-2013, 08:15 PM
Ok, you're rigth.

Here an half calabrian-half piemontese born in Turin.




sooo dark...

In average full blooded calabrians are the darkest southerners, but they haven't this long skullshape as Tucci.

And ''lol'' about MENAs....you don't know ho a MENA look...my city is like 20% moroccan and i can spot them from calabrese from miles away.

Find some full blooded ones ok? You are such a terrible arguer... I see no full Calabrians here...

11-10-2013, 08:15 PM
Ok, you're rigth.

Here an half calabrian-half piemontese born in Turin.




sooo dark...

In average full blooded calabrians are the darkest southerners, but they haven't this long skullshape as Tucci.

And ''lol'' about MENAs....you don't know ho a MENA look...my city is like 20% moroccan and i can spot them from calabrese from miles away.

The guy above still looks "Neolithic" European, due to his eye shape and skull shape.

Anyway, no one said Calabrese look like North Africans. I was thinking more of Armenians or something.

11-10-2013, 08:20 PM
Find some full blooded ones ok? You are such a terrible arguer... I see no full Calabrians here...

Go to Calabria then.

Anyway, ''defending'' calabrian isn't my fault, since i've nothing to do with them.

I don't know why i'm still ''defending' southerners on internet...maybe i've to start to care about piemontese and lombards and less to the ''terroni''.

''MENA''...lol, these people are real MENAs


11-10-2013, 08:21 PM
Embodies ancient Phoenicians. Semiticized Levantine (latter is mainly East Mediterranean). Thin lips are atypical though...

11-10-2013, 08:21 PM
Embodies ancient Phoenicians. Semiticized Levantine (latter is mainly East Mediterranean). Thin lips are atypical though...

The skullshape look aethiopid.

11-10-2013, 08:24 PM
This is not what happened to my grandpa when he spoke Neapolitan to his brother in the north... >.<

in the north where ?

i like neapolitan accent on the girls , and i also like neapolitan music

but go to the south and speak in northern dialect and you can see the same reaction with the northners had with your grandpa

mr. logan
11-10-2013, 08:27 PM
Armenoid med with some alpine.

11-10-2013, 08:34 PM
The skullshape look aethiopid.

Aethiopid is just a slighty blackened Arabid. He doesn't look like that to me.

11-10-2013, 08:40 PM
He is the spitting image of the father of one of my friends.

Dinaricized Mediterranean.

11-10-2013, 10:27 PM
East med armenoid. Would never guess as Italian tbh.

11-10-2013, 10:30 PM
East Mediterranid + Armenid.

11-10-2013, 10:33 PM
dinaro med, and his eyes are not so semitic you try to make them, only atypical thing is the skull shape

11-10-2013, 10:56 PM
I'm proud of my southern Italian ancestry, I don't have an anti-Italian agenda. Most people I post are group photos and not very dark anyway. People just don't like me because I tell the truth and don't pretend everyone is lighter than they are.

11-10-2013, 11:07 PM
I'm proud of my southern Italian ancestry, I don't have an anti-Italian agenda. Most people I post are group photos and not very dark anyway. People just don't like me because I tell the truth and don't pretend everyone is lighter than they are.

Yeah it's not like you are afrocentrist! You are just telling the truth... not one of the nutjobs though going around saying everyone was black...

11-10-2013, 11:09 PM
Yeah it's not like you are afrocentrist! You are just telling the truth... not one of the nutjobs though going around saying everyone was black...

Or Nordic, unlike some of the people here. :lol: So stupid.

11-10-2013, 11:17 PM
Or Nordic, unlike some of the people here. :lol: So stupid.

Xd! Muhammad was Nordic, you know! ;)

11-24-2013, 05:37 PM

Cristiano viejo
11-24-2013, 05:49 PM
He seems like Ignazio Abate.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 12:44 PM
Raga ma lasciateli perdere. E' solo un mese che mi sono iscritta al forum ma mi è parso subito evidente di come Sikeliot e Minard, in particolare, abbiano un' agenda anti-italiana. Non hanno mai messo piede in Italia (o nel resto d'Europa) e credono di sapere tutto su di noi. Oramai sono fissati che noi del Sud Italia siamo tutti una specie di arabi scurissimi che si sentono culturalmente vicini ai siriani e ai libanesi :rotfl (nulla contro quest'ultimi ma è una boiata).
Postano continuamente foto di persone dall'aspetto alquanto 'discutibile' (non che non ce ne siano ma lo fanno ad nauseam con il chiaro scopo di denigrarci).
Ormai, quando li leggo, mi faccio una risata. In verità, mi fanno anche un po' tristezza. Li immagino tutto il giorno di fronte allo schermo del computer a cercare foto di siciliani dall'aspetto levantino da mettere sul forum :laugh: Chissà se avranno una vita :D
Alcune sezioni di TA sono veramente ben fatte ma altre sono zeppe di troll ed ciò fa sì che il forum finisca per avere spesso poca obiettività e credibilità.
Detto questo, quando non si ha niente da fare, può diventare un buon passatempo e alcuni utenti qui presenti, tipo il duo che ho sopra citato od altri tipi complessati che cercano di provare in tutti i modi la loro 'whiteness' e la loro 'europeità', offrono una discreta fonte di intrattenimento. Per cui....LONG LIVE SIKELIOT :cool:

Stanley Tucci looks like a dinaro-med :)

Hahahaha. No impossibile. Allora non sono l'unico pazzo qui.

BTW he is the carbon copy of the black irish/atlantic facader/euroceltic/mesolitich/dark british Pepe Reina.


Both of them can easily pass in Ireland, Brittany, Scotland,... and every other place along the atlantic facade.

Cristiano viejo
11-25-2013, 02:31 PM
Mi dispiace prendere l'opposto ma Pepe Reina e Stanley Tucci solo sembrare in quanto entrambi sono calvi.
Il suo naso, labbra, occhi, sono completamente diversi.

Ho dubbio che Stanley Tucci hanno bambini così


11-25-2013, 02:35 PM
Leave it to Joseph Capelli to find some Spaniard to compare Tucci to in order to satisfy his "us southern Italians are closer to Spaniards than to anyone else" idea..

There is a difference in their look anyway.. the nose, setting of the eyes, etc. are different.. they are anthropologically different, the similarity is their head shape and baldness.

11-25-2013, 02:44 PM
Go to Calabria then.

Anyway, ''defending'' calabrian isn't my fault, since i've nothing to do with them.

I don't know why i'm still ''defending' southerners on internet...maybe i've to start to care about piemontese and lombards and less to the ''terroni''.

''MENA''...lol, these people are real MENAs


Most Moroccans are heavily mixed around 25-26% SSA.

11-25-2013, 02:55 PM
I'm proud of my southern Italian ancestry, I don't have an anti-Italian agenda. Most people I post are group photos and not very dark anyway. People just don't like me because I tell the truth and don't pretend everyone is lighter than they are.

Or Nordic, unlike some of the people here. :lol: So stupid.

Some of the people? You're one of the most nordicistic members here, considering how much you want to make Iberians look like Brits or other "Atlantic facaders".

King Claus
11-25-2013, 02:55 PM

11-25-2013, 03:45 PM
Raga ma lasciateli perdere. E' solo un mese che mi sono iscritta al forum ma mi è parso subito evidente di come Sikeliot e Minard, in particolare, abbiano un' agenda anti-italiana. Non hanno mai messo piede in Italia (o nel resto d'Europa) e credono di sapere tutto su di noi. Oramai sono fissati che noi del Sud Italia siamo tutti una specie di arabi scurissimi che si sentono culturalmente vicini ai siriani e ai libanesi :rotfl (nulla contro quest'ultimi ma è una boiata).
Postano continuamente foto di persone dall'aspetto alquanto 'discutibile' (non che non ce ne siano ma lo fanno ad nauseam con il chiaro scopo di denigrarci).
Ormai, quando li leggo, mi faccio una risata. In verità, mi fanno anche un po' tristezza. Li immagino tutto il giorno di fronte allo schermo del computer a cercare foto di siciliani dall'aspetto levantino da mettere sul forum :laugh: Chissà se avranno una vita :D
Alcune sezioni di TA sono veramente ben fatte ma altre sono zeppe di troll ed ciò fa sì che il forum finisca per avere spesso poca obiettività e credibilità.
Detto questo, quando non si ha niente da fare, può diventare un buon passatempo e alcuni utenti qui presenti, tipo il duo che ho sopra citato od altri tipi complessati che cercano di provare in tutti i modi la loro 'whiteness' e la loro 'europeità', offrono una discreta fonte di intrattenimento. Per cui....LONG LIVE SIKELIOT :cool:

Stanley Tucci looks like a dinaro-med :)

Più che altro è indicativo il fatto che gli ''italiani'' (auto-dichiaratisi tali...) dall'aspetto più assurdo e a volte schifoso siano americani.
Molto indicativo, direi...

11-25-2013, 04:29 PM
He looks like Turkish architecture Eren Talu


Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 05:39 PM
Mi dispiace prendere l'opposto ma Pepe Reina e Stanley Tucci solo sembrare in quanto entrambi sono calvi.
Il suo naso, labbra, occhi, sono completamente diversi.

Ho dubbio che Stanley Tucci hanno bambini così


Many people are blonde in their childhood. LOL.

The nose is different, but that's something that only anthronerds (less than 1% of world population) would notice. I took those photos from these sport blogs by the way.


So apparenytly there are countless of people with an agenda on this world. It's a cospiracy. ;)

11-25-2013, 05:42 PM
Is he really Italian? Doesn't look...

What's an Italian supposed to look like?

Black Wolf
11-25-2013, 05:43 PM

11-25-2013, 05:44 PM
Dinarid + Armenoid.

Black Wolf
11-25-2013, 05:44 PM
Is he really Italian? Doesn't look...

What planet are you from lol?

11-25-2013, 05:49 PM
I have already started that this is an "Italian look" for me:

Black Wolf
11-25-2013, 05:52 PM
I have already started that this is an "Italian look" for me:

Italians come in a variety of looks. Stanley Tucci looks quite typical for a person from the far South of Italy.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 05:53 PM
I have already started that this is an "Italian look" for me:

He is part of the variation, but of course "certain people" have a fetish for types like him...

11-25-2013, 06:07 PM
Italians come in a variety of looks. Stanley Tucci looks quite typical for a person from the far South of Italy.

surprisingly, with a whig and blue lens would pass unnoticed in most of Northwestern Europe....(trololololol)


(last picture) :lol:

11-25-2013, 06:31 PM
Explain what is levantine exactly?

11-25-2013, 06:31 PM
Explain what is levantine exactly?

their minds

11-25-2013, 06:34 PM
their minds

What do you mean?

11-25-2013, 06:35 PM
Italians come in a variety of looks. Stanley Tucci looks quite typical for a person from the far South of Italy.

I would not say he is the most typical but he is well within the variation.
I also disagree that he looks like the Spanish person Joseph Capelli posted.

11-25-2013, 06:36 PM
What do you mean?

Their absurd continuous agenda / trying to portrait italians (both southern and northerns*) relate genetically and even culturally with Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc and some other stuffs.

* once upon a time it were only southerners, now we're slowly ascending the Peninsula.

Black Wolf
11-25-2013, 06:37 PM
I would not say he is the most typical but he is well within the variation.
I also disagree that he looks like the Spanish person Joseph Capelli posted.

He is fairly typical.

11-25-2013, 06:39 PM
Their absurd continuous agenda / trying to portrait italians (both southern and northerns*) relate genetically and even culturally with Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc and some other stuffs.

I only talk about some genetic and physical similarities between some Levantine CHristians (the whitest ones) and some southerners (the most exotic ones). Culturally, Lebanon is not similar to Europe at all, not even the Ottoman influenced Balkans. Due to Lebanese Christians emigrating, Lebanon is also becoming more and more Islamic in character and losing the similarity to Europe it once had.

Still, Stanley Tucci could pass as a Lebanese Christian and looks nothing like that ugly, archaic looking Spanish footballer to me.

11-25-2013, 06:40 PM
Their absurd continuous agenda / trying to portrait italians (both southern and northerns*) relate genetically and even culturally with Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, etc and some other stuffs.

* once upon a time it were only southerners, now we're slowly ascending the Peninsula.
Looks wise there does seem to be some overlap between southern italians and the extreme east end of mediterranean, don't you think?

11-25-2013, 06:40 PM
I wasn't referring to you, but to a general trend i noticed in last times.

Next step will be Friuli darker than Egypt...

Cristiano viejo
11-25-2013, 06:42 PM
Many people are blonde when kids. LOL.
That I say... LOL.

The nose is different, but that's something that only anthronerds (less than 1% of world population) would notice. I took those photos from these sport blogs by the way.
Not only the nose, also lips, eyes... even the shape of the head, Reina has a round head, while Tucci has it more elongated.

So apparenytly there are countless of people with an agenda on this world. It's a cospiracy. ;)
OK, if you think that both resemble each other just because non expert people in anthropology so believe it, for me well ;)

11-25-2013, 06:44 PM
Looks wise there does seem to be some overlap between southern italians and the extreme east end of mediterranean, don't you think?

Culturally? :lol:

So, let's explain me the situation: magically, in some indefinite time, the levantine populations crossed the Med Sea and, magically and mystically (maybe with a Stargate? Or the used the Death Star? Or an Imperial Star Destroyer...?) avoiding any kind of landing and contact with Cyprus, Anatolia, Greece, the whole Balkans and even northern part of the Adriatic, they settled in south Italy, killed all the 10 million people who lived there in 500 A.D. and replaced them. That's why in Napoli nowadays you can eat the famous neapolitan kebab with pummarola or in Salerno you can see women with chador dancing the bellydance.

11-25-2013, 06:44 PM
Looks wise there does seem to be some overlap between southern italians and the extreme east end of mediterranean, don't you think?

Yes. Not to inland Syrians nor ethnic Jordanians, but to Lebanese Christians and Assyrians I would say so. But this is limited to far southern Italy (Calabria, Lucania, Sicily) and doesn't apply much to the north and center, though with all the southerners moving north it may eventually :lol:

11-25-2013, 06:46 PM
Culturally? :lol:

So, let's explain me the situation: magically, in some indefinite time, the levantine populations crossed the Med Sea and, magically and mystically (maybe with a Stargate? Or the used the Death Star? Or an Imperial Star Destroyer...?) avoiding any kind of landing and contact with Cyprus, Anatolia, Greece, the whole Balkans and even northern part of the Adriatic, they settled in south Italy, killed all the 10 million people who lived there in 500 A.D. and replaced them. That's why in Napoli nowadays you can eat the famous neapolitan kebab with pummarola or in Salerno you can see women with chador dancing the bellydance.

In the US, Lebanese Americans often find kinship with Italian Americans due to being Catholic, generally "Med" compared to Anglo-Americans, but Lebanese in Lebanon do not have a European-like culture at all, I agree. They may have once, but most of the Christians have emigrated and Lebanon is becoming more like Syria.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 06:47 PM
He is fairly typical.

:picard1::picard2::picard1::picard2::picard1::pica rd2:

:picard1::picard2::picard1::picard2::picard1::pica rd2::picard1::picard2::picard1::picard2::picard1:: picard2::picard1::picard2:

11-25-2013, 06:49 PM
In the US, Lebanese Americans often find kinship with Italian Americans due to being Catholic, generally "Med" compared to Anglo-Americans, but Lebanese in Lebanon do not have a European-like culture at all, I agree. They may have once, but most of the Christians have emigrated and Lebanon is becoming more like Syria.

That's funny...here in Turin the head of the local Al-Quaeda cell was a lebanese...

11-25-2013, 06:49 PM
Culturally? :lol:

So, let's explain me the situation: magically, in some indefinite time, the levantine populations crossed the Med Sea and, magically and mystically (maybe with a Stargate? Or the used the Death Star? Or an Imperial Star Destroyer...?) avoiding any kind of landing and contact with Cyprus, Anatolia, Greece, the whole Balkans and even northern part of the Adriatic, they settled in south Italy, killed all the 10 million people who lived there in 500 A.D. and replaced them. That's why in Napoli nowadays you can eat the famous neapolitan kebab with pummarola or in Salerno you can see women with chador dancing the bellydance.
Well that's the whole mystery of human population movements, nobody knows for sure. May be some connections with etruscans to link italy and levant.

11-25-2013, 06:50 PM
That's funny...here in Turin the head of the local Al-Quaeda cell was a lebanese...

Lebanese Christians in the US are Catholics and get along with Southern European Catholics, and look more or less like them. Lebanese Muslims, not so much.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 06:50 PM
Here we go with Guiods who want to teach us about our phenotypes and culture.

11-25-2013, 06:52 PM
Another problem is that ''med culture'' exist only in the americans mind.
Here no-one of catalan woudl feel brother with a moroccan and no-one greek would feel some kind of brotherhood with a libian.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 06:53 PM
Lebanese Christians in the US are Catholics and get along with Southern European Catholics, and look more or less like them. Lebanese Muslims, not so much.

Lebanese Muslims and Lebanese Christians are indistinguishable. Only extremely inbred Druzes have a sizeable overlap with South East Europeans.

OK, if you think that both resemble each other just because non expert people in anthropology so believe it, for me well ;)

Yeah 99.9% of world population basically.

11-25-2013, 06:55 PM
Well that's the whole mystery of human population movements, nobody knows for sure. May be some connections with etruscans to link italy and levant.

The funny thing is that one of the guy which was tested positive to etruscan DNA for the 2008 study about etruscan genetic heritage is this tuscan guy...


surely very close to these lebanese


11-25-2013, 06:56 PM
Lebanese Muslims and Lebanese Christians look almost the same. Only extremely inbred Druzes have a sizeable overlap with South East Europeans.

So you basically think no Lebanese at all fit in Europe at all.

11-25-2013, 06:56 PM
European med culture is similar.

11-25-2013, 06:58 PM
European med culture is similar.

To an extent. Italian culture intersects with both Spanish, French, and Greek.. Iberian cultures and French share similarities.. but I would say Portuguese have little similarity to Greek or southern Italian, and Greek aren't close to French, etc. This idea has its limits.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 06:58 PM
So you basically think no Lebanese at all fit in Europe at all.

Many Druzes can fit. Other groups much less.

11-25-2013, 06:59 PM
Many Druzes can fit. Other groups much less.

Would you be willing to admit some of the Druze can fit in Campania? :lol:

11-25-2013, 07:00 PM
I'm curious peyrol what is your opinion of why southern italians look the way they do?

11-25-2013, 07:01 PM
European med culture is similar.

A catalan (gallo-romance population) has nothing to do with a greek islander (doric with turkish and venetian influence), a sardinian (isolated culture for millenias) has nothing to do with an albanian.
And syria and lebanon aren't included in ''Europe'' since Fatimid conquest of ancient Middle East.

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 07:02 PM
Would you be willing to admit some of the Druze can fit in Campania? :lol:

Yes some can.

11-25-2013, 07:04 PM
A catalan (gallo-romance population) has nothing to do with a greek islander (doric with turkish and venetian influence), a sardinian (isolated culture for millenias) has nothing to do with an albanian.

There are some things generally Med that relate to climate (cultivation of olives, consumption of seafood, etc), though. But I see your point. Catalan culture is foreign to my eyes too and is similar to France.

I'd argue Portugal is not "Med culture" since the contrast between one side of my family and the other in demeanor, music, food, etc. is large.

11-25-2013, 07:05 PM
The problem is still the same with north Africa: khabile and riffians (so, basically people who look like Zidane), despite the fact that they're less than 10% of Maghreb population, are shown as ''typical for N.Africa''...for lebanon is the same: Druzes and maronites (most of them fleed to USA or Australia) are shown as example for the whole Middle East.

You can take a single group for a generalization.
The, next time i post forlans and venetians as typical for the whole Peninsula, then...

11-25-2013, 07:06 PM
A catalan (gallo-romance population) has nothing to do with a greek islander (doric with turkish and venetian influence), a sardinian (isolated culture for millenias) has nothing to do with an albanian.
And syria and lebanon aren't included in ''Europe'' since Fatimid conquest of ancient Middle East.
Sure they do, same food, same architecture, same weather, christianity, indo-european languages, maritime travel within. Come on now give me some thing.

11-25-2013, 07:06 PM
The, next time i post forlans and venetians as typical for the whole Peninsula, then...

Please don't :lol: I don't even post southern Italians as representative of the entire country.

11-25-2013, 07:07 PM
There are some things generally Med that relate to climate (cultivation of olives, consumption of seafood, etc), though. But I see your point. Catalan culture is foreign to my eyes too and is similar to France.

I'd argue Portugal is not "Med culture" since the contrast between one side of my family and the other in demeanor, music, food, etc. is large.

The problem is that americans aren't aware of subcultures group of the romance populations; so, no one know that catalans are galloromance people, and neither that (for example) Italy is made of different regions.

Btw, olive oil is used even in India or Japan...this don't mean that they're mediterranean...

11-25-2013, 07:08 PM
Sure they do, same food, same architecture, same weather, christianity, indo-european languages, maritime travel within. Come on now give me some thing.

Food not so much. Spanish and Portuguese food is shaped largely by their interactions with the New World, and is highly distinct. Southern Spain and Sicily have North African influences in their food, northern Italy has a lot of culinary similarities to France. Balkan food is heavily Ottoman and the same from one Balkan country to the next.

The rest of your points yes.

11-25-2013, 07:08 PM
The problem is that americans aren't aware of subcultures group of the romance populations; so, no one know that catalans are galloromance people, and neither that (for example) Italy is made of different regions.

Most Americans think Iberians are not even white/European.. so of course they would not know. At least they think Italians are European and white.

11-25-2013, 07:10 PM
Sure they do, same food, same architecture, same weather, christianity, indo-european languages, maritime travel within. Come on now give me some thing.
SAME FOOD: no, maybe in your american distorted cuisine that created non-existent disgusting foods like pasta with meatball, fettucine alfredo, pepperoni or some other shits.
SAME ARCHITECTURE: sure, Santorini like Barcelona or Marseille...
SAME WHEATHER: take a look of european climatical/precipitations/etc map, please
CHRISTIANITY; even in Nigeria there are christians..
INDOEUROPEAN LANGUAGE: tajik and bengali are indoeuropean languages too, as english; so bangladeshi are like scots...?
MARITIME TRAVEL: all around the world, we aren't in hellenistic times, dude

''show me some examples''....move your ass anc visit the world, and less Hollywood and MTv

11-25-2013, 07:10 PM
The problem is that americans aren't aware of subcultures group of the romance populations; so, no one know that catalans are galloromance people, and neither that (for example) Italy is made of different regions.

Btw, olive oil is used even in India or Japan...this don't mean that they're mediterranean...
The point is olives don't grow in india or japan. Its not in their culture to cultivate and respect the olive.

11-25-2013, 07:11 PM
Most Americans think Iberians are not even white/European.. so of course they would not know. At least they think Italians are European and white.

Sacco and Vanzetti wouldn't agree, i think...

11-25-2013, 07:13 PM
SAME FOOD: no, maybe in your american distorted cuisine that created non-existent disgusting foods like pasta with meatball, fettucine alfredo, pepperoni or some other shits.
SAME ARCHITECTURE: sure, Santorini like Barcelona or Marseille...
SAME WHEATHER: take a look of european climatical/precipitations/etc map, please
CHRISTIANITY; even in Nigeria there are christians..
INDOEUROPEAN LANGUAGE: tajik and bengali are indoeuropean languages too, as english; so bangladeshi are like scots...?
MARITIME TRAVEL: all around the world, we aren't in hellenistic times, dude

''show me some examples''....move your ass anc visit the world, and less Hollywood and MTv Boy you are a hard person to talk to.

11-25-2013, 07:14 PM
Sacco and Vanzetti wouldn't agree, i think...

That was many years ago. Then again I have been told (by both other Americans and other Sicilians) that they think we are "Moors" so who knows..

11-25-2013, 07:16 PM
Dinaromed. He looks South European to me, not Levantine.

11-25-2013, 07:16 PM
Boy you are a hard person to talk to.

Nope, i simply know where i live, unless your Noo Joyzey ''mediterraneans''

Btw, tell me that my region is mediterranean, now... :lol:

(the video is in english, just watch and fatti una cultura)



listen how's similar to sirtaki...almost identicals...

Prince Carlo
11-25-2013, 07:16 PM
The problem is still the same with north Africa: khabile and riffians (so, basically people who look like Zidane), despite the fact that they're less than 10% of Maghreb population, are shown as ''typical for N.Africa''...for lebanon is the same: Druzes and maronites (most of them fleed to USA or Australia) are shown as example for the whole Middle East.

Actually also these groups look very often swarty and non european, but compared to their neighbours they have a higher changes to pass in Europe.

11-25-2013, 07:23 PM
Peyrol I do not know your region in italy but you don't consider italy as a whole as mediterranean culture? By the way I am a chicago greek far from new joizy guidos.

11-25-2013, 07:27 PM
Peyrol I do not know your region in italy but you don't consider italy as a whole as mediterranean culture? By the way I am a chicago greek far from new joizy guidos.

As whole?
Obviously not, why the alpine cultures would have to be ''mediterraneans''?

11-25-2013, 07:27 PM
I really don't understand why this topic went 13 pages.

Sure he is darker than the average Italian but his features aren't non-European at all.

11-25-2013, 07:31 PM
Well I will let italians sort this out, I always thought of italy as mediterranean culture as a whole, obviously there seems to be great divides between north and south italy.

11-25-2013, 07:36 PM
Well I will let italians sort this out, I always thought of italy as mediterranean culture as a whole, obviously there seems to be great divides between north and south italy.

See, Sikeliot?
That's what i was talking about...

...no, it isn't how it can be?
Do you know our ethnopolitical situation from 476 to 1871?


Tooting Carmen
11-25-2013, 07:39 PM
Dinaromed. He looks South European to me, not Levantine.

Yes I agree

11-25-2013, 07:39 PM
Peyrol do you think of med culture as a bad thing?

Tooting Carmen
11-25-2013, 07:40 PM
Actually also these groups look very often swarty and non european, but compared to their neighbours they have a higher changes to pass in Europe.

Tell me, do you think an outright majority of either Italians or Spaniards would pass in Scandinavia?

11-25-2013, 07:41 PM
A i forget even some millenarian powerfull statesas the Republic of Venice who ruled many non-italic territories...(red and pink)


Vesuvian Sky
11-25-2013, 07:41 PM
Concerning Sacco and Vanzetti:

John W. Johnson has said that the authorities and jurors were influenced by strong anti-Italian prejudice and the prejudice against immigrants widely held at the time, especially in New England.[159] Against charges of racism and racial prejudice, Paul Avrich and Brenda and James Lutz point out that both men were known anarchist members of a militant organization, members of which had been conducting a violent campaign of bombing and attempted assassinations, acts condemned by most Americans of all backgrounds.[160][161] Though in general anarchist groups did not finance their militant activities through bank robberies, a fact noted by the investigators of the Bureau of Investigation, this was not true of the Galleanist group. Mario Buda readily told an interviewer: "Andavamo a prenderli dove c'erano" ("We used to go and get it [money] where it was") – meaning factories and banks.[22] The guard Berardelli was also Italian.

Johnson and Avrich suggest that the government prosecuted Sacco and Vanzetti for the robbery-murders as a convenient means to put a stop to their militant activities as Galleanists, whose bombing campaign at the time posed a lethal threat, both to the government and to many Americans.[159][162] Faced with a secretive underground group whose members resisted interrogation and believed in their cause, Federal and local officials using conventional law enforcement tactics had been repeatedly stymied in their efforts to identify all members of the group or to collect enough evidence for a prosecution.[161]

But also:

In 1941, anarchist leader Carlo Tresca, a member of the Sacco and Vanzetti Defense Committee, told Max Eastman, "Sacco was guilty but Vanzetti was innocent",[166] although it is clear from his statement that Tresca equated guilt only with the act of pulling the trigger, i.e., Vanzetti was not the principal triggerman in Tresca's view, but was an accomplice to Sacco. This conception of innocence is in sharp contrast to the legal one.

Critics of the prosecution's evidence emphasize that while four bullets were recovered from Berardelli, the slain guard, only one bullet was linked to Sacco's pistol. The other three bullets were found to have been fired from a .32 Savage automatic pistol that was never recovered. Several witnesses insisted that one gunman fired four bullets into Berardelli, which might have been the man wielding the .32 Savage. "I seen this fellow shoot this fellow," one witness told the court. "It was the last shot. He put four bullets into him."[175] In 1927, the defense suggested that the bullet had been planted, noting the scratches on the base of the one bullet unlike those found on the others. The Lowell Commission dismissed this claim as desperate. One theory is that another gunman, perhaps Mario Buda, must have been involved along with Sacco, and that this unknown gunman used a .32 Savage pistol to shoot Parmenter twice and Berardelli three times. He left Sacco to fatally shoot Berardelli with the sixth .32 bullet traced to the latter's .32 Colt pistol.

In 1973 a former mobster published a confession by Frank "Butsy" Morelli, Joe's brother. "We whacked them out, we killed those guys in the robbery," Butsy Morelli told Vincent Teresa. "These two greaseballs Sacco and Vanzetti took it on the chin."[176]

Before his death in June 1982, Giovanni Gambera, a member of the four-person team of anarchist leaders who met shortly after the arrest of Sacco and Vanzetti to plan their defense, told his son that "everyone [in the anarchist inner circle] knew that Sacco was guilty and that Vanzetti was innocent as far as the actual participation in killing."[177]

So while there were holes in the evidence and what not which curtailed civil liberties, anti-Italianism wasn't really the cause for why they were executed as its pretty clear they were no angels. However let's consider these guys who many I'm sure are ignorant to:

William Booth Taliaferro (who pronounced his Italian surname as "tah'-liver") was born in Gloucester County, Virginia, to a prominent family of English-Italian origin who settled in Virginia in the 17th century. He was the nephew of James A. Seddon, who would become Secretary of War for the Confederate States of America under Jefferson Davis. Taliaferro attended Harvard University and William and Mary College, graduating from the latter in 1841.

Taliaferro joined the U.S. Army during the Mexican-American War, fighting in both the 11th and 9th U.S. Infantry regiments. After the war, Taliaferro entered public life, serving as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and as a prominent backer of James Buchanan's presidential campaign in 1856. He also continued his military service as commander of a division of the Virginia state militia; he commanded at Harpers Ferry following the raid of that town's arsenal by John Brown.

William Paca (October 31, 1740 – October 23, 1799) was a signatory to the United States Declaration of Independence as a representative of Maryland, and later Governor of Maryland and a United States federal judge.

Paca has been described as being of Italian ancestry.[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]

According to Stanley South, "[t]he rumor that the name was Italian came from a remark made in 1911 by James Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, who commented that he thought a relationship existed between Paca and the Italian family Pecci".[14] In a July 18, 1937, letter to the New York Times, a self-described descendant of Paca claims:

The ancestors of William Paca were of Italian and English origin. The name is said to have originally been spelled Pacci [sic].

However, in an interview with Giovanni Schiavo, the letter writer apparently attributed the suggestion that the name was Pecci to Cardinal Gibbons.[15] Schiavo also reports that Paca mentioned Pope Leo XIII (1879–1903), whose surname was Pecci, during the interview.[15] Stiverson and Jacobsen report that spellings of the surname of William Paca's immigrant ancestor Robert include Peaker, Pecker, Peaca, Peca, and Paka.[16] Neither "Pecci" nor "Pacci" (nor "Pacca") are attested.

11-25-2013, 07:42 PM
Tell me, do you think an outright majority of either Italians or Spaniards would pass in Scandinavia?

What the hell people have always to take the extremes (''or nordic or med'').

There aren't only nordics and mediterraneans in this fuckin' continent, fot the God's sake...:picard1:

Tooting Carmen
11-25-2013, 07:44 PM
What the hell people have always to take the extremes (''or nordic or med'').

There aren't only nordics and mediterraneans in this fuckin' continent, fot the God's sake...:picard1:

True. But I doubt the percentage of Southern Italians who pass in Denmark is much if at all higher than the percentage of Lebanese who pass in Italy.

11-25-2013, 07:46 PM
I don't understand this mania to forcely place people outside their countries....if someone is southern italian, IS southern italian, cazzo, not a greek, a bantu, a grey alien or something similar.

Tooting Carmen
11-25-2013, 07:48 PM
I don't understand this mania to forcely place people outside their countries....if someone is southern italian, IS southern italian, cazzo, not a greek, a bantu, a grey alien or something similar.

True. But Joseph Capelli was talking about "Europe" as if it were a monolithic entity - someone who 'passes' in Greece won't necessarily 'pass' in Poland for example.

11-25-2013, 07:51 PM
I don't understand this mania to forcely place people outside their countries....if someone is southern italian, IS southern italian, cazzo, not a greek, a bantu, a grey alien or something similar.

This mania comes mostly from Americans obsessed with presenting the ethnic group they identify with in a twisted way. For example, the only "Bulgarian" here who has an obsession with linking Bulgarians with some other distant groups of people is American.

11-25-2013, 07:56 PM
This mania comes mostly from Americans obsessed with presenting the ethnic group they identify with in a twisted way. For example, the only "Bulgarian" here who has an obsession with linking Bulgarians with some other distant groups of people is American.

What about fyromanians who are trying to identify with ancient macedonians who were themselves greek?

11-25-2013, 07:57 PM
What about skopians who are trying to identify with ancient macedonians who were themselves greek?

Funny people, but the average Macedonian doesn't give a shit about ancient Macedonians.

11-25-2013, 08:00 PM
Funny people, but the average Macedonian doesn't give a shit about ancient Macedonians.
I thought they saw themselves as ancient macedonians rather than bulgarian.

11-25-2013, 08:13 PM
True. But I doubt the percentage of Southern Italians who pass in Denmark is much if at all higher than the percentage of Lebanese who pass in Italy.

It's lower. Granted, most southern Italians cannot pass in Denmark and at least half of Lebanese wouldn't pass in Europe at all, but southern Italians have such small Nordic ancestry that any phenotypical overlap with Denmark is limited in scope.

Prince Carlo
11-26-2013, 08:17 AM
It's lower. Granted, most southern Italians cannot pass in Denmark and at least half of Lebanese wouldn't pass in Europe at all, but southern Italians have such small Nordic ancestry that any phenotypical overlap with Denmark is limited in scope.

LoL? Only 20% of Lebanese can pass anywhere in Europe. Just take a look at their basketball or soccer teams.

Atlantic Islander
11-26-2013, 08:23 AM
Fantastic actor.

Tooting Carmen
11-26-2013, 04:02 PM
LoL? Only 20% of Lebanese can pass anywhere in Europe. Just take a look at their basketball or soccer teams.

I agree that only a minority can, but who said that sports teams are necessarily representative of countries? http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?101121-Examples-of-sports-teams-that-are-not-ethnically-representative&highlight=south+african+rugby+team

11-26-2013, 04:45 PM
Lebanon has less inhabitants of Calabria, so it isn't really a good sample...

11-26-2013, 06:27 PM
Standart Med+Dinarid.

11-26-2013, 08:38 PM
and he look like turkish commedian


Seth MacFarlane
05-16-2015, 04:13 AM
Looks Jewish when young http://www.snakkle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/stanley-tucci-yearbook-high-school-young-1978-photo-GC.jpg