View Full Version : Leader, command! Leader, lead!

W. R.
10-31-2009, 04:02 PM
Once I started a similar thread on Stirpes (http://forum.stirpes.net/language-studies/16345-fuehrer-duce-etc-your-language.html ). Summing up the information I collected:

1. Führer, duce, вождь [vozhd’]
Belarusian: Pravadyr, haspadar (especially for a head of a state)
Bulgarian: Водач (vodach)
Croatian: Vođa
Danish: Landsfader
Dutch: Leider
French: Guide
German: Führer
Irish: Taoiseach
Italian: Duce
Polish: Wódz
Russian: Вождь (vozhd’)
Slovak: Vodca
Slovenian: Vodja
Spanish: Caudillo
Swedish: Ledare

2. Leader, command!
Belarusian: Pravadyru (haspadaru), zahadvaj!
Croatian: Vođo, zapovijedaj!
Danish: Leder, led!
German: Führer, befiehl!
Polish: Wodzu, rozkazuj!
Slovenian: Vodja, ukazuj (nam)!

3. Leader, lead!
Belarusian: Pravadyru (haspadaru), viadzi (nas)!
Croatian: Vođo, vodi nas!
Polish: Wodzu, prowadź
Slovak: Vodca ved’
Slovenian: Vodja, vodi nas!

Will anybody add to the collection? :thumb001:

10-31-2009, 04:49 PM
Ok, why not?


Leader - Arweinydd

Leader, command - Gorchmynnwch, arweinydd!

Leader, lead - Arwainwch, arweinydd!

10-31-2009, 08:09 PM
Vadas - leader,
Vesk mus, Vade - leader, lead (us)
Klausome nurodymų, Vade - we're listning to your commands, leader.

10-31-2009, 08:26 PM
Leader can also be: Предводител (Predvoditel) and Вожд (Vozd).
Leader, command!: Водачо, заповядвай/командвай (ни)! (Vodacho, zapowqdwai/komandwai!) or the inverse;
Leader, lead!: Водачо, води! (Vodacho, vodi! or Vodi, Vodacho!)

10-31-2009, 08:44 PM

Leader - Lædere

Command - Bebodan

Lead - Læd

Leader, command! Leader, lead! - Lædere, bebodan! Lædere, læd!

10-31-2009, 08:45 PM
"Ledare, befall! Ledare, led!"

11-01-2009, 12:33 PM
Is your interest linguistic or are our translantions going to end up on a WPWW! bumper sticker? :p

Just curious :wink Care to introduce yourself, by the way? That was an odd first post :)

11-01-2009, 12:38 PM
Guide, commande ! [gid ko'mãd]
Guide, guide ! [gid gid]

But this kind of grammatical structure sounds very odd in French.

Edit :
a more formal/polite formulation could be :
Guide, commandez! [gid ko'mãde]
Guide, guidez! [gid gide]

W. R.
11-01-2009, 02:53 PM
Is your interest linguistic or are our translantions going to end up on a WPWW! bumper sticker? :pI'm not sure at the moment how to use this "collection". Let's say I asked the question out of pure curiosity. :p
Just curious :wink Care to introduce yourself, by the way? That was an odd first post :)At this very moment I'm not in a proper mood for an introductory thread... Maybe a bit later. :)
Guide, commande ! [gid ko'mãd]
Guide, guide ! [gid gid]

But this kind of grammatical structure sounds very odd in French.Eh? Then how to say in French for example "Fuehrer, befiehl! Wir folgen dir" (Leader, command! We follow you) - this is a sentence from a German song? There must exist a way to say it. The French language is rich.

11-01-2009, 02:56 PM
Eh? Then how to say in French for example "Fuehrer, befiehl! Wir folgen dir" (Leader, command! We follow you) - this is a sentence from a German song? There must exist a way to say it. The French language is rich.

I think the most correct sounding alternative would be :
Leader, command us! We follow you

Guide, commandez nous! Nous vous suivons. (formal)
Guide, commande nous! Nous te suivons. (less formal)

W. R.
11-01-2009, 06:38 PM
I think the most correct sounding alternative would be :
Leader, command us! We follow youI'm not a native English speaker, but it seems to me that in English both "Leader, command!" and "Leader, command us!" can be used, since the verb "command" can be both intransitive and transitive.

11-01-2009, 11:55 PM
I think it's more of the fact that the formulation sounds too dry to be correct in French.

W. R.
06-21-2010, 09:44 PM
Up we go!

06-23-2010, 05:04 PM
For some reason we have a lot of synonyms for the word „leader”: lider and conducător are in use today, but we have also used the words domn/domnitor (used between 1859-1881), vodă (used during the Middle Ages in Moldova and Țara Românească and, until 1571, in Transilvania), crai, vlădică, gospodar/gospodin, etc.

Leader, command (us)! - Lidere, comandă(-ne)!/Lidere, poruncește(-ne)!

Leader, lead (us)! - Lidere, condu(-ne)!

06-23-2010, 05:26 PM
In English, in case anyone was unsure, the phrases "Leader, command!" and "Leader, command us!" do not mean the same. This is highlighted by the fact that equally valid formulations would be, "Leader, command them!" or "Leader, command him!" (etc.). The simple "Leader, command!" is more ambiguous, or abstract - and sounds rather stilted, too. No one would say it in normal speech.

06-23-2010, 06:06 PM
Belarusian: Pravadyr, haspadar (especially for a head of a state)

This word (haspadar / 'gospodar'), translates into Croatian as 'lord'. :)

For some reason we have a lot of synonyms for the word „leader”: lider and conducător are in use today, but we have also used the words domn/domnitor (used between 1859-1881), vodă (used during the Middle Ages in Moldova and Țara Românească and, until 1571, in Transilvania), crai, vlădică, gospodar/gospodin, etc.

Interesting. It seems there are many traces of earlier Slavic influences in your language, despite the 19th century purges.

Does the word 'dormitor' mean anything in Romanian?

06-24-2010, 06:52 PM
Does the word 'dormitor' mean anything in Romanian?

Dormitor means bedroom... :P

06-24-2010, 07:00 PM
Dormitor means bedroom... :P
Check this out:

W. R.
06-14-2017, 09:33 PM
Let's return to the question.