View Full Version : European phenotype percent in Georgia, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cuba

11-14-2013, 02:17 PM
I made a mistake in Poll.

I request a moderator to change single-option to multiple-option in poll question

This thread is about ethnicity which are close to Europeans. Some (me too) consider Georgians as Europeans though.
I also add Cuba which I should have added in Latin American countries poll.

My estimations for clear-cut (not roughly Euro look) European look:
Georgia 60%
Turks 15%
Armenia 25%
Azerbaijan 10%
For Cuba, I am not sure

Please put your estimation as comment instead of poll

11-14-2013, 02:19 PM
this thread should be closed, make a thread about euro looking indians or something. Nobody is waiting for these kind of threads

11-14-2013, 02:22 PM
Cuba -- whatever percentage is white. I've seen estimates from 37-65% so wherever it falls. The rest of Cubans are mixed or black.
Azerbaijan -- 20%
Turkey -- 25%
Armenia -- 50%
Georgia -- 60-70%

11-14-2013, 02:23 PM
I don't mind if this thread will be closed. I messed up the poll anyways.

Relating Indians to European is ridiculous.
At least this thread makes some sense since ethnicity of this poll are neighbors to Europe and share some common ancestors with Europeans.

I am seeing so many threads comparing Europeans themselves and like who is more white? or who is more EUropean?
WHy such threads exist??

WHy don't you post there like you did now

11-14-2013, 02:25 PM
Let this thread be closed. I messed up the poll anyways.

Relating Indians to European is ridiculous.
At least this thread makes some sense since they are neighbors and share some common ancestors.

I am seeing so many threads comparing Europeans themselves and like who is more white? or who is more EUropean?
WHy such threads exist??

WHy don't you post there like you did now

Because I dont care about other ethnicities. But I do care if some random guy here makes up such threads about my ethnicity

11-14-2013, 02:42 PM
