View Full Version : Up-to-date Haplogroup I Tree

11-17-2013, 07:54 PM
ISOGG is lacking behind actualizing the Haplogroup I Tree. They haven't yet added important branches and i don't think they will in the next time. So i looked for a decent I-M170 Tree but couldn't find one and i simply made one myself. I'm sure there are some mistakes in it, so i'm thankful for any constructive criticism.

11-23-2013, 11:47 AM
v2: 23-Nov-2013

Serpent Mist
11-23-2013, 03:57 PM
I think they are waiting for the 2014 trees to add the new SNP's. So many discoveries have been made this year alone due to geno 2.0 project and the cheaper and more powerful dna tests available. I heard some trees like R1a will need to be completely redrawn.
It doesn't help that DNA testing companies use their own naming schemes for new markers and its difficult to know which correlate with each other. FTDNA/Genographic are releasing a paper on their new SNPs in 2014 and until they release the raw data it will be difficult to accurately know which markers are equivalent to markers collected from other dna testing companies.

11-23-2013, 04:20 PM
I think they are waiting for the 2014 trees to add the new SNP's. So many discoveries have been made this year alone due to geno 2.0 project and the cheaper and more powerful dna tests available. I heard some trees like R1a will need to be completely redrawn.
It doesn't help that DNA testing companies use their own naming schemes for new markers and its difficult to know which correlate with each other. FTDNA/Genographic are releasing a paper on their new SNPs in 2014 and until they release the raw data it will be difficult to accurately know which markers are equivalent to markers collected from other dna testing companies.

I heard about that paper, but the problem with ISOGG is that they didn't even add SNPs yet that were discovered in 2011.
I doubt it's only Geno, there system doesn't really work.
I'm really looking forward to the Y-2014 tree, which hopefully uses some mechanism to quickly place snps and display there location in a constantly (atleast monthly) updating tree (concering also the upcoming Big-Y Snp flood).
I totally agree with you about the equivalent markers. There are some Chromo2 SNPs which i couldn't include since i don't know if they are phyloequivalent to some Geno or Ftdna SNPs. They definetly need a easily accessable and understandable database for comparisons.
I try to give atleast a decent overview about the new snps and their location in the I-Tree until the Y-2014 Tree is released.

12-09-2013, 03:51 PM
What's former I1d1 on your tree ?

12-09-2013, 03:54 PM
What's former I1d1 on your tree ?

Old I1d1 is I1a1c3 and subclades on my tree (I-P109).