View Full Version : Blessed are the Placemakers

11-02-2009, 08:30 PM
The quality of our life boils down to the quality of places where we actually live our lives. Most political thinking makes one of two mistakes. Either it is oriented toward individuals and their immediate choices (Scylla), or towards vague abstractions such as one's race or nation (Charybdis). Our choices, and, the resources at our disposal, are only meaningful in the context of place-specific situations, while the big picture is a composite of those situations.

I spent many years in a smallish town where there was very little to do except complain about it. The bars were awful as were organizations and just about any sort of hangout. Instead of complaining I thought I would do something productive. I started clubs, and I threw parties.

The places I built were not perfect for everyone. I became a target for the armies of whiners. At parties where I played music to accommodate everyone's tastes, I was constantly attacked for playing music somebody disliked at that moment, not caring that I had just played something for them earlier. I burnt out and stopped going out on limbs for the community only to have them sawed off by the people I was doing it for.

Good places don't just happen automatically except in very rare cases. Many work as businesses but see how commercial bars have been degraded. In the US, alcohol laws have led to the demise of places where people under 21 can learn from those of legal age. See how many of our cultural outlets have been bought up by large corporations. Alternatives to mass culture require enthusiastic volunteers and generous donors to really work. Volunteers who put themselves out in building their communities tend to attract shrill sniping about how they are not perfect enough. Whether its a psychological or sociological phenomenon, all the whiners achieve is a bleaker world dominated by Hollywood. They will wait in vain for perfect leaders to emerge and save them from their dreary lives.

I have no patience for them and call upon them to give more respect to those who take the risks of building workable places that add to our options and nourish those who spend some time there.

I lift my mead-horn and toast the placemakers.

05-02-2012, 03:47 AM

05-03-2012, 06:51 PM
Hear-hear! It takes courage and a good heart Lodd... You have them!

Fortis in Arduis
05-03-2012, 07:48 PM
^ Preservation.

My efforts thus far:

I joined a very nice local members' club, a Local Area Panel to represent the interests of tenants who rent from the same Housing Association as myself, and I am making tentative steps towards forming a Residents' Association for my street, which is plagued by anti-social behaviour related to alleged party-goers nearby, who do not appear to be enjoying themselves at all, at least not at closing time. Let's just say that some of these noisy and highly vocal people are browning me off..

My locality lacks a certain sparkle. There is a mixed community here of private owners, private tenants and social housing tenants like myself, and even a bail hostel, with no overriding organisation to encourage and represent all of our interests. I intend to fill that gap.

I shall also be joining the local Preservation Trust.

Being aware that this sounds more like whining NIMBY (not in my back yard) than party starter, I do feel that this is what is really needed here.

05-04-2012, 05:51 PM
Good places don't just happen automatically except in very rare cases. Many work as businesses

That's the verge of corruption. When I was younger, many nice businesses were ruling in a kind of antieconomical, ingenuous ways but they used to last. Nowadays all things are acelerated, and they're just about money though, so bizarrely, many than ever wear autenticity clothes. It's hard to explain my points on all of this without concrete cases and in a foreign language, but i guess you see the whole picture.

Ps. For example, I know at NYC vestigues of last autentic era (punk,discos, newage pre-Internet times anycase) are getting screwed or converted in moneymakers for richs natives or culturized tourists. For not to talk about Italian ambients, probably now just pathetic caricatures on Puzzo's with waiters probably from every place around the world but Italy...though at least I envisioned mixcigenated Italoamericans behind the scenes collecting the good money. :D

05-05-2012, 11:16 AM
Hear-hear! It takes courage and a good heart Lodd... You have them!

It takes courage for someone to compliment a forum owner on his own website? What's going on here?