View Full Version : Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors

11-23-2013, 07:07 PM
LFTR in 5 minutes


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Thorium is readily available & can be turned into energy without generating transuranic wastes. Thorium's capacity as nuclear fuel was discovered during WW II, but ignored because it was unsuitable for making bombs. A liquid-fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is the optimal approach for harvesting energy from Thorium, and has the potential to solve today's energy/climate crisis. LFTR is a type of Thorium Molten Salt Reactor (Th-MSR). This video summarizes over 6 hours worth of thorium talks given by Kirk Sorensen and other thorium technologists.

Prisoner Of Ice
11-23-2013, 07:09 PM
Smart guy, sounds like this would help a lot.

I think a lot of our problems are because nuclear reactors are geared to make nukes. That's why you know that Iranians are making them. There's loads of nuclear power setups and only one is useful to make nuclear weapons.

I don't think they give much of a shit about the power aspect of it, which is stupid since more power = free money. But in their minds having the most is what matters, not having more in a quantitative sense but more than anyone else.