View Full Version : What's the Crappiest stuff you did for cash?

11-03-2009, 09:35 PM
Everyone who don't have rich parents (by which I don't mean anything bad) and sometimes even those people sometimes did some really lame jobs just to put their hands on couple of euros, bucks, dinars, whatever; Remember when I was a kid and was laughing to a neighbor cause of what he did my granddad said something like: you should not be ashamed of the work you honestly do, you should be ashamed if you don't do anything or do the crime, which, definitely is true! Even tho most times we do stuff for cash, like, crappy jobs, it is something a person need otherwise you fall into depression, boredom etc

I guess crappiest in the name of the thread came out of a general wonder but these are the pretty much all the jobs I had so far:

Washed windows in a local mall, was a full time job with not so great pay but job is also rather easy, you also get to use that cleaning machine for floors in malls so that was pretty cool

Worked on the construction sites dozens of times so far, great pay but not worth of having your back in pain and probably double aging rate

Definitely the WORSE job I ever had and the only one I do wish I never did was door-to-door selling of magazines and shit, i felt really really bad trying to sell crap I would never ever buy myself to people, like, they'd ask me why should I buy this and I really had no idea and would just like to say, no reason, it's crap and should throw it away

Worked in a local morgue for several months, coming from a small place with a huge hospital, half of the village is employed there and that is the only place i could actually work, was not worth the money

At the moment i am trying to quit the current job and find whatever else i can, trying to both work and finish the uni - and the best thing, once i am done with my university, I will most likely not be able to turn it into the money - lovely! Do not chose the uni out of a passion - won't bring you any good unless you're a dork for economy and stuff

11-03-2009, 09:57 PM
When i was 15 i worked in a bakery, 4 hrs on Saturday and sunday.
The bakery was a very big one, it baked bread on a vast scale, and my job with my best friend (i got him the job because my mum worked at the factory) was to use a compressed airline and blow all the crumbs out of the slicing machines, then sweep them all up, put them in bins, then cart them down to a skip.
The skip was a dangerous place to be anywhere near, because cakes and all sorts of stuff was in there, also Britains population of angry Wasps.
For the weekends toil i received £7 believe me i was well chuffed with that, because when i was 16 and at work in my new job as an apprentice heating engineer, i received £9.50 and i had to work all week for that.

11-03-2009, 10:08 PM
Worse one I had was an agency job, working 7.00-16.00 on a wagon collecting bottles for recycling, we stopped, loaded up full boxes of bottles, left empty boxes at the houses. Then whilst the wagon moved on we were sorting the full boxes into containers. Used to spend 99% of the time trying not to fall on our arses when the wagon was moving. Being agency the pay was minimum wage, stuck it for about three months.

11-03-2009, 10:24 PM
Worked at a glass factory for a few summers, got up to 110 degrees there often, and had to work 50-70 hours/week there. Night shift wasn't so bad since it was cooler.

Worst job was the paper route I had age 10-14 or so because I couldn't get any other job. Didn't pay much at all, and was mainly old people so most never gave me tips. Had to go out every single day, including waking up early on weekend mornings, even in winter which was horrible having to ride my bike or walk through ice & snow, and I couldn't wear gloves because otherwise I couldn't handle the papers properly. I got what must have been a mild form of frostbite or something, I had these big bumps on my thumbs after one particuarly cold day and they stayed there for years afterwards.

Also did various minimum wage jobs at the 1st college I went to. The jobs weren't so bad, but the managers were, mainly complete idiots who were otherwise unemployable but only had the jobs because their spouses were employed by the college and/or they were members of the church which ran the school (college was out in the middle of nowhere, and was basically the only employer in the area). They'd threaten to fire me if I missed work or was late because I was talking an exam (hmm, degree > crappy minimum wage job, since all employees are students they should be aware of this), also one made me work a day for free or else I'd be fired (extremely illegal labor practice, but I needed the job and nowhere else in the area to get one).

Fortis in Arduis
11-03-2009, 10:54 PM
Figuratively speaking? Oh... I'll leave that job out then. lol

I worked in a country pub washing up and was paid £35=00 for two weekends' work.

11-03-2009, 11:12 PM
mail sorter for an agency in a warehouse, lasted a week. Done some labouring work out on the building sites fror fuckaw money, didn't mind that too much apart fae the weather.

and had to work 50-70 hours/week there
woaaaah fuck that, 40 hours maximum. Work to live not live to work

11-03-2009, 11:14 PM
I plan on getting my first "after school" job soon. This thread should help me stay clear of "crappy" ones.

11-03-2009, 11:17 PM
Worked as farm worker on our family farm for food, shelter and clothing. We had 30 or so milking Holsteins, sometimes had chickens, pigs, turkeys and rabbits. Grew crops of potatoes and tomatoes, and one year "Indian corn".

11-03-2009, 11:31 PM
Maybe it is working for those creepy old rabbis who pay me to cast doubt on their evil conspiracies and keep the people from knowing the truth about the Bilderbergs, JFK, and 9/11.

11-04-2009, 02:19 AM
Castrating baby pigs. We used razor blades. No, seriously. Just one of the many dirty, bloody, difficult chores one does when growing up on a farm. I've also castrated sheep, docked lambs' tails, shoveled/forked manure (that led to a tetanus shot . . . story some other time?), baled hay, and, one nasty winter, broke concrete on the hog floor so we could warm the pipes with blowtorches (lowest wind chill ever recorded for western Illinois that night--78 degrees F below zero!).

OK. And that was just the chores, for which I received little or no money. I spent a couple of years working third shift at a roller-bearing plant, but that wasn't too bad. It did lead me (eventually) back to college, where I figured I could learn a skill that let me sleep like a diurnal mammal. My military work was hard, but actually quite enjoyable.

One of the worst was, oddly enough, working at an independent book store. I thought it would be really cool to work with books, but the manager was a shrieking twit who made the job a nightmare.

The very worst? I subbed K-12 after finishing my first Master's degree. Most of the grade levels were OK, but I learned to detest middle-school. They're all nuts at that age and very, very rude and unkind. I'd rather wrassle snakes! :p

11-04-2009, 02:24 AM
I was tempted to respond with "Your mom".

Really though, farming. Damn Mexicans came and the farmer dropped the wages. Never again.

11-04-2009, 08:55 AM
Worked in election section for the liberal party. However, I voted for the nationalists;)

11-04-2009, 09:39 AM
Put the paper sleeves into DVD covers. All I recall is seeing Anthony Hopkin's face 10,000 times.

11-04-2009, 10:03 AM
I was tempted to respond with "Your mom".

Oh no, if you've been with my mom you'd never be tempted to respond like that, have you seen her? All of my friends wanted her ;)

Worked in election section for the liberal party. However, I voted for the nationalists;)

I also worked for a liberal party, and did not vote at all, I received 20e for a day of work, poor Ragnar of this forum tho, worked the same day in the same building as me, was damn cold and rain was falling whole day, he got sick, his lungs were set on fire, definitely not worth the cash

Black Turlogh
11-04-2009, 10:07 AM
Worst thing I've ever done is work an office job. Offices have this tendency to be soul-sucking miasmas of hell and death.

11-04-2009, 10:18 AM
Paper shredding for a whole day. In a basement.

11-04-2009, 11:07 AM
All your crap jobs sound better than mine: tech support for crappy products bought by even crappier customers. It is Sysiphos work, highly repetitive, underpaid and brain-eating.

11-04-2009, 11:18 AM
The crappiest job i was doing was being cable guy, but not because of the job, but because i did not get payed for that.. They still own me 12o euros :mad:

11-04-2009, 11:53 AM
The crappiest job i was doing was being cable guy, but not because of the job, but because i did not get payed for that.. They still own me 12o euros :mad:

That's easy, you did not get payed, cut their wires, won't get you your money back but at least people will know not to think you will do the job for free.

11-04-2009, 11:57 AM
Worse job i ever had, which i did for money was work at a fodd store in the summer, working for hasdic jews who despite their relgious beliefs are rude and disrespectful, i have no problem with people of the jewish race. But the problem i have with all people in general. Is the lack of respect people have for others who work what society considers low end jobs. As if becasue we work these jobs we should be treated in a certian way.

11-04-2009, 12:02 PM
That's easy, you did not get payed, cut their wires, won't get you your money back but at least people will know not to think you will do the job for free.

Mehh, didn't want to bother with them anymore... Ok, here is my list: construction yard, at the river port carrying 50kg sacks of sugar, flour, etc, as a bartender in the coolest and the worst pubs this world ever has the pleasure to see, at elections and as collector of informations for general statistic...

Ehh, how could i forget my the first job ever when i was only 8 years old :eek: selling tickets on little river boat from the shore to an island :D:D:D:D

11-04-2009, 12:11 PM
I distributed flyers to people, and I hated it. :sad:

11-04-2009, 12:12 PM
I distributed flyers to people, and I hated it. :sad:

Couldn't you just threw them to the trash can and go somewhere for the coffee instead :confused:?

11-04-2009, 12:16 PM
Couldn't you just threw them to the trash can and go somewhere for the coffee instead :confused:?
I guess I would have done so, but there were some friendly people controlling me and my colleagues.

11-04-2009, 12:17 PM
I guess I would have done so, but there were some friendly people controlling me and my colleagues.

I should know better http://www.globalgraphica.com/sneakers/big-brother-obey-3.jpg

11-04-2009, 02:21 PM
Hmmm, let's see, worst jobs so far:

Working for a pool bar in a Hotel in Mykonos when I was 19:

not only did I have to be serving extremely high-maintenance gay people, but also a bunch of obnoxious escorts (hookers), obnoxious nouveau-riche people, the most obnoxious and spoiled children of theirs, e.t.c.

Asides from that, I was being exploited in the worst possible way: overworked (more than 14hrs a day), underpaid (less than 30 euros a day), and I had to do all jobs in one: prepare food and drinks, serve them, do room service, do some heavy lifting of boxes, etc.

Luckily it was only a one-time summer job and it payed my college tuition for the next semester. It was my first job ever - imagine the scare! :eek: If I survived that, I can survive anything :wink

My second worst job was at a big State Hospital after I graduated from College:

Again, I was significantly overworked and underpaid (sometimes missing payments too), and while I was hired as a research assistant, I had to do everything, from secretarial tasks, to paying personal bills of the doctors at the banks and post office, technical support :eek:, running errands for whoever asked me to (like take their clothes to the laundry service)...
One day, the secretary of the Head of the Department asked me to go to the pharmacy and buy sanitary towels for her :rolleyes:

I did, and I handed her the towels, along with my resignation. ;)

Third worst job:

If I get hired, it is this job I applied for: phone sales on the behalf of a bank. Calling up people and asking them to invest their money on certain savings programms. :(

11-04-2009, 02:22 PM
I dont want to talk about the worst thing but the second worst i did for money was when i was 13 and was using a public bus to Ventspils to visit a friend!! Ok you need to know that our public transport in Kurzeme dont check the passenger if they have correct tickets usualy. And i had only a ticket for Piltene but i was thinking they dont check my ticket and i can drive further to Ventspils. But i was total wrong this time and a ticket inspecteur stepped in the bus a little after Piltene!! :yuck: I was getting in panic and i had not enough money to pay the penalty fee if he detects me , i was really thinking "Shit shit!! " If i cant pay i get a charge and have to leave the bus you know?? In my dispair i was asking the men in the seat left to me if he can lend me money for the ticket fee and i told him that he can give me his bank data later we will transfer it back when i come home, promise!! He answered he dont want that but he made a crazy face and said he can give me the money if i give him a kiss on the mouth ---- you cant think of the rest!! :puke:The first was not enough for him and after the second he was giving me the money that i can pay the fee. After that i changed the seat to a other part of the bus and yes i came to Ventspils without charge but i was feeling extreme cheap and embarased the rest of the days and the days after!! I know it was not right but i had big fear of getting booted out of the bus and a charge and my parents would had to pay for it and i dont wanted that. My bad luck in life is undiscribable , why must the men next to my seat a pervert??

11-04-2009, 02:31 PM
I dont want to talk about the worst thing but the second worst i did for money was when i was 13 and was using a public bus to Ventspils to visit a friend!! Ok you need to know that our public transport in Kurzeme dont check the passenger if they have correct tickets usualy. And i had only a ticket for Piltene but i was thinking they dont check my ticket and i can drive further to Ventspils. But i was total wrong this time and a ticket inspecteur stepped in the bus a little after Piltene!! :yuck: I was getting in panic and i had not enough money to pay the penalty fee if he detects me , i was really thinking "Shit shit!! " If i cant pay i get a charge and have to leave the bus you know?? In my dispair i was asking the men in the seat left to me if he can lend me money for the ticket fee and i told him that he can give me his bank data later we will transfer it back when i come home, promise!! He answered he dont want that but he made a crazy face and said he can give me the money if i give him a kiss on the mouth ---- you cant think of the rest!! :puke:The first was not enough for him and after the second he was giving me the money that i can pay the fee. After that i changed the seat to a other part of the bus and yes i came to Ventspils without charge but i was feeling extreme cheap and embarased the rest of the days and the days after!! I know it was not right but i had big fear of getting booted out of the bus and a charge and my parents would had to pay for it and i dont wanted that. My bad luck in life is undiscribable , why must the men next to my seat a pervert??

What will £30 get me?

The Eunuch.

Baron Samedi
11-04-2009, 02:31 PM
I sucked dick for crack once.

It was really nice.

11-04-2009, 03:00 PM
Nothing, I've only ever done what I wanted. So far!

I sucked dick for crack once.

It was really nice.

Honkin' on bobo a regular thing for you? :D

11-04-2009, 03:17 PM
I sucked dick for crack once.

It was really nice.


I dont want to talk about the worst thing but the second worst i did for money was when i was 13 and was using a public bus to Ventspils to visit a friend!! Ok you need to know that our public transport in Kurzeme dont check the passenger if they have correct tickets usualy. And i had only a ticket for Piltene but i was thinking they dont check my ticket and i can drive further to Ventspils. But i was total wrong this time and a ticket inspecteur stepped in the bus a little after Piltene!! :yuck: I was getting in panic and i had not enough money to pay the penalty fee if he detects me , i was really thinking "Shit shit!! " If i cant pay i get a charge and have to leave the bus you know?? In my dispair i was asking the men in the seat left to me if he can lend me money for the ticket fee and i told him that he can give me his bank data later we will transfer it back when i come home, promise!! He answered he dont want that but he made a crazy face and said he can give me the money if i give him a kiss on the mouth ---- you cant think of the rest!! :puke:The first was not enough for him and after the second he was giving me the money that i can pay the fee. After that i changed the seat to a other part of the bus and yes i came to Ventspils without charge but i was feeling extreme cheap and embarased the rest of the days and the days after!! I know it was not right but i had big fear of getting booted out of the bus and a charge and my parents would had to pay for it and i dont wanted that. My bad luck in life is undiscribable , why must the men next to my seat a pervert??
It seems it was the pervert's lucky day, since the girl next to him proved to be very intelligent. :D Haven't your parents taught you not to kiss strangers? :P

11-04-2009, 03:17 PM
I busked for a while-very embarrassing

But if you can choose the right places you can get a terrific amount of money, I was getting up to £100 a day in some areas of Manchester and London.

11-04-2009, 03:40 PM
What will £30 get me?

The Eunuch.
A kick in our unholy and un-used balls altar boy!!

It seems it was the pervert's lucky day, since the girl next to him proved to be very intelligent. Haven't your parents taught you not to kiss strangers?
I was in panic and did not know what to you, you think i am proud of it?? :rolleyes2: I dont wanted to have a charge that my parents had to pay okay?? Yes it was very stupid of me but people make stupid things sometimes and regret it and the thread title is "crappiest stuff" , it was crappy stuff!! The title is not " the best stuff you did for cash" you know :mad:

11-04-2009, 03:45 PM
A kick in our unholy balls, altar boy!!

Ah go on, I'll make it £50? By the way, I am not an altar boy, though I would like to be a server :).

The Papist.

11-04-2009, 03:48 PM
Ah go on, I'll make it £50? By the way, I am not an altar boy, though I would like to be a server :).

Ok :rolleyes:

Manifest Destiny
11-04-2009, 03:51 PM
I dont want to talk about the worst thing but the second worst i did for money was when i was 13 and was using a public bus to Ventspils to visit a friend!! Ok you need to know that our public transport in Kurzeme dont check the passenger if they have correct tickets usualy. And i had only a ticket for Piltene but i was thinking they dont check my ticket and i can drive further to Ventspils. But i was total wrong this time and a ticket inspecteur stepped in the bus a little after Piltene!! :yuck: I was getting in panic and i had not enough money to pay the penalty fee if he detects me , i was really thinking "Shit shit!! " If i cant pay i get a charge and have to leave the bus you know?? In my dispair i was asking the men in the seat left to me if he can lend me money for the ticket fee and i told him that he can give me his bank data later we will transfer it back when i come home, promise!! He answered he dont want that but he made a crazy face and said he can give me the money if i give him a kiss on the mouth ---- you cant think of the rest!! :puke:The first was not enough for him and after the second he was giving me the money that i can pay the fee. After that i changed the seat to a other part of the bus and yes i came to Ventspils without charge but i was feeling extreme cheap and embarased the rest of the days and the days after!! I know it was not right but i had big fear of getting booted out of the bus and a charge and my parents would had to pay for it and i dont wanted that. My bad luck in life is undiscribable , why must the men next to my seat a pervert??

Was he really swarthy and hairy?

11-04-2009, 03:54 PM
Ok :rolleyes:

Yawn.. you know, Asega's advice that you should try and target my Catholic faith is pretty useless. I assure you, I have heard it all before.. in fact, most people on this forum have.

Anyway.. I'm still more Nordic than you :D!

The Papist.

11-04-2009, 03:56 PM
Anyway.. I'm still more Nordic than you :D!

My grandfather can beat up your grandfather :nicetongue

11-04-2009, 03:58 PM
My grandfather can beat up your grandfather :nicetongue

My great-grandma can beat up your great-granda :D!

The Papist

11-04-2009, 04:31 PM
I was in panic and did not know what to you, you think i am proud of it?? :rolleyes2: I dont wanted to have a charge that my parents had to pay okay?? Yes it was very stupid of me but people make stupid things sometimes and regret it and the thread title is "crappiest stuff" , it was crappy stuff!! The title is not " the best stuff you did for cash" you know :mad:
Ok, don't kill me for commenting, please. ;)

11-04-2009, 05:35 PM
I pumped diesel at a truck-stop for a while when I was in college.

It totally sucked and I basically just stopped going in. Definitely the worst job that I ever had....

The Black Prince
11-04-2009, 05:58 PM
Taming a fiery young stallion, he was a real killer.

I dont want to talk about the worst thing but the second worst i did for money was when i was 13 and was using a public bus to Ventspils
In my dispair i was asking the men in the seat left to me if he can lend me money for the ticket fee and i told him that he can give me his bank data later we will transfer it back when i come home, promise!! He answered he dont want that but he made a crazy face and said he can give me the money if i give him a kiss on the mouth
Ahem, to be honest to you. Now anyone can guess what the worst thing was you did for money..:icon_wink:

11-04-2009, 09:34 PM
Well, the definitely worse single thing (not a job) I did for money is entering the competition in eating tulumbe (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2265/2462817328_6de941e5b4.jpg), not only that I did not win but i was sick for a week, I had so much I was even afraid I am gonna pick up a sugar disease (diabetes?), puked for a week, my sight was screwed for two days, could not walk, I must have had like 20, scored the third place and won - guess what? FREE TULUMBE - I never want to see those in my life - ever again!

11-04-2009, 09:40 PM
Bartender in a crappy bar for six months from 7am to 11pm (with some break during the day). It sucked. Never a lackey again.

11-05-2009, 12:05 AM
Washing dishes in a fancy restaurant.

Colonel Frank Grimes
11-05-2009, 12:32 AM
Posting on internet forums. Now "they" have me by the balls.

11-05-2009, 12:59 AM
One of the most dangerous things I ever did was work on a road gang for the summer while I was in high school. It was dangerous because of my co-workers.

One of them was named Jerry, and he drove a dump truck. When I went back in January to get my W-2 form (federal taxes), I found out that Jerry was in prison.

But then there was Gilbert, a Hispanic guy who drove a piece of construction equipment. Thinking back, this guy was one of the most dangerous people I've ever met. I honestly feel that it wouldn't have taken much to get him to kill somebody. It was something you could feel about him.

One time, the big boss was criticizing him about something. Was Gilbert properly chastened? No sir. He got mad, put up his fists, and started shouting "Swing, m*****f****r, swing!" The big boss didn't push his luck, and there was no fight. But that was Gilbert for you.

I got through the summer with no fights, injuries or anything else. I thank Heaven for that, because He was the reason why.

11-05-2009, 11:43 AM
Well, the definitely worse single thing (not a job) I did for money is entering the competition in eating tulumbe (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2265/2462817328_6de941e5b4.jpg), not only that I did not win but i was sick for a week, I had so much I was even afraid I am gonna pick up a sugar disease (diabetes?), puked for a week, my sight was screwed for two days, could not walk, I must have had like 20, scored the third place and won - guess what? FREE TULUMBE - I never want to see those in my life - ever again!


Manifest Destiny
11-05-2009, 02:28 PM
Ahem, to be honest to you. Now anyone can guess what the worst thing was you did for money..:icon_wink:


11-05-2009, 04:23 PM
Killing little cute baby rats with carbon dioxide. :(

11-05-2009, 06:06 PM
I've worked quite a lot of shitty jobs when I was younger. When I was a student I used to work Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays at an outdoor hot dog stand from 10 pm to 5 am. The place was around the corner from a gay bar, and needless to say, I had drunk homos telling me they want to swallow my hot dog about 20 times per night. I took to rolling my eyes and telling them, "yeah, I haven't heard that for about 20 minutes or so". :rolleyes:

Another night-time McJob was at a gas station. Basically everyone else on the night shift was a borderline criminal and/or a football hooligan. I probably shouldn't say this, but I saw (and to some extent participated in) ungodly amounts of beer, cigarettes, gasoline and porn magazines being swiped and traded on. The owner was a prick tho, so he deserved that. The place went bankrupt a few years after I quit. One of my former colleagues there is still my friend (I'm godfather to his daughter). One of the other ones is in prison and another one is dead.

However absolutely the worst job I've ever had was .... [cue Imperial March from Star Wars] data entry. :eek:

I did that part time for two months, 5 hrs a night, three evenings a week. The work was so insanely boring and repetitive that I wanted to scream after doing 30 minutes of it. And there actually were people there who had been doing it full time for years. :eek:

11-05-2009, 06:32 PM
Spotting potential cash cows on the street and blagging them into attending presentations on time-share property schemes / scams.... is there a difference?

I lasted one day.

11-05-2009, 11:45 PM
However absolutely the worst job I've ever had was .... [cue Imperial March from Star Wars] data entry. :eek:

Aw come on, I've been doing data entry as a part time job for the last four years, it's not that bad... :)

(who am I kidding? :rolleyes2: It is excruciating!! :eek: especially when the data form is as problematic as the one I am working with... :()

11-06-2009, 12:48 AM
lol... i actually like data entry.. really :)
fun to find numberharmonics and such. 3485, 6939 etc are all very beautiful number...

but yeah, less than 10% of the population are mentally capable of the job, very much related to accounting.

11-06-2009, 12:52 AM
Maybe it has to do with the fact that my data entry doesn't have to do with numbers, but with words? :)

11-06-2009, 12:56 AM
Maybe it has to do with the fact that my data entry doesn't have to do with numbers, but with words? :)

that would be nasty, all those issues with splelling :(
But numbers are great, and being ungodly fast with it too... im kinda like forced to take extralong coffebreaks and occasionally just surf for a few hours so i dont finish a project that was supposed to take a month in just 4 days :D

Far safer to make it last 2 weeks and then spend more time organising it and hunting down the 1/500 errors.

11-06-2009, 01:04 AM
Oh yeah and back on subject... must have been scraping off poison paint from boats and laying new. My arms were covered in oozing puss for some half a year afterwards... glassstrands causing tiny wounds and eternal infection.

That or packing cheese on hullut päivät... well nights really..
But entailed standing still 8 hours straight and preforming a single repetitive move all the freaking time.
Lucky for me i spent the days then lifting weights so my backpain wasnt as bad as the others