View Full Version : Things High Quality Women Don't Do to Their Bodies

11-29-2013, 04:26 AM
Women whose beauty and physical attractiveness makes them highly valued in the dating world and as mates. Women who take pride in their appearance and take care of their bodies in addition to being blessed with desirable traits deserve the cream of the crop of the male species. Although men should be held to similar standards, a woman's self-care is vital because the health of her body and the quality of her cells affect the well-being of the child most.

1. Smoke.

Not only is it a gross habit (for men too), but it accelerates aging

2. Eat fast food.

For many women, fast food causes hormonal imbalance. It's not just about the excessive amount of calories/fat (can cause high triglycerides/LDL Cholesterol).

Since my eating disorder was triggered, I have cut out both fast food and eating out completely for two months (one positive effect of my eating disorder). I lost 20 Ibs. Although I wasn't technically "fat" or anything with a bmi of 21.6, I definitely wasn't skinny. I have had a lot of problems with my skin since college (mild cystic breakouts that come and go with the menstrual cycle etc.) and I've noticed that my skin is a lot more stable and calm. My bacne has almost disappeared, which is a real relief. Its not a miracle, but its definitely a lot more manageable. I've come to realize that eating fast food is just not something intelligent grown women should do, I don't want to be the college freshman anymore. I am vowing to absolutely never ever eat out again, unless its really high quality food and its a special occasion.

3. Drink.

If you're concerned about aging, drinking is the most rapid way to look older, even occasionally. After I turned 21 and started having a social drink occasionally, I noticed some changes right away. It became much more clear to the eye that I was 21 and not in my teens anymore. Alcoholic drinks are bad for the cells in your body, and that's why they make you look older.

4. Wear Heels too often or ones that are too high.

Probably not many middle-class people have an issue with this, but I know based on the shoes for sale in department stores that many women are wearing things that are absurd ie. Jessica Simpson makes a lot of these styles. If you are going to wear heels, at least buy high quality ones that are not as damaging to your foot (stilettos are the worst) and don't ever go above 4 inches. Don't wear anything above 2 inches unless its a very formal occasion. If you ask any doctor, they will tell you all heels are the devil. I don't think its realistic to go through life without wearing heels; however, constant use of heels (esp. ones that are above two inches) will cause a lot of damage to not only your feet, but your whole skeletal system.

5. Toxic Beauty Routines.

There's really nothing wrong with wearing a small or moderate amount of makeup (those of us that need it), but there is a point at which it is just gross. Maybe its just easy for me to say this because I'm a natural blonde, but I think that hair dye is a complete train wreck most of the time, unless you have an extremely large sum of money to devote to getting it done well and keeping up with it. A lot of hair treatments that women do are also extremely toxic (not just black women) and I think probably gets absorbed into their body and ends up causing a lot of damage over time. I am guilty of this because I don't like the natural texture of my hair, but there is really no truly attractive alternative to nature. Nothing artificial can actually change your natural texture/style in an attractive way, with the exception of heat styling (although this too has side effects).

There are many, many other things that could go on this list, but these are the main ones I think. While on this topic though I want to emphasize that the beauty/health routine that makes an individual woman attractive is dependent on the individual. For example, some women (I think those with a finer bone structure) can be more attractive with a higher body fat percentage (I am not one of those women), but some women look their best when they are borderline underweight even (the people with a heavier or mixed bone structure). Some women can obtain an ideal figure with an athletic lifestyle, some with a more sedentary one it all depends on the individual. Some people don't look good with muscle while some people need it.